mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

((Hehe, Okay thanks!))

Rox chased after Nichole knowing Ven would be okay, plus he did not want him to see Ritsuka in this state, he would freak, already having anxiety about sickness. Rox placed his hands on Nichole's shoulder, "Your mom knows what she is doing, calm down, okay? Ritsuka needs you calm." He knew it was hard but that is what the white haired girl needed, "Ritsuka." He called to get her attention, "You need to tell Mrs. Kudo everything, you must be truthful." His expression was firm, but soften as they locked eyes, "No one is going to judge you." 
Ciara looked at her calmly."ritsuka please. " Nichole sat in a corner starting to break down but her expression was blank. She kept it in breaking on the inside.
Ritsuka's eyes darted from Rox, to Nichole's mom, then finally landing on nichole, who was in distress. She didnt like to see her that way so she took a deep breath and looked at Ms.Kudo,"I have a chronic illness and it makes me cough. The pain IS in my lungs and when my illness constantly makes me cough it bothers what ever is in my lungs and makes me cough up this blood. I dont know what it is or where the blood comes from but it builds up somewhere and when i cough enough it expels itself..." She tried to explain.

Itaru was on his knees wiping the droplets that plopped on the floor. When he finished he threw out the towels and came back to Enzo, taking back his now sharpened better half. He sat beside Enzo with out a word and polished the blade with a straight face.
Ciara nodded and said"here take there's. They'll keep it down."giving her two white pills and some water. "I'll look up the illness and see where it comes from." Standing.
Rox went over to Nichole and sat next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder it was not hard to tell when Nichole was distressed she tried to look blank when inside she was hurting. He rubbed her shoulders as he listened to Ritsuka speak chronic that means life long....

Enzo loosened his tight grip on the sword allow Itaru to re-claim it. His face looked just as blank, but his memories was lost years ago when that mass murder happened at that school, all that blood. Shaking his head, Enzo snapped out of it, "She will be fine," He spoke before continuing, "Because she has wolf blood so much sturdier than you flimsy felines." Yes it was an instigate to banter, but it was better than sitting in silence.
Nichole shook and a small tear slid down her cheek. She got out of rox's arms running out. Ciara sighed rubbing her temples. "She could never handle those she loves being in so much pain. Just like....oh Nichole. .." Nichole was in a park sobbing. its just not fair!
Itaru stopped polishing then looked at Enzo, the blank upset look turned into a sassy smirk,"You forget, mister mutt, felines were seen as gods by ancient civilizations, and i intend to keep it that way." He grinned as he play teased. Itaru's thoughts of who Enzo was changed. He was alright.

Ritsuka took the pills and the pain eased as she patiently waited to see what she had.
Rox stood up, looking between Ritsuka and then where Nichole ran out, he stepped forward and pressed a kiss to Ritsuka's forhead, "I'm going to go get your sister, listen to everything she says," he nodded at Ciara before planing another kiss on her clean cheek, "Thank you, Suka." He whispered. He knew revealing things about yourself was never easy, not even to the ones you loved and trusted. He bowed to Ciara, "I'll be back." He raced out of the room.

Enzo snorted, "Indeed they did, to bad for them, I for one believe its the reason why those ancient cites crumbled, cats are very indecisive." Enzo teased back swishing his sword around a bit testing it out.
Rox remembered the last time she had been so distraught and had brought ice, bending down, he wrapped Nichole in a hug as he lightly placed the ice to her hands. He rubbed her hands lightly and rocked them both gently.
Nichole just sobbed into his chest her whole personality, her strenght finally leaving her. Nichole felt so vulnerable remembering aaria's death and now ritsuka's illness. It was too much for the 17 year old to bear.
Rox held her and whispered sweet nothings in her ear, when she calmed a bit he started whispering truths, "Nichole, its alright to cry love, but we both know Ritsuka is a strong girl, she may have an illness, one she may have to have forever, but that won't stop her, she will continue to live and breath and be her quiet loving happy self, always, we have to believe in her, and I know you do."
Nichole said"I cant. I just can't take it anymore. "Holding her head her voice at a high pitch. She rocked back and forth muttering to herself. Her eye twitching. "...Its ok. The pain will leave you soon. Just follow the melody of the killer next to you. He'll come swift yet toy with your heart and laugh when you're falling apart. Shh he'll be gentle if you make no sound. For the only sound that will be heard is the racing of your your life comes to an end...."remembering the cruel cruel song that her bullies sang to her.
(Lolz u couldve made it up i just made up the symptoms but hey i learned something ^o^)

Ritsuka cocked an eyebrow,"Whats that" she asked a little nervous by the woman's sad expression.

Itaru stood up and hit Enzo's sword woth his own. The swords made a clang as they came in contact with eachother,"Indecisive? Ha! Coming from the one who comes from a species that cant decide which human to be loyal to." He backed off and set his sword back in its sheath his ears and tail popping out. His tail swished behind him as she gave Enzo a devilish grin,"We may have a craving to be scratched under the chin but other than that we can live independently, we're just fine with out offering 'loyalty' and...fleas..." He said disgustedly.
Ciara said"a chronic diease that affects your lungs. It makes you throw up...excess and will cause you immense pain. Have you had any truma ro your chest?"
((You guys suck. I was gone for a couple hours and i come back to four new pages!! >.<!!!))

