mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Ritsuka caught Nichole's scent and went down the hallway. She went all the way to the end then turned a corner and saw Nichole at a machine,shes never seen a vending machine before although its been a while since she was locked away for most of her childhood, she never came across one since. But it was glorious to her, IT HELD FOOD! "Food..." Ritsuka's eyes got big and mindlessly walked toward the machine. Among all the choices her eyes landed on her favorite food: the cookie. Her blue eyes twinkled. She looked for a way to get it but all there was were buttons! She saw that what Nichole selected fell behind a flap and when Nichole took it, it was Ritsuka's turn. She got on her knees and stuck her tiny arm in. She tried to reach for it but it was uncomfortable, it was soooo close but not close enough.
Nichole giggled and said"I gotcha covered rit." Pulling her away from it gently. Then put a dollar in and pressed the number. The coimue fell and Nichole handed it to ritsuka.
Ritsuka's face was puzzled,"you have to give it money?" She tilted her head then looked at the machine with a dirty glare. She held the cookie close to her and wrapped it,"Nee-chan? When can we go home?" Her face a little saddened,"Im all better now!" She tried to prove a point. Her teeth sank into the cookie as her lips felt its soft texture. She nommed on it with her tiny little mouth in her petite hands.
"You mean he only said all that stuff because of you? Oooo he's not gonna like me when he wakes up." Her ears perked up and her face scrunched up. Likara thought he said those sweet things just because, not because some guy said something to him. She remembered what he had said and grabbed another cup, pouring some more milk then holding out to him. "Thanks for the information Itaru." A big smile was flashed towards him as she thought of so many ways to make him pay.
"Eh?!" Itaru blinked,"No no im saying it was my fault he said those nasty things about cats!" Itaru kinda panicked since she misunderstood him. "I just thought i should apologize for that..." He picked up the glass and drank it. Milk was nice on a cat's pallet.

That cynical smile...shes a little scary isnt she? Are all the girls here so catty?! (No pun intended xD )
((Warming for long post, I realllyyyyy got in the writing mode and my fingers took over me :/3

Also this is happening one floor above Likara and Itaru))

Enzo grunted softly as the warmth seemed to evaporate somehow away from him, rolling over on his stomach, Enzo mumbled noises of displeasure before just lying there. A few moments ticked by, and giving a louder grunt, he pushed himself up by has arms the blanket falling off his shoulders with the movements, “Why so restless?” He mumbled as short yawn came out. Feeling his stomach give a grumble, Enzo moved out of the bed, “Guess its midnight snack time… wonder if that is why miss, Kitty got up? ” Opening the bedroom door, he exited and started down the steps.

Meanwhile Ven had moved to let Itaru clean his plate, but scowled seeing that he said he would do dishes. That meant all of them. Not just his own. He did not half @ss things! Taking personal offense to this, Ven sulked off towards the stairs just as Likara came down to get milk, she and Itaru started talking. With a huff of just pure annoyance, he went up the stairs Nothing has really changed in Likara house at all. I wonder what’s taking Rox and Nichole and Ritsuka so long? Well, I am done waiting, its not best for me to stay here, I am restless and want to go somewhere…wonder what happened to that wolf girl? Hmp, she is something else just like Ruru..... Ven was pacing as these thoughts ran through his head. Giving a heavy sigh, forgetting he only had socks on and no coat, the blonde reached for the doorknob, but paused hearing footsteps. Ven froze getting in a tense defense stance, his mind throwing out a million and one threats. Xanth found me! Was the main one. Fear started to pump through him along with anger,

“Hm? I did not know you guys were still here…do you know what time it is?” Enzo‘s voice appeared before he did clicking a switch, light washed into their eyes making them both turn away and blink till it did not sting to see anymore. Ven let the defensive stance go, but turned away,

“I was just leaving.” He grasped the doorknob opening the door only got a few inches open before the force of a hand shut it with a sound snap, Enzo was shaking his head as he viewed Ven,

“I don’t think that’s wise, it’s cold, late, and you are in no attire to go anywhere, shouldn’t you be sleeping? Where is your brother?” Ven snapped his head up to shoot a glare at the blue haired invader of his plans,

“I don’t care, don’t care, I don’t get cold easily, shouldn’t YOU be asleep? And none of your freakin business.” Came the annoyed almost snarled answer. Pushing Enzo’s arm aside he twisted the knob again. Certainly not in the mood for any of this, Enzo imply pressure and pulled Ven away from the door by the back of his shirt,

“You know kid, a nicer attitude can do you some good, because you are starting to p*ss me off.” The equal snarl seeped out of his lips.

