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Fantasy Monster Hunt Characters

Not quite there yet... there's a post you're supposed to like that shows you've watched a thread. :3 Try again, bud.

TIS FINISHED AT LAST!! Alright here is my Draugr character, apologises for the wait.
See Petro's post*

Kallo Kallo It has come to my attention that another has already reserved the angel species- thus adding to my confusion- so you'll have to change the species if you want to join. Just the way things work man.
Passphrase? (e'en though it's a li'l redundant at this point...)

He seems a bit OP. You'll need to put some limit to his ability of driving people insane without even being close to them, and I'm not sure how he would be able to use his power to see into the future. That could be tricky... but I'm up for a challenge! I'm thinking I could announce the bit of fortune telling in the Logistics thread and people will have to try to make it come to pass?

And I also take it he's not integrated into any society? So where would he be lurking?
Yea I know, and I tried to nerf the thing but I guess not enough I can just take the insanity factor out. The future telling would be an interesting system and I'll help you out with it if you'd like, and you'd be right he's not integrated so he'd be in a tomb somewhere close out of town, I'll change stuff when I get home
"Come, into the light, where you can gaze into the dawn."
“Witless children, worry not. There is always hope for mankind.”

Name: Gazer Dawnchild, of Adelport
Preferred Name/Nickname: Zayn (Arabic for beauty, grace) Brandr (Old Norse for fire, touch) Ingram (English/German for angel) / general healer nicknames

Species: Angel, Seraphim
Typically seen as the highest rank of angel in the heavens, seraphim, whose name means “fiery ones”, are most notable for their six wings -two to hide their face, two to hide their feet, two to fly- and their undeniably absolute reality whenever present. Bright, arduous, and pure, a seraph is on a wholly different level from lesser angels, and surmounted only by the precious few Archangels amongst themselves.
Unusual Aspects: fiery shining wings, raising his voice causes an echo, light sources shine brighter in his presence, unable to retain dirt of grime

Special Powers: manifest wings at will, healing/purifying/cleansing touch, ever youthful, summon and manipulate golden flames, aura of truth and wellbeing
Other Abilities/Skills: angelic grace, talented healer and apothecary, persuasive

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Religion: Followers of Quintulias
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 180lbs
Gazer Dawnchild, of Adelport.jpg
Gazer's wings.jpg Gazer's full wings.jpg
Clothing/Style of Dress: Gazer prefers to dress in mostly formal clothing. He always wears an article of silver clothing, though usually silver or gray is the main color. His clothes are not always composed of the best materials, but everything looks better on an angel.
Gazer's style of dress.jpg

Personality: Kind and caring to a fault, Gazer is the epitome of patience and forgiveness. He believes that everyone is inherently good. He is always focused on righting the wrongs of the world. Though no one, not even Gazer, realizes it, when faced with true (unrepentant) evil, he is consumed with a righteous fury. His focus on righting wrongs tends to take a more forceful turn until the evil has been purged. Because of his lack of personal quandaries, Gazer has a hard empathizing with others' internal struggles.
Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: His hauntingly admonishing smiles/A star shaped birthmark on his left breast

Weakness: Can be poisoned by evil, his powers are heavily reduced without wing manifestation
Strengths/Advantages: Neigh immortality, great foresight, elusiveness, lack of notoriety or enmity

Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: Heal the world/Heal the sick/Return of God
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: A world of absolute darkness/A world without hope

Gazer's physical form should have been the stillborn child of a servant girl, named Dawn, who worked in the house of a high-ranking paladin. His entering of the soulless corpse healed it to perfection as he left the womb. The birth was a difficult one, and it seemed doubtful that neither mother nor child would survive, however they both came through healthy. Only having a short time to hold him before fainting from exhaustion, she named him Gazer because his silver eyes were open from the moment he left her womb.

Gazer grew up obedient and trustworthy with an uncanny ability to put even the most hysterical man or beast at ease. He was initially apprenticed to the stable master because of his calming air, but was soon apprenticed to the house apothecary when his passion for halting pain was revealed. He absorbed information with disturbing ease and quickly surpassed his own master in terms of skill, if not knowledge. It would have been a good way to spend his life if he had not sprouted wings of feathered flames to save the house heir from falling to his death from a bell tower. A secret he did not even know he had, now in the hands of a sadistic noble’s child.

Fearful of what troubles could be wrought by the young noble for his mother, Gazer subjected his body, and his blossoming powers, to the youth’s dark and twisted machinations. Gazer silently endured years of torture until one of the, now, young man’s “games” led to the serious injury of several of the servants. Refusing to be a part of such despicable acts, Gazer threatened to out the young noble’s deeds if he did not cease and desist. It was the last thing he remembered saying before the world went dark.

