mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

At the sound of the door opening, Ritsuka stirred a little while still fast asleep on the window sill.

Itaru walked in with everyone and looked around,"Wow nice place..." He nodded in approval with a 'not bad' face.

The chattering of people and the cold breeze swooshing in made Ritsuka slowly lift her eyes. She kept watching the window too drowsy to even notice the people around her.

Itaru spotted her,"Alright...." He said,"C'mon, get up little girl..." He picked her up from the chair and threw her over his shoulder. He noticed the new guy from a mile away and walked to him, Ritsuka still over his shoulder. He inspected,"hmmmm, whos this? Nichole's new boy friend?" He teased,"no no too young...." He stood silent then gave up,"ah, anyhow, Im Itaru!" He rested his hand on his rapier and turned around for a moment so he could see Ritsuka,"And this sleepy little gal is Ritsuka. Shes a wolf just like you, i think she'll like you ~" he smiled,"and you think YOURE shy? Sheesh, wait till Ritsuka wakes up..." 
(welcome to the Rp Mystic >/////< youve joined the family)
"Aw dont worry my man, i deal with shy people all the time," he pat Ritsuka's back,"Stick to me and youll turn out to be the greatest guy that ever lived!" He gave a thumbs up knowing that was a complete lie.
((I'll post in a second but first I wanna welcome Fox, to the rp! And also you will need some catching up a bit, its good you joined now thoughbc we can catch you up in the actual rp! Also I think it would help if it would not be to much trouble for Twi to make an OOC thread then we can re-post character sheets and maybe small updates about the rp?))
Likara giggles and fangirls over him. "You're so cute!!" She quietly says to herself. Her face was a little red but that was from seeing like that. "Aww!" She puts her hands to her face and smiles big. Likara was about to pounce on him for being so adorable but knew he would freak out and be scared.
Itaru blinked at the gesture. He picked up the 4'11" girl and handed her to him. Her long white hair dangling.

Itaru didnt really know how to react to this except putting his hand behind his head.
I lay her head on my shoulder and memorize her sent and she starts to wake up and i lose my blush"hey you awake"i say in a gentle voice
Likara almost jumped on him if it wasn't for Ritsuka on his lap. She had to turn away from actually doing it anyways. "Eeee!" Her voice was a whisper as she was rocking on her feet. "I can't handle that much cuteness..." Her eyes closed but she continued to make weird high pitched noise and rock.
Ritsuka blinked her sapphire blue eyes open. she tried to study his face but he was a little blurry. she squinted and rubbed her eyes then looked at him again. Who was he? Rox? Itaru? no no, hes younger,Ven? no his scent is different. Then it hit her, its a stranger! Her crystal eyes shot open an a mad blush ran across her face,"I-I...umm!! O/////O" she looked at Itaru then back at the boy. she gasped then jumped out of his arms running to hide behind behind Itaru seelpily, her hair a little messy.
Likara didn't take any time with it and plopped down on his lap, rubbing her face on his. She hugged him and was smiling like a weirdo. Her face rubbing stopped and she gently touched his ears. "They're so soft..!" Likara continued rubbing his ears while still smiling.
I blush wildly"thanks" 
"Hey um ritsuka i think its ok im a nice guy"i let my full sent go to her so she could completly know me
She blinked her luminous eyes and realized his DNA included wolf aswell. White ears and a fluffy white tail popped out in excitement, it couldnt be controlled. It wagged a little showing her true emotion while her face says other wise. The blushed cooled off a bit but was still there.
Likara gets off of him and is still smiling. "Sorry if I was too heavy." She bowed politely and stepped back to give him some space. She always thought she was gaining weight all the time. Likara couldn't be more wrong though, she was thin and pretty strong. Her eyes went to Enzo who hasn't talked much. She was a bit worried but turned back to Jacob and the rest of the group.
When Nichole opened the door, and everyone entered Ven was the last one up the steps. He was trudging slowly behind everyone, to enjoy the wintery night more. It relaxed him. Before walking past Nichole he slipped his arms her in a tight hug, standing there for a moment just soaking in the familiarity. Letting go with a soft smile on his lips, he ran past Ritsuka -not seeing her- and into the kitchen to pounce on Rox with a welcoming hug. He had missed them too much for the sort time they were gone, but maybe they made him feel safe.

