mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Itaru then realized it aswell,"Dont worry she'll get over it and about the hairball thing, i really dont get it just happens!" He shrugged.

He closed his eyes and listened to Enzo complain about his skills with women,"Women are weird, you have to know what kind of woman she is to know how to treat her!" He said,"once you get that, its pretty much all laid out infront of you," his deep voice continued,"Personally, i want a girl who can just put up with me. I like a challenge." He winked at Enzo,"And shes a cat, cats are all about affection on THEIR time, when they want it is the question. I guess we can be a snooty bunch at times but thats cause we're independent deep down, some more than others." He sat up and stretched a bit,"Maybe you just need to know her more. You know...under-the-surface stuff." He pointed out and rested back on the couch to continue polishing.
Rox stared up at the sky as Nichole cursed the universe before gently picking her up, "You know what? I just thought of something beautiful," Rox looked down at Nichole a smile so sweet on his lips, "Want to know what it is?"

Enzo looked over at Itaru his lip twitching as the raven haired teen had no idea what hairball's happened hey just did. Enzo was itching to make a snide remark about how could Itaru could talk about girls when he fought with Ritsuka every five seconds, but he bit his tongue because what Itaru was saying actually made sense, "I like challenges too, not having them is boring...I think that is one of many reason why I like Kara, she frustrates me in an oddly good way." Enzo smiled softly, "Under the surface stuff huh...well, I know a lot of that, her past, other stuff...but she does not really know mine...maybe, maybe it time to share a little," Enzo slouched down into the couch but snugged into it some more, he watched the cat polish his sword, "We should train together, since we both have swords, it should be cool." It was his way of saying that in his book Itaru was an alright guy.
Rox still smiled sweetly, "You always make that noise when I pick you up its adorable," Rox chuckled, "But that was not my first thought, my first thought was how we can go to the meadows anytime we want, now that we are together again." Rox walked quickly through the night, "And I want to vow something to you," He stopped to peer into her face, "I vow to never hid things from you again, I will be honest and true to you, always," He lent down and kissed her sealing the vow before leaning up a few inches, "I know you will be with me too, I know things always won't be perfect...but you are worth all the effort and heart I have."
Rox smiled into the kiss pressing all his love into it, "I know you won't." He finally breathlessly said after they parted, "Come on lets get you to your mom." They made it to the hospital and the nurses took Nichole from Rox as soon as he entered the door, he had to explain what happened.
Her dad treated her since Ciara was still busy with ritsuka. "How many times have I told you not to be so reckless! " "dad that fight was not my fault they picked on ritsuka! " looking away. "Sigh I know. Did you get a good look at the woman who shot you?" She nodded and he smiled softly. "Good but after you save the world you have unfinished chores." "I should have never bet you in that eating contest huh?" "Yep."
Itaru quickly looked at Enzo,"Train? Together?" His face looked confused for abrief moment then looked away,"Sure, i think its a great idea." He had no emotion in his voice and continued cleaning his weapon.
Rox manged to shoo off all the questions with honest answers over and over again also giving a discription of the woman, its not like she tried to hide herself very well. Walking along the white and peach halls, Rox finally spotted Nichole's name on a nameplate stuck to the door, Rox heard the last parts of the conversation and chuckled silently, it was a wonderful thing her parents were back in her life. Rox knocked twice on the door before poking his head in, "Hey Nichole, um Daniel," He paused hesitating to meet the man's gaze, a little afraid of what the man thought of him now? He remembered all to well the meeting in the park and Daniel thinking they were together that day...."How is it going?"

Enzo slowly pulled himself from the couch giving his body an upward stretch, "Of course its a great idea, I thought of it." He slpped his hands into his pocket his signature stance, "I'm going to find a certain kitty, use some of your advice, I'll be back to either thank you, or punch you in the face, see ya." With that, Enzo swayed out looking for Kara. He searched around, "Likara! Likara!" He called.

