mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

@twilight sparkle @HoneyBear-Kat and @Neko-Neko-Nekomimi I hate being so busy! >.<

Rox nodded, “Don’t worry, I taught myself to ice-skate and Ven too, so I know how hard it can be at first,” His face heated up a bit at the joke, but he laughed along too, the days have been such a blur was it really that close to Christmas? Rox smiled down at Nichole when she hugged his arm, “Hey Coco,” Just seeing her smile was an amazing thing. When Ritsuka came swaying and staggering out, Rox also sweat dropped confused on what was wrong, it seemed almost as if she were drunk…but then he realized it some medicine she must have took could have flown pretty strong through her tiny body, his lips twitched in amusement, he inwardly chuckled a bit, “Sorry about that Rit, we will be more quiet.” The chuckles he was trying to suppress got harder when the white haired female got flopped on the ground demanding home, then was rambunctiously playing around with Nichole, he could not help but chuckle, and stepped closer a handkerchief in his hand to mop away the water from her face, “You are so loopy, what you need is sleep I don’t think water is going to cure it.” He finished drying her face and then placed the cloth back, “How about we take her back to her room? Stay with her till she sleeps?” He suggested, “You should rest too.” He added care in his tone.

Enzo smiled once more at the soft nuzzle and entwined their fingers lightly beginning to led them towards the exit, “I believe its fine if we go home, we can meet up with the others tomorrow, you still need to make your weapon, look at mine though.” He unsheathed the sword holding it so that the moonlight reflected of the blade, he had a prideful look in his eye, “Crafted beautifully yes? I hope I can learn to wield it to its standards.” He said wistfully before putting it away. And continued to walk along the pavement the street lights casting their shadows as they walked, Enzo walked slightly ahead of Likara, he kept quiet so that it was only their foot falls for a while, “Likara, we known each other for a while and we even came to well, uh well….love one another,” His face burned in the darkness and his hand became a bit loose but he soon after tightened his grip securely on Likara’s hand, “I remember when you first gave me shelter at your house, I asked well, rather demanded you tell me why you lived alone, and you did, it was the sickest story I ever heard and I wondered how parents could be that way, do those things…but even as I wondered, I think it was the first moment I felt a connection with you, because even though my past was not like that, I knew the pain of betrayal of the ones that are supposed to love you unconditional with their hearts…I know you don’t know anything about my past, but I can tell you something very true,” Enzo stopped down they were on the lawn of Likara- their house- he turned around capturing the other soft hand into his grasp giving them both a squeeze, “You have help me overcome parts of my past, without even knowing it, you have, so thank you.” His voice was sincere as he spoke before taking a deep breath, “Maybe, now I could tell you a bit of who I used to be, maybe….” It was a piece of him he still guarded with a wall, but maybe he could let it crumble a bit for her.

When Itaru leaned back closing his eyes, Ven let his slip shut to a light close. He loved it when told a story, but a soft frown stretched his lips downward, because this story seemed like it was going to be no fairytale. As Itaru began to speak, Ven watched as the males words became images in his mind, a tiny Ritsuka fighting and defiant even in all the imprisonment, torture, and suffering there was a light in those bleak hours of the morning that forged a friendship as words seeped through the bars from cell to cell, each word comforting keeping sanity alive. Ven felt this weight in Itaru’s voice and his stomach flipped with a sickness as the story began to get to the reason why it became so ugly, how everyone shattered.

As the story continued, Ven tried to keep up and weave passed his confusion, but it was difficult, why? Why? Would Itaru be jealous of a brother? Family? Kin? You were supposed to be attached to them…and just because Ritsuka was attached to her brother did not mean she did not love Itaru, didn’t he know that? The heart is limitless when it comes to love and there all kinds of it, but it can still be equal even if it’s a different kind of love, did not Itaru know that? It was the same on how Rox loved him and how he loved Nichole different types, yet equal, didn’t Itaru understand that? Ven started to realize he did not…no one told him did they? Even if he only had his mother for a little while, Ven was grateful he got to learn these things, from her.