Gazer would awake in the cargo hold of a strange ship in charred rags with small note tied around his pinkie finger with twine. There was the taste of copper in his mouth and blood caked in his hair. Reading the note, Gazer discovered that the manor he’d spent his entire life in had burned to nothing but ashes and memories, that somehow no one had been hurt, and that for some unknown reason, he was wanted for high treason. The note was barely legible, as if it had been written by an inexperienced child, and was unsigned, but when Gazer saw the ruby drop pendant roll out of the folded note, he knew that innocent or not, going back would never be an option.

Occupation: Wandering healer looking for work
Most Prized Possession: His mother's ruby drop pendant that he wears as an earring
Relations: Being new to Adelport, he's yet to build meaningful relationships.

Perspective: Gazer feels pride in being different. For him, it just means that he has a set of skills that make him uniquely positioned to help everyone around him in ways that they could not help themselves. He does feel lonely that he has yet to encounter another angelic/celestial being.

Likes: harmony, starlight, singing, and gardening
Dislikes: discord, darkness, pain, and prejudice
Fun Fact: Gazer has never fully manifested all six wings before.
Other: The name "Gazer" is indeed inspired by an anime.

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Safe house NPCs
"I'm sorry, are you cold...?"

Name: Snow Sapphire of Adelport
Preferred Name/Nickname: Snow
Species: Snowflake
This small and rather frail creature lives and thrives in the cold, but can survive outside of it, and are generally found very far North, although strong winds can blow them great distances, as they did Snow.
Unusual Aspects: A tiny, white, and very cold person
Special Powers:
She is able to cool anything she touches, and give people frostbite (only where her skin comes into contact with theirs)

Other Abilities/Skills: Needlework, sewing, dressmaking

Age: 20
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual
Religion: None
Height: 6 inches
Weight: 100 grams

Clothing/Style of Dress: (see pic)

She is gentle and calm, and rather sensitive, her personality reflects her frail form. She can be stubborn, and has problems with authority. She likes to keep people happy.
Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: She is so white, she almost glows
Weakness: Difficult to get around
Weak/ frail
Strengths/Advantages: Powerful in her own unique way
Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: To return home
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: To be burned alive
Bio: Snow originally comes from so far North, that the ice and cold is present all year round. One day, she went out when she was warned not to, believing she knew best, and was swept away by the strong winds and the large leaf she was holding, that she had planned to make a dress from. Luckily, this leaf also acted as help to keep her alive after the wind had subsided a bit. Another stroke of luck, after 2 days of moping in this new and strange land, she was found by Mei, and promptly taken under her wing.
Occupation: Safe house seamstress and cooler

Most Prized Possession: Her hair
Relations: Jinmeiyo Usui - Best friend/ protector and guardian
All safe house inhabitants
Perspective: "I just wish everyone didn't get so cold around me all the time..."
Likes: The cold
New fabrics
Designing clothes
Dislikes: Being told what to do
Bossy people


"It's rude to stare, idiot."

Name: Beatrice Eve, of Adelport
Preferred Name/Nickname: Bee
Species: Silurian
Bee is the only known Silurian, and it is thought that all of her species have the same qualities as her, in terms of looks and abilities. In truth, Silurians live underground and she was abandoned above it due to her poisonous qualities, as her kind believed she would be their genocide.
Unusual Aspects: Green skin, obviously not human
Special Powers:
Her saliva is acid and very poisonous, as is any secretions (like tears or sweat), which means that her touch is dangerous, and potentially deadly.
Other Abilities/Skills: Can hold her breath for up to an hour, a ridiculously good fisherwoman, and has uncanny night vision

Age: 46
Gender: Female
Sexuality: "If you wish to die a horrible, painful death, be my guest."
Religion: Follower of Quintulias
Height: 6'
Weight: 75kg

Clothing/Style of Dress: Brown and plain, she covers as much skin as she can, and is always wearing gloves.

