mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Enzo nodded his midnight blue eyes watching sharply at the process started, "You where?" Enzo soon asked with interest directing his question at Luna, "I thought wielders were old fashion unless someone needed a gun now days."
(Srry guys got caught up in the holidays :3)

Ritsuka looked around at the sound of 'training',"T-training?" She thought of the training when her and Itaru were little in the lab.

"Whats wrong Susu? Cant handle a little work out anymore?" Itaru snickered.

She ignored him, her hair getting puffed up. The urge to cough was building but she knew if she did, some unwanted fluids would come out. "What kinda training..." She sounded a little skeptical.
Likara turned into her cat form, curling into a tight ball. She started to purr and rub her head against Enzo's arm gently. Her tail puffed up a bit whioe she was dreaming. She dreamed about fighting an enemy with eveybody. The last strike was given and she meowed queitly, moving around a bit.
Enzo nodded once in comfortmation, "I see, a hobby," Enzo let out a sigh absentmindly stroking Likara,"I think I was born in the wrong time, weapons interest me in a way, that could only become an actual career years ago," Enzo eyes drifted to Likara as she mewed and he petted her head lightly.

Rox looked over at Ritsuka, "uh what type?" Rox thought one brow furrowed upwards, "Hum, I guess...I can explain it was helping one another reaching our full potenial, we battle with each other to create moves, become able to fight alongside with anyone in this group and to also make sure we can hold our own if it comes to that." Rox paused nodding as he looked from Ritsuka to Itaru, "But, we train in a way to teach not harm, by that, I mean sure we will get some bumps, bruises, and scraps, but nothing severe, no attacks ruled by anger or a dangerous lust to be victor, and we won't force anyone to train." Rox finished up with a another satisfied nod.

(( @HoneyBear-Kat of course! it was the holiday! but can you read back on page 299 for me? I put a post there for everyone))
Nichole helped by making the arrow tips. She hummed and made them sharp to the point. "There!" She shinned them up and said"likara what would you like?"smiling. Luna checked the sword and dipped the hot metal in some water.. it was ready to go.
Enzo peered down at the sleeping cat in his arms, "She never did say, Likara, wake up!" He called poking her nose with his finger, he admired Nichole's work, "Your boyfriend will love those." He commented before watching Luna put the finishing touches on his sword.
Nichole blushed and went to show rox. Luna smiled and finished shining the sword.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/57a8be70b5444_KirinSword.jpeg.3ca1f93b035f68cfa3a2cbc87d196cc2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9883" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/57a8be70b5444_KirinSword.jpeg.3ca1f93b035f68cfa3a2cbc87d196cc2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Rox turned form explaining to Ritsuka to see Nichole heading towards him, "Ooo, I spy modified arrows," He picked one up and looked at it, "They look great, now to test them." He summoned his crossbow and looped it through aiming at an empty wall, he shot, it hit precised and with a better stronger impact yet the arrow was still light. Grinning broadly, Rox spun back around to pull Nichole into a kiss, "They are perfect, thanks love."
(OH OH! THATS AN AWESOME IDEA :DDDDD and hmmm...keep or get rid? say keep :3 but thats just me)

"Does it really matter what kind?" Itaru walked closer to Ritsuka after Rox explained, and put an arm around her,"c'mon itll be like old times!" He put her in a head lock.

"Hnng!! >.<" she grunted a bit taken by surprise. She flailed a bit and struggled to pull herself out. "Stop touching me!" her voice was still a little quiet, shes not one to be loud so even when she yells its not very intimidating.

"Aw Susu come on im just trying to have a little fun with my favorite pup."

He gave her a nuggie and she flailed more.

"Why do cats always instigate the canine kind, and you wonder why i dont like you! You filthy stray!" She tried to provoke.

