Mission Reports

Don't forget that a natural 18-20 now counts as a critical strike and double damage for most all of you except for Dannigan. You'll get that soon enough as you hit sixth level after this fight. 
Well now. Why don't you tell us how you really feel, Alex? Don't hold back. lol
The following is not a complaint against our die roller. I am only venting!

*forehead slap* Another one on the die?! I don't think I have
ever rolled more ones in any game I have ever been a player in! My gosh!

Cody's in my head yelling, "What the fuck, over?!" =)

Thanks for letting me vent. I feel better. Game on!
Another quick reminder for the upcoming battle. Everyone has a set of four chaff and flares to spoof incoming missiles. If you are targeted by a salvo, you can trigger off a chaff/flare without it taking an action, and it will give you a 75% chance to confuse the swarm and they will miss. If the missiles will hit, then you can try counter fire with either a beam weapon or missiles of your own.
Dannigan rolled 1 die of 20 faces, total: 1+13 = 14

For: Twin ion blasts

Ha ha ha ha! =) Is there anything else Cody can do that doesn't involve weapons fire or initiative?
A new thread is up, along with some data on your new best friend Major Bronson in the older thread. There is a three month time jump from the time of the mutiny and the transfer back to Earth, so feel free to post in either thread until things get moving along.
Yep, Cap & I have to figure out what's been going on between the two of them during that time. Would be easier if I were home with him so we could discuss it but, alas, I am not. :(
I haven't noticed it. Having posted in "On the Move," I have somehow completely missed the existence of our new "Back to Earth" thread (now on its second page...).

*sigh* Sorry about that, folks.
S'ok, Dann. I was not ignoring the big fight, I was just letting the players make their own drama and sitting back and enjoying the roleplaying.
Right now, Alex is in a real daze. In his mind, he was congratulating Cat for getting through the deposition without being tripped up, bamboozled or invalidated by the defence attorneys. In response to that Cat was, well, Cat was Cat, exploding everywhere with no good reason. She stole his datapad and warned that if he followed her she 'would not be responsible for her actions', i.e. datapad go splat! Advice, support, headslaps, all welcomed.

Captain Hesperus
Keith is the only NPC that is going to be able to try to patch up the bizarre rift between Alex and Cat, since Vanessa is busy getting ready to paint the town red.
Ryan is tacitly ignoring it on the grounds that fraternization is technically forbidden within the ranks, but it's not a regulation that anyone enforces so long as personal drama doesn't interfere with your duty.

He's also currently cackling to himself at Theo's predicament, while also pretending not to notice it.

He's very good at playing dumb, those days.
Fraternization is, to my understanding, describing a relationship between enlisted and officers. Officer to officer or NCO to NCO is allowed.
Ah. O.K., folks. I see what I did. I did see our current thread and posted in its beginning, but I posted it in our old thread. Then I stopped getting updates for our current thread. That appears to be fixed.

And speaking of fixes, I'll repost Cody's intended post into our current thread. 
@Captain Hesperus As for the whole Cat/Alex situation, as a player, my only advice is to have Alex act how he would react. Be true to the character. However, Cap, you're an excellent roleplayer and you already seem to know these things. Now, Cody's advice for Alex (if Alex is asking for it), is completely different.

What kind of advice are you asking for, bud?
Alex is totally flummoxed. He doesn't understand emotions (he is actually higher-functioning autistic), social cues or body language all that well. Thus much of what he says or does pretty much seems to outright insult or infuriate others around him, especially Cat with whom he's gotten a love/hate relationship going. Right now, he is conflicted because he doesn't know what he's done wrong to send Cat into a proper Irish tizzy and he also doesn't want to lose his datapad and the files on it, though he's concerned about what she means in her threat.

Captain Hesperus
Yeah. I totally understand Alex's situation (your writing and story for Alex have provided that wonderfully).

What I mean to ask is, what do you want? This isn't the first time (or the last) that Alex has been spun around by Cat (or vice versa - they kind of do that to each other). However, this is, I think, the first time I've seen Alex totally flummoxed by it and that's unusual.

As a player, do you want someone to help Alex? If that's the case, Cody's up for it. Or are you asking for something else and I'm missing it?
Alex is developing feelings for Cat, not that he can express that to her, or indeed to himself. He cares deeply about her, this much is evident by his actions of late, but he's been justifying that to himself as being for the best interests of those around Cat, himself included. The court martial has been a time when he's been primarily focussed on Cat's well-being, after all, she was the only one to be going through the meat grinder on the witness stand. But yet, he has not acknowledged that he likes her or that she like him and her liking him is spurring her to do nice things. I think Alex needs someone to put that all into context for him.

Captain Hesperus
Thank you. I will have Cody approach. =) 
And with that, I'm off for work and I'll check in here later tonight. Have fun today, Cap (and everybody)! 
Back from work. =)

For some reason not quite known to me (beside it being a love song), I cannot help but get this song in my head when I think of this talk Alex and Cody are having about Alex and Cat.


So, yeah. Incoming brainstorm here. Any ideas, folks? =)
Cody has two skills to choose (one from 5th level, one now from 6th). He's looking to use them to further enhance his effectiveness against Earth's enemies. What two skills would you recommend he take?

So far, he's got:

1. The Liberty Belle with her twin ion blasters, nose laser, missiles, etc.

2. The ECM pod which seems to buff us while nerfing the baddies when in use.

2. His skills as a Comm Specialist. He can interfere with an enemy's communication and guidance systems (hence the "comm bomb" attack).

But what else? Maybe there is a way to completely nullify an enemy's communications? Even to the point of screwing up their missile guidance systems? This sounds like it could be accomplished not by skill though, but by new technology. Cody is also a Mecha Mechanic who can build and modify mecha. Huh.

Are there skills Cody could choose that would allow him to get the ECM pod to self-activate, so he can fully focus on piloting and shooting? Or how about this? What skills could Cody get that would link the Spartan's information together so they could act off of each other's intel at a moment's notice? You know, like, link their mecha's computers so that they are talking.

I'm not looking to further boost our in-game bonuses (like Initiative, Strike, Parry, etc.), because those are super-enough already (I think it would be kind of overkill if I created a new mini-missile that acted as a homing beacon for all other friendly missiles, etc.). I'm just looking to do something else like the "comm bomb." You know, use skills and strategy to help out the Spartans as a whole.

Engineer Donnelly from Mass Effect 2 put it wonderfully concerning the evil Collectors in that game: "We're off to kick the Collectors right in their daddy-bags." Cody is looking for a new way to do the same. =)

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