mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

(Lololol xD )

Itaru nodded to Enzo,"Yo." Was all he said.

Ritsuka looked back at Itaru,"you make yourself seem so stuck up sometimes..." She said through her teeth.

Itaru sighed then looked back at Enzo with a fake smile,"Well hello there sir, nice to meet you. Im Itaru, Ritsuka's friend." His voice was sarcastic like usual. He turned to Ritsuka,"happy?"

Her face was so annoyed, she didnt even look at him but mentally she was tearing him apart. "Youll learn to ignore him..." She told Enzo.
Rox nodded at Nichole knowing why she wanted to go down there. Enzo nodded at the names and looked at Nichole with a blink of his eyes, "Er, downstairs?" He had no idea what was going on. Enzo was quite fine with the "Yo" he was given, but Ven rolled his eyes nodding along with Ritsuka at what she said to Itaru as he came back up to her side, but that the next set of words a snort followed along with a face,

"I am no sir, and sarcastic or not, don't like being refereed to as such, I am 16 not 40." Enzo blew out a breath before leaning forward, "Okay? Mr. Itura friend or by the looks not so much of Ritsuka's?" Yeah, Enzo was still witty no taking that away, "Hm, ignore huh." Midnight blue looked up at the sky as Enzo said no more about it light smirk still on his face.

((Last post guys!! And Happy Thanksgiving!!! <3 <3)
(Happy thanksgiving! Be sure to remember what ur thankful for ^w^)
((So sorry, my computer had to restart and took forever doing so.))

Likara sat up quickly at the sudden entrance of people. She didn't even feel Enzo get up. She did feel her head hit the chair though. "Ow....Enzo you jerk!" Standing up, Likara finally noticed that her old friends were here. And some new ones. "Oh....uh...hi guys....uhhahaha....." She blushed a deep red and looked down at the floor instantly.

Nichole unlocked the cafe and went through the kitchen. "C'mon! " opening the door leading downstairs. "Watch your step." Leading them down and the technology was still down there. She got in the computer chair and typed quickly. A layout of tokyo was laid over a grid. "Ok if you noticed Xanth's predisites have been attacking in patterns. Here. Here. And here." The places lighting up. "He's after something and I think I might know."

Luna looked at the technology in awe and haou sat down. Luna said"still the smart girl that thinks on her feet. Huh?"
(Happy Thanksgiving!!! >3<)

Likara followed the group downstairs and watched as Nichole pointed to things. She wondered who Xanth was. Her mind was going crazy, trying to remember who he was. Likara suddenly had the urge to fight, focusing on the map. She could barely make out the street names but knew where every place was in her mind. Her eyes were glued on the dots on the screen, remembering where there were.
Enzo stopped his teasing with Itaru when Likara claimed he was a jerk as she hit her head, “Whoops, sorry about that.” He moved back to her side following the rest down the steps, “I remember this place, it was just before I met you, I was spying down here trying to figure out what the heck was going on, ah, good times.” He half joked before turning more somber as Nichole pointed out information, he lightly snaked his arm around Likara’s seeing how hard she was thinking, “Xanth, is the alien @sshole.” He reminded her,

“He is much more than that! Xanth pure evil! He killed our mother, poisoned me with darkness controlling me like some handmade puppet, forcing people like my brother to bow to his wishes, he is a pile of dirt that got sh*t on and then burned in fire and dissolved in acid!” Enzo blinked a few times before nodding, “Well, correction, he is that then Likara.” Enzo looked down at the girl than cast a look at Ven the happy go lucky boy was indeed gone, though he could see why, what else had changed in their absence?

After his outburst Ven pinned his shoulders against the wall calming himself enough so that his fist unclenched from tight balls.

Rox leaned forward on the chair after making sure Ven was not going to punch anything, “What is he after now? We need to stop him, he looked around at all the group, all the mew, mews, a team, “We need to train, together, make sure we have no chance of losing…that is, if you all are willing to help.”

