Mission Reports

Right- because we used a Tank as a Command Unit back then. He being no longer the commander, he'd likely be in an Ajax instead now... Then again.

I /do/ like Big cannon's. Cramped Corridor's or no, biggg vehicle.. let me check what I have the proper training for.
Because I'm not sure what gun on my Mecha /would/ be most suited to a strafing run without slowing down.

That said- do I roll Intiative /and/ To hit, or just To Hit with a penalty or somethin?
For the Ajax, the main gun on the arms are the best bet for a strafing run. For those interested in participating in some suppressing fire, give me three Strike rolls with no bonuses. This can be done by the rifle of the hover tanks, too.
Just a straight roll. You are shooting wild, not really trying to hit anything, just keeping the enemy from getting a clear shot at you.
The tanks can charge forward also, and if you wish to put down some suppressing fire, give me the same three rolls no bonuses.
Man. If I killed something on a /strafing run/ because of that Crit. Imma laugh.

Then just grin and say Kurugi is just that good. *Nod nod*
Are folks just busy? Been quiet this week. No worries, should that be the case, I know real life comes first. I just want to make sure I am not missing anything?
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You were able to punch your way past the first line of defenders, and I was giving you guys a chance to either follow Zora or choose a different route into the heart of the ship to place your bomb.
With multiple crits rolled from the various mecha firing into the crowd, the few not hit are all diving for cover as the wild men and women of the squad all pushed past them like they aren't even there.
I fully expect that the group will follow Zora, but there is always the possibility that someone will go a different way, so I'm just waiting.

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