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Just so you all know, we are aware of the spamming and are dealing with it. Thanks for the many reports... ;)

Captain Hesperus
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Just so you all know, we are aware of the spamming and are dealing with it. Thanks for the many reports... ;)
Captain Hesperus

"What...it wasn't me...that man was dead when I got there...."
I just got back from a nine hour Hobbit movie marathon. I hadn't seen the first two of the trio yet, and this was quite the experience. If go to see the series expecting the book to be recreated verbatim, you will be irritated with the changes. Going there hoping for a visually stunning series of movies that have a good story and you will be rewarded.

Expect an update soon.
Yeah I think I agree with the one review saw. I don't think I have any spoilers but just in case.

As a lead in to the LotR movies and as a eye-candy fest it success, as a faithful recreation of the Hobbit it fails. I was irked by some of the stuff I did not think need to be there, I would have much rather have seen the elves (Legolas and the female elf whose name escapes me) and if they needed a female perspective I would have been all behind a kick-arse female dwarf. I said that when the announced the female elf 4 years back and nothing I saw in the films changed my mine--nice touch but unnecessary. The elves got their due with Legolas in the LotR, where Gimli tend to be more comedy relief, this was the Dwarves chance to shine and while they did to a degree I would have like to have seen more. Seem like the standrd Hollywood bias towards beautiful people (who better than Elves) being leads and those that don't fit Hollywood standards being heavies of buffoons (Read Dwarves--save the couple of lead Dwarves who look more like short humans than Dwarves). Not bad and I never expected the book to be verbatim but many of the departures (and in 9 hours there are a lot considering the size of the Hobbit comapred to the time devastated to each LotR book in film) were a bit much IMO. I'll enjoy them for what they are but I'll still lament, more so than most other films, what they could have been.
That said I think he could have done it in two and agree with the cartoon below. Due to the disputes with the Tolkien estate they needed to milk this for all it was worth since at this point they won't be able to adapt any of his other stuff.

That's it exactly, as movies, they were really good, no question. If you want faithfulness to the books... then why are you watching a Peter Jackson movie?
ehmygirl said:
That's it exactly, as movies, they were really good, no question. If you want faithfulness to the books... then why are you watching a Peter Jackson movie?
Yep it's sort of like some other films based on books--some of them are good, but they are not very faithful to the book. I enjoys Jackson's stuff on their own merits, but not without a few complaints even as eye-candy I would have liked to have seen a few things different. But as stunning high fantasy they are hard to beat. Shame they won't be able to do some of the older First Age stuff, The armies of Morgoth would have been amazing to see. Imagine Bunches of Dragons, Giant Spiders and Balrogs!!!

I do enjoy the old animated ones though---what the heck is LotR with out the songs.


When we were walking back to the car last night, a kid asked the exact same question. Her sibling (or was it her dad who) answered, they can't have all the songs, it'd take too long.
ehmygirl said:
When we were walking back to the car last night, a kid asked the exact same question. Her sibling (or was it her dad who) answered, they can't have all the songs, it'd take too long.
Lol that is a funny reply for a 3 hour movie--where they 90 minutes I'd buy it (then again they got them all in the cartoon and they were far shorter than the films). But IMO they could have cut on some of the extra stuff that was not in the book and fit in the song with room to spare. I mean some of the extra stuff was cool, other parts nit so much for me. Of course they didn't because. A) The LotR movies did not have songs--other than a couple in the extended ed. if I recall. B) Musicals aren't anywhere near as popular as they once were.

Anyway--just wishful thinking. They are what they are. I'm more interested now that they are done, what major fantasy series we see onscreen next. I know of several in the works, but I wonder which will see the light of day first.
Hey @Dannigan. Haven't seen you post in a bit. Are you getting the alerts, or are you just busy with Real Life?
Kalisah bint sinan al-jilani was the bitch reporter who harassed Shepard in the Mass Effect games. ( :P )
Ah. No wonder I didn't get it; I've never played Mass Effect.
Shame, they're pretty good games, although the ending could have used more thought to it. If you get a chance, I recommend them.
JayTee said:
Shame, they're pretty good games, although the ending could have used more thought to it. If you get a chance, I recommend them.
To say the least. The games were so awesome the ending was a real let down. Other than that some of the best cinematic style RPG's, if not the best, I have ever played. As opposed to sandbox style of games Bethesda tends to do--which are my overall favs.

Hands down some of the best RPG characters and interactions in video gaming.
From what I recall, the lead writer for Mass Effect basically went nuts, hated the fact that EA owned the thing he had spent over a decade working on, and then tried to trash it to try and hurt EA.

This is all pure speculation, but it would make sense if true. Still a great game series other than that.
JayTee said:
From what I recall, the lead writer for Mass Effect basically went nuts, hated the fact that EA owned the thing he had spent over a decade working on, and then tried to trash it to try and hurt EA.
This is all pure speculation, but it would make sense if true. Still a great game series other than that.
It does make sense. And it makes that ending all the more painful, the story was so amazing that the ending stuck out like like a NFL team taking the field for a 3rd down conversion in pink tutus. If not for that ending I would have voted it the best story for an RPG trilogy ever. I'm a lot bigger on endings that most people, for all that zen stuff about the journey being as or more important than the destination, I am all about the ending. The ending is the pay off, it is what we are there for. Think of it this way, when was the last time you were reading a good book and stopped before the last chapter and said, "This book is awesome---I'm done." Or have you ever walked out of a movie that you thought was spectacular 20 minutes before the end and said,"Well the journey was good I don't need to see the end." I doubt almost anyone ever has.

Bad beginnings or middle acts can be overcome, bad endings will be talked about for a very long time afterward. It stung me so bad that where I played ME 1 & 2 all the way through about 12-15 times each, I played ME3 once.

That said I think anyone who loves a good story should play through the whole series at least once because the overall story and characters are amazing.
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Just to give everyone a heads up, next week I'll be offline from late Wednesday night to late Saturday night as I take my family to Utah to visit relatives for the holidays.

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