Mission Reports

Thanks for the support, guys. I'm planning on fast-forwarding the fight with the handful of Bioroids; its not like they have much chance to take you out.
@hellrazoromega, I think you missed my post saying that you were able to take out the responding Bioroids. You now have the option of making tracks home, or investigating the activity of the Robotech Masters by the Monument.
I can't help but ask: What target options does Cody have here, please?
Multiple blues on the ground, and the dropship itself. There are a few clones on foot that were lucky enough to be out of the blast radius of the Canister and Plasma rounds, but using the 105mm on them would be a major case of overkill.
If we focused fire on the dropship engines, is it realistic to say we might stop it from taking off or is it clear that this thing has too much M.D.C.?
Lets toss out some numbers that you would be aware of by now. The Main Body of the dropship is in the 1000 to 1200 point range, and there are two rear thrusters. It can fly on just one, but at a reduced speed of around mach .5 in an atmosphere; standard atmospheric speed is 980mph or about mach 1.3. If both thrusters are taken down, it will either be grounded or crash if already in flight. The last target that you may consider engaging is the Command Bubble on top of the ship. It has about 250-300 points, give or take a few. It has a chance of killing the entire flight crew, and if so, it can't fly without some external control.

The rear thusters are in the 120-150 point range. Forgot to add that.
Fliers target the command bubble, tanks target one of the thrusters. At least one group will succeed.
I occasionally have the same problem. Thats why I give these friendly bumps.
Standard load for the old tanks is to have 9 of each kind of round except for the smoke ones. Those you have 3 at full load. So far, I believe that you have fired 3 MPAT rounds. I will confirm this shortly.

I checked; you are also down one HEAT and one Canister.
Should you not here from me for 24 hours or more feel free to post for Theo, my best friends 10 year old son is going in for a major surgery on Monday--so with that on top of everything else that a regular day throws out I my be indisposed. Just toss me a tag t let me know if you do :)
As a fellow parent, if you care for your kids the way you are supposed to, the world revolves around the care of your children. Everything else is secondary, and having a good friend there to support a parent taking care of a sick child can be priceless. We'll be here for you when you get back.
Yeah, a buddy's kid going into surgery trumps a game on the internet. Especially if that buddy is going to need a buddy to just be there.
Prayers sent your way for you and yours, HellRazorOmega! Here's to a happy recovery from surgery for the kiddo. =)

@Sherwood Are the green bioroids clustered or flying separately? I'd like to send a round after them, but that will decide which.

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