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Futuristic Midnight Blue

Deluros watched as the ship's tube connected to the Arafasee. It made the ship do a little shake but that was it. He walked over and went inside his room. He pulled out four metal shaped boxes. He dragged them on the ship.

"Midnight Blue Pirates! I have something to show you!!"
Annabelle and Malice looked up. She could make out the faint shape of another ship....ANOTHER SHIP?! Were they being boarded? No way, it was way to early for them to be in that much danger. She didn't have any weapons yet! Annabelle stood up with Malice beside her. It was her best chance at looking intimidating. "What is it?" she asked in a strong voice, despite the fact that she was really starting to panic.
"Hmm, well yes. He had always been this annoying. ever since his wife died." Solace shut off her torch and pulled her goggles back. "Lots I'm afraid you no longer rule this fine ship. I'd behave if I were you. Either you live with your mouth shut or you don't live at all."

"I dare say . . . What makes you think you can just come onto my ship and take my key card and-"

"For the record I have any and every key card that I have acquired as a right for being an engineer of the Interstellar Navy. He is the one you should be angry with. And while we're on da subject," her pirate lingo began slipping about again, "what gives you da right to a goin' an a stealin' a human like him? No one does tings like dat cept a traitor. Are ye a traitor Lots? Shall I report ye to da navy? Dey'd have a field day interrogating ye for ye crimes. Ye arse best be careful."

"You can't get away with everything girl, I don't care who's daughter you are." At this point Solace had completely stopped listening. She mounted a small square piece of metal onto the and welded it down into pace. "Dere we go." Then she heard somthing above deck. "Someone's boarding, dats strange. Ye didn't receive a command to be boarded, den dat means, tis by force."

"Oh Leo, ye best get a goin' an seeing what happening up dere. Is dat all you wanted to ask me?"
"I wanted to ask you.. If I could join your crew. As a peace offering, I've brought some gold for you. Hehe, what do you think.. Midnight Blue Pirate?"
Annabelle walked towards the chest and stared at it for a moment before finally kicking it to get a good sense of what she was supposed to be seeing. It felt like a good solid trunk. Annabelle grinned and held out her hand for a good welcoming handshake "It's good to have you aboard. I'm Captain Annabelle Vakarine and Malice." to be honest she would have accepted his offer without the gold. She needed all the crew she could find. Buuutttt, a little extra gold hurt no one. That was just a little secret that would slide under the table. Now she had a crew of four. It was a pretty good start.
"Uhh... yeah." Leo replied a bit surprised from what he heard from the conversation. So this Star Chaser might be part of the Interstellar Navy, which was a huge space military force that maintains peace and order in the entire universe while hunting down pirates as a side job. Normally he would feel alright knowing this fact, but after almost being sold off as a slave and somehow becoming a pirate by following Annabelle's lead, not anymore. "I'll be going now. Watch over the captain for me, please." Leaving Captain Lots behind in the lower decks of the ship with the engineer known as "Ms. Reprimand", he gets to the top deck and sees the ship next to the Five Eight Afrasee. Who's ship is that? He got his answer immediately when he saw Annabelle and the pirate from earlier next to some metal chests full of gold. Not sure what was going on, he approaches them. "So what's with the gold and the ship? Is there something special going on here?" He asked, unaware that he was looking at the newest member of their crew.
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Deluros stood up and nodded.

"I will be moving my belongings onto this ship. I also have rum if you are interested.. Captain." He handnt called anybody that in a long time. He walked over to his ship to move the stuff out.
Leo was baffled when he heard the pirate say he was moving his stuff onto the ship. "Did he just say he's moving here, Annabelle? Please tell me he's joking, right?" He asked while laughing a bit, though the laugh sounded somewhat dry. "Plus what do you mean by calling our crew the 'Midnight Blue Pirates'? Don't you know that the Interstellar Navy might actually think we're a real pirate crew if they heard us call ourselves that?"
"Why would I joke? He joined the crew. Look, he even payed us" Annabelle said as she gestured towards the chest full of money. "And yeah, it's probably dangerous. But we're on a Navy ship, so as long as we don't go running around calling shouting out our crew's name we should be fine until we make this baby a little less obvious. I'm thinking black sails with white specs to look like stars. Camouflage, you know...what color are they now? ...you know what, that's not important. What else can we do to conceal her? Seriously, I have no clue what this thing looks like. Don't worry about getting caught yet. They've got no reason to be looking for us."
Deluros brought his stuff in. He looked at Leo and frowned.

"You'd be dead if it weren't for me y'know. I know about your past. The Slave Masters hired me to kill you." He grinned like a child.

"But, I took advantage of their money and closed the deal!" Deluros tossed a big pouch of money towards Leo.