Just as Enzo left the room, forest clored eyes lifted half open hazy with sleep before closing to open fully after a few seconds. Ven moved his neck from side to side he had slid to a sitting postion on the floor, green eyes finally spotted Itaru polishing a very long straight sword, he let his eyes roam the weapon before opening his eyes wider Where was everybody!? "Hey?!?" Ven loudly said jumping to his feet, but his legs had fallen asleep so as soon as he hopped up, his knees buckled and he fell right back down. Rubbing at his legs to get the now buzzing itch sort of sting out of them, he glared at itaru blushing a bit from his blunder, "Hey! Where is everyone? Huh,huh???"
Daniel had finished and smiled."it went well roxas. Oh and come in."he beck oned him over. "Break my daughter's heart again and we'll have a problem. Understood? "
"Like you can!" Itaru yelled at Enzo just before he took off. He heard a thud and saw Ven hit the floor, he scoffed a bit. When the boy spoke, Itaru didnt know what to say. Should he mention Ritsuka? He closed his eyes and looked at the younger boy through his hair,"Something came up..." His deep voice was serious and there was no hint of sarcasm,"Just stay here we dont need anymore trouble..." It was written in Itaru's eyes that something was wrong but he didnt want to say it. He didnt get along with Ven, in fact he was a little jealous of him, but he knew hed freak if he found out about her.
Rox face lit up filling with relief, "Thank goodness," he breathed before stepping into the room as Daniel waved him in, at the father's fair warning and semi threat, Rox dipped his head in respect, "Yes, sir, understood perfectly." He looked over at Nichole all banaged and fixed up, even now there was a certain beauty about her a warm light came to his eyes and smile and he went over to her taking a hand, "You won't have to worry, I vow that too."

Ven' s glare lessened at the serious tome that took hold of Itaru voice it was different no tease or sarcasm...serious. although the older male did not say what the problem was, he basically said is was best to stay here. Ven looked around again, he was still in the downstairs lab of the cafe. He snapped his head back to stare intently at Itaru Was he lying? Was he tricking him? Ven challenged the cat's look with all his doubt in his eyes, before turning away and looking up at the ceiling Rox would have not just left me here, or Nichole or Ritsuka they both don't like him... Ven let out a sigh, maybe its not Itaru who he needs to trust here, getting up, slower this time, he wiggled out his legs before standing still arms crossed over his chest, "Fine, I'll stay, if you answer a question for me."
Nichole blushed deeply and daniel ruffled rox's hair."good work. Now follow me son."leading him outside."I know my daughter is a beaut but take it slow. And if you ever want to marry her you have my and ciara's blessings. But seriously enjoy life after you save the world. Lord knows you kids need a break and if you do go that fast use protection. We dont believe in abortions at our house. Yes we will be angry but we will forgive you. Give her even one drop of alcohol before her drinking age and we will have some problems. Kay?"
"So we'll pass time with 21 question,s eh?" He slid his now polished and sharpened rapier back in its sheath and laid it on the couch,eyeing the scythe Ritsuka left behind. He lifted himself with his hands while scooting onto the floor with out standing up and sat with his legs crossed and back still leaning on the bottom part of the couch, yellow eyes glaringly looked at Ven's. His hand patted a spot on the floor infront of the couch and next to him, offering a seat to Ven with a somewhat of a fake smile,"Well its not like theres anything else to do...." He reconsidered,"Okay shoot..." He ran his fingers through his soft layred hair and blinked his yellow feline eyes at Ven genuinely eager, waiting for the question to be asked. 
(Its so weird im constantly checking the RP n no alerts, then i stop checking and when i check like 2 hours later IT SAYS U GUYS POSTED TWO HOURS AGO!!! it trolls meh T^T)
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Likara's head shot up and she got up, jogging over to him. "I'm sorry, I overacted. I don't know why I said...I guess..I just...flipped out for some reason." She looked him in the eyes then bowed formally. "I'm truly sorry for what I did." Her eyes darted around at her shoes as she slowly stood back up. For some reason, she was a little nervous about how he would react. Likara suddenly blushed and she looked away, her hair hiding the side of her face for her.
Rox laughed a little when Daneil ruffled his hair up, before nodding and following the man out into the hallway, he had a curious look to what this conversation was going to go. His cheeks blushed at the mention of taking it slow but his head snapped up, face coated with surprise Their blessing?....really? He could only nod mouth stuck by shock at the news, his eyes grew wide at the mention of abortion, he did not believe in it either finally the father wrapped it up with underage drinking, Rox let a soft smile take his lips,

