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Futuristic Midnight Blue

Solace thrusted her leg with an electric amount of force but froze when she noticed a Falia. Aye he be a handsome sailor. Solace straightened herself out and and regained her composure. "I'm guessing ye be looking for da Captain as well? He be in his quarters, though he is already with some other people." Solace didn't realize her pirate speech was coming out. She bowed her head to the Falia, and as for the pirate, she turned using her whole body and punched him in the face. "Treat a lady with a little more respect next time bucko." She turned and began to leave the ship, after all, she had to go check out the Ratalskin ship.
"Captain Lots....AI, from now on I am to be referred to as Captain Vakarine. Understood?" Annabelle cooed as she put her feet back up on the table. She heard some rustling from Leo followed by a loud thud."You better not be breaking anything." she warned him. There wasn't much time for a reply before she heard someone calling out for Captain Lots. She couldn't have anyone knowing that he was missing yet. So she did the first thing she could think of to keep their cover. "AI, take off." she called out in a stern voice. The ship's engines roared to life and a force field powered up around the ship. It was a standard feature of Star Chasers. It trapped oxygen in the ship's vicinity and was also aesthetically pleasing; allowing the boat-like appearances of the Star Chasers to not endanger the crews. Only Cerdiven could fly without them. That reminded her that Annabelle wanted a Cerdiven. They seemed useful. Everyone aboard the ship was trapped on it as the ship started to lift off. She'd deal with the stowaways once she was sure their release was safe. For her and her crew at least.
"Thank you miss." Draven said with a slight bow and smirk. "I'll be sure to wait for him then." She's interesting. Sailed many times before it seems. I wonder what she does on the ships, Draven wondered as he made his way to the Captain's quarters. And suddenly the ship began to depart. "What the hell is going on?!" He exclaimed as he grabbed ahold of a rope to keep from falling.
"What the? Whoa!" Solace was flung into the air she flipped and gripped one of the sails. "Arr, someone's messing with the Captain's ship." She muttered and began to climb down towards the deck. She had to check on the connection of the ships electronic Jack. "Aye, back to the bilge." She did her signature salute and went down below. Everything so far seemed as though it were working well. She reached a room that was the size of a closet. She opened up a medium square sized compartment that had a ton of wires in it. She shut the compartment and locked it tight with her engineer key card, when she noticed that the ships oxygen levels were not at their highest capacity. "Blimey." She exhaled.
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Deluros frowned as his dark red blood trickled from his nose. He grinned with satisfaction and wiped the blood from his nose. Kaku silently flew back on his shoulder. Deluros leaped backwards as the ship rocked back and forth. It was not the best time to get on this cursed thing- but could he even get off now? Deluros chuckled. Must be the doing of that Woven girl he saw earlier. He smiled in amusement and walked in the direction which he assumed was the Captain's Control Room/Captain's Quarters.

[Wherever Annabelle is]
The artifact was a small metal orb made out of gold with 13 holes of different shapes covering its surface. In-between them were words of an unknown language, one probably older than all of the known civilizations in the universe itself. Leo clearly had no idea what it was, but it gave off a strange feeling of power within its core. Before he could tell Annabelle of his small discovery, the ship itself roared to life and nearly made him lose his balance. "Annabelle, why are we taking off already?" He asked when he regained his footing.

"Affirmative, Captain Lots. I shall now address you as Captain Vakarine." The A.I replied as it starts up the Star Chaser. "Checking ship status... systems are all green except for the ship's oxygen levels, due to being at 13% percent of its highest capacity. This amount will only support your crew enough oxygen to last for approximately 12 hours, 24 minutes, and 48 seconds. After that, everyone on board will slowly suffocate to their painful demise." The holographic screens disappear before returning as one huge screen. It displayed a map of all the explored parts of the universe, which is expanding every passing day by space explorers who continue venturing out into the unknown. Lines were connected to different sections of the map, each a secure route used by everyone with a Star Chaser. The biggest one of them all was called the Sea of Stars, which was the most traveled path in the whole universe and the most infamous for pirating. "If you don't want to fill up the ship's oxygen levels in Ausrine, where do you want to go, mam?"
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Delores quickly open the door with a violent push. It slammed against the wall which made a loud boom sound. Kaki screeched unpleasantly and Delores had his fists clenched. He looked upwards so his face was visible.

