Mission Reports

Ouch, Sherwood! Here's hoping your situation improves...
Actually, it just has. I learned that I am no longer on call at work, and I am now getting my set schedule of 3 days a week driving for the car company I work for. Finally! I get to save up some money for GenCon this July/August and get some swag of new books!
Sweet! I'm telling you man, prayer works! =)
@Captain Hesperus Hey, Cap? Sorry to point this out, but it looks like Alex rolled a d20 for a percentile roll for the ECM pod (d100)? =)

@Sherwood I've got some questions, please:

1. Are the VHTs firing particle beams or 105mm shells at us?

2. We are rolling Initiative and therefore have not acted. This means we are not adding any bonuses until after Alex's turn, right? Wish we could have gotten the pod up before combat started...

3. What is the approximate distance between us and Eagle Eye?

4. Given Cody's specialization in radio skills, can this jamming be countered, overwhelmed, etc.? Given that there are no radio towers around that we know of, what should be the approximate range of this field presuming a VHT is the source?
Hey, she's warned them and they ignored the warnings. Plus, she didn't shoot at them. She shot at the ground 100 yards in front of them. Purposefully Not at them.

Plus she's a Scot so, you know- glory into battle!

And she's Irish so ya know- what the hell, let's spin the wheel of fate
Dannigan said:
@Captain Hesperus Hey, Cap? Sorry to point this out, but it looks like Alex rolled a d20 for a percentile roll for the ECM pod (d100)? =)
@Sherwood I've got some questions, please:

1. Are the VHTs firing particle beams or 105mm shells at us?

2. We are rolling Initiative and therefore have not acted. This means we are not adding any bonuses until after Alex's turn, right? Wish we could have gotten the pod up before combat started...

3. What is the approximate distance between us and Eagle Eye?

4. Given Cody's specialization in radio skills, can this jamming be countered, overwhelmed, etc.? Given that there are no radio towers around that we know of, what should be the approximate range of this field presuming a VHT is the source?
1. The tanks are firing particle beams at Cat. Only Keith has the older model tank in action at this time.

2. Alex did kick on the EW pod before the combat started, so you get the bonus from it on initiative.

3. Eagle Eye is a AWACS aircraft about 150 miles out. They have the range on their radar to pick up the various players in the fight, but the comm line to them is being jammed by the tanks of Wyldcat squad.

4. There are a couple of ways you can get a signal out. Using the Laser Communication skill, it will take an action to line up the laser onto a target that is in LOS to you. Right now, that will only be the AWACS. Second option is to coordinate a counter signal to offset the jamming. The more units you get to add to your signal, the longer range you can transmit out to. Using the EW pod to help will also sizably boost the range you can radio out to.
So, Sherwood, after Alex forces her to go see a Medic (which she'd do anyway) is the medic going to tell her that she and the baby are doing just fine cause, dang, those virtual dice is mean.
Lol You just rolled a little off for your dodge and parry, that's all. It happens to everyone sometimes. As for the baby, we'll have to see about that.
On your next action, you'll have staticy communications with the AWACS, about one word in three will be understood, or you can use an extra action to laser target them and get a clean message out. Either way, they will be able to understand that you are in trouble and may send a couple of their escort fighters out to investigate while turning the full force of their electronic eye on you.
Beautiful. =) I'll lend my dice to Cody's laser skills on his turn then. =)
Alexander Mayhew, by the books to the end.

Captain Hesperus

A quick note to all, Alex may be slightly adrift with posts as I am currently in transit from the UK to North America. Normal service will resume within 48 hours.

Captain Hesperus
Coming across the pond, are you? Fly safe and have a terrific trip! =)
HellRazorOmega sez,

"We have to find a way to revive these guys because I an setting aside all next week to killing them over and over again."
Theo just cracks me up! =)

Hey, Sherwood? Re: Eagle Eye transmission. Did all of the Spartans catch that or do I have to wait until Cody's next turn to warn everyone to turn on their IFFs? Also, Cody in no way wants the Wyldcats to know what's coming.
You can use a free action to warn the others that an air strike and possible artillery mission is on the way, but so far, everyone of the Spartans are following proper procedure and are using their IFF transponders to keep friendly fire from occurring in the melee with friendlies and enemy tanks intermixed the way that they are right now.
Free action as in Cody can tell them even though his turn is over?

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