Mission Reports

Sherwood sez,

Good luck with that level 20 goal. I'm in a bi-weekly Pathfinder game that just started out at level one, and we got our asses kicked by a bunch of orc barbarians. If the ST wasn't in a good mood, it would have been a TPK situation.
TPK? Total Party Kill?
Yup. i think our ST overestimated the threat level we could handle.

Anyone have any posts to get in before the fight? If so, you'd best be quick.
Hey, Sherwood! I didn't have Cody go for the EW pod this time around as I wasn't certain that the bonuses from the pod and the C3 would stack. Plus, this seems like a mission where the extra firepower could come in handy. Time for some action! =)
You got it, and you are correct in the thought that they do not stack with one another. The bonuses from the C3 systems of the ship are superior, giving an additional attack per round for you in addition to the other bonuses.

@Dannigan, don't forget to add in your initiative roll to a post.
@Sherwood What the heck? I rolled an 18. Where did it go?

O.K. I found it in the dice roller, and it is in my post (I see it when I click the Edit button). [dice]4809[/dice] I just can't see it on the post I made. The dice code is under the closing tab...

Fixed it! Hooray!
Wow. That is crazy! Someone actually made a song about narwhals. =)
and a major cell phone carrier has now used it to sell their phones on tv. That is where I learned about that song.
Did you guys hear that Lennord Nemoy of Star Trek fame has died? How sad!
Welcome back, Hell. Sorry to hear you were sick but happy you're back. =)
I just learned that my wife's sister has passed away earlier today. We don't have any details yet, but depending on what is going on, I may be a little less frequent in my posting for the next few days.
Sherwood said:
I just learned that my wife's sister has passed away earlier today. We don't have any details yet, but depending on what is going on, I may be a little less frequent in my posting for the next few days.
I am sorry to here that. Do what you need to, that is obviously far more important than anything that could go on here.
Right now, its a case of 'hurry up and wait'. The police are on the scene, and we are trying to call everyone, but right now, my wife is over at her sister's place with her dad and brother as the police do their investigation. It was probably a heart attack (her sister was a lot overweight), but with as young as she was, there will probably be an autopsy.
Son of a gun. Sherwood, I'm sorry to hear that, bud. If there is anything I can do (even just listen), you let me know. God be with you and yours.

Honor and love,

I'm sorry to hear that, Sherwood. Please take all the time you need.

Captain Hesperus
I'm doing ok, but my wife is very upset. Its too soon for a cause of death, but I suspect heart trouble. Her sister was very heavy, and had an enlarged heart to begin with.

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