Mission Reports

They are spaced out enough that you will be able to hit only one of them.
Thanks for the well wishes. The poor little guy has the bones in his legs growing incorrectly so the have to go in a do some major work on one and then after six months to heal he has to go through it all again on the other leg.( :( )
Yeah, but maybe he'll have good legs for the rest of his life. That's something most of the rest of us take for granted, I think. =)
Good deal.

Here is a cool song that I dedicate to ehmygirl, our lady of the group.


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The scene is coming to a close. Is there anything that you guys want to do before I wrap it up?
Um, I don't know what you have planned, but I was hoping to search this bioroid-infested area heavily to see what in the heck it is that they're so hot about taking. I am ready to go over the wreckages of the bioroids and the dropship with a fine-toothed comb for any kinds of clues.
Good deal. I was wondering if anyone was going to nibble on that bone that I tossed out for you.
Oh trust me, I noticed, I was just waiting for the combats to be over so we could investigate, lol
Nibble, you say? *stares at the bone and then...* OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM! =)
Yeah, fight is over. You guys didn't have much to worry about from a few Blues after you wiped out the pilots to the Reds before they had a chance to get back into their Bioroids. We're out of combat time, so feel free to post.
Ok. Just give me some posts to that effect, and we can play CSI for a while. ( ;) )
Dannigan sez, "Cody walks over to the evidence an- OM NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM!" =)

True story: When I was born, my mother prayed for "happy and healthy." She said nothing about normal! =)
Is there ever a time when she is not pissed off? Just kidding! No need to get upset. (^.^)

She does get pretty hot under the collar a lot. Of course she's just irritated that her holiday was cut short, and now some idiots are trying to tell them what to do- after the fighting is all over. So, she's going to do her own thing, hell, she's still on leave, dammit!

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