Mission Reports

I was holding out on some player posts.

Just to let everyone know, I have been getting my butt kicked by packing for a move. I will be going off-line sometime late Tuesday or Wednesday, and not getting everything back on the internet until late Thursday or early Friday.

Once I am back with full time net access, I'll nudge the fight forward one way or another.
Thanks. It is a pain stuffing everything into boxes, but it will be so nice to get into the larger house. Nearly double the room from where we are now.
Dude, I feel your pain.

I moved to England to be with Captain in 2011, summer of 2012 we moved from one town to another. Visa expired Jan. 2013 and home I went. June 2013 (the hottest week of the entire summer when it was 111+) we moved. July 2014 we moved again (hottest part of the entire summer). Well, we didn't actually have a place so we were crashing a house our realtor owned. We finally were able to move into our forever home in August of 2014. No moving this summer though, thanks be to god.
Good luck with all that. I have not had to move in 12 years and I have not missed it one bit.

Seeing as Connor looks like is the back-up Scout and medic, "Theo" woo help him out.

I think your are using MECT for +2 to get your +7 to hit, but I believe we have a command vehicle active (unless I am wrong) which should give Connor another +2 for a total of +9 to strike---if I am reading that right. If not just howl me down at the council fire and I'll go back to making wisecracks at the squad's expense.
I get a plus five by default. And because I'm using the main gun I get another two. I say that only because sherwood basically said why I was able to take out a bioroid after I took a shot.
Beowulf said:
I get a plus five by default. And because I'm using the main gun I get another two. I say that only because sherwood basically said why I was able to take out a bioroid after I took a shot.
Correct but having a command vehicle in range, which we all should be in range of if I am not mistaken, gives the following bonuses.

VHT-1S Command Variant

Enhanced sensors in this model of tank provide the following additional bonuses to the squadron:

+1 to initiative, +2 to strike, and +1 to parry and dodge for all members of the squadron within one mile (1.6km). This roll requires a roll on the Sensory Equipment skill at a -10% penalty due to the chaos of combat.

So you should have an additional +2 . Anyway just for future reference.
Just to explain to @Beowulf, the reason you missed is that a natural roll of 1-4 is automatically a miss due to some reason. Only a roll of a 1 is a fumble, and at your level, a natural 20 is a critical hit. Once you hit level 6 you'll get that crit on an 18-20.
I was never a huge fan of Firefly, but from what I've seen of the series and the movie, it was a real shame that it was canceled.
Sherwood said:
I was never a huge fan of Firefly, but from what I've seen of the series and the movie, it was a real shame that it was canceled.
Indeed rare is the show that got half a season that is such a marketing giant nearly 15 years later. I mean there are toys, Firefly Yahtzee, Monopoly, Clue, RPGs, card games, T-shirts, and tons of other merchandise. I doubt Fox has another show it canceled that makes it so much money.
Just a heads up for everyone; I am heading to GenCon this Wednesday, so my posting over the weekend until Monday afternoon may be spotty. I'm bringing my computer with me, so in the evening I can check out the posts after my tabletop games.
I plan to. I'm running several different Robotech games, seeing a concert by the Doubleclicks, and checking out a few new games that I have had my eyes on.

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