Personality: Sarcastic, witty and no nonsense are 3 words to describe Bee. She is generally quite cold and defensive, and even rude at times, but don't let her fool you, she has a soft heart under all her defences, and a unique sort of humour that makes her nice to be around.
Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: Green skin, covered in patterning (see pic)
Weakness: She cannot control her ability
Very obvious
Strengths/Advantages: She is physically strong
Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: To be accepted
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: To accidentally kill someone she cares for
She grew up alone, hiding in forests, fishing and stealing food, living completely feral until she was taken in by another kind creature when she was still a child. Having to hide away and constantly on the run, as both her and her guardian were very obviously non-human. After her guardian and friend passed away, she moved to Mei's safe house, and has lived there ever since, wishing she could come out of hiding but knowing it will never happen.
Occupation: Fisher

Most Prised Possession: None (secretly, no even she's realised this, but Mei is close becoming this)
Relations: Jinmeiyo Usui - friend and protector
All safe house inhabitants
Perspective: "It is a real inconvenience. And who the hell would want to look like this, in times like these?"
Likes: Fish
Going out
Dislikes: Ignorance
Being hunted


"A-ah! I'm drying ouuuut!!!!"

Name: Raindrop, of Adelport
Preferred Name/Nickname: Rain
Species: Selkie
Selkie generally stick to their natural habitat, deep in the waters of the port. They need to be in contact with water regularly, and even if they can survive on the surface, if they dry out completely they will die. They do have legs, however, although their fingers and toes are webbed, and they have gills on their necks and ribs.
Unusual Aspects: Seaweed hair
Special Powers:
Seaweed manipulation
Other Abilities/Skills: She can breathe underwater

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Religion: Follower of Quintulias
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 60kg (seaweed hair is heavy, as is being wet all the time)

Clothing/Style of Dress: She used to wear nothing, but Mei persuaded her to wear clothes, which is almost always just a very oversized male tshirt and trousers she cut to be shorts.

Personality: She's bubbly, eccentric, loud and a very happy person. Your usual hyper optimist, although she can be very mature when the situation calls for it. She is naive and innocent.
Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: Seaweed hair
Weakness: Naive
Cannot dry out
Isn't much use away from water
Strengths/Advantages: Ability to breathe under water
Amazing swimmer
Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: To see the world
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: Being killed
Rain decided one day that she wanted to leave her home in the murky depths, and go to the surface. So she did, and was quickly snatched up by Mei, after she saw Rain parading around, stark naked, at the waters edge. Thank god it was the middle of the night... Ever since (it's only been a month) she's been drilling in the customs and teaching Rain about the surface, keeping a close eye on her.
Occupation: None

Most Prised Possession: Her locket
Relations: Jinmeiyo - Guardian/ teacher
All safe house inhabitants
Bee - She very much likes Bee (much to the Silurian's apparent dismay), and always wants to go in the water with her and help her out
Perspective: "I love it! Water is amazing!!!"
Likes: Exploring
Dislikes: Drying out



Name: Blaze Volcano, of Adelport
Preferred Name/Nickname: Blaze
Species: Lava demon
Birthed in the belly of a volcano, lava demons have no biological parents, and are few and far between. Not much can kill them, except for decapitation and freezing to death.
Unusual Aspects: (see pic)
Special Powers:
Heat/ lava/ fire - Rather self explanatory, her powers are similar to those of Snow's, but on the opposite end of the spectrum. She can also spit boiling ash, lava balls and breathe fire.
Other Abilities/Skills: An amazing (and fast) cook

Age: 120
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Hot
Religion: Follower of Quintulias
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 100kg (skinny, but made from molten rock...)

Clothing/Style of Dress: Nothing, it combusts after awhile... Although she has managed to find some iron boots and gloves that last, and stop her from damaging things.

Personality: One thing everyone needs to know, immediately, about Blaze is that she has an explosive temper, and is usually a fiery and feisty person.
Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: Horns etc...
Weakness: Very easy to decapitate
Strengths/Advantages: Fire...
Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: To find another lava demon
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: Being killed
Blaze came into this world with the worst luck imaginable, the volcano that created her, was underwater... In the middle of the sea, she managed to stay around her volcano for the first 19 years, but was swept away by a strong current. The cool of the sea and the water was not enough to kill her, but she was comatose, riding the currents until she finally washed inland, and was found by Bee and Rain when they were diving. They brought her up, and Mei warmed her up in the fire (yes, IN), when she finally regained consciousness. Mei taught her how to speak, read, write and about the ways of the world in the safety of the safe house.
Occupation: Cook

Most Prized Possession:
Relations: Jinmeiyo - Teacher/ friend
All inhabitants of the safe house
Snow - surprisingly, these two get along very well.
Perspective: "What else would I be? W-Wha?!?"
Likes: Heat
Dislikes: The cold
The sea
Being aggravated
((Eggplant-chan is finally done! I thought I'd make them properly, and it ended up a bit more detailed than I was planning... XD I hope they're okay! ^_^ ))
Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly Angels are awesome, accepted. Dang, now I'm really wanting to make a character to interact with him... maybe I shall.. *rubs hands eagerly* And thank you for doing everything I have asked. I appreciate it! :)