Rox heard everyone came in and quickly finished setting the table, "Hey everyone!" He greeted with a call before feeling a pair of arms wrap tightly around his middle, he looked down at his little brother smile warmly turning slightly to return the hug, "I missed you too." Breaking the hug, Rox ruffled the boys brown spiky hair.

They both heard Nichole open the door and a new voice join, a shy one. Rox smiled, as a fox he could tell the boy was a fellow canine. Ven looked between curious and mistrusting.

Enzo came into Nichole house and watched the newcomer come in. He stayed pretty calm as the kid kissed Likara on the forehead, it was not a romantic kiss. But when he asked Likara to sit in his lap, Enzo moved to her side wrapping his arm around her waist, "Hey Jacob, my name is Enzo fellow wolf." He let his light gray ears and tail come out.
Likara was a bit surprised at the sudden act but relaxed when she saw it was Enzo. She saw his ears and reached up to touch them. Her tail swished and she was starting to fangirl all over again. "Hehe." She would flatten them then rub them gently then repeat. This kept her focused on only him and nothing else.
Ritsuka left the new guy and Itaru from shyness, she couldnt stand the feeling of being shy. She stood in the middle of the room watching everyone catch up and what not, her sleepyness started to catch up and her eyes were droopy once more. She took a seat at the dining table and rest her chin on her hand, closing her eyes for a minute.
@twilight sparkle Are you cool with making an OOC Thread? I can make it! ^.^))

Enzo only blinked as Likara started acting like a complete loon over his ears too, he let out a long sigh face palming, "You are so lucky I am not the jealous type, I know you are just weird and love ears.....crazy kitty."
"That's what I am!" She giggled and hugged him before going back to his ears as hers were twitching a little. Her tail swished behind her in playfulness. Likara smiled a little when his ear twitched. "Aww!" A sudden thought came into mind. "You aren't the jealous type huh?" She stopped playing with his ears and wiggled out of his light hold on her, stepping to his side now.
Enzo just shook his head in amusement when Likara agreed with him, famous smirk on his lips, "At least you don't deny it." He canted his head at the aww noise she made, tch girls! But he enjoyed the feeling of her soft hands on his sensitive wolfy ears, he could not help but make a pleasant humming sound, he reopened his eyes when she stopped, "No, I'm not, I know what we have so there is nothing to be jealous of." He stated straightforwardly and simply.

Ven wondered into the room eyeing the newcomer for a few minutes. The thought of him being Xanth's spy quickly went away, he was just a shy wolf, and around his age too, that thought sort of made a smile creep to the very edge of edge of his lips Hah! I am not the only "kid" Around anymore. Ven moved away looking around, there was still one more person he had to find, wanted to hug. Stepping into the dinning room he saw her, head rested down white hair falling around her like a soft veil form a wedding.....Ven blinked and blushed, tiptoeing over, he slipped himself into the chair next to her, his forest green eyes danced along her relaxed and sleepy features she is so peaceful looking, smart, un-faired to try anything at the given moment to help, she is amazing! A silly grin had formed on Ven's lips as he rested his left cheek on his folded hands his head still turned in Ritsuka direction as he continued to watch her rest. 
@HoneyBear-Kat @Neko-Neko-Nekomimi
"Well that's good I guess. I think you'd be cuter if you were jealous though." Her hand snaked its way back to his ears somehow without her noticing. She was starting to purr for some reason as her ears flattened. Likara knew he liked it when she did it but he would never admit it. She had heard the humming noise from before and wanted to see if she could make him do it again.

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