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Fandom MLP (My little Pony)

"Hey, wait up!!" BlueGrass folio him as she said, " You know, if you know about her.....well, her secret....why you have to say it...there a resom why she won't like to tell any ponys...." BlueGrass said to him.

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"I didn't know, I just felt it and wanted to know more. I mean, I'm just curious that's all, I didn't know she would run away" his head hung low in shame. "I, well, Flare sees her. Just up ahead."
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BlueGrass shake her head as she walk beside him. "Kid.....um....I didn't get you're name...I can't keep on calling you kid...."

"It's Galagus StarShower, and besides, I didn't mind that you called me kid. It reminds me of my parents" as he said this he let loose a tear. He quickly perked his head up. "I can hear her. Cherry, can you hear me, look I'm sorry I upset you. I was just a little curious about you. I didn't mean to make you run away."
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"Huh? You're parents?" BlueGrass look at him and notice his tears. ".....Well, don't think of me as you're parent, I'm too young for it....I'm BlueGrass NutMeg..."

"I didn't think of you like that, it just brought back memories, even if I have very few. And it's nice to meet you too, now come on let's keep looking" he then went back to calling in hopes of getting a response form Cherry
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"I can't pinpoint her exact location but she's Very close, she can definitely hear us but just didn't seem to want to answer. Let's stop for a minute, I'm gonna send Black Flare to look ahead and I cant go anywhere with his eyes to guild me." He gave a message to Flare in which he gave back a caw in response. After Black Flare was out of sight Galagus sat down and waited.
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"Wow...I'm impressed, Kid, your little friend know what to do....." BlueGrass stop walking and rest for a bit, she put s=down her stuff she been carry.

"You pick up a couple of things when you've been through what I have..." Galagus left it at that, not wanting to continue farther.
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"Kid...I mean Galagus.....I can see that you have been a rough time....I can guess it by the look on you're face....." She sit down across him.
"It's ok, it's really those damn Pirates who are to blame." Galagus said harshly, he took some deep breaths after to clam down. "Found her, Flare's coming back now, I can move again once he's here" it didn't take long for the Phenoix in question to come back. Galagus got up and started to move to the way Flare came from.
"What can I say, it a habit for me to be on the move. Cherry, please come out I'm really sorry, I just wanted to know more about you, please come out." From behind a tree Flare could see the spot where Cherry was hiding. "I see her. Cherry, please come out."
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Galagus rounded to corner to talk to her but all he found was the end of her tail. "Dang it, she tricked us," he exclaimed as he examined the the chopped tail hairs. Then suddenly Cherry's reading disappear from Galagus's radar. "Gose darn it again, she got to far, I can't pick her up any more. Smart girl to use this as a disstration." He turned to Black Flare who was now sitting on his back looking a little disappointed "It's ok Flare, it's not your fault she tricked us. Although it's time like this I wish you were a wolf, hehe." 'Now she really has me interested,' Galagus thought to himself 'first she has two minds, then she managed to get away from me, no one has ever managed to get away from me when I was really trying to go after them'
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BlueGrass follow him and try to catch up. As she finally catch up and get tired from run and walk. "You....are....soo..........oww..." BlueGrass all tired up and she have to lay down. "Too tired to move...."

"Oh I didn't know I had left you, well to sum things up, she got away. Now I'm really disappointed, I didn't get to find out about her and I didn't get to say sorry"
BlueGrass look up and see Galagus. 'Such in a rush kid, you are.....if you want to find her, there a day way, leave her be until she come to us...."
"-sigh- ok, it's getting late, do you have a place to stay, it's not safe here after dark, and I kinda wander from town to town so I don't really have anywhere to go"
BlueGrass slowly get up and said, "I asked a filly before and I asked her where is the closest town and she said, its Ponyville...." BlueGrass turn around, "First off, we have to get out of the woods...."
"Then let's get to it, towns this way" they began walking while Black Flace soared through the air, within minutes they arrived at the town call ponyvill, home to the princess of friendship herself. The town was brightly light from nightfall. Galagus haveing been here before lead the way to the neared inn "On problem, I don't exactly carry money on me for I am to young to get a job. I usually sleep in and alleyway or cave, but I don't think you will want to do that."
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'No, I don't..." BlueGrass said as she use her magi to carry her bags as she looked around, "Where is the hotel?"
"It's right here, but without money how are going to rent a room," he asked, "I could just do what I do best when I need money" a grin came to his face when he said this

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