FrostFire FrostFire o.O They are all so beautiful~! I lurvs! I'll put them on the player-owned NPC list. Right. I should make that... going to do that now.
Elowyn Elowyn I edited CS, removed whole punishment and writed more about how Fayette is friend of group of human boys that think she is human boy too.
Elowyn Elowyn Good job, making me having to like a post in order to get my character accepted. I see your ulterior motive ;P
I'm teasing you. I watched the logistics thread.
Elowyn Elowyn Good job, making me having to like a post in order to get my character accepted. I see your ulterior motive ;P
I'm teasing you. I watched the logistics thread.
You dun good Storm. I liked the CS; accepted!! Yeah, I know it's a small thing to like it but there's no other way for me to confirm that people have seen and follow the Logistics thread.
Elowyn Elowyn awww thanks. Do you see now why I was practically ripping my hair out over him? I mean this is the most deeply thought out CS I've ever done. The first one I haven't based on someone else, and has so many self-references.
Alright I have removed the insanity power, and added a very basic description of his tomb, anything else I should change?


“Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.”
Name: Edora Vale of Adelport
Preferred Name/Nickname: Venenum (assassin name)
Species: scorpionfolk/girtablilu(don't look up the second name if you're a child honestly its so weird)

Religion: "If I signed up for one of those I'd be sent to the worst place they offer. No thanks, darling."

Physical traits: her upper body is that of an attractive, yet sinister woman with her lower body being that of a scorpion. She can make her lower body into that of a human, but her tail will remain but it will shrink until it's around three times smaller than before. The scorpion half has a thick shell that works like extremely tough armor, and she can move very fast and silent as well on her eight legs.

Special Powers: Most scorpionfolk are dimwitted, but Edora rose above them when she started learning fire magic. Her spells aren't strong, but they are usually only for quick escapes and making her main weapon, poison, a bit more dangerous. She has to speak incantations for her spells to work, and they're usually simple things, like throwing fireballs and burning victims.

Other Abilities/Skills: Edora is highly skilled with the sword and bow which she uses in her daily jobs. She uses weapons in her human form so she isn't defenseless, so you don't really see her wielding a sword in her scorpion form.

She can climb things quite easily in both forms which gives her the upper hand in most altercations.
She also combines the venom that comes from her tail with fire to create toxic fumes. She uses this as usually for escaping. Her tail strikes extremely fast, and it's venom works just as quickly. It paralyzes the victim once entering the body, but when she combines the venom that she sprays from her tail with fire, the fumes that are breathed in usually cause a burning sensation in the body.

You'd think a scorpion woman wouldn't be that sought after, but her people do have a scent that attracts not only their kind but on humans, with the effect tripling on the soft-bodied humans. Edora uses it on the job to get information, but when she's not working she doesn't really care for flings with others.
Age: 24
Gender: female
Sexuality: asexual
Height: 5"7
Weight: 138 lb
Clothing: In Scorpion form, she just wears a top

Edora is a trickster by nature which causes a lot of distrust between herself and others. She doesn't trust people as far as she can throw them.
Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: Pretty much her scorpion lower half and tail in human form. Her white hair and darkened skin cause quite the contrast, especially with her gold eyes.
Money: Edora can turn a blind eye to anything when offered riches. She does a lot to go after it as well, even if it endangers herself.
Edora also hated getting close to people since she'd rather not have emotions over anyone.
Strengths/Advantages: She plans everything out without rushing into it and she's very analytical.
Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: Being rich and powerful.
Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: Being a nobody and thought of nothing but a monstrosity.
Bio: (note any brushes with normals that might have revealed their true nature,)
Occupation: Assassin
Most Prized Possession: An enchanted amethyst that glows in the presence of poison that isn't hers.
Relations: Her fellow group of Assassins is about it, and they're not that close. Friendship is a weakness.
Perspective: She feels like a freak of nature, but she hides it behind gauzy smiles and fluttering eyelashes. She stays in her human form but it makes her uncomfortable so she eventually reverts back.
Likes: bad weather, archery, playing with human minds, deserts, meat, sound of the flute
Dislikes: judgmental people, large bodies of water, her scorpion side
Fun Fact: Edora can easily manipulate venomous creatures to do her bidding.
Other: Edora is lactose intolerant.

