Well... maybe I've seen too many articles on PTSD soldiers killing themselves recently but I'm not really in the mood to watch one of Cody's teammates (any of them) go through PTSD. Just last week, we had a fellow LotRO player that one of our kinmates was very close to - he blew himself away with his service pistol. I didn't know the guy; I just hate seeing it happen. Chris Kyle (author of American Sniper and American Gun) comes to mind.
Plus... and I just realized this... I'm likely feeling the effects of having lost a former co-worker of mine today. He got into a vehicle accident and didn't make it. Probably a medical issue, but really, God knows. That's probably affecting my anti-PTSD mood here. Sorry.
Mind you, I'm not about to stop anyone else's fun. If you guys want to go through with it, then please do! That's what we're here for. I just don't think I'll get Cody too involved in it right now. Maybe later? Cody's "reminding me" about his own PTSD after the incident at Tabasco Hill in Brazil (in Cody's background). His very first scene with the Spartans where he meets Hamish and Angus is a direct result of his own PTSD. Whatever you decide, I'll try to join in as best I can.
On a related subject, I do really like this kind of gritty version of Robotech we've been playing - it's heavier than the anime without losing any of the terrific feeling of zooming around and fighting alien bad guys. Being in space is pretty cool too. Plus, I love the character interaction among the Spartans. We rock! Going after the Nameless soldiers who want to stop fighting the Robotech Masters sounds fun, but I'm really having the best time when we're in the action inside our mechs!
Plus... and I just realized this... I'm likely feeling the effects of having lost a former co-worker of mine today. He got into a vehicle accident and didn't make it. Probably a medical issue, but really, God knows. That's probably affecting my anti-PTSD mood here. Sorry.
Mind you, I'm not about to stop anyone else's fun. If you guys want to go through with it, then please do! That's what we're here for. I just don't think I'll get Cody too involved in it right now. Maybe later? Cody's "reminding me" about his own PTSD after the incident at Tabasco Hill in Brazil (in Cody's background). His very first scene with the Spartans where he meets Hamish and Angus is a direct result of his own PTSD. Whatever you decide, I'll try to join in as best I can.
On a related subject, I do really like this kind of gritty version of Robotech we've been playing - it's heavier than the anime without losing any of the terrific feeling of zooming around and fighting alien bad guys. Being in space is pretty cool too. Plus, I love the character interaction among the Spartans. We rock! Going after the Nameless soldiers who want to stop fighting the Robotech Masters sounds fun, but I'm really having the best time when we're in the action inside our mechs!