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Fantasy Miss Ravenwood's Gifted Acadmey

"Yes please, and I expect you to be back around 10 minutes or 15? I'll go announce that they have 5 minutes before you will start checking." Head mistress grabs her portable com. "Students, you have only a matter of time before the curfew chime is let. There will be staff checking hallways. Thank you."
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(tomorrow i guess xD He cant talk to anyone but Cadence right now)

*Pawool took the plate gently* "thank you......Cadence"

*Noctis nodded then noticed a bigger student steal anothers food. He walked over there and with a gesture of his hand, all his swords showed, aiming at the student who stole* "give it back....thats an order"

Leah approached the woman she had learned was the headmistress through her mind treading and stood in front of her "Could you tell me where my dorm is please ?"
Lucian Targery

Lucian nodded and waited for her to finish the comm message before turning around. He suddenly stopped as he saw another student pull out his blades. He walked forward immediately,stepping in the middle of them.

"May I ask what the problem is here?"

"No problem, stranger. What is your ability? May I ask..." Cadence checks her watch, she had few more minutes until she would meet with Vincent. Hopefully she wont get caught sneaking around after curfew.
*Noctis looked at him* "this kid stole Teach"

*Pawool looked at his wrapped up hands* "unwrapped......earth shakes.....everything crashes to ground.....everyone could die...." *he gave her a sad look* "parents threw away my body.....locked in room......asleep" *he bent town and ate with his mouth cause he couldnt use his hands*
Cadence looked up at him with sad eyes. "What... You can't have freedom to use your hands? If the ribbons are untied, you will destroy the world?" She bowed her head, "I am sorry to hear that." She had an urge to comfort him, but her heart sank, she can't comfort any of the people she meets. "We are almost the same. The struggles, not the abilities.. I mean."
"All right. Mr...Noctis." He searched his mind for the name of the student. "Pulling your powers on another student is strictly forbidden. Now...you."

He turned to the student who had stolen food and spoke in a cold tone,his voice completely devoided of emotion.

Mr.Branch. Give it back,and this is not a request. It's an order."

The bigger boy immediately handed the food over and ran away with a scared expression.

Now everyone please retract their powers. I'm not in the mood to deal with this."

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Head mistress grinned, "A speciality. I'll only read them if the students enter my mind and went through my memories, dear." She walks upstairs from a hallway. "We are almost to the dorms."
Ragna stumbles into his room and falls onto his bed without bothering to check if he had a new roommate yet.

He was exhausted,his magic was linked to his physical conditioning,so while it helped that he was in great shape it doesn't negate the fact that he just spent hours using it.

"If your gonna be dumb you gotta be tough I guess" he chuckles,partly at his joke,partly at his own lack of forethought.

"Seemed like a good idea at the time" he mutters as he slips into a deep sleep

(Tag me when curfew is over)
Cadence nods in understanding. "Well, stranger, I can't get in trouble but I hope to see you again sometime. Nice meeting you!" She waved and went off into the hallway right before the chime bell rang. "Shit! And I still have to see Vincent and quickly eat dinner, run down stairs and then go to my dorm, without any faculty finding me..." She breathed a sigh and hurried up the steps to the lab to see Vincent at the lunch area. @kaito9049 "Sorry, had to make deliveries.."
Head mistress made it to the dormitory. "If i were you, I'd get some sleep, curfew has started. It will end at 6am, an hour before classes begins." She looked at Leah. "My dear girl, it is bad to read people's thought, abuse their emotions or read their memories, but very little I will allow you to do. There is a privacy deal here with the law of the town and all." The head mistress blabbered on how unfair they were to the gifted school and how other school for humans are treated greater.
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Leah raised her eyebrows before nodding at entering the dorm "Yes ma'am" She then took a quick glance around the room before picking a bed and throwing her suitcase onto it. "Can't wait for classes"
Cadence spots Vincent asleep at the lab lunch area, she grabbed her jacket and put it over him, careful not to touch him. Tomorrow was her birthday, the only day that she cannot harm anyone by touching them. Her hair would be blonde, which she hated, but, it was relaxing to comfort people and touch someone by handshakes, etc. Cadence smiled at the thought but then frowned on how the day tomorrow will quickly fade away. @kaito9049
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Head mistress smiled at Leah. "Have a nice stay, Leah. You'll like it here. I'll give you an extra thirty minutes in the morning for you to unpack, for now, go to sleep."

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