“I am not a kid! And just let me go and leave me alone.”

“Not a kid? Sneaking out in the middle of the night in improper attire seems pretty childish to me, and no, get it? The answer is no.” His eyes locked to a growing tempered green, his own blue eyes were solid and slightly cold with his unchanging mind. Ven now turned around to face him fist balled tightly, his face going red with sharp hostility. His teeth grounded together, who the h*ll did this guy think he was?

“You don’t know sh*t you-“ And after the first curse was uttered more came flying out of Ventus's mouth, he did not even realize he started cursing Enzo in a different language these curses learned from Xanth.

Enzo stood with a bland look, but a slightly interested expression changed his face when Ven started speaking in a different language at him, most likely still unkind words. Once done, Ven glowered and slammed himself against the door.

“Are you done? Because that was rather interesting. Now, come away from the door, no? Well, you ticked my patience enough to make me move you, little bratingly mutt.” Ven let out a growl letting go of the door knob again to swing his fist at Enzo who dodged, soon the commotion could definitely be heard from below, if not have already heard. A loud thud sounded, the noise of Enzo pinning or trying to pin Ven down who in turn was trying to punch his back into sleep.

Rox watched Nichole go, “Can you get me a- ah wait, I don’t know what I want.” He scrambled up a few minutes after Nichole and jogged after Nichole. Laughing lightly at Ritsuka’s antics with the vending machine, Rox stretched and yawn, “Home sounds good to me.” He bought himself some crackers, “The others must be worried…."
Nichole said"lets go guys."smiling. Daniel and ciara drove them all home.

Luna somehow managed to find likara's house and heard the commotion. She knocked on the door and bit her lip.
Itaru was inturrupted by the thudding and muffled yelling from upstairs. He looked at Likara with a serious expression,"Ill see whats going on..." He set the glass of milk on the counter and walked up the stairs...

Ritsuka was happy on the car ride home, she actually felt homesick. She liked that feeling because she knew she had something to return to. It was only hours she was gone, but it felt like a really long time...

Itaru stood at the top of the stairs with his hands in his pockets,"Whoa whoa! Whats going on here?!" He ran up to the two and tried to pull them apart.

When the car parked she said thank you to Nichole's parents and ran to the door in fear of being outside for too long. She grabbed a hold of the knob and swung the door open.
Likara didn't like the sound of things so she ran up the stairs, shocked at what she saw. "What are you two doing?!" She growled loudly and stood next to the two. "Stop acting like children!" Her hands grabbed Ven, somehow gentle, and pulled him up easily. She dusted him off then motioned for Itaru to watch Ven. "You're not hurt are you?" Likara sounded a little worried but was still very upset. She could understand Ven being a child and all, but Enzo? He should know by now not to pick fights with a kid!
When Itaru entered the room, Enzo had the a failing Ven semi pinned to the ground, “I am trying to-“ But he was interrupted by a growling Likara as he let himself get pulled away by Itaru, but stayed tense midnight eyes scrutinize every move Ven made.

With a snarl at Enzo, Ven seemed confused for a second as Likara brushed him off before wiggling from her grip, “No, I am not, like he could hurt me.” Midnight eyes narrowed still zeroed in on the spiky blond yet his tone came out rather calm,

“I choose not to hurt you, I was simply restraining you, you little ill-tempered punk.” Enzo’s voice was icy before he looked over at Likara, “I was not acting like a child, this kid here, was about to slither off into the night in below weather with socks on, to god knows where, it got to the point where words were useless expect for his mouthful of curses and then he swung on me.” Enzo folded his arms shooting another annoyed chilly look at Ven how glowered back with heat in his eyes,

“It was none of your business! You shoudda just left me alone!”

