Mission Reports

Thanks. Its never easy to say goodbye to a cherished family pet, especially one that has been in the family for so very long.
I feel you. I balled like a baby when my first dog was put down. And I'm probably going to cry again when my cat and new dog, and rabbit, and guinea pig, and parakeet, have to be put down. And, hopefully, this will cheer you up. Hopefully this cheers you up a little.


We have a few options available to us now, depending on what you want to do. if you would like, we can go onto a Invid invasion scenario after a time jump. Or, the story can move onto a sentinels game with the REF. Third option is to pull some craziness out of the Rifts and see what comes from that. What do you want to do?
That would depend on what path you take. It would be shorter for a REF transition than the Invid Invasion one, and if I pull in the Rifts stuff, I could have that ready to go in a few "months" of game time. I just don't want to force you into a direction that you won't enjoy.
Ok.I'll come up with some good stuff to send your way once I'm home from work. Even with my new tablet, posing is easier with the computer keyboard.

Btw, need any assistance leveling up? I am here to serve.
Each level you add 1d6 to your hit points, increase your skill percentages by the number listed next to the main number, and you get to add a new skill that will start at level one proficiency. Just remember to add your iq bonus to it if it has a percentile to it. Finally, your combat skill goes up. The spoiler tab for HtH martial arts has your bonus listed by level for you.
Ok, we are on the move to Mars after having a few months of light duty. Don't forget to finish leveling your characters up. With your xp given out, Connor is now 4th level, so you get to add three new skills, 3d6 to your hit points, and up your skill percentages three times. Everyone else is at 6th level, so you get one skill and 1d6 of hit points.
Anyone going to post about your trip to Mars, or should I nudge the story forward some?
Sorry, I just got a long term sub assignment to teach Psych and Econ.

According to the Great State of California, I am perfectly competent to teach both Psych and Econ. Apparently all you need to do is pass a test to prove you can do it. I don't actually know what I'm doing. So, Monday morning, I need to lecture aaaaand... I've not a friggin clue what I'm going to do. :)
Sherwood said:
Good luck to ya!
Thanks, I might need it. :)

If, however, I am needed for anything and I don't get around to it, Himself can just do it for me. That's what husbands are for, right? :)
lol True. Just ask my wife about how I help to keep her going strong. I'm not complaining; I wouldn't do it all if I i didn't love her.
Yep, I'd much rather go through life with him, that's for sure. Life is lonely without having someone you know will always be there to have your back, to call you on it when you've done wrong, to praise you when you've done well, and to support you when you feel as if there's nothing good about yourself.

It's great knowing that when my mother, father, sister are vexing me to no end, I can just text him and complain. He knows my family, he knows their goodness and their... well, he knows how trying they can be. And that makes it better.
[QUOTE="Mrs Hesperus]Yep, I'd much rather go through life with him, that's for sure. Life is lonely without having someone you know will always be there to have your back, to call you on it when you've done wrong, to praise you when you've done well, and to support you when you feel as if there's nothing good about yourself.
It's great knowing that when my mother, father, sister are vexing me to no end, I can just text him and complain. He knows my family, he knows their goodness and their... well, he knows how trying they can be. And that makes it better.

Sounds like a great guy. I wonder when you're going to introduce him to us...

Captain Hesperus
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Sounds like a great guy. I wonder when you're going to introduce him to us...
Captain Hesperus

Actually, you already know him I think. He's one of the admins on this site.
I have been approached by another player looking to sign up with us in our game. @MsPolite has been chatting with me in pm's about this. This is still in the early stages, so we haven't yet set a character idea up yet.
Looks like she is going to be making up a combat medic. @MsPolite, feel free to post here and say hello to the masses. Once you guys get into the wreckage and look around to see that you want some backup, she is going to be one of the responders to join you. So, get to posting! <hint hint>
oh ok.. Hi everyone! im looking forward to playing with yall and hope youll be able to make use of my characters skills!

/runs around with pants on head

/runs into a wall

/falls to the floor

/lies on floor, giggling hysterically

Captain Hesperus

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