"You mind telling me why you're keeping me hostage.. Captain Lots?"
Annabelle was about to ask again what the commotion over by Leo was only to be interrupted by a door being slammed open. Judging by the screech of the bird and her sudden insatiable desire to eat said bird, it was the pirate from earlier, asking for Captain Lots. "Do you mind telling me what you're doing on my ship?" Annabelle cooed, "The last time I checked, you were a pirate who worked alone. Pirates who work alone don't normally board others ships." she said with a smirk, "Ignore the unconscious man....Leo, is he tied up yet? Lots should really be tied up." Annabelle said as she turned her attention to the monitors. Apparently air was something that need to be restocked. She would have thought that was a function that automatically happened whenever the ship was on a planet. Or perhaps the function was just slower than she thought. "How far away is the nearest planet. If it's under 12 hours then take us there. Otherwise we're just going to have to float near the planet and deal with our problems there. It's less than ideal." she muttered. Two castaways looking for former Captain Lots and Lots himself. Boy they had a lot of baggage.
"Exactly. Which means I have the right to steal your money like a pirate would. Delores stepped sideways and a large sack of the ship's fortunes laid in it. He kicked it behind him.

"You wanna 'release' me now? Or should I just eliminate you and deal with the ship myself?"
"Yeah... I'll deal with Lots." Leo said as he stuffs the orb into his pant's pocket. Finding some rope that was conveniently on the ground in the captain's quarters, he ties up the unconscious captain's hands and legs with a few secure knots. Then he walks to Annabelle's side with his new pistol pointed at the self acclaimed pirate who somehow punched open a metal door. "Should I shoot at him, Annabelle? You know, if he tries getting closer to us?"

"Calculating... the closet planet with oxygen is 12 hours, 25 minutes, and 50 seconds away." The A.I reported as the ship automatically departs from the docks and flies up toward the sky. "For safety precautions and lower chance of dying, the Five Eight Afrasee will travel near Ausrine's atmosphere. It will take us ten minutes to get there before the engines shut off to conserve energy, mam."
"This ship comes with treasure?" Annabelle asked under her breath in amazement. It really did have everything. It was a good start to a pirates life. "Captain's Quarters on lock down." she said simply to the AI. The door slammed shut again and locked and a metal screen came down over the large window in the room. The four of them were locked in the ship now. "AI, for the next twelve hours, you are only to respond to my voice." she added in as an extra precaution. "You've put on a good show, sir lone pirate." Annabelle said as she stood up and folded her hands behind her back. "Until you came to my quarters to tell me that you were stealing from me, and then threatened to take my ship after setting off. Now, that may have been threatening had this ship been less advanced, and my crew also not be allover this ship. You kill me and you're all marooned. I'm sure that gold will be worth a lot when we're all suffocating in space. Now. How about you step away from the bag and we'll 'release' you when we land." she offered.
"Let's see, we'll have to set up da back up tanks in case." Solace then scanned her card and a hologram appeared. Hello Engineer Reprimand.

"Give me a status report quickly. I need engine status, atmosphere levels, oxygen tank levels, and inventory, on da double Iris." Solace demanded. Very well. Printing diagnostic in 4...3...2...1. Diagnosis printed. Oxygen levels at 12%. Ship to shut off and conserve energy in T-minus ten minutes.

"Very good. And what of Captain Lots?" Captain Lots is now Captain Vakarine.

"What?" Solace smirked, something was going on. "Thank you Iris. Why has this happened?"All of a sudden Iris shut off and Solace could not get the hologram back. "It shut off. What's happening?" The system deactivated and Solace took the diagnosis in her hand. With her goggles on they lit up the paper so she could see. Without her goggles the print was invisible.
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Deluros laughed.

"Lemme tell you something children. No gun can hurt me." He slowly took his ears off and pointed to his ears. He looked like an elf. The tips were curved and pointed.

