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Fandom MLP (My little Pony)

BlueGrass is looked away, blushing. Knowing that she is doing something embarrassing, "Um....I want you to cover you're ear, tightly. Don't ask way, just do it."
"Ok but you do know seeing out of Flare's eyes is not all I can do... Ok I'll have him cover his too" Flare reluctanting put his head under his wing while Galagus put his hoofs on his ears.
BlueGrass looked at Galagus and Flare as they both cover their ears. She face the woods and take a deep breath, "Aaaaa~Aaaaaa~Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

She make a sweet tone as she making a called. Some animals from the forest hear cam come to them. Squirrels, chipmunks, birds, and some different kinds of woods animals.
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Galagus kept his ears shut but because of Flare such acute hearing he could hear a faint voice. It sounded blissful, but he was also getting impatient. "Can we please look now, with Flare's head under his wing I can't see"
He uncovered his ear to be meet with lots of chattering, when Flare finally turned to look he saw an army of woodland critters. "You haven't been tempted to eat a magic Apple recently have you," he joked, "I'm assuming you did this the same way you scared that manticore." One could swear Flare was drooling right now, to him the sight before him was a buffet.
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"Magic apple? Of course not. This is one of my special talents...and these little critters are here to help out dusting. and make sure Flare is noting going to eat them..."BlueGrass give them a mean glare.
Flare gave a sad coo as he heard this. "Ok then let's get to it, but actually it around that time where Flare need to eat so he gonna be going to find food again, I'll make sure that it's none of the critters here." He held a hoof up to show he promise
"Well, make him fly off far and get food, but not here..." BlueGrass said as she call the critters to come inside the house and start cleaning it up. Inside the house is dusting, but there are one sofa, a little table and upstairs is have two bedroom but only one bed are here.
Galagus stayed close to Bluegrass as it was his only way around right now. "I kind wish I could he what this place looked like, I haven't gotten a chance to find out... Wait a minute, will the animals be upset if I use them for a minute"
"Huh? You can do that, but you have to asked first..." BlueGrass said as she start pile up the dusts.
"I can link up with just about any living thing, even you, but the presence of another mind within their own bothers almost every pony. And I would need you to do it for I don't speak chipmunk. I can with Flare for he's sentient but not so much with these fellas."
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"Ok ok, I'll asked one of them...." She turn around as she them if one of them can be Galagus eyes for a moment, mostly said no and a rabbit nodded yes. "There, a rabbit will be you're eyes...."
"Thanks," he slowly let his mind reach out to the rabbit, when I finally connected things were a bit different. A rabbits eyes were a lot different than a Phenoix's, mainly things being in black and white. He lowered his back as to let the rabbit climb on to his head so he could see at a better angle. After that Galagus went to look around, it certainly was a nice place. But then again, he had been living in caves and alleyways for 3 years
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"Ok, look here, Kid. We have our own room. "I take the big room and you take a normal size room...." BlueGrass pointed it out as she walk in her big room as she writing down of what she need in her room.
"Sound good." He walked into the room and saw many empty shelve, he didn't really have anything to put in them... Except for one thing. Within his mane he had been hiding something, it was a small jewled necklace with a falling star as a pendent. It was given to him by his mother when he got his cutie mark, unfortunately that was also the day he was taken. Somehow he managed to hide it from those greedy griffin pirates for the 8 years when he was force to be with them. He could have sold it for a small fortune and have a better life, but he could never part with it.
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BlueGrass humming as she still wringing down some listing, she go downstairs as the see the animals is finish cleaning as everything is sparkling clean. "Good job everyone! You all can go home now! Thanks for you're heard work!!' All the animals leave as BlueGrass check on the sofa.
Galagus came down the stairs as the rabbit took off back into the woods. He plopped himself down onto the couch and just layed his head on the armrest. "Well that went quicker then expected. I do hope Flare comes back soon, I guess it's taking him longer as you told him to hunt farther away."
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"Kid, you better get off before its--" It was too late as the couch break as soon as Galagus sit down. "--break...."
"Um oops, I didn't think that would happen, sorry" he picked himself out of the mountain of cushions and wood that was now on top of him. "I hope that particular piece of furniture wasn't very important."
"Its not...it just old...the last owner of this house passed away, leaving nothing..." said BlueGrass.
"Ok." Soon after a tapping could be heard from the window. Flare was sitting just out side of it waiting to come in. As the window opened he swooped back in and landed by Galagus. "So I'm just gonna get rid of this mess here," he use his magic to lift up the rubble, brought it outside, and put it in a trash can. "I hope the beds won't break to, it's getting late and I'd like to sleep in one." He looked up and could see some stars start to form as the moon came up. "It seems like things are turning out for the better. A new home, new friends. Things are finally looking up." He tan came back inside with a smile on his face
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"Right...about the bed....there only one....and I think we are sleeping together......" BlueGrass said as she walk upstairs.
"Umm... Ok." he said feeling a little uncomfortable. "You know I'm perfectly fine with sleeping in the floor, I mean I've been doing it for years you know."
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"I can't do that, you love sleeping on the bed, I can see you're happy face as soon as you lay on the mattress..." BlueGrass remember as she giggle.

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