"Susu youre not one to hurt someone with their words, dont try. Come backs dont suit you~" he teased. As she was pulling he let go, and Ritsuka staggered backwards. She fixed her long white locks and put her hands staright at her sides, her fists balled up, shoulders tensed, and face bunched in a pout,"Technically i am still your superior!" She growled.

"Technically, we arent part of that system anymore." He came to her and pinched her cheeks.

She slapped his hand out of her face and said nothing but let her face express what she was feeling.

"You always did look cute when you were angry." He smirked. She turned on her heels away from him, her arms crossed and nose in the air. How was it that Itaru always brought out this stubborn childish side of Ritsuka? It wasnt like her to act that way but she did it reguardless.

(I got carried away @.@ i like writing stories so sometimes i go off with my characters xD srry srry its habit)
Enzo let his eyes run along the sword, "I like the design, it looks amazing..." He was eager to test it out, "She is luckly I like her so much, or I would dump her for the sword..." He smirked and waited for Likara to wake up.
((Keep? Hmmm Now I don't know! Ven's love interest creator says keep! And thanks glad you like the ideas!)) 
Enzo looked at Luna, "Em hang on a second," He shifted Likara into one arm before gripping to sword with the other, as soon as it was in his hand, it felt so, so darn right, he gave it a little swish, the blade gliding with ease, "This is just what I was looking for, thanks."

Rox grinned out how Nichole took the kiss before looking over at Ritsuka and Itaru an eyebrow raised they had a weird relationship as well....wonder what they even mean by all that? Must be from the past. Out of anything Rox learned the past was best told, it was a heavy weight to carry all that. I wonder why he has not-oh I see. Rox chuckled a little his eyes on his brother who had fallen fast asleep in a slouched standing position leaning against the wall he has not been sleeping well lately. "Well both Ven and Likara are down for the count, but before we call it a night, we need to check ourselves out, especially you, Ritsuka, I won't have you training while you try to make yourself not cough up blood." 
@HoneyBear-Kat @twilight sparkle
Nichole shook her head and looked at her sister. Then at itaru growling lowly.

lunsaid"welcome enzo. Calm down young one. Fighting right now will solve nothing. You can wipe the floor with him after its over."
Ritsuka keept eye contact from Rox,"I dont know what youre talking about....". Seeing as everyone had weapons out, she pulled out her scythe, it spun then she set straight up and used it as a staff, she leaned on it a bit. She began to shine her pride and joy, her Crescent Wolf, her weapon of her soul. She treasures it so much. She kept a straight face, trying to keep it hidden out what Rox was talking about. It was hard, it was to hold it in, but she didnt want to cough it up and scare everyone.

Itaru unsheathed his rapier,"Its like a weapon party in here!" He grinned. He sharpened and polished it,"so sharp~ so sleek~ what great craftsmenship~!"

"Dont flatter yourself..." Ritsuka retorted.

"HEY! Anyone couldve built a scythe like yours! It takes skill to get this straight edge!" He pointed to his sword. He zoomed behind Ritsuka and peered over her shoulder,"See? See? I see a dent!" he pointed at her weapon.

"Agh! Step off!" She put her hand on his face and tried to make him look away but he pushed back, her hand glued to his cheek,"That dent was from battle you idiot! Incase you dont remember, thats where i whacked your fat head! Its a trophy!" She was distracted by Itaru.

"Hey that was a cheap move! I remember that!" They wrestled for a bit.

"You deserved it and you know it!" 
(Talk about sibling rivalry xD even though they arent related x3 just a competition between dog and cat, which species is the best?! Who shall prevail?! The loyal dog or the devilish kitty!)
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Rox folded his arms, "Uh-huh sure you don't." He sighed watching the two bicker and push at each other, "I do like your sword Itaru," Rox commented his eyes going over it. They act like brother and sister He observed with a small smile before gently breaking them apart, "Itaru, we have all the materials here to add something or sharpen your sword, same for you Ritsuka, that dent can be fixed, but right now, you need to be fixed more." He said more pointedly at Ritsuka before looking at Nichole, "Where can we take her?"