"With these ears, I can hear the click of the gun. Oh, and my sword. Can slice a sword. I am the greatest swordsman alive and you want to shoot me?" Deluros chuckled plainly. He reached for his back and drew his sword. Mockingly he took a step forward.

He kicked the bag to the side.

"That's rich. I dont just give up treasure y'know."
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Leo takes a step back when the pirate took a step forward to them. His hands were shaking a bit now and his aim not precise. It seems like fear was beginning to consume his mind from the thought of being sliced in half by a sword. "Don't take another step or... I'm going to shoot you." He warned the pirate. "Now do what she told you to do. You might be strong, but not invincible against the lack of oxygen in your lungs in 12 hours."
"So intimidation doesn't work on you. Interesting. Note taken." Annabelle said with a nod. "Leo, you can put you're gun away. We'll hold him here for ten more minutes, then he'll either have to give up his effort to steal from us or suffocate in the depths of space. AI, when we near the next planet, taxi for thirty minutes or so." she said nonchalantly. The order would guarantee their deaths. She didn't mind saying her plan out loud in front of the thief, it wasn't like he could do anything. "I wonder if there's any rum on the ship..." for someone who only had twelve hours to live, Annabelle was quite calm. She had confidence whatever amount of gold he'd stolen wasn't worth his life. He could threaten all he wanted to kill them, but it wouldn't do any good. "I hope there's milk at least...." she mumbled under her breath as Malice crawled out from under the table again and laid down by the door like a lazy dog.
Deluros tightened the grip on his sword handle.

"You think.. I'm afraid to die? If that truly is a fear of yours.. you're not a Pirate at all." Deluros picked up the bag and walked over to a wodden box and sat down on it. He dropped the bag beside him but kept his sword in hand. He was completely calm. As long as Kaku lived nothing could bring him under.
"I know you're not afraid to die, and I lost my fear long ago." Annabelle said as she looked towards a wall. It was her equivalent of looking out windows. "In fact, it's my lack of fear that allows me to put this plan into action, that makes it a real threat. If you've gotten this far though you must have some sense to you," she reasoned, "what good is the money to you if you're dead? Would you rather spend your last minutes clinging onto a bag of gold or live to steal a lifetime more?" she asked with a smile. "So we'll see how you.....you.....Malice. Stop that." she sighed. Malice was eying the bird trapped in the room with them. "We're stronger than that. We don't need to eat the bird."she said as she clutched her hands into fists, trying to resist the urge.
Leo lowers the pistol when the pirate backed off before feeling the stress in his body disappearing. He used a gun several times back on Earth, but usually to scare off anyone who tried to mug him in the dark alleyways of the city. So this type of situation that involved heading to his certain doom in space and a sword-wielding pirate that would love to slice him into tiny pieces was all new to him. "You're thinking about drinking at a time like this?" He asked Annabelle with a small smile. "I think your the craziest person I have ever met in my life. Though a drink does sound nice." Leaving the pistol on the desk, he walks toward the unconscious captain on the ground and kicks him. "Hey, wake up. Where's the rum in this room?" When he didn't receive an answer, he sits on top of Captain Lots and waits for Annabelle to deal with the pirate by herself. Sooner or later, one of them going to break down to the pressure of death.
Deluros chuckled.

"Actually I don't NEED the gold. I can buy six of these ships. You better watch your cat.. If she even touches Kaku, she's dead." Deluros stood up, tossing the sack of money towards the captain.

"Well, I'll get off when we stop at the planet. I wouldn't be suprised though if the Navy starts attacking you. I believe I saw them dock at the previous planet." Deluros nodded and turned away with Kaku on his shoulder.
"The Navy shouldn't be looking for us yet. To the knowledge of everyone but those on this ship, Captain Lots sailed away today on this ship. No one knows that the Midnight Blue Pirates have taken it. How does that sound Leo?" Annabelle asked with a smile. The Midnight Blue Pirates. It sounded nice. She didn't even put effort into trying to catch the bag of money. She allowed it to sail past her and hit the wall. She grinned at her victory. "Unlock the quarters" she called to the AI. The door unlocked itself and the metal covers to the windows retracted. "Let's go search the ship for a drink~" Annabelle cooed "Cancel the order to stall~ Head straight for the next planet without delay" she said before walking out of the room with Malice at her heels.
Deluros grinned. While they walked away, he pulled out something that appeared to be a cellphone. He raised to his ear in satisfaction.

