Mission Reports

Aww shucks.

And if you can deduce I'm a Christian even though I've not said as much, I must be doing something right...ish. :)

Although, I Am a Celt and sometimes I just gotta say and do nothing else I'll regret it later. :)
[QUOTE="Mrs Hesperus]Aww shucks.
And if you can deduce I'm a Christian even though I've not said as much, I must be doing something right...ish. :)

Although, I Am a Celt and sometimes I just gotta say and do nothing else I'll regret it later. :)

Methinks you have said as much, without outright saying as much, if that makes a weird kind of sense.

[QUOTE="Mrs Hesperus]Then Theo's not been paying attention. :)
And just for the record, I am not brash or hot headed.

Oh, he has been paying attentions but he, like myself, is a wiseass. ( :D )
So. Possible for me to come back on this one? Not sure I can think up a good explanation for a guy like Kurugi to have been absent, and I feel pretty bad about disapearing without a word on this one, to..
I have no objection to having you return, so long as you don't do another vanishing act. Your character is listed as Inactive, not Dead or Deleted, after all. Do you want to take the place of the weapons tech? We can say you were involved in a secret R&D project.
Sure, I suppose- got requested elsewhere, accepted for some reason or another..?

Alternatively, could say I was very, very seriously injured- that my Mech got totalled in the last mission I /was/ there for, and I'm just now back in fighting shape.
The injury line works for me. Even with advanced medical tech, it takes time to heal from a set of broken bones. Kurugi just won't be in command anymore, unless Ryan wants to step aside and let you take over again.
Sherwood said:
The injury line works for me. Even with advanced medical tech, it takes time to heal from a set of broken bones. Kurugi just won't be in command anymore, unless Ryan wants to step aside and let you take over again.
He'd probably have to have a promotion, if he took over, considering the promotions that have been given to some of the squad. Which may be hard to weave in with the injury story line. Since Ryan is O-3 and I assume Kurugi is O-2, Theo (who I assume is O-1) would be fine with letting him take 2nd squad--though it could make for some interesting RP, him being away and all. Of course that would all be up to Ryan, it's his command after all.
I'm all for whatever makes the game run smoothest. I can step down as bossman if people liked Seph better (no offense will be taken), or I can stay as the big dog if people are fond of me ( :P )
@JayTee Don't worry, it's not a matter of favoritism, it's how the game has progressed. Seph was no longer able to play for whatever reason (I'm not prying, Seph!) and as a result you stepped up to fill his boots. Ryan's been in charge a while now, so it would be odd, as well as highly irregular, for him to accept demotion and request his previous CO to take the reins. After all, if Kurugi has been on convalescence, his skills and abilities might well be a bit rusty so he could probably do with taking a back seat as opposed to getting out of his hospital bed and straight into a high-priority mission, vital to the survival of the UEC and the ASC.

Captain Hesperus
Nah, I didn't think it was a matter of favoritism, no worries there. I was just saying I was happy to go along with whatever worked best for the group. =]
Considering I think JayTee has rank on Seph at this point It would be rally strange. I'm cool with things as stated--Theo on the other hand might feel differently( O.o ).
Sherwood said:
We will keep Theo in his position as the XO of the team.
lol as a player I'm game either way--no worries. Theo is slightly unbalanced by the death of his sisters and father at the hands of the Zentradi--he is another story altogether. (@V@)

I suppose I should clarify, I am an old school gamer who would never do anything to destroy party or game cohesion with my RP (I frankly hate that--RP is a cooperative group exercise after all) but I do believe in making things interesting at times--just not so inserting as to distract form what everyone else has going on.
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Just remember this: if you are ever cold, go sit in the corner. Its 90 degrees there. Get it? Its a math joke! Ha!
Blame my daughter; she is the one that showed it to me on her Facebook page.
We're using a mix of Army of the Southern Cross mecha, Spartas hover tanks, Ajax helicopters and Logan fighter jets.

Captain Hesperus
The Ajax was the most current. Though I think the last mecha Kurugi was in was the Spartas tank.

Captain Hesperus

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