“As much as you freezing to death sounds tempting right now, I am not that cruel and someone knocked on the door a few moments ago.” Enzo motioned towards the door before rubbing his forehead, “I just wanted food…”

Rox hopped out of the car and walked in with Nichole watching Ritsuka happily barge into the home. She is so excited that’s just awesome. It seemed that the others made their way somewhere else…maye to Likara? Where they all asleep by now? Rox slipped off his shoes falling Nichole, “I can help with making dinner.”

((I think Itaru, Likara, Enzo and Ven are in Likara’s house and Luna is knocking on the door. Nichole, Ritsuka, Rox, and Nichole parents are at their house. And if I remember right, Likara and Nichole houses are a few blocks away from each other. ))
Nichole blushed and said"ok. Let me call likara." She dialed her number and waited for her to answer.

Luna sighed and just walked in with haou. She said"you. Sit." Pulling enzo down to the couch. "And you. Sit down or you'll see another side of me. " looking at ven with a stern gaze. "Sorry for barging in like this likara." "Now you have no right to put your hands on a child like that enzo. You're older than him and you should know better! And ven I know that you were raised better than that to be cursing like a friggin salior. You don't just put your hands on someone like that expecting to get your way. You will get a cold or frostbite in just that." She lectured.
Itaru sweatdropped at the two girls,Are all the girls scary 'round here?

He did as Likara told him and watched Ven while Likara watched Enzo. He stood behind Ven as she sat with his arms crossed.

Ritsuka ran in the house and jumped onto the couch. She turned over and sat upside down on it. Her legs on the back part. She kicked her legs childishly and turned her head to watch Nichole call Likara over the phone. Ritsukas hair was draping onto the floor, she tilted her head backward to see it. Then crystal eyes went back to Nichole.
Rox nodded at Nichole getting a strange sense, call it a brother radar, going off telling him Ven was either in trouble or causing it I bet its the latter...mhuh. Rox sat on the couch grinning over at Ritsuka he fiddled with a piece of her hair making it tickle her nose laughing a bit as he did so. It was odd in a weird way a little tiny piece of him was somewhat jealous of how Ven could be well, Ven more with her than anyone else, even him. He knew it was off feeling that way, after all teenagers did do that resent authority figures and choose friends over them. I was not like this when I was....okay maybe so, but my mother just died so I was pretty cold towards everything, but I had to grow up quick so that we could make it, survive. He was not resentful, just thinking, why are you being such a teenager when I have no idea how to handle it?

Enzo was suddenly tugged as the visitor let themselves in and tugged him by the arm, he winced still not like being touched especially by someone he barely knew, "Hey." He protested shortly but sat, sitting was fine with him anyways. Ven however lifted his chin at Luna's stern gaze and he did not move an inch a daring look in his eyes for "seeing another side of her." Plus, he did not want to sit he was angry and restless and that was the last thing on his mind.

Enzo let out a sigh as Luna started in on him, "Okay listen for a second. He," Pointing at Ven, "Was trying to go. I tried to use words, reason but that did not work. I restrained him, there are no marks or bruises on the brat." Enzo shrugged up his shoulders letting out a sigh, "What was I supposed to do them? Because I already know I suck at these types of things." Enzo stopped talking looking mixed between miffed and just confused.

Ven reacted much differently than Enzo already ticked off and now even more so for being constantly called "child" "kid" and "brat" by people he barely knew or just met, he switched his gaze to Luna for he had been glowering at Enzo the whole time, "You don't know anything about me! So don't talk to me like you do." The last part came in a hiss of a breath. Than he turned his back on both of them only to look up at Itaru,

"Outta my way, Itaru. I am going to get my stupid boots and friggin coat so I don't die then I am leaving." Said blonde folded his arms waiting he is in a mood and fed up with all these people.
Itaru put a hand on Ven's shoulder, firm but not too firm, just enough to make him stop for a moment,"You really dont have to do this, we were just worried about you...i know im the last guy you want to hear this from but someone has to tell you."

