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Fandom MLP (My little Pony)

"Ugh, I hate not being able to see. Is this how it's going to be every meal" he cried out to the world. "-sigh- let's just get this over with and be on our way."
"Relax, we still have time and so you can take you're time to eat you're pancake...." BlueGrass said as she enjoy her breakfast.

Then later, she finishes as she look up and see if Flare return.
"Yes but this is just embarrassing for me." he continued eating until it was time to leave. Once again Flare was waiting out side. "You know, I really need to practice doing things without Flare. He can't always be around and I'm just useless without him"
"No, Your not that bad. I'm used to doing everything on my own, so it's a bit degrading to have some one do something for me"
"Well, alright, I'm headed to to the office to get that house, signs the paper while you....well do something....see ya..." BlueGrass walk away.
"Ok, Bye, I'll see you back at the house." As she walked off he began to look around. "Well, lets see if we can find a job in the mean time" Flare cocked his head at this, not sure why he needed one.
BlueGrass headed to the office and asked if they can sale the house to her. It was take four hors.
Galagus had gone through many hours just looking. He tried various jobs, none took him. He tried to be a cook but Flares feathers got in the way. He tried construction worker but he was too young once again. The list continued, but either way it was starting look hopeless once again for Galagus. "Ugh, I've tried and tried. It's just impossible for a blind pony to get a job. The most money I ever made was 20 bits, and that was when I was holding a sign that said 'help blind pony.' I'm thankful that I have someone like Bluegrass to help me out but she said I need to find a job if I'm going to stay with her. And I don't want to go back to dumpster scraps, so I must find one." Flare just stared back, with no voice he could not answer back. So he just gave a simple nod. "Thanks for understanding Flare, oh what would I ever do with out you, hmm probably be dead I suppose"
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Cherry eventually returned again when the coast was clear. "Phew, hopefully they've forgotten by now..." she said quietly.

You're gonna have to tell somepony eventually, you know. You can't just...

I know, but....I'm sorry. Cherry sat down, sniffling a bit. You're supposed to be my secret protector.

What's wrong with not telling anypony?

Then it's not secret. Besides....I'm scared of what would happen if they knew....would we be torn apart?

Of course not! I won't let that happen!

Silence, then...she saw the blind pony who knew about her and Curse. She gasped. There was nowhere to hide. "....H-hi...." she said awkwardly.

Flare looked away from Galagus allowing him to see the pony that had approached. "Oh hello, I didnt think I'd see you again. Look I'm sorry about what happened in the woods. I was just curious that's all. Are we ok with one another."
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Latios said:
Flare looked away from Galagus allowing him to see the pony that had approached. "Oh, hello again, I did think I'd see you again. Look I'm sorry about what happened in the woods. I was just curious that's all. Are we ok with one another."
Cherry was silent for a moment, then she smiled. "....Yes. We're fine. I'm sorry for freaking out....it's just....nopony ever found out that I have to souls in one body.....kind of scared me, actually...."

Hell yeah it did. I thought I'd have to do my job if you didn't stop freaking out.

"S...so....would you like to start on a clean slate....? I'm Cherry, and I'm Curse." Her left eye turned red for Curse to speak. "Nice to meet you."
"My names Galagus, and this is Flare." He extended a hoof out to her
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Cherry shook Galagus's hoof, a serene expression on her face. "It's a pleasure," she said. "It's kind of funny; when most ponies find out about my second personality, they run....why didn't you....run?"
"I have seen many things in my life time, some far more scarier then a pony with two souls. Did you ever wonder why I was blind."
"No, I haven't....why?" Cherry asked, looking curiously at him. He'd obviously seen some awful things, if she had Curse were hardly terrifying compared to them.
"When I was 4 years old I was taken from my parents by Pirates, they force my to be a slave and if I didnt comply they beat me. I was their slave for 8 years. During that time the captain got angry with me a threw acid in my eyes. They were going to kill me for I could not work any more, but then Flare here, who had been captured by those pirate as well help me. Durning my time with out my eyes I learned to form mental connections. As I reached out to him he allowed my presence in his mind and together we escaped. To this day I have no idea what the fate of my parents was." A tear leak form his eye as he said these things. This memory had haunted him for the past 3 years.
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Latios said:
"When I was 4 years old I was taken from my parents by Pirates, they force my to be a slave and if I didnt comply they beat me. I was their slave for 8 years. During that time the captain got angry with me a threw acid in my eyes. They were going to kill me for I could not work any more, but then Flare here, who had been captured by those pirate as well help me. Durning my time with out my eyes I learned to form mental connections. As I reached out to him he allowed my presence in his mind and together we escaped. To this day I have no idea what the fate of my parents was." A tear leak form his eye as he said these things. This memory had haunted him for the past 3 years.
Cherry's eyes were filled with tears. "Oh, Galagus....I'm...I'm so sorry...I....understand what it's like to go through that sort of stuff.....I'm really sorry...." She looked at the ground. "I....never knew my family, actually. I was taken away from them to fight for evil, and an experiment was placed on me. Curse then became a part of me, and she helped me escape...."
"I'm sorry too." He replied. "I have never found someone who had something in common with me. Well I hope we can become good friends, to both of you."
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BlueGrass finally get out of the office with a pony, who is giving her a key and the deed of the house. "Congratulation, young lady, you are now the owner of the house, have a good life."

BlueGrass looked happy as she take the key and walk away, "I can't wait to see what inside...."
Galagus quickly remembered that he had to get back to Bluegrass again so he quickly told Cherry and Curse as to why he needed to leave said his good bye. He found her standing out side the house. "Blue, your never gonna believe it, I saw Cherry again"
BlueGrass is reading the the paper about the house as she walked toward it as she saying, "Uh-Huh..." She use her magic to open the door and the come out some big pile of dusts.
"-cough cough- whoa, I guess they don't exactly keep the place in good condition while on sale, looks like we got some work to do"
*Cough cough cough* "Sheesh, he didn't give me a warning..." BlueGrass shake the dust off as she thinking of something. "I have an idea that we can asked for help...."

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