Mission Reports

Just so I'm clear, Danella Bronson was the woman who had a bunch of clones made of her and were piloting the red Bioroids, correct?
Correct. This is the one clone you guys captured a little while ago.
If you look in the Characters thread, there is a bunch of NPCs there, too.
@hellrazoromega Sir, I have to tell you, I laughed out loud when I read this:

hellrazoromega sez,

Sweet Buddha and Vishnu in a hammock I think the brass is trying to get us killed!!!
In all my days, I have never imagined Buddha and Vishnu in a hammock together and the image just cracks me up! Well written! =)
The crazy thing is, I took the idea of having a Bioroid pilot join your team straight from the Robotech cartoon. Zor was a Red Bioroid pilot before getting captured by the 15th ATAC squad and he spent the rest of the show a loyal member of the team.
So, this is Zor's sister or something? I don't know how bioroid names work (or if they do).
Naw, not his sister. I just used the name Zora because it was easy to remember.
Sherwood said:
The crazy thing is, I took the idea of having a Bioroid pilot join your team straight from the Robotech cartoon. Zor was a Red Bioroid pilot before getting captured by the 15th ATAC squad and he spent the rest of the show a loyal member of the team.
Yes, I Zor what you did there...

Captain Hesperus
Well, I've had a few years to get used to the idea. And he used honey badgers to druggy Diet Coke when I first knew him. So I'm kinda stuck on him now. In fact I've grown quite fond of him and I find that i hate being patted from him b
Ever do this to your players?

I'm running one DnD game in real life, and am in the planning stages with the PCs to run another one here. I always like to assume that we'll make it to level 20, at which point it wouldn't be unreasonable.

Good luck with that level 20 goal. I'm in a bi-weekly Pathfinder game that just started out at level one, and we got our asses kicked by a bunch of orc barbarians. If the ST wasn't in a good mood, it would have been a TPK situation.
Thanks, I'm starting them off at level 3 (because that's when the cool class abilities activate in 5e), and using an custom XP system (not accelerated, just different and less insane), so hopefully it'll happen.
I start almost every campaign I have run for the last twenty years with words--"You all die----but first!!!" (In jest of course) :)

sadly in most every version of D&D/Pathfinder characters level 1- 3 or 4 tend to be a joke unless you do some very liight stuff they are way easy to wipe even if you aren't a killer GM and don't intend to TPK. A string of bad rolls on the players part, or great ones by the DM, and things go south fast if you don't fudge some dice or use some GM fiat. Once you hit 5th a few bad rolls hurt but they won't get the whole party killed, if you are a "leave the dice as they lay GM" it's always best to start the players out at a higher level, IMO. Unless the lower levels are just going to be RP of the characters getting to know each other and not rushing out to kill things right away. I have had a few fun games where levels 1-3 was just in town adventures--tavern hopping and getting into character, maybe killing some rats or a goblin in the basement and then a rapid advancement to level 3--sort of the video game 'tutorial' model. I tend to use an organic, free from system for 5e and tell my players when they level up, since I award "XP" for clever ideas, RP, and a host of other things that D&D tends to ignore.

In nearly 35 years of D&D and it's successors I can only recall one campaign that ran from 1 to 20+. I have had a couple make it from starting at 5-10 or so that made it to 20. Most seem to unravel and have a wildly varied levels of xp awards--some DMs way underplay xp so it takes forever to level and other hand the stuff out like candy.
5E is actually pretty good about low level stuff, although the game assumes you'll be starting at around level 3-5 (going from level 1 to 2 is only 300 xp) I'm actually playing in a voice chat game every saturday, and I just hit level 4 with my wizard and am having a blast.
For the upcoming battle, you will be operating nearby the cruiser, so you'll get the C3 bonuses from the ship. That gives you:

+1 Attack per melee round,

+2 to Initiative,

+2 to Strike,

and +3 to Dodge

Plus, @JayTee, you can use one of your attacks to call in a fire support mission from the Admiral Lewis up to three times, and they will use their main gun batteries to engage targets that you laser designate. The way that works is, you'll make the call for a bombardment, then roll a 20 sided for a strike roll as you designate your target(s). Use all your bonuses on that roll.

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