Mission Reports

I was half tempted to try and steer the group into getting captured by the Robotech Masters, then going through a prison break story. But I also hate it when a Storyteller railroads me into a path like that, so I didn't gripe when you guys dived out of the hole in the hull.
That's exactly what @Captain Hesperus said you were trying to do.

But, alas, sometimes the story goes in the direction you did not intend. And really, if the story requires that they get captured, then well, you make it so they get captured. But, if it doesn't then, well... :)
Due to the awesome power of the Storyteller that is about to have is birthday on Friday, everyone gets to level up. I'll be making a new thread with the whole bunch of you back at the city shortly.
Does anyone need assistance in getting their characters leveled up? I know that @Beowulf is new to this, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Well, you are getting alerts now. New thread is up for the posting pleasure of all.
Sorry I've been absent, but I've been on consecutive nights so I've not had chance to post.

Captain Hesperus
I dunno, just not sure what to write yet. I think I'm having more of an issue focusing and I think I need to actually break down and get my eyes checked.
[QUOTE="Mrs Hesperus]I dunno, just not sure what to write yet. I think I'm having more of an issue focusing and I think I need to actually break down and get my eyes checked.

Wait, you have defective eyes? That wasn't in the marriage contract. I need to speak to that wife dealer...

Captain Hesperus
I'm going to figure out how to ding (level up) before posting so my character is deadly for whatever comes next.
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Wait, you have defective eyes? That wasn't in the marriage contract. I need to speak to that wife dealer...
Captain Hesperus

Too late now baby, you signed on the dotted line. And I'm going to make you do it again in England so it's really a pain to leave.
[QUOTE="Mrs Hesperus]That wouldn't freak him out, it would only concern him. It would, however, freak me out.

With me, it would cue the 'keep an eye out' jokes.

Captain Hesperus
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]With me, it would cue the 'keep an eye out' jokes.
Captain Hesperus

this is also very true.
A sad day is coming to my home tomorrow. A kitty that has been in our family for nearly 19 years is going to be put down so he doesn't suffer in his old age anymore. Our old man. Lots of tears are going to be in our eyes, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I'll be crying the most. He's been my boy for longer than my teenage daughter, and I have to say goodbye to him. Keep our home in your prayers.
Sorry for your loss, Sherwood. I remember being broken up when my own cat died, so you have my sympathy.

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