Edora hatched (yes, it was weird) in the sandy regions of the south where the air was sweltering and storms whipped up without a second's notice. The village she lived in was small and nothing more than a well and fixtures of cloth supported by sticks that were used as housing for sick village members. The others slept under the sand, their stingers the only thing visible at night. The parents of scorpion folk children don't care much for their offspring, and Edora had to hunt for herself soon after being raised. She felt off from everyone else very quickly as well. They were content to just sit back in this dust bowl and eat lizards. There had to be a better life. Edora took off shortly after her 17th birthday and headed towards the North with no destination in mind. She hadn't been subjected to anyone outside of her race ever, but when she left the safety of her village she was greeted with horrified looks and whispers as she passed by on her eight giant legs. The small towns were the worst because they never experienced anything other than their own kind, which was soft-bodied humans with tiny brains and ignorance larger than anything. Edora never did anything to anyone, but after getting chased out of countless towns, she was learning the truth about the world; if you cant join them, you need to beat them. Edora fought back in the next town. They had tried chasing her out with torches and pickforks. The pitchforks made contact with her scorpion exoskeleton and bounced off harmlessly, but the fire burned her and blinded her enough for them to give her a nasty jab with a pitchfork in her stomach that took ages to heal. Edora was too clumsy at this point, but she new survival depended on her own strength.
She stumbled upon a very large city some months later that seemed more accepting. All kinds of creatures roamed the area, but she could still see the obvious mistreatment. She stayed at an inn the first night and was in her human form. The only looks she got were that of attraction which Edora new nothing about nor cared for.
A man soon approached her at the bar, and she couldn't help but notice how a secretive aura just radiated off of him. He introduced himself as Dark on and offered Edora a job.
A job as an assassin, to be exact.
It was the last thing Edora expected, but she wasn't abhorred by the idea. She was surprised when she found out Darkon had only asked this of her because he had seen her scorpion form.
Edora accepted his offer and the two went to the base of operations, an underground tunnel that branched out through the city and had certain rooms for the inhabitants. There were three others; Oki, the necromancer, Haleu, a shadow-traveler, and Garren, a rat-like man that practiced blood magic. They were all cunning people who Edora didn't trust for a second, but they probably didn't trust each other either, but somehow they all worked out. Darkon started teaching Edora swordplay and other forms of offensive methods for both forms. Her human form would be the one to sneak around but the scorpion form was to be the tank when things got ugly. She hated her other form, but Darkon never spoke badly of it. She got surprisingly close with the small group, and Garren and Oki even started showing Edora basic fire magic. Oki's was simply a part of her so she didn't need incantations, but Garren was proficient enough with fire magic that he taught Edora the gestures and what to say and how to summon up the power to cast the spells. "If humans can learn magic, so could you," Garren said often.
Edora started going on missions not long after, and it became second nature as she worked.
The people who requested kills rather liked her methods, especially the more sadistic ones. Her venom merely paralyzed, but sometimes the employers actually had her bring the victim to them and watch death slowly fed to them a bit at a time. Edora started getting a bit sadistic as well, and she couldn't help but enjoy her little cat and mouse games.

By the time tension between Supernatural creatures and humans started thickening, Edora was a prominent assassin that was known by the name Venenum. She cared little for the battles between the two, and she did work for either side as long as it filled her pockets. However, with the Hunters of her track, she may have to side with her own kind. She doesn't exactly want to go down that road though.
Elowyn Elowyn I think I'm done???but I'm sure you'll tell me if I missed anything

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Basic Information

Full Name:
Nydilwen Elonna of Zarmaac







Arachne- Only friend
Village- What she is fighting for



Prized Possession:


Nydlilwen showcases an incredible aptitude for the ways of bow and arrow, being able to launch multiple arrows with one shot, use the bow as a melee weapon, can reload weapon rapidly and efficiently, even with heavy mechanisms like the crossbow, etc... Her main use of this weapon, however, is mainly accurately shooting single shots rather than multiple.

Due to spending her whole life hunting to survive Nydlilwen has not only developed into a phenomenal hunter but has gained a predatory sense over the years. She can easily discern numerous factors of a situation that make herself a master of pursuit and capture. This includes what move a foe will make, where they are headed (if the user is in the foe’s proximity, or knows the foe fairly well), as well as how to effectively cause a foe to play right into one’s hands in combat/pursuit. Just to name a few.

Poison Resistance-
Thanks to taking daily doses of Arachne venom, and the nature of her homeland, she has built a natural tolerance for poisons and venoms alike. She is not immune to toxins entirely but it will take large doses of it to effect her. The effects will also not be as potent or extreme as it would be on someone else.

