Mission Reports

Well... maybe I've seen too many articles on PTSD soldiers killing themselves recently but I'm not really in the mood to watch one of Cody's teammates (any of them) go through PTSD. Just last week, we had a fellow LotRO player that one of our kinmates was very close to - he blew himself away with his service pistol. I didn't know the guy; I just hate seeing it happen. Chris Kyle (author of American Sniper and American Gun) comes to mind.

Plus... and I just realized this... I'm likely feeling the effects of having lost a former co-worker of mine today. He got into a vehicle accident and didn't make it. Probably a medical issue, but really, God knows. That's probably affecting my anti-PTSD mood here. Sorry.

Mind you, I'm not about to stop anyone else's fun. If you guys want to go through with it, then please do! That's what we're here for. I just don't think I'll get Cody too involved in it right now. Maybe later? Cody's "reminding me" about his own PTSD after the incident at Tabasco Hill in Brazil (in Cody's background). His very first scene with the Spartans where he meets Hamish and Angus is a direct result of his own PTSD. Whatever you decide, I'll try to join in as best I can.

On a related subject, I do really like this kind of gritty version of Robotech we've been playing - it's heavier than the anime without losing any of the terrific feeling of zooming around and fighting alien bad guys. Being in space is pretty cool too. Plus, I love the character interaction among the Spartans. We rock! Going after the Nameless soldiers who want to stop fighting the Robotech Masters sounds fun, but I'm really having the best time when we're in the action inside our mechs!
I think that for her it's more of a matter that she's suppressing everything. There's a really good chance that her family is dead and she refuses to admit that, to see it. She's got no evidence. And then bad things have happened and she's just not dealing with it, just not allowing the emotions to affect her as they need to. She needs to feel, she is a creature of emotion and she is only harming herself by refusing to deal with her emotions.

Once she lets it out, really lets it out and comes to grips with the reality that her family is probably gone, she'll be okay. But she hasn't allowed herself to really deal with everything. Her world exploded and she didn't have time to mourn. She went back home, rescued what animals she could, brought them to safety, enlisted, trained, then went into battle. She went into space, saw half the fleet explode, and went into more fighting. If she were being emotionally honest, I don't think she'd be having these problems.

And she's not being emotionally honest because I've been kinda afk for a major fight.
Welp, I am definitely not getting notifications for No Rest for the Weary, despite it being on my Watched List...

Could someone clear up a question concerning the scene between Mayhew and MacCloud? Unless I misread it, I thought Mayhew gave Cat the datapad and left, Cat ran him down and confronted him, and then the next "shift" in the scene I read is Mayhew replying to Vanessa. Uh. So, did the whole Mayhew/Cat thing happen in front of everyone then? Or did they "take it around the corner" so to speak and return together?
This happens from time to time. We were in a hallway but sometimes someone either forgets or doesn't clue in and they write that someone was where they weren't just a second ago. Instead if being a dick about it, we just play along.
Yeah, as in:

/Cat glanced over the data pad Alexander had dropped into her lap. Her eyes scanned the lines and then they bulged and her expression went hard. Everyone stared as Cat suddenly vaulted out of her chair, going from looking exhausted after her run to furious. She raced to the door, ricocheting off the doorframe in her urgency, and disappeared down the hallway in pursuit of the GMP Sergeant. They all looked from one to another mutually wondering what the deal was and, as a group, set off in her wake, eager to watch what was coming.'

Long story short, you're all a bunch of voyeurs....

Captain Hesperus
Ha ha! You caught us! And what can we say? We're laying bets concerning Cat and Alex here! Do I hear 50? 50 it is! How about 75? =)
Rolled 73 on Cody's 75%. Talk about close! =)
That'll do it. Everyone gets the bonuses for the round. Lets get those initiative rolls going.
Thanks for the initiative reminder, Sherwood! I'd forgotten the EW pod added a +2 already (it's like it's late and I'm tired or something... Nah!) =)
Did anyone else notice that in the main thread, all the fliers scored high on their initiative rolls while the three VHTs are at the lower end of the list? Interesting.
It's 'cos we were stuck in shuttles with the Gro-Pos, honest...

Captain Hesperus
I made a mistake putting in the attack rolls, they were meant to be two separate attacks against the two bioroids that rolled highest.
You can't make more than one attack like that; it is one at a time. You can use your next action once the tick order comes around to you again.
You know... one of these rolls, I will remember we have a +2 to Strike, Dodge, and Initiative. Well, I'm not being fair to myself; I did remember the bonus to Strike. =)

EDIT: So, yeah, that dodge of Cody's is a 25 total, not 23. Sorry!
No worries Dann. I got ya.

BTW, @ehmygirl, I was checking on your sheet to see what kind of sidearm you have issued to your character. What pistol are you packing, and what kind of rifle would be stored in your Logan? In the Equipment tab there is a whole list of ASC weapons to choose from.
Also, a quick reminder to all that have hit their 6th level. You now have a critical strike on a natural 18-20. I will do my best to look out for that, but I am only human and any help you can give to keep that in mind will be appreciated.
Oops, sorry! I thought there was somewhere I'd not posted recently...

Captain Hesperus

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