Mission Reports

No, apparently I am not getting updates, lame. Give me a bit to read and catch up, then I'll post a reply when I can.
Ok. I was worried that I had lost another officer to combat, and would have to promote someone else up.

Hey @Dannigan, are you still with us?
I will be. I hope to post tomorrow.

And thanks everyone, for the understanding, care, and the love. It means a lot. =)

Honor and fun,

Dann =)
Here is a repost of the bonuses given by the EW Pod:

After making a Sensory Systems roll at a -10% due to the stress of combat and trying to multi-task, as long as you are within 100 miles of the pod you get +2 to Initiative, +2 to Strike, and +2 to Dodge. The bonuses will last the entire melee round so long as whomever has the pod attached makes their skill roll. If the person using the EW pod uses their first attack to operate the EW pod and does NOT attack, you can make your skill roll without the -10% to your roll.

Also, if the person has the Electronic Countermeasures skill, if you make your roll on that the bad guys get a minus to their Strike, Dodge, and Initiative as long as they are within ONE mile. It doesn't have enough power to go farther out, but with the upcoming fight, you will be at point-blank range and that won't be a problem. It also has the same -10% to your roll for trying to multi-task UNLESS you use your first action totally dedicated to the EW functions of the pod. I will be nice and not make you use an attack for each; one will handle both functions of the pod successfully.
Its ok. I will forgive you - this time. If it happens again, I won't be held responsible for the consequences! Mwuhahaha!

Seriously, its ok. :wink:
@Captain Hesperus Cap'n sez,

Firing a salvo of 5 plasma mini-missiles at one of the sles (-2 called shot). P.S. are we getting EW enchancement?
In my understanding of Palladium Robotech rules (and Sherwood, please correct me if these are not the cases), missiles cannot attempt called shots (for missiles always strike the main body of a target). However, the sled is likely its own target (not being attached to the bioroid, but a vehicle with its own main body M.D.C.), so I don't think there should be a -2 strike for the shot.

Also, I added the EW pod's +2 strike bonus to Cody's most recent missile salvo (as Sherwood announced sometime back that, instead of the flat +3 to Strike from our missiles, our Strike bonuses stack - since this is so, I did not see a reason why the EW pod would be excluded).

Lastly (and I swear I'm not trying to make a mess of things, but saying this in all fairness), I don't believe everyone added their +2 Initiative bonus from the EW Pod to their Initiative rolls.

Is all this correct, @Sherwood?
According to the Palladium rules, you cannot make an aimed shot with a missile. They are not accurate enough. However, I have come up with a house rule that I thought I had mentioned here, but I may not have. I will allow an aimed shot with a single missile. What you do is, use your targeting laser to designate your target, then launch off the one missile. It takes up a total of two attacks to pull this off; one to aim and one to fire.

ehmygirl said:
shooting at
I will make my next post accordingly. Thank you.
I don't remember that house rule mentioned, but that doesn't mean you didn't mention it! Hah!

Also... for those who celebrate Thanksgiving, Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!

Happy dead birdie day. I hope that all of you are enjoying your day.
With the holidays, posting will be hit and miss for some people.
No worries. Just a reminder to the hover tank pilots; you only get three shots with the main gun a round. Make sure you state if you are using it or the smaller weapons on your mecha. @hellrazoromega, you are being targeted by some bad guys. Declare your defense (dodge or parry) and make your roll.
Hell, I figured that was the issue. Hope your holidays were fun!

On another note, when Sherwood wrote this...

Blue Bioroids 6-10 skirmish run forward and they take cover behind the edge of buildings and a couple of SUVs.
...I could not help but think, "In the buildings, you see a couple of SUV-owners. They are weeping." Hee hee. =)
"My insurance rates are going up! Noooo!"

BTW, I just got my copy of Robotech RPG Tactics in the mail a couple of days ago, and I have been in an frenzy of building the pieces for the game ever since. Very detailed pieces. I look forward to collecting them all.
If you are starting a 2ed Robotech game, you will need the Shadow Chronicles core book. It has all the skills and things you need to run a REF game or a barebones one on Earth with the Invid Invasion. Then there are the books for Macross, the Southern Cross, the little book for the Invid Invasion (almost a waste of money, but that's my opinion), and the Genesis Pits book that has the write-ups for the Inorganics. There is an upcoming book for the Shadow Chronicles game that was supposed to be ready for GenCon in August, but while Palladium Books puts out good stuff, it is frequently behind schedule. It is now due out in January and is supposed to have a bunch of new, never before seen mecha including the Super Alpha and Super Beta fighters and several new OCCs. I'm running a REF game every other week here at home, and I'm hoping to get the book before I advance the game too far.

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