Likara suddenly transformed back and she didn't know where she was. "Where am I? Why do I smell blood?!" She followed the scent and sniffed at it. " smells like....Ritsuka?" Her nose twitched and she followed her scent to a hospital. "What happened while I was asleep?" She soon smelled Enzo and the others and walked towards them. "Hey guys, what happened?!" Likara sort of yelled at them. She was upset that she was left back or not even woken up.

((I'm going to assume she was left behind :P ))
Enzo laughed keeping a grip on his sword as it vibrated when the metal connected, "You call us domesticated? Pff says the creature who will poop in sand, also purring on a loyal owners lap, showing such affections," Enzo shot back hand on his hip, before adding, "Not to mention hairballs really? What is up with that?" A smirk crossed his lips before he pointed at himself, "Alas, we canine's tend to get fleas." He made a disgusted face as well before giving a half grin, he liked this Itaru person. As Likara woke up going into the room, Enzo turned to her, "You don't have to yell, I thought you were out for the night. Anywho...update, Ritsuka was very ill but Nichole and Rox took her to her mother, that explains the blood. Em myself, Itaru here, and sleepy boy over there," Points at Ven, "Have stayed behind too...hold down the fort I suppose."

Rox eyes widend before he shook his head, "Nichole stop it! Stop saying things about killers and dying, this. Is. Not. Helping. You. Listen, love listen, you let to much crowd your mind, your heart from the past, look at me." Rox moved in front of her cuffing her chin in his palms, "What happened in the past will bring you down, if I held onto my mothers death, I would still be like a walking shell, detached, sad, angry, guiltly, or if I was the kid trying to survive on the streets, I'd be cold, cunning and only caring for Ven. But I am not, I've changed. And it was with your help I did. You help discover another peice of me, one I was not acquainted with. You saved me way before today, Nichole." Rox gently stroked her face tenderly, "Just think of the blessing you have now, your mother and father in your life, Luna, Ritsuka, the power to stand up for yourself, all your intelligence, all of your bravey, loyalty, love." Rox pulled her to him, "Please don't missunderstand me, I am not telling you to be made of gold, or hide your emotions, or completely forget the passed never, you should be open with how you feel, just have faith in yourself, you can cry from Ritsuka, life sucks, bad things happen to wonderful innocent people, all I please, please don't break completely that you can't recover from, please don't talk of death or, frightens me when you do," he admitted tone vunerable, "I can't bare to lose anyone else that way."
Likara's eyes widened. "That is so rude!" She glared at him before leaving, standing outside of the hospital and going into her cat form, growling and hissing loudly. Ugh!!! The things he says sometimes really ticks me off!! She transformed back and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. Likara let herself calm down as she mentally forgave Enzo. Now that she thought about it, what he said wasn't that hurtful or rude. "I'm such an idiot....Well..I better get ready for a mad Enzo."
Itaru watched the girl storm off,"Whats up with her?" He pointed toward the door with his thumb,"Girls i tell yuh, the world explodes if something doesnt go their way..." He sat back down heaving a sight,"Women...psh! So troublesome.." He sat in a lazy position, legs apart, arms out stretched along the backboard of the couch and shook his head.

Ritsuka sat on the doctor bed and waited. The medicine worked, it slowes her heart rate, making her more relaxed . And rook most of the pain away. But the urge to cough was arising.
Nichole was shaking and gripping her chest tightly. "Cough cough!" Her eyes dulled some and she was very still. "I-i-I-I'm sorry, I'm so ACK!" Blood ran down her chin and she fell over. There was ac gunshot wound to her abdomen. "Weak. Pathetic and useless. " a woman said walking over holding a gun. "YOU BRAT! MESSING WITH MICHAEL'S PLAN!" Kicking her while she was down. Nichole screamed and coughed. "Awww does it hurt? Well big whoop!" (Vigilante don't you just hate em)
(( Wait....Nichole got shot, again....? But Rox would have heard something and at least he would not let some woman come and kick Nichole when he was right there..i am gonna make him deflect that..... dang so much drama...sigh, just when the two were having a moment...they never get too like this :C .... not mad or anything just wish people would leave the two alone for once. ))

Rox saw the blood and all that mattered was making it stop, but first, he blocked a kick from the woman uncaring what she said, she had shot Nichole that alone was penalty for death, he said nothing as he arose already having poured out his heart. Within an off gaurd flash, Rox tackled the woman hitting her with all his strengh and height and reached for the gun, wrestling for it, bang! I wild shot flew in the air from their struggle.

Midnight blue eyes blinked as he watched Likara, "But...what did I do? I did not even make you hit your head." His tone was close to a wolfie whine as he stared at the door than looked at Itaru as he exclaimed about girls, then it hit him, and he faceplanted twice, before calling and failing his arms abit at the missunderstanding, "Kara! That cat stuff, I was just messin around! I was not even serious....although, I still dont get the hairball thing..." Enzo shook his head getting back to the topic, "Urgh." Enzo hung his head before flopping next to Itaru, "I suck at this girl thing, I really, really do."
(Ts as if the universe doesn't want them to have a good moment >. < that or me being half asleep when I typed that)

Nichole growled and coughed up the bullet. She was pissed! Nichole's would closed up and the woman glared at rox kicking him. Nichole got up and she got the woman. "How dare you!" One punch and she was down. Nichole sat with rox again. "Ok we should just go to that meadow before something else happens."
((Holy sh*t! She coughed it up? That scared me O.o That is hardcore whao))

Rox growled at the woman and took the gun when Nichole knocked her out, "Great hook there, but the meadow....?" He looked down at her, "Your injured, I think the place to go is the hospital." He had placed the gun away, fixing to through it in a pit of fire or something.

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