"Hm. I'm aboard the ship and I found that Leo guy. Not really a threat by the looks of it." Deluros paused when the other person yelled from the other line.

"Killing him would be cruel. He can barely hold a gun straight. Well, you already sent the money to me so I guess I'm done here." Deluros threw the phone into into the air and sliced it in half. He laughed to himself and Kaku flew onto his shoulder again. He turned his heads toward the bird.

"Don't worry, Kaku. I'll make sure you don't get eaten by the sorry excuse of a feline." Kaku sqwaked and leaped off, scavenging the floor for a ncaa resting spot. Deluros awkwardly put his hat back on and pulled out a device. He put his mouth towards it.

"AI, I assume you have my co-ordinates. Bring the ship over immediately." Hawkeye smiled approvingly as the device shut off. His ship was coming.
"Affirmative, Captain Vakarine." Iris commands the Star Chaser to head to the nearest planet. The previous order now canceled, the Five Eight Afrasee sails away from Ausrine's atmosphere toward a nearby habitable planet 12 hours away. The trip there will take a while to complete.

"The Midnight Blue Pirates..." Leo repeated under his breath as Annabelle and the pirate leaves the captain's quarters without him. "That sounds like a great- hold on. Did she include the word 'pirates' in that title?"

As Leo gets up to ask Annabelle about the crew's questionable title, Captain Lots wakes up from his short nap. Noticing Leo walking away from him, he shouts at him. "What the devil is going on here?! Didn't I have you sold for some good muntz this morning?!" He tries to untangle the rope tied around his hands and feet by violently squirming around on the floor, but his attempt fails. Leo sighs and decides to bring the poor captain along with him by pulling him along by the back of their jacket. As the door slides open after approaching it, he sees the pirate slice his communication device in half.

"...crazy. Everyone here is crazy." Leo sighed as he makes his way below deck. After getting lost for a minute or two in its narrow hallways, he finds the door to the cargo hold. Opening it, he enters and looks around for the rum. If he finds the rum, then he'll find Annabelle drinking it if she managed to find it first.
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"No liquor in here. If you're looking for that woman she's not here." Solace said as the boy opened up the door that she was currently behind. She was busy at work with the the ships thrusters. "If it's not one ting it's de oder." She waved him off, "The liquor stock is a couple more doors down. A big ship has more than one compartment for booze." She said with wires in her mouth. She takes out her blowtorch and begins to weld things together and patch up wires in other places. The ship was getting hot. It needed a new cooling system as well. Looks like Lots needed a lot more repairs dan he thought.
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"Thanks. I don't really know my way around in the lower decks of the ship." Leo said as he watches the engineer do her work. "I know we talked before, but what's your-"

"Ms. Reprimand, what the blazes do you think your doing right now!" Captain Lots yelled out from behind Leo, his head facing halfway toward them. "Kill this hooligan before I have you thrown off this ship breathing so you can suffocate-" Leo smacks the captain's head without any warning. "Ouch! What was that for, boy?! Do you want me to skin you alive before eating your burned flesh for dinner?!"

Leo blankly stares at Captain Lots for a moment before smacking their head again with his fist. "Shut up. You got no rights in this ship anymore." Then he looks back to the engineer to ask her something. "Is he always this annoying to you?"
Annabelle had stopped her quest for a drink almost as soon as it started. Instead she had opted out to lean up against the railing and stare out into space. Through Malice she could pick up the outline of the planet they'd left and the stars in the distance. "Alright Malice. We've got a ship and the beginnings of a crew. We caught a few snags but I think we can do it." she said before letting out a deep sigh. "But that guy, he was right about the Navy. I still don't know how we're supposed to deal with them. Hopefully we'll figure something out when we dock." she sat as she patted the cat on the head. "Do you think Elinore would b proud?" she asked as she sat down against the railings. Malice yowled in reply. "Yeah...I miss her too....how do you think the crew's holding on?"

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