"I understand sir, she won't be getting alcohol from me, even when I am 21, also I don't believe in abortion either if something happens, we will kept the baby, but...I honestly do want to take it slow, the thing on my mind right now go to take Nichole ice skating," he laughed lightly as he said the idea out loud, but he really wanted to do that. His eyes warmed with a touched graditude as he looked at Daneil, "And thank you, so much for giving me that blessing, it means a lot." He walked a few steps over before hugging the older male, not only was Daniel and Ciara giving their blessing to one day propose to his true love, they also gave him an invitation into the family, his eyes moisted as he let go of the man stepping back.

Ven had to surpress the urge of the grin that wanted to pop on his lips twenty one question was a game he knew pretty well. Rox could always make up games for when they were traveling on the streets. Ven blinked out of the memory with a feeling of missing, how strange it was to miss his brother now... as Itaru patted at the ground, Ven hesitated for a moment before walking over and sitting down cross legged his somewhat signature postion. Forest eyes looked at yellow, a shade somewhat but not really similar to his brothers, he looked away fiddling with his fingers, why did he feel the strongest urge to cry right now and pull out some of his hair? He could not pinpoint the reason that brught up these emotions so taking careful breaths he cleared his throat turning back towards the cat, "I got just one not twenty more." He paused though or rather hesitated biting his lip as his brain craned how to say what he wanted to say, giving a sigh, he just started talking, "I wanted to know....why...why Ritsuka does not like you? Well really really does not...I mean Suka just does not like people for no reason, she is shy, but that is not shyness that is dislike, so, so why? And after all this time too? I don't really know if she holds a grudge I would not think she would for someone she cares about...and she seems to have cared for you. And...even you don't seem evil, a stupid annoying jerk, but not, so...." Ven turned to crash his eyes into yellow orbs,"What happened?"

Enzo was surprised when Likara came up to him, he opened his mouth, but she beat him to it spilling and gushing out aplogizes, he took a step back for her to bow, bow to him, she bowed! His eyes just blank over and over, "I uh...whao I was not expecting that, I appreciate it though, and I forgive you." Enzo chuckled a bit as stepped up to her genty touching her cheek and turning her face back towards him, "I wanted to tell you I was just kidding around wit Itaru and I meant nothing by it," he leant foward to press his lips to Likara in a little kiss, he pulled back, his cheeks red, "That was one heck of an apology, unnecessary, but it it made me feel all special." He grinned lightly before brushing Likara's hair aside.
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(Don't you just l love her dad? X3)

Luna decided to explore their side of tokyo and smiled at the sights. Luna bought herself something to eat and haou too. They were having a great time. Haou barked as more dogs came over to luna. She had a connection with them. being by herself surrounded by the animals she loved made her day.

Daniel said"welcome my boy. But becareful. Shes not great at ice skating...or any kind of skating for that matter. Just help her through it kay?"winking. "Just don't go overboard under the mistletoe ok?" Laughing.