Ritsuka giggled as the tips of her hair, held by Rox, made her nose itch and crinkle. She tried swishing it away but it was no use. Then, her nose reached its limit and she gave a little sneeze and blinked looking a Rox with an "sorry" look on her face.
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Luna said" ven.sit.down."growling. Her patience running thin. "Ok ven lets say this. If you did that how would ritsuka feel? Your brother, Nichole. People who love and care for you? I know my sister well enough to tell you that she would do anything and I mean anything to keep a loved one safe. Even when it was their time. Nichole has always had a kind understanding heart. But with all these fights, you guys fighting as well. Not to mention she's already sick enough with her asthma! She won't be able to keep it up. So ven for the love of Jesus Christ stay in this house. I donr want Nikki running around town looking for you to either run into somw bad people an get raped or killed. I know you care for her as well. I mean she almost got herself killed trying to save me that day!"sighing.
Likara was getting angrier as the seconds went by. She could easily hear her phone in her room going off. Another growl came out. "If anyone. And I mean anyone tries to fight again while I'm gone, someones gonna get hurt." Her voice was deep and stern. A mad Likara made her way to her room and answered the call. "Hello?" She moved the phone so she could see the caller ID. What does Nichole want at this time?
Rox just busted out into chuckles of laugher when Ritsuka gave a sneeze the look on her face was priceless! Digging into his pocket he pulled out a handkerchief and laid it over the length and width of her face before brushing the hair he was messing with back into place still laughing as he did.

Ven shook his head lightly at Itaru’s words, but did not move away from the hand, “That is what I don’t want….” He mumbled to himself in response to Itaru. As Luna went on again at people who yes did indeed care about him, and he them, he bit his lip as another strong wave of emotions crashed down along him the prime one missing Rox, Ritsuka and Nichole even if they had been only away for a few hours it felt much longer then that. As Likara went storming out the room, Ven moved away from Itaru but instead of going back downstairs, he went to the furthest wall away from everyone else and only then did he actually sit against it leaning back so that his head touched the wall too. He did not say a single word after his mumble just brought his knees closer to a chest as one arm wrapped around them.

Enzo had placed his hand over his face letting out a sigh, I just wanted some freaking food, that is all I wanted now we got two anger chicks, a brat, um Itaru and a wolf its tooooo late for all this…..
Nichole said"hey likara. Sorry if its late. I just wanted to know if you guys want to come over for dinner?" Smiling. Nichole was stirring some alfredo sauce and took the shrimp off as she talked.
Since Ritsuka was upside down, she bent legs to her chest and rolled back a bit so her feet touched the ground and was able to stand up. She basically did a little tumble roll off the couch. She popped up and her bounced once and lightly as she did so. She could smell what Nichole was making and it made her nose crinkle once more. She shook her head,"I dont like shrimp..." She pouted. She looked around grabbed a chair and ran to a window, a little bounce in her step like a small child. That deep deep sleep at the hospital rejuvinated her and sent her back to her childish self for a while. She pressed her hands against the window making little imprints on the glass. Her breath was appearent on the chilled window as sapphire eyes gazed out into the late mysterious night. The moon beams luminated the snow,"wow..." She mumbled. "Who knew that the death of me can be so pretty when its asleep..." She was talking to herself. She folded her arms on the window sill and rested her chin there. She sat, staring off and blinking every now and then, the soft reflected light making her eyes more twinkley than usual. I miss everyone... She thought, thinking more about Ven than anyone, she really relied on him, he was sweet to her when she was down but pushed her when she needed encouragement. With the thoughts in her head and the time catching up with her, she fell asleep there, at the window. It was a long night...
Likara walked upstairs with the phone still up to her ear. "One sec." She reached the top and pulled the phone away, covering it so Nichole couldn't hear. "Nichole wanted to know if we wanted to go over for dinner. I think that would be a great way to smooth this over, act like it never happened." Everything could unfold like it should have. Enzo can get his food, Ven can get out of the house, and no one would be fighting. At least I hope so...Her mind was planning on the night being calm, not hectic.
Enzo looked over at Likara with a raised eyebrow It's settled, I live around a bunch of crazy people......but food. "Alright, I am hungry." Enzo turned his gaze to Luna and Itaru in question.

A crossed the room Ven was now moved from his spot by the wall to stand and moved a bit Likara's way a more subdued expression on his features, "Itaru made food....but I wanna go home...." His voice had lost all hostility and was quiet seemed tired.

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