Enzo grinned well, he was amused, he looked down at Likara such a sound sleeper, "Besides, everyone weapon is made for them." He stated walking over to Itaru, "From the way you jumped out of the balloon and seeing your weapon, I can see why its fits for you." Enzo was going all anylizing again. 
((Lolol! Rox agrees xDD))
As Nichole spoke Ritsuka couldnt hold it anymore. In Nichole's mid-sentence, she QUICKLY covered her mouth with both hands and coughed. Her face cringed as she did so, and red poured through her fingers, her eyes widened and she shook her head. She removed her hands and the blood poured down her neck,"I-Im so sorry!" She managed to say. She looked at her bloodied hands and freaked out. She started to hyperventilate as she stood there frozen.

Itaru puffed his chest with pride and he put his fists on hus hips in a heroic pose,"You really think so?" She spoke to Enzo,"You sir, have very good taste in weaponry." Completely forgetting Enzo didnt like being called "sir".

His enjoyment of attention was interrupted by the strong stench of iron, blood. His head whipped around as he saw Ritsuka, she was trembling in fear as she apologized to Nichole and Rox.

Ritsuka coughed a little more but nothing came up. Her hands dripped blood onto the floor,"Ill be f-fine...its just the mess i have to worry about." She said between panicked breaths, trying to keep calm.

"Susu!" Handed Enzo his rapier and ran to Ritsuka,"You know youre not supposed to hold it in like that! This is what happeneds!"

"I-Im sorry!" She breathed heavier and couldnt take her eyes off the blood.

He lifted her chin, getting blood on his fingertips,"Dont look at it!" He yelled at her and she looked up away from it. He turned back to Nichole and Rox,"Shes hemophobic, large amounts of blood freaks her out,make sure she doesnt look!" He ran to get some towels or anything to clean with.

The locks of hair she had infront, hanging off her chest, were now tainted and her white hair was no longer pure. She kept shaking he head,"Im sorry im sorry! I got worked up and....a-and my body was pushing it out!" She kept apologizing.
Enzo let out a huff, "For the second time, don't call me- whoa!" He stumbled to catch the weapon and held it eyes wide on Ritsuka in front of him. Holy f*ck its everywhere!

Rox flinched as all the blood came out running everywhere but pulled himself together rather quickly, he kept himself calm, Ritsuka needed calmness to calm down, "Okay and hurry up." He called as Itaru ran for paper towels or something. Rox bent down next to Ritsuka placing a hand on her shoulder, "Shh, stop apologizing...just focus on breathing." He gently turned her head to look at him, being careful of the blood, "Just keep breathing and watch this." Rox had no idea if it would distract her, but it was worth a shot. He brought up his hands and started making his noddle like ropes do dances and even spelling Ritsuka's name, he formed them into a noddle version of her, then of Ven trying to keep her attention off the blood.
Nichole quickly picked up ritsuka rushing out. "Rit keep looking at rhe sky. Just the sky!" Running as fast as she could to the hospital. She busted in and her mom quickly to ritsuka into a room. "Nichole what happened? !" "I-I don't know she started throwing up blood!" Ciara, changed the name, quickly cleaned ritsuka up and said"ritsuka please tell me. Where does it hurt. Is it coming from your longs?" Keeping calm while Nichole was freaking out.
Ritsuka watched for a moment, struggling to keep looking at him.

Itaru came back with paper towels and and regular towel. He hand her the bath towel,"Keep this incase theres more okay?"

She nodded and covered her mouth with it and a little more started to come out, and Itaru used the other paper towels to clean the floor as Nichole picked up Ritsuka and took her.

"Itll pass, th-this is normal..." She told Nichole but really just reassured herself.

She was rushed to a room where a woman asked her something,"it doesnt hurt it just comes out,i get fevers occasionally but doctors before said that my body is trying to get rid of tainted blood and thats the only way...they never diagnosed anything."
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