Mission Reports

I'm enjoying myself too. =)

Re: Vanessa's botch. I know that she rolled 100 and the darned emitter is probably just fine. However, Cody doesn't know that, so for the sake of good role-playing, I will continue to walk Cody down this road.
In positive news, Lt. Myer has the Weapon Armorer skill, so we can get those Logans fitted up while the techies play with the radio.

Captain Hesperus
And I don't know if I'm going down the wrong path here, but I strongly suspect Cat of planning to take one of the horses for a distraction ride despite what she's been told.
Now that Cat has been successfully distracted in her plan to go riding off, who is getting into a hover tank, and who is taking a Logan? Also, for the Logans, what missile loads do you take?
Hm. I was missing my updates on this forum. I'll have a post up in a bit; perhaps the morning.


Dannigan said:
Is there a command VHT or two available?
No command tank is available, just the older basic model.
We should be grateful that Louis is a Major, not a Doctor....

Sorry, I'm in a funny mood today.

Captain Hesperus
Ha ha, JayTee! =)

@Sherwood who sez,

The Logans are each loaded with a four pack of short range missiles;
What type of warheads are the missiles carrying, please?
Also, are these "old-style" VHTs the type with or without the reinforced pilot's compartment?

I hope we don't need them, but it may come up... =)
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The missiles are all four High Explosive (Medium) doing 2d6x10 MDC out to a 15 ft radius, range of 5 miles.

These tanks are the older ones without the armored compartment. With all the armor of your shields and main body, you shouldn't need it.

Someday, I'll come up with a good fumble chart for the mecha, just for times like this. He pulls the trigger and CLICK, nothing happens!
I was expecting something to the effect of "Your gun exploded, taking the tank and yo with it. you die horribly"
If I were an evil person, I might just say such a thing. Good for you that I just had you lose your attack and that particular bullet.

But next time, who knows? Mwuhahaha!

Besides, I have plans for you in the future, facing off against the Invid Invasion of Earth. I can't have you die off yet!
I'm feeling a little down today; I'll be back on my feet probably by tomorrow and I'll have a update post for you guys. Just not feeling it right now, and I don't want to do a half-assed job in the game.
No worries, Sherwood. Keep your head up - after the storm, the sun will come out again! *hugs* =)
That's okay, Sherwood, take your time. Better you come to us with a clear mind than one in turmoil, I know how you feel at times.

Captain Hesperus

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