"Captain, where do I put my stuff.?"
"No, no, no, no , no. This wasn't how it was suppose to work." Leo said covering his face with both of his hands. "I hired you back on Ausrine to protect me from anyone that tried to kill me. Yes, you did your job well. However, I didn't come here to make this ship a fraking pirate ship!" He yelled out angrily, his hands flailing around him. "This was suppose to be my ticket to an adventure of a lifetime! Not to become a damn pirate! And you!" He turns to the pirate... the real one. "Yeah, my past which involves me being tricked by Captain Lots, then nearly sold off to become a slave for a bunch of arses who enjoys selling people for profit! So you know what I think of this pouch?" He goes toward the railings of the ship and throws the pouch of gold overboard into the empty void of space. Then he goes on his knees and pulls on his hair, hoping the pain will wake him up from this crazy dream. A dream full of bad luck, betrayal, stupidity, and pirates.
Deluros dropped his boxes and looked at Leo. He walked over to him and picked him up by the vollar and lifted him up.

"Not everyone has a perfect life, like you for example. But that doesn't mean you can give crap to whoever you feel like. I've had a bad past too, but I'm not complaining like a child. You want adventure? You got one! What do you think pirates are?! Merciless souls who love to kill people casually?!" Deluros dropped him on the ground.

"I don't give a damn about you or your past! It's time to pull up your pants a be a big boy!" Deluros left for the kitchen and slammed the door behind him. Kaku stuffed his head inside his wings make a weird screeching sound.

He was crying.
"What the..." Leo muttered after getting off the ground. He was not expecting that from the pirate who could've killed him a while ago. Turning to Annabelle to say something else to her, he decides to hold it back instead. "I need some time to myself." He managed to say before walking away from Annabelle and Malice. Going to the mast located at the center of the ship, he grabs hold of a rope and climbs up to the crow's nest located at the top. Once inside it, he leans against the nest's railing, not sure what to say to everyone when he heads back down later. "Huh. What am I doing with my life." He pulls out the orb from his pocket to examine it a bit more in hopes of understanding what it was and to take his mind off of things in silence.
"You know this ship just about as well as I do. If you can find an unoccupied room you can have it." Annabelle replied with a shrug when Delores asked where he could put his stuff. Unfortunately, Leo didn't seem to agree with...anything quite too well. He was looking for a body guard and an adventure, not piracy. When he hired her he thought it was an offer for piracy. Perhaps she'd gotten too caught up in her own excitement to realize that piracy wasn't the only adventure. After a short mental breakdown, everyone went their different paths on the ship. Annabelle sighed and went back towards the Captain's Quarters. Things weren't going as smoothly as she thought they would.

She sat down in her chair and leaned back. "AI, when we dock you're to switch command to Captain Leo, alright?" she said as she reached behind her head and pulled lose the bandaging over her eyes. Despite wearing them all the time, she did find them rather uncomfortable. She unwravled the cloth to reveal the three scratch marks that traveled across the upper half of her face over both of her dead eyes. "AI, how much do we have in the treasury?" she asked after a moment of silence. "320,000" the computer responded. "Wow, human trafficking pays out. That should be enough to buy a new ship. Maybe things did go off as well as I thought they would." she mumbled with a slight smile.
"Aye Sir. Ye just stay in dere." Solace said as she left a welded Lots in the room. She steps out onto the deck for some air. She then went to the Steering Wheel and opened up another tiny door. With a tweak and a bang of her fist Iris fired up, Oxygen Levels restored. 100% capacity.

"Haha, never underestimate a good engineer. All it needed was a simple little rewiring. " She looked around and wondered where everyone could be. She saw the Falia, he seemed to be out cold. She overheard someone saying something about camouflage. She looked up and didn't notice Leo, so she began to climb up. Once she reached the top she placed herself on the beam and kept her balance ever so slightly. She reached around to her right hip and grabbed another gun that seemed deadly when in reality it was a ray that helped decorate. It decorated anything. "Okay so da stars huh," She hit the sail with the ray and the sail turned into the starry space. "Wow, tis breath taking." She was still oblivious to Leo's existence. She smiled at the sail. "All these tools mi rents made are top." She beamed.

As she climbed down the sail she saw Leo. Reaching out she placed her hand on his shoulder. "I don't really know why ye are depressed or look like dat for dat matter but I know ye a re a good lad. I'm sorry if life seems a little complicated. If you ever need anything, don't forget I'm mixed up in this same crazy trial as ye. So I guess I'm trying to say that if ye need somebody, well I'm a body and ye can use me ye need." Solace wondered if she was making thins worse. But she smiled and patted his head and then slid down the rope. She made her way back to finding Lots.

