Mission Reports

hellrazoromega said:
Hey they decided to go rogue and attack us, we tried to give them a chance to surrender and they passed. You can try to be humanitarian in war, as much as that very difficult task is possible, but the fact is, try as you might, folks will die.
Naw, it's less a humanitarian thing and more of a "we're so much better than you that we can take you all down while holding back." kinda thing. If they die, then eh, no big loss. Digs is disabled so he'll be getting in to a lot of trouble soon, and that's my main goal.

Holy shit those are some bad rolls.
Sherwood, I swear I'm not picking on you when I quote this (because Lord knows I goof too). I hope you find this just as funny as I do (you know that's how it's meant). =)

Sherwood sez,

Shadow decides to fire Ryan.
Shadow (all Donald Trump style):

Ryan: What the hell?!

Alex: Shadow is not in our chain of command.

Theo: I guess I'm top Spartan now.

Ryan: I can't believe he fired me! I was just promoted!

Cat: Shadow can

Alex: Shadow is not in our chain of command.

Cody: Dudes and ladies. If we blow Shadow's ass away, does that mean we can hire Ryan back?

Keith: Hey, if we hire Ryan back, we can make him a private! Then Zora will have someone she outranks!

Zora: Yeah!

*Angus and Hamish bark and wag their tails in complete acceptance of the idea.*

Vanessa: And then we can make him wash and wax our mechs while we take a real vacation!

Ryan: I get

at all around here!
Alex: Shadow is... *sigh* So if he gets into trouble, will we be

Honor and fun,

Dann =)
Sherwood sez,

Final attack of the round.
To clarify, do you mean Ryan's final attack of the round? Cody chose Kickboxing and has 9 attacks per round in an AJAX unit. Alex chose Kickboxing too.

Cody. Number of Attacks: 9 (Hand to Hand: Martial Arts +3, Kickboxing +2, Boxing +1, MECT +3).
I had made the assumption that everyone had topped off at 8 attacks. My mistake. Obviously, if you have more than the 8 I had guessed, you get to continue to act.
Okies! Thank you. =)

Honor and fun,

Dannigan-with-a-migraine-because-the-darned-but-loveable-cat-kept-him-awake-for-too-much-of-the-night. =)
Yes. Parrying does not use up an action; its free to use.

Anyone that has an action left, please feel free to post. All the NPCs have run out of actions, leaving the few PCs with more than 8 per round left over.

On a completely different note, I have signed up to run four games at GenCon this year, and earlier today I got the confirmation of my GM'ing schedule from Palladium. I have two games of the REF going into a Robotech Factory, a Southern Cross game where a Factory exits foldspace in lunar orbit during the Second Robotech War, and the last game is a Southern Cross rescue of a downed AWACs aircraft in the Zentraedi Control Zone. I am looking forward to GenCon so much this year! Woo hoo! Only 93 more days left!
All right! I hope you have a blast, Sherwood! Take pictures and may the dice treat everyone well! =)
The dice giveth, and the dice taketh away. I can only kneel before their awesome power and let it guide me. But, yeah, I expect to have a great time!
I feel the same way sometimes!

Good roll: All right! The Force is with us!

Bad roll: Dice, why you wanna do me like dat?
Don't forget you have some actions left over still. Before the incoming missiles hit, I want to make sure that everyone has had their full round of attacks.
Sherwood sez,

Who has more than 8 actions? I know that @Dannigan does with Cody, but I'm not sure about anyone else.
Alex does (if my math is right, both he and Cody have 9 now?).

And here's a question: Is the Liberty Belle out of harm's way from the Chimera attack?
Yes. Even with the blast radius, you are clear of the threatened area.
O.K. Cody will try to finally clear up the radio mess then. Given his communications specialty, what are his options, please?
Radio jamming is fading away as more of the renegade units are disabled; they just don't have the same power that they used to. Right now, standard radio is about 70% functional. If you need to send a signal out in the clear, it will take an action to tweak your transmission to the best effect.
Can Cody kill or counter the jamming outright?

Here's an even better idea: Since Alex and Cody's mechs are in the clear (along with everyone aboard them), how about if the two of us comm techs team up with that EW Pod and attempt to tackle the problem with our last action? Can Cap'n and I try that?
Sure. You can overwhelm their signal with your own, giving everyone full use of their comms long range.
Good morning! What should we roll to make that happen?

@Captain Hesperus Are you up to trying this out for Alex and Cody's 9th actions?
My Captain is flying back home so he probably won't be able to respond too much. And I'd like to say, I hate not having him around. :(
I bet. Here's hoping the good Lord gets you two together again soon (and for much longer)...

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