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Fandom MLP (My little Pony)

"Ok then" they walk inside and bought a room, the receptionist having a fit from the feathers Flare was leaving behind. Once they got to their room Galagus quickly plopped himself on the bed. "Oh this bed is so soft, the last time I slept in a bed was 2 years ago." He curled up in the blankets with Flare sitting on the top of the frame, tucking his head under his wing.
"Wow really, I never thought of myself to be lucky, things always seem to go wroung for me. Well -yawn- goodnight"
"Sheesh..." BlueGrass signs as she see that Galagus is already asleep and use her magic to cover him, properly as she yawn, too. She turn off the light and the go to see on the separate bed.
While the bright sun couldn't wake up Galagus it still could wake up Flare. He fluttered to the window and looked out, the town was just starting to wake up. Ponies were going about their everyday lives. Flare turned to see a pile of snoozing blankets which held his friend. Normally it was Galagus to be the first one up, so he decided to have some fun. Flying over to the second bed he began to peck at the sheets, only to receive a hoof to shoo him away. He tried again, this time succeeding. "Uhhg, come in Flare I was just such a nice nap," he answered groggily. He was Quick to link up again to see himself sitting up right. "Fine, lets see how Blue's doing" he got up and trotted over to the second bed, only to find no one in it.
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BlueGrass is already up earlier then Galagus. Right now, she in the bathroom, talking a nice bubble bath as she relax it. Once she finishes, she comb her long, wavy hair and tail as she humming happily.
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"Hello BlueGrass, you still here" he called. He began to hear some humming coming from the bathroom. Knocking on the door he said "BlueGrass, are you in there"
"Hm? Are you awake, Kid? About time, you sleep like a log, I'll be out in a minute!" BlueGrass say it as she finish her final touch.
"Ok," he turned back to the bed and sat down, until his belly grumble. He looked to Flare and chuckled, "you think they have any food here, Flare." Flare could only caw and give a flutter of wings. How could he know, being a Phenoix he hardly knew anything about pony society.
BlueGrass come out smelly nice and clean as she smiles. "Nothing good then taking a nice, bubble bath...."
Galagus turned around and jumped of the bed "So what are we going to do now." He asked "Breakfast would be nice to start out with." A smile now on his usually expressionless face. Today he was in a good mood.
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"Heh, you're smiling....dose that mean you like to have me around, Kid...." BlueGrass said as she headed to the door, "Let go out and find what they have..."
He began walking with BlueGrass. "Well when your only friend is a bird who can't really speak back thing tend to get lonely, I have to say it's really nice to have other ponies around you know" they turned a corrner to see the dinning hall. There were many tables with quite a few other ponies. It looked like today they were serving French toast. Galagus mouth began to water. "But wait, what's Flare going to eat." he asked.
"Hehe, you're in luck, my young stallion, I happen to know every creature like and what they eat," BlueGrass said, "You little friend, Flare like to eat small animals like mice, squirrels and sometime small reptiles...."
"I know that, I'm saying there's nothing here for him to eat" Flare gave a sad caw at the thought of no food
"You know, we are close to the forest, he can fly away for a while and come back with his belly full...."
"But how will I get around here without him, if you don't recall I need him to see where I'm going." Many images of him crashing into stuff appeared in his head.
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"Don't you worry there, I'll be staying with you until he'll come back....beside it's only for few minutes...." She look at the menu. ;'Oh, you better order it first before Flare fly off."
"I already know what I want, and that's French toast" he exclaimed, Galagus then gestured for him to fly off. Flare quickly swooped out the door and into the sky. Galagus took his tray and stayed close to BlueGrass as they went to a table and sat down.
"You know, Galagus, you look kind off nice looking up close.....I bit you get lots of mares to talk to you..." BlueGrass help him take a sit as she go sit down herself.
"No, not really, I don't really hang out in towns all that often, and those who do are spooked by the way may eyes look. They think I'm going to bring their death or something, hehe" He began to try and pick up a piece of toast with his fork but was missing to plate entirely.
"Here..." Using her magic, she move the fork, take a little piece and float in front of him. "Open up and say ahhh..."
He took the toast piece and swallowed. "This feels very degrading, ugh, I hate not being able to see"
'Relax, Kid, I feel like I'm feeding a little cutie there..." BlueGrass giggle as she looked at him.
It was either eat or stave. So he choose to eat, grumbling the whole time about how he is not a little cutie. He soon finished and waited for Flare to come back.
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