She opened the door and found him right where she left him. "Haha, dere ye be. Looks like the human has yer prized possession." Lots widened his eyes. "Yep he certainly did. How's it feel? Ye treated me like crap for so many years. Fixing dis ship, taking over for ye when ye was drunk off your arse. Well enough. I don't know what is to become of ye, but I wish it would worth waitin' for." She took out her tools and detached him from the wall. He was still in cuffs, but he was free to move about the ship. After all, she did not want to babysit a grown man. She then took a breather and though she heard something or someone coming her way. "Ye best be showing yerself." She said placing her goggles on just in case this person was invisible. She readied herself for whatever it could be. I'm hungry, she thought to herself, I best get to cooking after I deal with whatever dis be.
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Leo doesn't say anything when the engineer climbed up the mast and changes the sail's appearance with one of her guns. It seemed like she was content with her work. When he looks at the orb again, the engineer placed their hand on his shoulder and speaks to him for a bit before heading back down. "Thanks." He muttered with a smile. She probably didn't hear him, but it didn't matter. Sliding back down to the main deck, he makes his way to the captain's quarters. "Annabelle, may I come in?" He asked after knocking on the door a few times. "I need to tell you something important."
Deluros carefully placed the last item in his room which was Kaku's cage. It was quite big, Deluros could fight in it if he bent down a bit. Sometimes he wondered if he spoiled the bird too much. He shrugged and picked up a black bag with him to the deck.

He took off his shirt and and folded it nearly beside him. He took off his hat and placed it on top. Deluros unzipped the bag and pulled out a weight. He got down in a push-up position and put the weight on his back. He grunted but he would be able to do it. He went down and came back up, making sure he was doing the exercise right.
"Come on in." Annabelle said when she heard Leo knock on the door. "I've got some important things to discuss with you too." This would be a good time to tell them that he had no obligation to the crew and that he and his ship would be released when they docked. Annabelle kept the back of the chair towards the door. She didn't have the time or the motivation to put the wrappings back over her eyes. She did know the importance of appearances though in a world where visuals were so critical. Scars over the eyes didn't make people look strong and independent.
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The door slides open and Leo enters the room. He walks up to the front of the desk, facing the back of the chair instead of Annabelle's face. He takes a small breath before he speaks. "I'm sorry for my behavior back on the deck, Annabelle. It was irresponsible of me to scream at you in front of someone, mostly when they were our crewmember. Everything that happened today was all new to me and unexpected, which caused me to vent out my anger at you. I feel like I'll be a liability to everyone here if I stay, because I fear I might do that again in the future. That's why I have decided to leave this ship and crew at our next stop." He managed to say everything he wanted to tell Annabelle without stuttering or looking away from the back of the chair, his intention about leaving being serious. "That's what I wanted to tell you. So with that out of the way..." He said while scratching his head. "...what did you need to discuss about with me?"
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Annabelle listened and nodded, glad that the two of them were at a near agreement already. "When we dock, I'll be taking most of Lot's money and the crew will leave you to your ship. I thank you for your hospitality in giving me a chance to get off that planet. You've given me the start I needed. I'll leave you to your adventures. Just remember to hold your ground." She said as she turned around to face Leo. She held her hand out for a handshake on the agreement. "Strength is just as much in appearance as it is ability."
Deluros picked up his stuff and walked away from the door. If Leo was taking the ship, he'd ought to just leave. Good thing he wasn't finished packing. He put his clothing back on and put Kaku's belongings back on his ship. He walked back to the unoccupied, empty room and thought about the situation. It didn't matter what happened, Annabelle was still his captain and he would have to follow her wherever she went. Delores chuckled in delight as Kaku flapped his wings happily.

"She's quite an interesting Captain, huh Kaku? I was the one who swore loyalty to her as soon as I joined her crew. We'll help her, we'll help her find Cerberus."
"Wait, what?" Leo said puzzled after hearing what Annabelle told him. "No, I actually don't want this ship anymore. I plan on heading back to Earth right away after we land." That's when he saw Annabelle's eyes without the bandages covering them for the first time. He stood there a bit shocked and in awe, staring at the three scratch marks that traveled across the upper half of her face over both of her dead eyes. Scratches clearly not made by Malice's claws or a blade. "What happened to your... eyes?" He asked without looking away from her face, not noticing the hand held out in front of him.
"You...had no intentions of keeping your ship?" Annabelle asked as she sat back in her chair. She could put off her back story for a little longer. "The money on this ship is enough for me to buy a new one. If we take you to earth, you're not going to have many adventures. Not cool ones." she warned him. "Isn't that what you just told me you wanted to do?" she chuckled. "Well your path is your own. After we restock on the next planet we'll head off towards earth and drop you off." she said with a nod. "Now...as for my eyes," although Annabelle talked calmly, Malice sat behind the desk and pulled her ears back in a hiss, "when I was a little girl my home was invaded by a Woven. His bear companion easily overpowered my family. I only survived because I pretended to be dead. Tragedy is as common as the stars. It's something we all must learn to move past." she said simply. "Is that all you wished to discuss with me then?"
Draven awoke after being knocked out by a cargo chest landing on his head when the ship departed. "What the hell? Why have we departed?" He said as he stared at the stars. Once he regained the feeling in his legs he got up and walked towards the captains quarters of the Five Eight Afrasee, pounding on the door. "Captain Lots?!"

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