Nydilwen demonstrate's a natural aptitude in the way of polearms. She is able to wield any kind of polearm with great speed, power, and skill. As one of the largest (or longest) classes of weapon that can be carried by normal humans, she excels in keeping enemies at bay and maintaining a superior position in combat, having a great advantage, at a distance, over opponents wielding smaller melée weapons. Additionally, she is extremely accurate with throwing her spears.

Alongside being a profound hunter Nydlilwen has learned to survive and adapt to any environment and any situation. Quick thinking, knowledge, planning ahead, and wits are usually the reasons why she has been able to survive for this long.

"Go ahead and call the wrath of your gods upon me, they've already abandoned us long ago"
- Eggplant
- Carriers around jerky and dried fruits


Face Shape:

Hair Style:
Long and wavy with beads

Hair Color:
Jet black with snow white streaks

Eye Color:

Skin Color:



130 IB

Nydlilwen wears clothing designed for surviving in the wilderness, specifically colder climates. Her clothing is a simple design of fortified leather and animal hides that allows for fluid and agile movements while providing protection from projectiles, such as arrows, bolts, acids, etc, and fur to keep in her body warmth and regulate temperature. Her chest piece has been made from Sxarinad to better help protect vital organs. This part can prevent deep wounds from swords and spears.

Arachne has a metal harness with leather padding for Nydlilwen to ride her with.

1 Polearm. Her main weapon while in actual combat.
Bow and Arrow. She also carries around a pouch filled with different materials to add to her arrows. She has body fat to use for lighting fires, poison to use for paralyzing foes, and different baits for luring animals and other beings.
1 Hunting Knife
2 Javelins (see character picture). Used for throwing.

Body Type:

Three triangles above her eye right eye and a half circle with two slashes underneath.


Remorseless, relentless, ruthless. The perfect killer. Nydilwen does not stop, does not feel empathy or remorse, and will do whatever it takes to complete the task at hand. Thanks to a lifetime of hardship her senses have been numbed away to the point of nonexistent. Morals, empathy, pain, guilt, sorrow, joy. All of it gone. What is left is an efficient killer who survives to kill and kills to survive. She believes in showing no mercy, no regret, and no emotions. For her, it is kill or be killed a path she has gladly walked her whole life and a fact that she has been reminded of each and every day. She does not feel guilt nor pleasure from killing, torturing, or any other act that she might do upon another. She is not above using any and every dirty tactic in the book to gain an advantage in life. She doesn't believe in playing fair anyway, constantly stating that "life isn't fair" and that "those that play fair end up dead." Nydlilwen does not think or act with her emotions nor her heart. Instead, she is a tactful person, who will always be analyzing, watching her surroundings, and judging the situations she is in before acting. She will treat every situation with caution and will usually never act without having some sort of plan, these plans usually thinking 3-4 steps ahead of those around her.

However, despite this emotionless and questionable approach to life, she is not all doom and gloom. Even though she doesn't show it Nydlilwen does experience things such as joy and excitement. Yes, things like the joy of a successful hunt and the thrill of the chase are present within her but those are minor things. She enjoys being around like-minded people, helping what's left of her people, and the company of her only friend. Arachne. Those that have seen her outside her village, and those that are still alive, have only seen her show compassion to her giant 8-legged friend Arachne. She is the only one that has been there for Nydlilwen and so she treats the spider like family. She is loyal to her word, always following through on jobs and promises she makes and never backing down from it either.

Wilderness, Arachne, hunting, supporting her people

Morals, Society, Humans, and Supernaturals (Monsters)

The death of her people

To keep her people alive


"Everyone is a monster, that's how life is"

Accuracy, Agility, Dexterity, Strength, Predatory Sense, Survivability

Despite her being stronger and more skilled than average humans, she is still just a human. She cannot break through giant boulders and trees. Additionally, her armor is very weak. Despite being able to hold off a few arrows or claw swipes, her armor will not protect her from the like of weapons that can cut or pierce through leather. Such as spears, swords, and fangs.

When all the complexities of life are stripped away, when all the morals we've created disappear, the truth of the world is revealed. In this world, it's kill or be killed. This is all Nydlilwen has known for her whole life. Since birth she has lived a life dependent on the death of others, having to live and scavenge in the wastelands to the north. She hails from Zarmaac, one of the few cities to survive the dreaded plague of the north. Her people have been forgotten about, erased from both the minds and the history of modern society. The few that survived have had to live in a harsh wasteland where everything has been affected by the strange plague. They scavenge what little materials they can and feed off of anything they can get their hands on. Animals and plants are extremely rare around their towns, they have to go further out to get a decent meal every day. Battling giant beasts, nature, and other plague-infested beings for dominance and survival. Every day is a living hell for the people of Zarmaac. There is no rest, only constant struggle.

