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Fandom Minecraft: Humanity's Save Haven


Junior Member
"The four of you have been given an important task. I know you will not take this lightly, hence why you four were handpicked myself. There are dangers that lay just on the other side of this portal but I trust that you will work together to survive and create a safe haven for us. You will save humanity. But heed my next words carefully: Do NOT, under any circumstances, relight this portal until you have built and secured a safe haven for us to return to. Do you understand?" Prince Rei finished his goodbye speech and each of the four scouts nodded and answered him with a definitive yes.

They turned around to face the dark portal and awaited the relighting. They each took a slow, deep breath to calm their nerves. They glanced at one another one last time before Prince Rei ignited the portal. A flash of purple blinded them for a moment and a swirling, popping sound echoed against the nether around them. It was the only sound, aside from lava nearby, that their ears could latch onto. Their friends and family were well behind them in the safety of the fortress. No one knew where this portal was except the prince himself and his close group of guards.

"Humanity rests in your hands," Prince Rei gave them a parting statement as he stepped away from the portal. One by one, the four scouts stepped into the portal.

Megilagor Megilagor PEARL1E PEARL1E NyxieRina NyxieRina
The first one to step into the portal, was onyx. They winced, not expecting a blinding purple light. As the world around them swirled, they felt sick, and might throw up, If it continued for much longer.

But as soon as the light and swirling came, it stopped. And Onyx opened their eyes.

They stepped out slowly, flinching as they came out. It was a hell of a lot cooler than it was in the nether...As they looked around, Onyx noted the new things around them:
1- The sky here was a pastel blue, a lot nicer to the eye than the deep red the surrounded the nether.
2 - The ground was covered with green, with small patches of bright colors here and there. The trees were a better color, as well.
3- The air wasn't smokey at all, just....Clean, nothing else.

Onyx sighed deeply.

"This is...Very different."

NyxieRina NyxieRina Megilagor Megilagor MoonMidnight MoonMidnight

Gilly simply nodded to the prince after checking if he had everything he had with himself.
Then he took a big step into the portal, and after a bit of nauseous time, he came out the other end of it.
As his eyes adjusted to the new light levels his eyes widened in surprise.

He could see the shoreline of this place from where he stood, after taking a good glance around a cold breeze hit him making him shiver a bit after all he was accustomed to the blazing heat of the nether.
"Good and bad news people. The good news is we have trees, the bad news is we might be on an island, and I don't see any more in the distance other than some rocks sticking out of the seabed, or the occasional ice sheet. Even better news we have a river so we have some drinking water, bad news again seeing that this mountain is covered in what my pops called snow means the nights will be really cold here."

Gilly's words were right on the money as some would say. The island wasn't that big at least compared to humanity's stronghold in the nether, albeit they have way more workable surface here. The portal resided on one of the mountainsides halfway up to its top within a small cave. From the sound of it, two waterfalls resided on either side of this cave, somewhat below it was a small forest of oak and birch trees, while on top of the mountain resided spruce trees.

At least Gilly now knew he had a lot of work ahead of him, and he had the materials to make do with the work that needed to be done.
But where do we settle down, and when will the rest of the group come out of the portal?

So as to not be idle, Gilly made a small hole in the ground with his tools and put a piece of netherrack in and lit it aflame hoping that its magical ability to stay aflame at all cost will remain even here. It was his try to battle off the cold off a bit and to potentially create a signal beacon so when they do venture out into the other parts of the island they will be able to find their way back.

Then he waited for the rest of the team and repeated to them what he knew and saw before asking a simple question.
"So shall we start this off?"

PEARL1E PEARL1E MoonMidnight MoonMidnight NyxieRina NyxieRina
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Ash waited and watched as each member of her team stepped through the portal. She gave one final, longing glance at her old friend. Prince Rei gave an encouraging nod and, with another deep breath, she followed her team.

Nausea overcame her and when she fell over her hands landed painfully on smooth stone. A cold breeze cut through her body as the sun blinded her. She laid in a ball as her body adjusted to everything. The air was clear and it hurt her chest as it rid her lungs of the nether’s ash. The only thing that was familiar to her was the feeling of something hot on her skin.

