Mission Reports

@hellrazoromega Thanks for all of the likes!

I'm really enjoying this interaction too. We've got some good roleplayers in this group of ours. In my experience, good roleplayers = good characters = good story = good times. =)
Dannigan said:
@hellrazoromega Thanks for all of the likes!
I'm really enjoying this interaction too. We've got some good roleplayers in this group of ours. In my experience, good roleplayers = good characters = good story = good times. =)
Sure thing--good stuff.
I am enjoying this game, too. I just try my best to come up with a good story, and let the players go where they will.
@Dannigan Didya perhaps wanna get MECT Spartas?, It was one of the first I got, and allowed me access to the VHT Command tank. Alternately there's Computer Hacking, Radio - Scramblers, Signal Codes, Cryptography, Computer Networks, Veritech Mechanics?

Captain Hesperus
Well, Cody is, like a man when it comes to interpreting a woman's reaction.

He's right about some things, and wrong about others. And what he was right about, he was only partially right.

Oh, this is what makes male/female interactions so much fun.
@Captain Hesperus I was thinking about MECT Spartas - There may be a time when the AJAX and Logans won't be the best fit, and the Spartas Command Tank is spectacular. =)

Concerning the other skills, Cody has Radio: Scramblers (and ECM), but some of the others like hacking require prerequisites that Cody doesn't have (Computer Hacking, Computer Networks, and Veritech Mechanics, specifically). As for the code-related skills, how do you think that would help in the fight against the Robotech Masters?
Well now that the RMs have human collaborators, they will possibly start looking for ways to intercept or disrupt comms traffic. Using codes would reduce their chances of getting any good intel. And on the other hand, the humans over the other side do not have psychic comms {unless there's some science jiggerypokery going on) so they will need to use standard comms to pass their own intelligence and they will have to understand that we'll be looking out for and working to intercept their signals. They might use codes themselves.

Captain Hesperus
That's the way it is. Male a female perspectives are so different. Just think that for all the troubles it would save us how boring the world would be if we all thought alike.
I gotta say that I do enjoy the posting here. I'm trying to give you more to do than just roll dice in a fight scene. Any complaints? Comments? Things you'd like to see more of that I'm missing out on? I am open to all feedback.

I've also been looking around online for some good pics of Monument City and the burial site of the SDF-1, SDF-2 and Khyron's warship, but nothing looks good to me.

I have a brief blurb up about Monument City in the Settings tab.
Sherwood said:
I gotta say that I do enjoy the posting here. I'm trying to give you more to do than just roll dice in a fight scene. Any complaints? Comments? Things you'd like to see more of that I'm missing out on? I am open to all feedback.
I've also been looking around online for some good pics of Monument City and the burial site of the SDF-1, SDF-2 and Khyron's warship, but nothing looks good to me.

I have a brief blurb up about Monument City in the Settings tab.
Well I am busier than a one legged ass in a man kicking contest with school right now, so my posts may have slowed down a bit but I enjoy the heck out of this game.
@Sherwood Cody's current idea is, as always, up to the O.K. (or the not-O.K.) of the Storyteller. For me, I want him to focus himself on something good and something outside himself. If the idea works, great! If not, what did we lose? Either road leads to a little victory for Cody.

Sherwood sez,

I gotta say that I do enjoy the posting here. I'm trying to give you more to do than just roll dice in a fight scene. Any complaints? Comments? Things you'd like to see more of that I'm missing out on? I am open to all feedback.
Storyteller Feedback. You wants it? You gots it! (You know me; if you want my honest opinion, just ask - I enjoy providing constructive criticism with the aim of helping the person requesting it, be they writer, gamer, whatever - and you can't get anywhere unless it's honest. At least, I can't. =) ).

Complaints? No. Downside? Kind of. The closest thing to a downside I see is the combat (and it's the Palladium system, not the Storyteller). While well-worded and efficiently-managed, I wish there were a way we could spice it up just a notch. Hmm. Different scenarios? I'm having fun in our typical firefights, but more fun in the not-so-typical scenarios (like Brazilia, when the bioroids reached the city and attacked the humans - that was good!) or the fight onboard the Robotech Master ship when we're taking out power cores with bombs while outside of our mecha (very exciting!). In our more typical firefights, there does seem to be a bit of "rolling dice in a fight scene." I like the addition of chaff/flares, the ECM pod (neat!), and of course, the VHT Command Tank (also neat!).