Since she was little Nydlilwen has helped both her family and her village in whatever ways she could. She would go out daily into small crevices and cracks to scavenge materials, and sometimes food, that others could not reach. During one of these expeditions into a small cavern she met Arachne (see Arachne for full story). For a while this brought in a small influx of extra material Zarmaac could use, but this small source soon dried up and she would soon have to leave the village to help support her community. It would take her years of trying to convince her father to let her join in hunting beyond the city. During this time she would learn the basics of hunting, tracking, survival, how to handle both a bow, which was the basic weapon for all hunters, and how to use the polearm.

After years of training and improving as a hunter, her father would finally allow her to join him on his hunting outside of Zarmaac. In the beginning she would be limited in how far out she was allowed to go out and forbidden to go out hunting alone, she would have to stay with her father in the outskirts of the city. However, this changed within the year as she quickly proved herself as a resourceful hunter and her restrictions were quickly lifted. Every hunt she went on ended as a success, save one time (See Arachne for details), and has been considered to be their best hunter. Nydlilwen enjoyed her hunting for many years but the repetitive nature of traveling for days to bring home a good sized meal started to bore her. Each monster, every place to find plant life, they all became too easy nad predictable to her. Even if the monsters adapted to her and the other hunters they were still just the same for her.

So she decided to become the first person from the north to travel south and into the unknown territory. What she found changed her life. Even the poorest conditions for the people she met would seem like a blessing to her and her people. This enraged Nydlilwen to no end, but she could not do anything about it. Ever since her first trip to the South, she has made it a point to return for one week out of every month to take up hunting jobs. Everything from animals to criminals to the supernatural. Anything was game for her, and she enjoyed the new prey. They were a fresh and welcomed change from the boring monsters she fought on a daily basis back in the north. After hunting for a straight week in the South, she would turn in her coin for any materials and food she could find before making the trip back up to the North. Not much is know about Nydlilwen but what is know is that she a hunter that does not fail to complete any job. This reputation, despite her mysterious nature, has led her to take many jobs from high ranking people of the South. She has now hunted for the South for a solid 10 years, killing and capturing numerous criminals, pests, and supernatural.

  • Arachne is the one and only friend of Nydlilwen. She has known Nydlilwen since she was a child and has been with her since her 18th year. She is a 200 Ib, 3'0 tall, brown Sxarinad from the Wastelands of the North. Unknown to the South, she is a species of spiders that have been mutated by the plague that resides in the Northern mountains. Their poison is considered to be the strongest in the North, a single drop of it enough to paralyze a normal human. Their exoskeleton has been hardened to the point of nigh invincibility. Normal weapons, such as swords, arrows, and spears do not pierce their hides. Additionally, they are impervious to most magic attack, such as basic fire and most ice/water magic. They love to stalk and hunt their prey, usually running them tired before pouncing and subduing them. They mostly feed on giant birds and helpless ground animals.

    Arachne was found starving in a small crevice created by a multitude of collapsed buildings by Nydlilwen. She had been hiding in the wreckage waiting for the storm to pass but her plans were changed when the building collapsed even further and ended up pinning her down. For days she tried to move but it proved fruitless as each time she tried all she did was further use up her fat reserves. It looked like certain death for the Sxarinad. That was, until Nydlilwen came along. She found the spider while trying to gather resources. She found the spider and instead of attacking it she instead fed it food. At first, she was wary of the young child and the child of it, but over time the spider's mind changed. Every day she would come with what little food she could offer and would try to move a little of the rubble. It took a solid month of nursing but the spider was ultimately freed. The spider was told to wait until night to leave or else face capture by the village. She understood and at night fled back to the wilderness.

    For the next 8 years the two forgot about each other but by chance, they would meet each other under similar circumstances once again. While Nydlilwen was hunting in the mountains a freak avalanche forced her to seek shelter in a cave. This cave was the home of plagued bears, or Xinard as her folk called them. Once the bears found her they attacked her and tried to eat her. This commotion caught the attention of the spider hiding in the cave as well. At first, the spider was content to leave the human to the bears so she could attack and kill them while their guard was down. However her mind quickly changed when she recognized both the voice and the smell of the human, it was the same girl from all those years ago that saved her. She leaped into action hesitantly and killed off the bears, saving Nydlilwen. After the fight, Nydlilwen cautiously got into a fighting stance against the Sxarinad. The two locked eyes and Nydlilwen felt a familiarity with the spider. She asked cautiously if it was the same spider from all those years ago and it nodded its head. She hesitantly lowered her weapon and thanked the spider. She then told it that the two needed to work together to stay alive and get out. The spider once again acknowledged the situation at hand and agreed. Nydlilwen would build a fire from the fat of one of the bears and the two would spend the next four days in the cave. Both of them trying their hardest to get rid of the snow that blocked the way. Luckily for them however, a rescue crew was able to find the two and dig them out. During their time in the cave, the two somehow bonded once again. Nydlilwen proposed that the two would make a good hunting team and that they should partner up. Arachne agreed and was given her name by Nydlilwen. The village did not understand this nor liked it but did trust Nydlilwen, so they allowed Arachne to stay with her. Over time the fear of the spider disappeared as it showed no signs of attacking them. To this day they two are inseparable.
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group of boys.