((I actually have some couple moves and also some team ideas if you guys wanna hear? ^^))
(Sure tell us roxel)

Nichole said"likara enzo here." Giving them blue aqua. "They'll help. And he's after the biggest ore of blue aqua. If he has that he can control the planet. We must not let him get it. We have to protect it at all costs." Standing. "Ok if you can't go mew here are some more pendants and weapons."

Luna listened to everything but was still confused. Then she saw Nichole take charge and smiled.
((I'm all ears :3))

Likara took the blue aqua and stared at it weirdly. She wondered what it did and what she should do with it. Going mew? Ooh..! I'm an idiot! She mentally face palmed and turned down the offer. Likara knew how to turn into a 'mew'. Her eyes drifted towards Enzo as she wondered what he would look like as a 'mew'. A sudden picture of him in a school girl outfit popped in her mind. She ran to a corner and started laughing hard but quietly.
Okay for attacks I was thinking.

Rox and Nichole- Since they have bullets and arrows and Nichole had holly bullets and Rox has angels arrows, I was thinking they could do a combine attack called Heavens Rain,

Enzo and Likara- I was thinking things they are both short range attackers they would do a combo with lots of air attacks coming down with strikes. Also since they have coconuts and strawberry they could do a Sweet Explosion!---Likara makes strawberry bombs and puts them into the hard shell of a coconut so it hits the monster/person hard, than cracks open and explodes!

Ritsuka and Ven- I was thinking since they are also shirt range, but smaller they could do attacks from the ground up taking swipes at the lower areas and sneaking attacking. special move since they have both sort of liquid yet solid items (Ice-cream and honey) Since Ven uses ice cream and can use Ice, I was thinking since Ritsuka hates snow honey could represent heat sort of. Chilling Burn. ---Is where Ven can make up ice beams and Ritsuka inserts honey into them and they shoot off at the parasite or person. The ice hits them impacting and the honey seeps out and burns. Or the honey sticks them in place and the ice freezes them too making the person or monster immobilized.

On the topic of Ven, I have a question, I have sort of a plot to get the darkness Xanth place with his control out of Ven. Should some of the darkness be left behind for Ven to wield and learn to control? Or should it all be taken away?

Okay next is some moves names set up, but I have no idea for the actual attack yet.

Quartus Wolf--Attack with Ritsuka, Ven, Enzo, and Luna.

Twin Kitty- Nichole and Likara or Triple kitty- adding Itaru.

Howl Hurricane- Thats with Ritsuka, Ven, Enzo, Rox and Luna.

Hissing Cyclone- Nichole, Likara and Itaru

Unity Pack- Everyone.

Also Twi what is Luna? A wolf? Because she can join in with all the canine ones.

Anyways what do you think? @twilight sparkle @Neko-Neko-Nekomimi 
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((Sweet! Glad you like! I was thinking they would train with each other to get the hang of it all before the final showdown, don't want that to happen to fast))

((The blue aqua goes in side of you to make you stronger :) . Also what do you think for Ven? It must be pretty weird for Likara to see that happy boy she gave a piggy back ride too become so different. @Neko-Neko-Nekomimi ))

((Awesome then Trinity Wolf will change to Quartus Wolf - means Fourth Wolf :) . And okay one vote for that. @twilight sparkle ))

Enzo caught the blue aqua and it shone after a moment going inside of him and giving him strength, "That is cool." He commented impressed than with a weird face watched Likara go to a corner laugh, "Hey, what's so funny? I know how to go mew, don't you remember? Gray wolf ears? tail? Silver and black outfit, pants and matching shirt?" Enzo made his way over to Likara as he spoke, poking her in the neck several times, "You hit your head to hard or something?" Enzo turned to Nichole, "I can go mew, but I will look into some metals you have, I want to craft a new sword."

