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Fandom MLP (My little Pony)

BlueGrass get back when a little filly butted in with question. "Whoa, there, little filly! what's the problem here?"

"Oh, are you taking about that unicorn who help me pick up my stuff?" BlueGrass asked her.

Cherry watched silently, slowly backing away by the second. When she was mentioned, she let out a small squeak. "....Who, me...?" She said nervously.
"Like what?" BlueGrass asked the filly. "Oh, no offense...." She looked at the unicorn.

JessBeth said:
"Like what?" BlueGrass asked the filly. "Oh, no offense...." She looked at the unicorn.
"I dunno, maybe that that tree is upside down or that the river is flowing backwards." Midnight stated, proudly.
Galagus was walking through the Everfree forst after coming from another town, he had been searching for a long time for something of great importance to him. He was pondering about the good days when Black Flare gave a caw. "What is it now flare... You hear something, point to the way. Well there's only one thing to do. Let's just hope it's not another one of those hydras, the last one was a pain." He continued on until they came across a group of ponies that seem to be bickering among each other. Galagus reached out with his mind to find out. The filly alicorn just was to curious for her own good. The first unicorn seemed to be confused as to the questions of the filly. As for the mare, something was off. Through her mind was the mind of a loving, yet scared mare, but also the mind of a killer, not only that but this kept flickering back and forth. This made no sense, but now Galagus was far more interested then that hydra cave. He slowly approached the ground. "So does someone want to tell me what's going on." He said as his eyes just stared blankly through the group, Black flare watching them with interest.
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BlueGrass then as she see a young, black unicorn there and its seem to be talking to her or maybe the other. "Who are you kid? Are you lost, too?" BlueGrass walked toward him as she stopped and notice about him and see his....pet.

"No I'm not lost, in fact I know these woods very well" he said still looking at the pond. " I just came to see what the commotion was, and I'm also interested in that unicorn over there." He pointed a hoof at cherry but kept his gaze on the pond, Flare just kept silently watching them
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BlueGrass looked at what he is pointed at Cherry Blossom, but he is looking at the pond. "Um.....that unicorn, Cherry Blossom, isn't she too old for you?" BlueGrass thinking he like her a first sight, but she look at his eyes and notice something.

"It's not that, you may not see it but there seems to be that she had two minds in one body, or something along those line. It's the first time I've seen such a thing, and I want to know more, assuming her killer side doesn't come after me." The air around Black Flare started to shimmer as to light himself on fire at a moments notice.
"Oh, I thought you like her cause she....um....never mind....." BlueGrass stopped as she realize that boy can't see, he's blind. "A-Anyway, you said that she have two mind? How would you know?" BlueGrass looked back and see Cherry Blossom. But come to think of it, BlueGrass notices something is offf about her....she did talk to herself....

"To clarify on your thoughts, yes I'm blind and I have to see some how, I use mental links so I can see through the eyes of the Phenoix you see on my back, I can also use this ability to read minds on a short degree"
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Cherry looked down, covering her face even more with her cloak. Oh......

Come on, C, all you have to do is say the word and I'll kill them all for you! Promise!

I....I'm good.... Cherry looked down, randomly scratching a picture of her cutie mark in the dirt. She wished that nopony would notice the sadistic side of her.

....You okay?

Sure. Yeah. I'm great. Cherry looked at the other two, sighing.

Oh, come on, you aren't jealous of those normal ponies! Right?

......Of course not.....

Course you aren't. You've got me. And I'll always be a part of you, for all eternity. To protect you.


@JessBeth @Latios @iSurvivor
"Oh, I see...." BlueGrass look at his pet Phoenix and then look at that young stallion. Read minds? He must be bluffing.....there no was a cute kid can do that....

"You ok over there" The Black Phenoix on his back turned to face Cherry "I'm assuming I'm the first to know your secret, then again you haven't meet someone who can use metal connections. Honestly I think it's kinda cool. I mean I've seen a lot in my trek across equestria and I'm always impressed by somethings new, but I got to hand it to you, and your other side, I'm astonished." A smile came across his usually blank expressionless face. Which soon vanished as he pick up what Bluegrass had thought "And I'm not bluffing, if I couldn't I wouldn't be able to see"
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Cherry let out a squeak; she jumped about a foot in the air.

Nice going.

"U-um...." Cherry muttered, kicking the dirt with her front left hoof. ".....Uh......I'm not a freak!" she shouted before running for it. She kept running until she found the right tree to hide behind.

Somepony knows....somepony knows......ahh......

Heh.....BWAHAHAHAHAHA! You're hilarious, CB!

@Latios @JessBeth @iSurvivor
BlueGrass looked at CherryBlossom as she wander what that stallion said is true. But seeing how Cherry Blossom retract about it, must be true. "Hey, kid, you are scaring her...."

"I never said she was a freak, all I did was complement her. -sigh- Come on, I can track her down, she is still close. Besides I can see why she's upset, I'm the first to know it looks like" Galagus turned and started his way after her as Flare took off into the sky staying just above him.
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