After a few minutes, her mind and body finally adjusted to her environment. She sat back on her haunches and looked around. She saw a medium sized island sitting below her. Bright contrasting colors were everywhere. Her eyes couldn’t sit still as they tried to consume every new color.

She was shocked to see water and trees everywhere. Those were the two main sources that were always hard to come by and yet here they were sitting and waiting. A loud shatter made her jump. She turned around to see the last few purple particles of the portal fade away. Their gateway had been sealed. Suddenly the cold grew too cold and she pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders.

β€œI can’t believe we’re here,” Ash said as she approached Gilly’s warm fire.

NyxieRina NyxieRina
Emeril was the last to enter the portal. They didn't intend for it to be that way, but perhaps it was best with how they were psyching themselves up. Stepping into the portal, the fought of the nausea that crept up on them as they entered a new world.

And what a world it was. Emeril gasped in wonder as they took in the world in front of them. It was so blue and green, colors so rarely seen in the nether that it was foreign to them. A cool fresh breeze tickled and chilled them underneath their armor. They barely paid attention to the portal as it shattered shut behind them. Instead they began laughing with joy and excitement. This was the place they will bring humanity to. It was beautiful.

The familiar glow of warmth (though much weaker than what they were used to) brought them back to the present as Gilly set up a little campfire for them to sit around in. They never understood the use of it in the stories before, but it was finally making sense to them now. Emeril sat by the campfire, guesturing to Ash and Onyx to join them as they listened to the builders assesment of the area.

"That is concerning, we'll need all the space we can get for the others here." Emeril hummed thoughtfully. "But I think we should see what this island has to offer. Lets start it off."

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Onyx shivered slightly, scuttling slowly towards the familiar warmth of fire, joining their companions near the familiar warmth of the campfire. Onyx sat down and sighed before speaking:

"Lets start this of, then." Onyx agreed. "The first order of business, we need to see what's exactly here. Identifying what may be a threat and what may be helpful, will be very important. There's most likely boundaries to this island aswell, so we'll need to find those, and go from there." They explained. "We know nothing about this place other than it's cold, the air is fresh, and everything is colored differently."

Megilagor Megilagor
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"Well then. I figure going down the mountain would be our best choice. We will be lower and farther away from the snow, so it should be a bit hotter, also it's flatter and some trees are there so I can chop them down and make us a temporary shelter. On the other hand, some of you can explore the place more, maybe try finding some food sources, some animals, and perhaps even a cave since we will have to go out mining sooner or later. But for now, we should prioritize the shelter since looking at the sun we only have half a day left." Said Gilly as he finished warming up around the fire.
Then he walked towards the edge of the cave further away from his team, he glanced to one side and then to another before finding a small water stream going all the way down the mountain.
Gilly then turned around towards his teammates and said while saluting to them.
"The last one down the mountain is a zombie piglin."
And as he finished saying those words Gilly put down his saluting hand and jumped towards the water stream to flow down it towards the flat area below the mountain.
The water wasn't as cold as he first thought, it was actually a bit hotter than the air in the cave, but that wasn't on his mind right now as much as he began inspecting the land as he came closer towards it while floating upon the stream of water he was now in.

He saw something moving in the water and between the trees, so he knew that at least something other than them lived on this island, he at least hoped they weren't hostile.

PEARL1E PEARL1E MoonMidnight MoonMidnight NyxieRina NyxieRina
It took Ash a moment to process everything Gilly had said. She was surprised that he had been the one to be so quick on their feet. She expected that mostly from Onyx. Regardless, she knew it was the right thing to move quickly. They have no idea how long daylight lasts and from the popular tales they heard when they were kids, nighttime was not a good thing.

Ash followed everyone else as they made their way down the mountain. She went her own way as she went down the checklist of all the food scavenging she had been told. She grabbed lots of seeds and even found a pumpkin patch under a tree.

She didn’t stop until she had reached the edge of the island. Dirt turned to sand and the ocean stretched for miles. She stared in awe as the setting sun was reflected off the water. The sand was warm, like home, and there was a gentle breeze. She took a slow, deep breath. There was were she belonged. It was where humanity belonged.

She jumped when she heard footsteps behind her. She spun around, arrow locked in her bow, but stopped herself. It was only Emeril. β€œDon’t sneak up on me like that,” she said. She heaved a sigh and stashed the arrow away.

NyxieRina NyxieRina

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