Mission Reports

Yes. 99% of the time you can make a quick statement out of turn without using an action. On the rare occasions that you can't I'll make sure to let you know in advance.

I shall have Cody make such a quick statement now. =)

Chimeras say...

I'm going to be honest with you guys. I am very distracted right now and I am having a hard time concentrating on anything. I should have Captain in about 12 hours after not seeing him in 2+ years. You're probably not going to get anything decent out of any of us until tuesday.

  • I am barely able to formulate a thought that doesn't start with SQUEEEEEEkEFQWFFGASDFDFSDFNSDFNDSNFGAFNF;AOFORFNAFSNDakhf;ksndklaSa;klsdn'sdfhaskdjflaksjdfb!!!!!!!!

cause, I be excited yo
I'm happy for the two of you. I know how hard it can be to be apart from the one you love. If you'd like, I'll just have you go defensive to keep you out of the worst of the fight until you are no longer distracted.
Hey, you two - that change of name I'm seeing on the "Queen of Quips" looks really good. =)
@Sherwood From the look of things, Ryan's VHT is moderately beat up, Theo's machine is damage, but MacCloud's Logan and Zora's Ajax are hating life. Is this accurate?
True. They are the most beaten up of the bunch. Cat is in real danger of getting taken out if another solid hit connects to her main body.
But MacCloud has altitude in her favor and this tactic won't work with someone in the air (to my knowledge). Thanks! =)
Just a reminder, your flight suits have MDC level protection. Not that I plan on trying to vaporize a player character, but you have enough armor to survive a few solid hits.

@hellrazoromega is up with Theo.
"HAM." I don't know what that means (I can guess, but I vastly prefer facts over guesswork).
[QUOTE="Mrs Hesperus]Yes, Himself liked it too. Had to, he's the one who approved the name change. :)

Congrats to you both!!!! Many happy returns and may hornets never make a home in your underwear drawer ( :P )<<< sorry I can never resist being silly. But in all earnestness ---best wishes!!!

Dannigan said:
"HAM." I don't know what that means (I can guess, but I vastly prefer facts over guesswork).
I could be wrong but I am assuming he means Hard As a (Scion of Oedipus ---also know as a )Mother----(you get the picture)(} :) ).
Captain Hesperus] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9027-dannigan/ said:
@Dannigan[/URL] HAM = Hard Ass Motherf*cker. In other words, melee will be a thing.
Captain Hesperus
I was close.

Oh BTW I wanted to add that the last part of April and the first week of May are the end of the semester, So I am busier that a one-legged ass(mule) in a man-kicking contest so my responses might be a bit slow fell free to post on my behalf if things bog down too much.
No worries, Hell. Real Life Always Comes First. Knock that work out good and play when you can. =)

EDIT: Cap'n, thanks for explaining. =)
I'll do my best not to kill off any characters in an orgy of destruction. No guarantees, though.

Also, keep watch on the number of actions you are up to. I believe that everyone should have in the area of 7 attacks per round. I'll do my best to help keep tabs on that from my end.
He is still alive . . . for now. If you want him to stay that way, you can react on your next action or hope someone else gets him out.(} :) )
JayTee said:
Heeeeey, nooooooo! I didn't want to kill him, just disable him D:
Hey they decided to go rogue and attack us, we tried to give them a chance to surrender and they passed. You can try to be humanitarian in war, as much as that very difficult task is possible, but the fact is, try as you might, folks will die.

As far a Theo is concerned.



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