Mission Reports

Ryan might not be 1st Lieutenant yet. There are three ranks of Lieutenant from 3rd to 1st and 3rd is the one after Top Sergeant.

Captain Hesperus
Ah, true, I'll need to hunt down exactly what his rank is and add it to his sheet. I forgot to do that last time.
Ryan is a second Lieutenant, and Diggs is a first lieutenant
Oh, when Mayhew hears about this, he'll be pulling this guy's file and boning up on every sordid secret from his past...

Captain Hesperus
Sherwood said:
One thing that I like about the Pathfinder and DnD systems is the ability to increase your stats every 4 levels. I am offering the chance to do the same here, giving everyone 2 points of stat increases at each 4th level. In the Palladium system, all you can normally increase is your physical stats with the purchase of skills. This way, it lets you boost your mental stats as you see fit.
Any objections? If this is accepted by all, you would get the first two points right away for 4th level, and your next increase would happen at 8th.
Sounds good put mine in M.E.
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I'm getting ready to post the next thread. If there is any business you wish to address, feel free to continue to jump into the old one and post.
For Cody's 6th level skill, I'd like to choose MECT: Spartas VHT. What bonuses does that provide him, please?

I still owe him a 5th level skill, and I just realized that for 4th level, I gave him a skill he already has (First Aid). D'oh!

So... for 4th level I'd like to select Radio: Advanced and for 5th level, Radio: Expert.

As for his 2 ability points (generous of you!), I'll throw them into his I.Q..
Ok, with the IQ boost, don't forget that once you get over 16, every point gives you an additional +1% to all your skills.

The MECT for the VHT gives you the combat bonuses for the hover tank listed on the bottom of the vehicle sheet I posted. Here is a reprint:

Bonuses from Mecha Combat Training in the VHT: +1 attack per melee round at levels 1, 3, 6, 10, and 14, +2 on initiative, +2 to strike with cannon and long-range weapons, +3 to strike (applies to punches and kicks), +4 to parry, +3 to dodge, +3 to disarm, +4 to pull punch, and +3 to roll with impact. The pilot’s own number of hand to hand attacks and bonuses (if any) are combined with these when piloting the mecha.
Thanks! I was mistakenly looking for that under Skills. As for the IQ boost, I've added that in on his character sheet.

Hey, Sherwood? Does the base model VHT add in special bonuses of its own like the VFH-10A? Or is that only on the Command version (with a successful Read Sensory Instruments roll)?

Special Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +2 to auto-dodge while flying (the act of dodging does not use up a melee attack), +1 to roll with punch. These bonuses are in addition to those granted by MECT skill.

I just realized I have been short-changing Cody this entire time by not adding his Boxing bonuses. Fixed! =)
You get those extra bonuses only when someone in the squadron has a command tank.

And the new thread is up.
I've added a thread in the characters folder with pics of some of the NPCs on base. I don't know about you guys, but I like to try to put a photo to a name. Helps me to set the personality of the character.
Let me ask it a different way: Does the base model VHT have any special bonuses (like the VFH-10A)?
The base one has the bonuses listed on the bottom of the VHT's sheet. Then there are the added bonuses for the command tank.
O.K. Thanks! That helps me understand the tanks a bit better. =)
Things have been a little slow lately. Anyone have an objection to me giving the game a nudge and moving forward? Unless Ryan has some more questions for Benson, I can have him return to the barracks and get the party back together.

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