Mission Reports

Dannigan said:
I bet. Here's hoping the good Lord gets you two together again soon (and for much longer)...
Amen to that.

Captain Hesperus

...currently in Atlanta
As the great Dr. Emilo Lizardo a.k.a Lord John Whorfin said: Home is where you wear your hat!!!

In his weird 8th dimensional way I think he meant to say,"Home is where the heart is." Or maybe not---that guy was nuts!!!! ( did I seriously date myself with that reference)??

But no matter, point being, I'm sure it will all work out.

Oh and for you being in Atlanta Cap I deeply apologize. ( :P )
Sherwood sez,

Sure. You can overwhelm their signal with your own, giving everyone full use of their comms long range.
Great! What rolls need be made to make that happen?
I'm making a post for you guys right now. With Captain Hesperus being on the move, I went ahead and had him team up with Cody to get a clean signal out, and then I resolved the missile strike. Very messy. Give me a few and it will be up and everyone can respond out of combat time.
Good. It is always fun for me to travel, but I have never been too keen on flying. I am quite happy with my feet on the ground. Its not a bad enough phobia to keep me off of a aircraft, but on every takeoff and landing, I'm a white-knuckled fool.
[QUOTE="Mrs Hesperus]He's landed and should be disembarking soon

Disembark is one of those English words that just sounds like it should be painful.

"Take him to be disembarked!!!"( :o )

"No--not that--I'll talk!!!"( :D )
Its almost as bad as . . . The Spanish Inquisition! Dun dun dunnnn!
On a completely different note, as some of you may already know, I am running another Robotech game currently, set in the time of the REF going off to fight the Invid. This game has been running for almost three years now, and has seen its own fair share of player changes. I am down to a small handful of core players that includes Mrs Hesperus and Captain Hesperus, and Teh Frix will post when we nudge her enough. The game has drifted along, and has diverted from the cannon Robotech storyline a bit, but the engine is sputtering, and we need some new recruits into the ace team that is Hydra Squadron. We don't want this game to die out, and we already know that the players here are in tune with one another. @Dannigan, if @Kaerri is interested in this, she is more than welcome to jump into this, too.
Thank you, but I'm not really into Robotech. ( :) )
Because someone has to post it!


After some serious thought, I must decline. I am involved in just the number of games I can handle; one more will be too much. Thank you very much for thinking of us though, and best of luck! =)
[QUOTE="Mrs Hesperus]That's because no one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

I'd rather the comfy chair!!


On another note school finishes up here in two weeks and I have the summer off from classes so I would nit be adverse to joining another game, as every other game I was in on this site died.
Did you just really put in calm down? Oh my gosh. I should beat you for that one... Calm down. Dang. Now that's going to be in my head when I see him next Wednesday. Calm down, thanks honey. :P
By the way I meant to ask. When Theo got picked as section leader (and forgive me if I missed it) did he get another stripe, a bar, or is this a sort of 'brevet' type thing?
I believe you were promoted up to 2nd lieutenant with all the good works you have done.
Sherwood said:
I believe you were promoted up to 2nd lieutenant with all the good works you have done.
Excellent, I had thought so but could not recall. Been working on an Astronomy final that has turned my brain to mush.
Okay. Wow. Missed all the updates for this one. And I'm working today. Expect a post later today.

If I can figure a way to shoehorn Alex into this somewhere. Looks like he has some serious suck up work to do with Cat.

Captain Hesperus
Yeah, I was missing updates for my Dragons in the West game, too. I got a nudge from @vinom about it. I have been trying to be obsessive enough to check for new posts all the time, but I'm only human.
Mrs. Hesperus, I never thought you were. You work with special kids like me (if I recall correctly), you appear to be a Christian, and there's enough of a beautiful person in you for our good Cap'n to fall in love with 'til death do you part. =)

There are unquestionably parts of us in each of our characters, but it is too far a stretch to think one's character is a clone of oneself. =)

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