Name and town name: Hunter Bormox Of Adelport

Species: Human

Other Abilities/Skills: Stronger than other boys (and Fayette) Has little bit sword training.

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Height: 4'7"

Weight: 100 lbs

Appearance: Bulky and bossy looking.

Clothes: Noble child's clothes

Personality: Bossy orderer. Stupid.

Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: broken nose.

Weakness: Stupid, one who most believes that Fayette is human boy.

Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: To be knight.

Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: he fears water.

Occupation: Child, Boss of boys

Religion: Zantorian

Relations: Noble father and mother
Wylie is his younger brother

Perspective: I am strongest in city.

Likes: (optional) cakes

Dislikes: (optional) water


Name and town name:
Wylie Bormox Of Adelport

Species: Human

Other Abilities/Skills: Runner, second fastest in group. (Fayette is faster)

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Height: 4'5"

Weight: 85 lbs

Appearance: Slim and long legged

Clothes: noble child's clothes

Personality: follower of his brother.

Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications:

Weakness: Weak

Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: Wants to be knight like his brother

Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: Fears dark.

Occupation: Child

Religion: Zantorian

Relations: Noble parents and Hunter as older brother

Perspective: I want to be like my brother

Likes: (optional) running and his brother

Dislikes: (optional) dark places


Name and town name: Ramsey Bolton Of Adelport

Species: Human

Other Abilities/Skills: Second strongest boy in group

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Height: 4'6"

Weight: 95 lbs

Appearance: bulky

Clothes: Most of time whit out shirt

Personality: racist against creatures and girls.Cruel and violent

Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: missing tooth and scars

Weakness: Slow

Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: creature free town

Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: creatures takes over town

Occupation: Child

Religion: Isldrassilic

Relations: blacksmith-father, who is head of his family
Aelfraed as best friend

Perspective: Men are rulers, girls tools and creatures toys.

Likes: (optional) flaying living animals, violent

Dislikes: (optional) creatures


Name and town name: Aelfraed Walston Of Adelport

Species: Human

Other Abilities/Skills: reader and genius.

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetero

Height: 4'3"

Weight: 80

Appearance: bookworm

Clothes: bookshops owner boy's clothes

Personality: clever one and one who tries tell to Hunter that Fayette isn't what she said she is.

Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications: missing tooth

Weakness: weak

Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope: Creature free town, lot of books

Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario: burning books

Occupation: Child

Religion: Isldrassilic

Relations: Ramsey as best friend

Perspective: Ramsey should be our boss.

Likes: (optional) Books

Dislikes: (optional) girls


Name and town name: Walden Sailor Of Adelport


Other Abilities/Skills:
knows how to swim





70 lbs

Slim young boy

one of sailors bastard

follower of orders

Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications:

Weakness: No own will

Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope:
Know who is his father

Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario:
that his mother dies




Sea is big

Likes: (optional) Mother

Dislikes: (optional)


Name and town name:
Jeffrey Dirt Of Adelport


Other Abilities/Skills:
Climber (second best climber)





80 lbs


rags from slum

friendly, doesn't want in problems

Distinguishing Traits/Marks/Modifications:

fears stronger boys
Doesn't know how to swim

Greatest Dream/Goal/Hope:
warm meal

Biggest Fear/Worst Case Scenario:
Dead family



parents and 2 sisters

Do waht they order, and they don't hurt.

Likes: (optional)

Dislikes: (optional) Eggplants
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slim slim Love her! Just a few things: watch the Logistics thread and read the rules, like the first post of Logistics to show that you have done so. And Adelport isn't necessarily more accepting towards monsters. They are just easier to hide in the large crowd.

Veltsu VI Veltsu VI If it wasn't for the fact that there are six of them and that they are all NPCs I wouldn't accept them (too short and missing info). But since I don't really care to be strict with NPCs, they're fine. I'll just add them to the list.

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