mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

(I fell asleep :P )

Likara's head spun like crazy from all of the information flooding her head. "I-I think so..." She was having a moment of amnesia but was slowly remembering was happened. Her eyes looked around the cafe, not smelling the food and drinks behind the counter. Suddenly feeling the wave of memories hit her at once. He is right. We're at the cafe waiting for everyone. How could I forget? Likara held her head gently. "I'm really tired..." It came out a little louder than she had wanted it to.
Rox felt the blue power sink into his chest and move throughout his body, it leaked knew strengh! "Whoa, this is incredible." Rox closed his hand into a fist just to feel the energy pulse into it.

Enzo stopped his laughter a light frown appearing on his face as Likara seemed to be dazed out, as she held her head claiming she was tired, Enzo slung his arm lightly around her shoulder before pulling the red head cat closer, "Then rest." He said in an obvoious simple way as he placed her head onto his chest keeping his arm along Likara's shoulder and wrapping his other arm over her lap, he sighed lightly shaking his head, "After all, you did say I was a comfty pillow." He rolled his eyes but let his hands fiddled with her hair.
Likara blushed lightly at the action but soon felt her eyelids slowly closing. She nuzzled closer to him, purring a little bit here and there. A small smile on her face as she mentally agreed with Enzo. She had said in the past that he like a comfy pillow. Likara drifted off into a happy dream, forgetting about the cafe and that she was sleeping in general.
Rox grinned over at her nodding, "Where did you find them, it like a whole knew surge of strengh and magic." He regarded Nichole curiously wanting to know the story behind it.

Enzo felt Likara settle more against him, he felt the soft purrs rev through her body, "You are always so warm..." he muttered, he slipped a bit down in his sit making it more comfortable still holding Likara sercurely, "Its puzzling...but nice." He finished still dabbling with strands of hair, he titlted his head up towards the sky he made himself hold make a laugh so to not disturb Likara, "A hot air balloon? Really? I could really make a ton off a story like this..." he spoke to himself before looking back down at his now girlfriends sleeping face, "I bet many would love your character....wonder what they'd think of me....? tch like i care any."
Nichole blushed and said"ok so while you and ven were gone. I kept fighting the aliens as did ritsuka. One day when one was getting his butt handed to him I felt a strong energy. We both looked down at the ground seeing a blue glow. He was like" can it be? Blue aqua!" One look at eachother and we were going for it. Nearly a fight to the death over these things. After Eliot and Wesley told me everything I needed to know. I knew the mews needed it more. But what I wasn't counting on was his king nearly killing us even with the help of the original mews! Like zoey. He was trying to defeat me and zoey for some reason. But we could see deep into his heart. We saw what happened to him and felt pity. But got blindsided by his sword. Ugh that hurt for like a month! Good news we were quick enough to defeat him. Bad news we still have the scars from where he sliced us open. Anyway with the help of two of the blue aqua and our connections with our friends we mew mews defeated them. Zoey intrusted me with keeping the others safe. And I did. But I know we need them now more than ever."
(Oh! Oh my goodness >o< im so sorry! )

As Ritsuka snuggled her small frame into Ven's warmth, she peered over at Itaru who seemed in to be preoccupied by a day dream,Wonder what hes thinking of...

She frowned already having an idea.

Itaru propped his elbow on the barrier that surrounded them and kept them from falling out. His chin in his hand he he looked out into the wintery gray as they went through some clouds. His jet black hair swayed a bit and this strange feeling came over him. Being a cat with alert senses, one of those senses was the feeling if being watched. His attention broke off from the clouds and turned to Ritsuka. He blinked a few times then gave a soft smile, one not seen many times coming from him.

When Itaru smiled at her, Ritsuka was taken by surprise for a moment and her faced showed it. But the memories of what he has one in the past flooded her mind and her faced turned into an upset expression. She turned with a,"Hm!" and buried her face closer into Ven's arm, away from Ruru. As soon as she was facing away from him, her face softened up once more with sadness as she felt a little guilt from doing that.

Itaru sort of expected that reaction. As soon as she turned he frowned a little saddened. He looked back up at Ven, a little jealous he had the close connection with her now. But he cant blame her, what he did was wrong and he knew it now. He gave a little glare at the green-eyed boy for a moment, then turned his attention back into the cold nothingness at surrounded them, the clouds, who seemed to be all hes got now when it comes to allies.