Nichole hummed pulling her top back on then changed back human. She walked out of the room and saw Rox and her dad. "Hey guys!" Jogging over and hugged rox's arm smiling.
Itaru chuckled quietly and leaned his head back, his eyes closed. He took a moment before opening them, staring at the ceiling,"Simply because i betrayed her..." He looked back at Ven with a smirk. He lifted a knee in an upright position, resting his arm on it. He flipped his hair and started to speak again before Ven could say anything,"We grew up together. In the lab they kept us seperated but Ritsuka's cell was next to mine and at night we's stay up past curfue and talk to eachother. She was so tiny then, so innocent and fragile, it hurt me to see her in a place like this, chained and restricted. She took a liking to me and we became friends very quickly. When guards or doctors would come for her shed fight back, she was very out spoken and definately wasnt afraid to say what she was thinking. 'Youre my best friend' shed tell me, she was little and would say that shed marry me when we were out, it was childs love she didnt know what she was saying, none of the less we were attached to eachother and cared for eachother. Anyway, we grew older i was in my early teens and they put us into teams. Ritsuka was highly skilled and quickly favored and set as Captain. Everyone in our team HAD to listen to her, and she wasnt scared to show the others who was boss," he scoffed," I was the only one who heard her real sweet voice..." His eyes were filled with nostalgia and he had a gentle smile,"Her brother, and yes she had a brother, became a guard and soon she was attached to him. I felt like i was left behind and for some reason it angered me that i was replaced...Well, he was able to devise a plan, able to guarantee a safe escape, since life was cruel there and he didnt want to see me or his sister there.

He cared about me, i dont know why...but he loved me like his own brother he ways made sure i was okay... "he paused and his eye brows furrowed and his tone was a little darker,"soon the escape day came and after a certain point we were caught and surrounded, me,her and him. She clung to him for dear life and for somereason seeing that made something inside me snap, i didnt like seeing her with, i ratted him out.'It was him! He let us free' i yelled. No one did anything, no one took with my rapier in my hand i decided to take on the job...and i killed him, and to make it worse i decapitated him...blood was everywhere and Ritsuka freaked out. She ran at me, anger birning in her eyes, her scythe in hand and she startled me! I didnt mean to but i instinctivly stabbed her, right in the stomach. I let go of my weapon and cried for what i had just done. They took her away and i fell to my knees and next thing i know shes back in the cell, but i wasnt, I SHOULDVE BEEN! BUT I WASNT!," his fist tightened,"...they made me a guard her! Many times i tried to apologize but she wouldnt even look at me,'I can get you out! Ritsuka please, I love you!' I confessed and kept telling her but shed just glare and she became bitter and kept to herself. Soon i found out she broke out on her this day i still dont know how she did it..." He explained,"since then she never trusted me...and to this day, i still dont know if i love her..." He looked away from Ven, ashamed and already knowing he lost her to him. "Well...thats the story...short but you get the gist..." He tried to change the subject,"I just want her to know ive changed...i was a bit of a jerk then sometimes..." 
Ritsuka rested as the pills took their course. To help her rest, she took a mild anesthetic while the beloved doc wasnt looking, but, the voices of Nichole, Rox, and Nicholes father in a room near by, inturrupted.

Everything was coursing through her veins and, especially, the anesthesia made her...not all there. The side effects took a hold of her making her...a little loopy, making her seem almost drunk! She sat up and hopped off the bed, wobbly walking and staggering toward the door, her eyes were half way open and looked drowsy. She slowly made her way to the other room where the others were, nurses watched her walk through the halls but were too busy tending to other patients. She finally found the room,"C-could you keep it down? Some of us....are trying to SLEEP!" Her words were slurred. She wobbled in the doorway and clung onto the threshold for support and a sleepy angry face topped off her attitude.
Likara was surprised by he sudden act and blushed even harder. "Uh...hehe yeah..." She smiled brightly at him and went back to her usual self. "I'm glad that you're not upset with me." Her hand went to his on her cheek and nuzzled into it a little. She closed her eyes slightly. "Do you want to stay here or go somewhere else?" The thought of leaving and going to her house or anywhere in fact, made her a little happy. "Anywhere with you......" Her eyes closed all the way as she quietly spoke her thoughts.
"But i dont wanna go back!" She threw herself on the floor and sprawled out,"you cant make me!" She pouted. She rolled over onto her stomach and put her hands under her chin,"I wanna go home..." She batted her eyes. She lifted her left hand in the air, implying for someone to drag her,"Take meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...." She faded out till it was quiet. She gave up and her hand plopped onto the ground.
Ritsuka's white hair dangled from Nichole's arms,"Why are you carrying me? *gasp* are we married?!" She giggled,"nichole look!" She gently pinched Nicholes nose,"I got your nose~!" She laughed a bit.

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