Shoulder hunched hard as Ven flinched from the yelling his heart pounding as the guilt and anger rang throughout his ear drums, his fingers curled around his knees as the story came to an end, he had been right, it was no fairytale in the least. Soft spikes hung over fingertips as Ven pressed his forehead into his palm, he was getting a very bad headache, this story, these feelings, were so strong so hard to process. Killing a sibling was unforgivable, yet somehow Ven could understand that moment of snapping understand the feeling of emotions so terribly out of control, even if the motive was confusing the action was almost understood. Another piece that tumbled him into a void of gray, an in-between was the suffering, the thought of hearts cracking so completely, for Ritsuka and even, even for Itaru, because even after what he did, he lost, lost a person like Ritsuka for his mistake, the person that kept him on the bay of sanity for so long she was ripped away by her choice hated him, and he had to live with that hate, knowing she did, seeing it, sensing it, deep into his core.

Not that it was not deserved but the very thought of someone hating him that much, and his own actions being the cause made Ven shudder, how did he even continue? For a stretch of time, Ven stayed quiet his brain still trying to sort it all, he really could not and did not know if he ever could, finally he spoke straightening up and looking ahead at the blank computer screen, “You gave me a headache…..” He accused softly before giving his head a soft shake, “That…story, your story, Ritsuka’s story…you think that I am going to judge you, and I know you would not care if I did, it would give you something more to hate me with, and even more so, you would not care….because it’s her judgment you care for, that you want to change. Isn’t it?” Ven really did not give him to comment before saying, “Well, sorry you have to find other things to pin on me, cuz….I just can’t judge you, or hate you…” Ven snapped his head around to meet those cat eyes, “It’s not from pity or sympathy either, so you can forget that thought, they just weaken you..... useless emotions.” His voice was hard so was his gaze as he said this before it shifted between thoughtful and confusion, “Maybe…maybe.” Ven turned away looking at his fingers, “It’s a weird sense of empathy, one that does not come close to what you did, but close enough to know how it feels to kill, when you snap, to lose control of yourself…. I don’t know….” Ven let out a breath and rested his head back against the soft staring up at the dim light above him.
The water was splashed and some dropplets tickled her nose. She gave two small sneezes before getting it wiped off,"Of course water is going to cure sleep! Thats just crazy talk!" She scolded him, putting her finger in his face,"I have a room?" She was inturrupted by the thought of having "her own room". She gave a sleepy looking smile,"Is it warm? Are there dogs and cookies? I like cookies~" she struggled to balance while standing,"Wait a minute...ur trying to get rid of me! Well..." She ran to the door and opened it,"YOU WONT CATCH ME!" One hand was in a fost while the other pointed at Rox and nichole. She turned and ran out of the room. She ran about 10 feet down the hallways before stopping with her hands on her knees panting,"I give up!" She yelled loud enough for them to hear.


"Useless emotions..." Itaru echoed,"its emotions that made me make such rash decisions with her brother, with her, with who i was as a person with power. Its emotions that made me do things im not proud of..." He looked away from Ven once more, his voice full of regret,"but, emotions also made me feel loved, even for a little bit, and i wouldnt trade that for the world." He had a sincere smile for a minute before looking back at Ven,"So dont you say that emotions are useless, without them Ritsuka wouldnt love you the way she does..." He poked Vens chest with his index finger,"So you watch that attitude you got there kid, before you make the wrong decision that screws your life over. Or youll have alot of redemption to do..." He stood up and stretched before walking to the kitchen.
Nichole facewalled and hit her head on the wall again. She sighed and got ritsuka. "Ok rit. Now I'm just gonna help you sleep ok?" Pinchinf her pressure point.
Rox's lip twitched as Ritsuka continued to have the full effects of some pretty heavy pain relief, he knew the best idea was to just play along and coaxed her to sleep, "Ah, silly me, I always get these things mixed up," he replied before chasing after her, "Wait Rit, the cookies are this way!" She gave up running, enough for Nichole to get her and hit one of her pressure points. Rox stopped next to her and shook his head lightly, "Whao the effects of medicine, poor Rit." He could not help but chuckle though, it was a bit amusung, he lightly smoothed back her hair, "Good idea though love." He watched to see if Ritsuka would pass out.