(Hopefully this somewhat of a long post makes up for ny sorry ;w;)
Rox listened to Nichole in rapid attention taking in all the details, he winced sharply when she mentioned how she and Zoey got sliced up still having scars, he shivered a bit more from empathy than the cold winds, he reached for her hand holding it, "That sounds like one heck of a fight Nichole, I am glad your alright, I mean besides the scars." His eyes went along her frame wondering only with his eyes where the scars were? He let out a sigh thinking to himself before turning back to Nichole, "Looks as if another one of those battles are going to come." He glanced back towards were they had escaped from only seeing clouds now, than he glanced to were they were headed...and a smile crept on his lips seeing some of the taller buildings looking so familiar, "I see home." He announced.

Ven still had his eyes half closed and now kept his hands laying on top of Ritsuka's sucessfully warming them for now. Ven did not notice Suka or Itaru exchanges in till Rit burried her face more into his arm, he looked at her for a second a frown creasing his forhead as he felt her sadness, looking over at the feline to see an equally sad frown, his eyes became curious as he half heartly glared back at Ruru this time What had happened between them? I mean...what did he do to make her so sad even now? He squeezed Ritsuka hands lightly again in a sort of comfort before peering back over at Itaru once more Why do I care? Because I'm me? Well, at least that has not changed...can't figure if that is a blessing or curse.... Ven opened his mouth to say something civil to the raven haired cat, but got completely distracted by Roxas's announcement, "Home? We are?" Ven was torn between moving to see, or staying in this comfortable warmth, staying still won for once, Ritsuka had that effect. He did not really need to look because the baloon started going downward at an easy slope.
Nichole nodded and said"yea it goes up to here." Pointing from her side to her breast. " I'm so happy my mom is a doctor."

Luna said"that is a horrible tale young one."
Ritsuka's attention was grasped by Rox too. "Home?" She said. Her ears perked and looking around.

Itaru looked around as well.
(School takes too long!! But I get off early on Wednesday because of Thanksgiving!! >3<)

Likara smiled a bit, his voice bringing her back to the real world. "I bet everyone would fall in love with your character. Just like I did." She could feel a light blush flow across her skin. Her head buried into his chest a little bit more. "I'm so weird." A quiet mumble came out as she hid her face from the wolf above her.
((Man you both are so luckkky! I am off on wed too, but I never got the whole week off!))

Enzo jumped a little at the unexpected voice as Likara woke up Oh right, sensitive ears duh Enzo made a face, "I doubt it, highly doubt it," He responded, but then grinned down as her face snuggled more into his chest, "But I like it that way, most would not get me as you do." He chuckled a bit that the thought, "That is weird huh? Guess we fit with being weird too." He gave another head shake of humor before tilting his chin upward, "Ah, I spy with my little eye long unseen team-mates." He was looking at the balloon descending from the sky.

Rox trailed his eyes along with her finger as Nichole showed him were the scar laid, "I am too, and your still pretty you know, scar will change that." He blush a little saying this in the company of Nichole's technical sister. But smiled as the balloon sunk down lower. and lower.

Ven moved now that Ritsuka has sitting up on his knees this time and looking around, "There see, I see the cafe." He pointed at the building ahead of them as the balloon took a little longer to hit the ground. Ven sat back down his seat as the realization hit him that they actually escaped. It swept over him shocking him.
Ritsuka looked over at what Ven was pointing at,"Oh yea." She said her blue eyes scanning the familiar town. Her tail and ears poofed away as they got closer to landing, she didnt want any towns people freaking out.

Itaru quickly took notice of Ritsuka hiding her animal traits and did the same. He also looked over and scanned the place. Once the balloon close, about 20-30 feet in the air, Itaru hopped over and jumped down, landing perfectly in a squatting stance. She straightened but and looked up,"Cats always land on their feet!" He yelled back.

Ritsuka mentally face palmed,"You idiot.." She sighed and said in a lowly voice that only Ven or anyone around her could hear. She took a deep breath,"He really knows how to get under my skin doesnt he?" Her voice was back to normal. She didnt expect the question to be answered she was just thinking out loud. She turned and sat back down with her legs crossed,"Then again everything he does upsets me...". She waited for the balloon to land
The balloon touched down to the snowy earth below coming to a very peaceful and safe stop, no crashing here!

Ven managed to shake himself free of shock enough to stand to his feet waver just a bit before placing a hand flat on the rim for balance, "Whoa! Okay steady now." He muttered to himself and shook his legs a bit getting the blood flowing again, he looked over at Ritsuka listening to her words that seemed like they belonged in her mind, the questions bubbled in his, the prominent one being What happened between those two? But more importantly the questioned entered his mind What will happen now? Walking the few inches to Ritsuka he offered her a hand up as he looked around they landed in between the park and the cafe.....the cafe....the park, the one he sicked ice monsters to destroy the scene looked like it had never happened everything was fixed.