I enjoy this RP! We have characters that are as deep as we want them to be. We have a romance situation with no end in sight (and I'm not talking about Hamish and Angus falling in love with the steak dinner - oh, wait, the steak dinner isn't for them?), interesting NPCs (that maybe we don't see enough of?), and different places to play in on a regular basis. We really have been all over the place in the Robotech sense of the term without going overboard. Sherwood, you've always had a love of Robotech, and I think this game is where your Storyteller skills shine the most. I'm glad you're still gaming after all these years, but I am really glad you are still RPing Robotech. =)

Things you'd like to see more of that I'm missing out on?
Hmm. Missing out on? You've pretty much hit all of the marks I would expect to see in a Robotech game (and without going weirdo as I've seen other, usually lesser-experienced, GMs do. I.e. "Oooh! Maybe they're bored! I'll throw in some Aliens vs. Predator so I can be cool!" Dear Lord, no, please... Not in a Robotech game...). =)

We've got purpose (free Earth, fight Robotech Masters and evil Zentraedi), we've got unity ("Molon labe, you sons of bitches..."), we've got direction (keep doing what our superiors tell us, and in the military, that is your job, I say), good characters, great players, and the opportunity to better both as we see fit. Those are terrific ingredients in any RPG.

So... I don't think we're missing anything. We even have an arch-enemy now.

Did you have other questions?
Thanks for the feedback. As for what will be done with Cody's tinkering, we'll have to see what comes of that as we play. Most of what you've posted doesn't exist in the game, but they make sense in a real world military setting that there would be development on some of that stuff. It will take some time for you to do some research to make a few test objects, and depending on how well they work, they may even be implemented into the rest of the army. Just remember that it won't happen overnight.
That's fine. I didn't expect it to happen overnight, if it happened at all. Sometimes making the journey is more important than reaching the destination. =)
You know now that @Dannigan mentions it some action outside of our mecha might be a welcome change. So to add my ideas to what he said. I know we all have abilities for missions or action outside out mecha so it might be interesting to bring those into play. some kind of mission where we have to break into "instillation X"( Some place that the Master or mirconized Zentradi are using hidden away somewhere just for the reason that it would restrict access by mecha) and hack into some computers or liberate or disable some piece of tech (or a captured general, or operative, or whatever), that would allow all kinds of things to be going one other than just direct combat and might thereby spice things up some. Not that I haven't liked things so far but variety being the spice of life and all that.
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I know from previous experience Sherwood can provide action outside mecha, just as much as in them. Just don't ask me about 'experiments' or Invid.

Captain Hesperus
The desire for out-of-mecha action is one reason why I'm not pushing to get through the scene that we are in right now. I'm trying to get more depth to the game than just having you act as a bunch of throttle jockeys. Thanks for the feedback.
Sherwood said:
The desire for out-of-mecha action is one reason why I'm not pushing to get through the scene that we are in right now. I'm trying to get more depth to the game than just having you act as a bunch of throttle jockeys. Thanks for the feedback.
I'm all for that, and not that every aspect of the game has not been fun so far but the character interaction is so good that if that were to increase some and the combat were to decrease a bit you'd get no argument from me.
Alex right now:


oh god why?

Captain Hesperus
For a stuck-up jerk like him, I'd have expected better spelling...

Captain Hesperus
And that is the perfect reaction to an idiot. :) Which is also why Catherine would have responded poorly. Well, she might have laughed in his face, depending on her mood.
One thing that I like about the Pathfinder and DnD systems is the ability to increase your stats every 4 levels. I am offering the chance to do the same here, giving everyone 2 points of stat increases at each 4th level. In the Palladium system, all you can normally increase is your physical stats with the purchase of skills. This way, it lets you boost your mental stats as you see fit.

Any objections? If this is accepted by all, you would get the first two points right away for 4th level, and your next increase would happen at 8th.

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