Ven looked over at him again as Itaru echoed his feelings on emotions, and started to agree, even saying where they led him to go wrong at. But then all of the sudden, he flipped the tables saying emotions also brought him love.... even pretty much admitted that Ritsuka loved Ven, this made the green eyed males face heat up. The spiky brunette made a noise in his throat when Ruru poked him in the chest, telling him to check his attitude before it got him in a mess of trouble, Ven narrowed his eyes into slits at the other male as he stretched like the cat that he was and went into the kitchen, Ven huffed face full of annoyance, "And who do you think you are? Lecturing me?" Another huff followed from a sour expression as he kicked out his legs, "I changed my mind, I do hate you." Yet something in his tone did not quite ring that true. Ven got up to his feet and stalked after Itaru not willing to admit a lot of what he said made sense, "And who are you callin 'kid?' I turn 15 in January, besides you can't be that older than me." With a fold of his arms along his chest, Ven leaned against a counter wondering if Itaru was going to make anything to eat. Or if he would even cook thinking of food made the teens stomach grumble.
Ritsuka was tempted by the thought of cookies being near by,"C-Cookies? OoO?" She got closer and felt a strange swift pressure then everything went back and she passed out on the floor...

As Itaru was walking into the kitchen he heard Ven say he hated him. Itaru didnt stop walking instead she shrugged and said,"Like i care. As long as you feel something toward me. Besides, after Ritsuka started hating me i didnt care about other people's hate toward me. It was ineffective..." He chuckled and continued on his way to the pilgramage for food.

"15 eh?...." He stopped and turned around to face Ven,"Well my bad, man! I mean you probably live on your own and pay your own bills. Oh, what do you do for a living, you know, like a job?" He paused for a minute then spoke,"Right, until then, when youre not dependent, let me know kid..." He ruffled his hair, turned, and started looking for ingrediants throughout the kitchen. With his back turned and his hand in the cupboard rummaging through spices and such, he spoke once more,"I thought you hated me, why did u follow me to the kitchen?" He snickered knowing he was bothering him. He found chicken in the freezer and plopped it on a pan. The sizzle made his stomach hungry and the roasting spices on the piece of poultry, tickled his nose and made his mouth water. "Might as well cook for everyone~" he gave a smile while facing the window just above the stove and sink. He watched the moon shine on the snow and sighed,I wonder if shes okay now....,he thought to him self and looked at the Kitchen trashcan eyeing the blood soaked paper towels. He sighed and tied the full trashcan bag so Ven wouldnt see. Even though Ven hated him, and Itaru wasnt very fond of him, he still cared for people that love Ritsuka as much as he did. "Could you take the trash out for me since youre here?" He genuinely smiled at Ven, not because he was trying to be nice but because if the towels were thrown out, hed be happy. Getting rid of the blood meant getting rid of worry for Itaru.
Ven snorted softly as Itaru clarified that he did not care what he thought of him. Ven nodded as Itaru asked again if he was fifteen, but as Itaru started talking about things he clearly did not do, green eyes narrowed in annoyance once more, Ven even growled when the male ruffled his hair, "Oh and like you do? Jerk..." Ven' s glare followed the cat around as he began to cook, his stomach gave another rumble of hunger, it was hard to recall the last time he ate. His feet shifted a bit, "Cuz....I'm hungry..." He admitted to the reason why he followed. A head nod was followed when Itaru asked him to take out the trash, annoyed as he was, Ven was never above doing chores or helping he was cooking, "Yeah, okay." He grabbed hold of it turning, he made the trek outside towards a dumpster.
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"Thank you~" he smiled before facing the sink, washing his hands, and continuing to cook. As the chicken grilled, he started to make rice on the side. He chopped a few carrots to add into the rice, having swordsmanship skills helped in the kitchen. He cut swiftly yet carefully with precision.