Rox felt his face go a cherry red again, "Uh? Oh! wasn't!" He protested against Luna's accusing glare, waving his hands in front of him back and forth as he shook his head too, "W-well would you look at that? We have landed." He stood up seeing Itaru had jumped from the balloon he was the first one off.

Rox looked around seeing a taller figure then he remembered but familiar walking towards them, a small like echo coming off of each slap of his hands, Familiar blue hair swayed along his cheeks were an amused smirk laid, "Well, that was quite the stunt." Enzo cast Itaru a glance before raising a hand in a wave to the rest, "Long time no see."

@Neko-Neko-Nekomimi @twilight sparkle @HoneyBear-Kat Sorry, Rpnation would not let me on last night!
Ritsuka took his hand and stood up. Before stepping off, she looked at the park,"The park..." She whispered.She walked out of the balloon, and faced the greenery. She remembered that this was the place where she first met Ven and healed Nichole. She gasped as a flood of memories came over her. The nostalgia overwhelmed her, and for some unknown reason she started to tear up. Maybe it was the fact that she felt home? Or that they escaped? Who knows. She grabbed Vens hand and squeezed it as she stared at the fountain that she fell in when Ven spooked her.

She heard a voice, a somewhat known voice and turned to see what seemed like a familiar face. She wiped her tears away before they fell as she studied him. She looked at Enzo and tried to remember. Ritsuka hid behind Ven, grasping his shirt and peeking to look at Enzo. She looked up at Ven, worry in her face, she felt like she was meeting a new person for the first time.

Itaru said nothing but exchange glances with Enzo.
Rox got out after Nichole looking around himself, he remembered his words a long time ago, his last ones besides the i love you part, he had said, this is where their hearts lay now, and it was true, because his warmed with an amazing feeling.

Ven felt the squeeze of Ritsuka's hand followed her gaze to the fountain, a light smile appearing on his lips the memory banished some of the worries he was feeling about being back, it all still felt so surreal though. At least he had a hand to hold that tethered him to reality.

Enzo let a soft fond smile appear on his face as he walked up to Nichole, "Glad to see you too, still fainting twice a day?" He teased and it was a tease not a snarky degrading tone that accompanied him when first meeting Nichole, he had changed in a way and that was a good thing. Rox could not help, but chuckle giving Enzo a friendly warning look which he blue haired boy just smirked at before both males clasped hands in greeting.

Moving on, the blue haired male made a few strides towards Ritsuka and Ven but halted as Ritsuka's reaction. Ven looked down at Suka a puzzled look eating his eyes, did she see something he didn't?

"Whoa, whao, hey, its Enzo, remember? I gave you ride once, on my back....did I really change that much, jeez talk about your growth spurt." Enzo threw his hands in the air before shoving them into his pockets. Ven stared at him and Enzo stood back, "I see, you are no longer a pup." Enzo could see the change in Ven, who lifted his chin proudly,

"No I'm not." He said the words solidly. Enzo looked over at Ritsuka once more, "If you can't trust your eyes, trust your senses, I am of your pack after all."
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Ritsuka's crystal eyes brightened as she did trust her senses! His scent was familiar and he pointed out the piggy back ride, which seemed her most vivid memory of him. She let go of Ven and rushed to hug Enzo with out a word. She looked up at him with a smile then released him,"I remember you now!" If her tail was out, it would be wagging. Theres something about meeting her kin that excited her, especially if she hasnt seen them for a while. Like a real pack, she felt happy that all the members were there.
Enzo shot a smile over at Nichole, "Good to hear, I heard you have been kicking butt, perusal of course." Enzo got caught off guard as a small body impacted his as arms winded around him and sapphire eyes lit with realization and a blossoming smile looked up at him. Enzo let out a half sigh, "Girls are too unpredictable and huggy." He half hearty complained, but smiling he bent to give Ritsuka a proper hug before releasing and leaning back, shoving hands back into his pocket, "Sooooo, we got new people, uh hello new people...I suck at this so yeah, hi." Enzo looked from Luna to Itaru to the wolf wagging his tail.

((I kinda have a feeling knowing Enzo and seeing Itaru's personality that they would get on each others nerves somewhat but could become pretty good friends xDD))
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