Rox nodded, "I am fine love, got all I need...although I may take a look at some different types of arrows...maybe." Rox tapped his chin musing this decision.
((It surprised me defiantly. I also think the darkness should be taken away :3))

Likara finally stopped laughing as she noticed the blue aqua going inside of her. She smiled a little at the sudden power and felt like punching something. Her eyes went to the weapon room as she remembered her weapon was a chain. Likara wondered if she could make some changes to it. Maybe a small scythe at the end... She wondered about it and decided to try it later.
((Okay two votes! We will see what Honey-chan says :3 I don't mind either one, I just could not decided so thankies! ))

Enzo looked around going through the metals in his head, "Hmm, Titanium it's the strongest." He moved forward to examine it further, "Yeah this will work, I want to craft it...but...I could use some help on how." He admitted with a light rub of his neck. He still had some issues with asking for help but it was better than before, he did not think so much in terms of exchange., "Hey Kara, I think if we add some steel to your chain it would cause a grander impact," He stood straight turning to her.

Rox clicked his fingers, "Aluminum would work best for me, its lightweight enough to not weight down the arrow but give it some added power," Rox nodded with a grin.
She blinked, a little surprised. "I was just thinking something like that." Her eyes sparkled with the urge to fight again. "When can we start?" She was ready to take out her weapon and work on it right away. Likara smiled a little at the nickname he had given her, and that he was basically asking for help. She was starting to picture her weapon and what it would look like with the scythe at one end.
Enzo smiled as Likara seemed so eager and excited her strawberry colored eyes got a spark to them, Like strawberries with sugar on them when he sun hits them just right to make a sparkle, Oh god, what has she done to me? Enzo felt his face heat up a bit before smiling softly Eh, I really don't mind, she is the one that is mushy... "Any uh other ideas? with two mental maybe three it will be hard to break, and its pretty, what about two of them?"
"I was thinking of putting a scythe or something like that at the end of my chain. Something to throw around and do more damage." Likara smiled and she made her weapon appear. It fell into her hands as it was loosely wrapped around her hand. "Right now it just reminds me of a whip." She made a motion of a whip with the chain and is made a clinking noise. Likara was getting really excited to start working on her weapon.
"A scythe at the end...hmm, how about an small axe head instead? It would give you two sharp sides instead of one." He suggest as he walked round, "Or a ninja star? Or we could line the bottom with ninja stars. oh, uh sorry, your weapon....what do you want?" Enzo asked turning to meet her gaze once more.
Likara giggled and walked closer to him. "You're cute when you do that." She poked his cheek and giggled once more before returning her weapon back. It disappeared and she looked back at Enzo. Her eyelids started to close and she rubbed her eyes. "Sorry, still a little tired." Likara yawned and stretched out like a cat.
"I am?" Enzo flushed and shook his head, "Am not!" He crossed his arms, "Only because "cute" does not fit with my reputation, try words like knowledgeable, deep thinker or even handsomely dashing....but not cute...sleepy head." He looked around, "I don't know what we are doing next, but it around 9pm." He looked at his wrist watch.
"I will start calling you adorable if you keep complaining!" She made a triumph face at him like she knew she won. Likara put her arms up like a child. "Carry me...please?" Her eyes got bigger and sparkled. She knew that he went soft when she did that. Another small yawn came out as she stared at him.
Nichole said"I gotcha covered enzo. Now lets see if that sander is in here."

LLunasaid"I can be of assistance. " she took some titanium and put on some gloves. Then got to work after Nichole showed h er where everything was."
Enzo made a face at Likara, " I perfer you call me neither, what about just good looking?" Enzo looked down at Likara before scooping her up into his grip, with a half eye roll, "You are something else really." Enzo turned to see Nichole and Luna walk away, "Whu? Hey no!" Enzo chased after them, "I said help not do! You will let me," he paused looking down at his armfull of cat, "You will let me watch you." He huffed moving forward to watch the process.

Rox got some aluminium or his arrows and summoned them so the tips could be crafted right. He followed after Enzo and Likara chuckling, what a couple, cute though.

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