The chicken was done and he set it aside, and soon the rice will be done too. He took a piece of the bird and set it on a plate that was on the counter, where Ven was, that would be his plate. Itaru hadnt set his plate, he wanted to wait for others, that is, IF they come back the same night....
Likara felt this wave of warmth come over her as he spoke. "You don't have to rush, take your time. If you don't want to talk, I won't force you." One look in his eyes made her feel closer to him. Just knowing that he was trying made her happy. A big smile was plastered on her face as she put her forehead on his. "I probably haven't said this enough but....I love you....a lot......" Her goofy grin didn't disappear as she let her heart speak. Likara wanted Enzo to know it, even if he already knew. Hearing the magical three words means a lot to her, and it most likely was the same for him. Her eyes settled on their hands that were intertwined. Somewhere in her big heart, she was a little scared of the commitment but that had to be cast aside. Likara didn't want to lose the best thing in her life. A wolf and cat dating each other. It would never work, but for them, it did. She was lucky and knew it.
Rox followed after Nichole and sat with her drinking his own cup of coca sipping to lightly, as he watched he white haired girl sleep, before turning to Nichole when she let out a sneezed, Rox leaned over and grabbed a tissue easy for him to do with his long arms reach, he pressed it into Nichole's hand before rubbing the back of her neck gently with sympathy, "I think you are getting sick again."

Ven came back into the warmth of the kitchen and went towards the sink to wash his hands free of anything that was on them. After he did that, he shrugged off the heavy winter jacket and took off his boots disgarding them in corner before stretching a bit, as he looked around his eyes landed on the piece of meat on a plate, walking over, he stared down at it, "This is for me." He said more as a statement than a question, his gaze found Itaru as he chewed on a piece in his mouth, "Thanks, its good." His chewing got a bit slower and for a moment it look as if the blonde teen was going to spit it back out, deciding against whatever thought he had been thinking, he ended up swallowing it. He would not poison it..... The kitchen was rather warm and quiet for a moment before Ven ventured to ask a question, "Hey Itaru? Was it because she was in the snow to much? Is that why Ritsuka is sick?" He was not an idiot, he had a feeling Rox's and Nichole's disappearance had something to do with Ritsuka, besides they said they were going to get her medical help when they landed anyways.... Ven's grip tightened ever so slightly around the leg of the bird as he stopped his next bit to say, "Don't lie to me, okay?"

Enzo shook his head lightly as Likara promised she would not rush him, but that was not the deal anymore, Enzo did not feel like he had to tell her, he wanted too. As the words came out of her lips, they meant something of course, they were nice to hear yes, but Enzo did not need to hear them to know this, not at all. He lightly rubbed his forehead against hers, a wolf instinct no doubt, his lips stretched into a smile at the goofy grin on Likara's lip, now that, was the definition of cute, "You know, you don't have to say it, even if you somehow lost you ability to speak, I could tell you loved me by the way you merely look at me, your body movements, your kisses," Enzo placed a hand on her cheek rubbing his fingers along it gently, "So don't worry so much about saying, because you speak quite loudly enough already," Enzo closed his eyes for a moment just enjoying the closeness, he remembered how he hated the touch of others, and now he was more comfortable with it, he still had his moments, but he felt more content enjoying of it, especially with Likara, "Even so, I do love you too," He reopened back his eyes to peer into ruby jewels, "No story time tonight, I know a kitty who needs sleep, and I am tried myself."
Itaru nodded,"mhmm thats for you." He said. Ven asked Itaru if Ritsuka was sick and asked that he wouldnt lie as he answered. Itaru stopped cooking for a minute and thought about what to say. He took a deep breath,"Yes, thats why she was sick. And thats why her and the others arent here right now. She needed medical attention immediately." He said while putting a scoop of the hot n ready rice on Ven's plate across from the chicken. Then Itaru served himself...
Likara was getting more tired by the second. "Yet again, you have a way with words." She yawned slightly, covering her mouth as her feet dragged up the steps. Her feet walked for her as she went up to her room. "I'm gonna change real quick. No peeking!" A small smile tugged at her lips and she looked back at Enzo. Likara sleepily changed into gray shorts and a red tank top, not wanting to look spectacular for bed. Another yawn escaped her throat as her now cold feet stopped at the stairs. "I'll be in my room of course, don't take long." She smiled a lopsided grin at Enzo and went back into her room, falling heavily onto her bed and under the covers. " cold..." Her body curled up into a tight ball for warmth.
Rox wrapped his arms lightly around her when Nichole rested on his chest, “I hope not either, but if you do, a positive is both your parents are doctors, oh and another positive is you are recover very fast.” Rox planted kisses along her forehead looking down at her with half open eyes, “I was telling your dad, once things settle down, I really would love to teach you to ice skate, what do you think of that?”

Ven watched Itaru serving up the rice onto his plate and dug into it a couple seconds after it was served his fork swished around in the cook grains before he finally picked some up on the fork and let it hover by his mouth his eyes watching the raven haired cat for a good while before he actually ate the food. After chewing and swallowing, Ven finally found the words he was looking for, “I see, so she went to the hospital….” Ven continued to slowly eat after that, seeming to be lost in his own thoughts. When he finished he picked up the dishes walking over to the sink, “Thanks again for the food, I can do dishes.”

Enzo shook his head in disagreement at having a way with words teehee funny, but he followed Likara in slipping off his shoes and making his way to the bathroom, he changed into PJ bottoms and a tank top, despite how cold it got this is what he wore. Passing the couch, his favorite napping spot, he grabbed a hold of the blanket he refused to admit he had any “attachment or liking” as Likara often said. Coming up the stairs he mumbled with a soft blush about her no peeking comment. Entering the room he climbed onto the bed making his way over to the ball of a girl in the bed. Enzo flopped his body down and wiggled forward till he and Likara fit together like an odd puzzle piece. Wrapping the blanket around them, midnight blue eyes slipped shut yet he did not go to sleep just yet not before saying, “Good night Kara, pleasant dreams.”
Itaru nodded,"Alright." He moved away from the sink with his plate of food in hand and went to the dining table. He took a seat and nommed on his food. With food in his mouth, he set his fork down,"Hey, " he spoke loudly from the dining room,"Dont worry about her, shes stubborn...She'll get through this." He chuckled when he called her stubborn, knowing she wouldnt let the illness get any worse.
Likara snuggled closer to him and smiled lightly. "Night Enzo...." She drifted off before she could speak any more, her voice getting soft. "So warm...." The warmth was welcoming and she wanted to stay like this forever. Never leaving his side, always with him. Never getting hurt by mixed feelings or monsters. It all sounded like she was super clingy but that's who she was. Her feelings attach to people quickly and she never likes to see anyone hurt in any way. Likara knows Enzo can take care of himself but she does worry sometimes.
Ven turned on the water and let the water become hot enough, he splashed his hands along the waterfall before picking up the plate and rinsing it off before squirting some soap on it and grabbing a cloth, slowly he made circles along the plate. Hearing Itaru voice from the table, he turned and shook his head, "Who said I was worried? I know she is going to be okay." He spoke this rather haughtily. As he scrubbed at the dish than rinsed it again after washing the fork he placed them to the side to dry. Leaning against the counter he did not bother to turn the water off, he coughed to hide a laugh at the stubborn part though, indeed she was, "I guess it’s a good thing I stayed...I guess...I hate it when people are sick."

Enzo found himself drifting slowly being pulled down by the consistent waves of warmth he had his arms wrapped around. His face was resting close to soft locks of red, this was something he was addicted too, something he would admit, the ever lingering smell of strawberries coming from was his personal drug, in the manner that if he was frustrated at something other than her, it helped him chill out. Enzo breathed in and out, the soft blush returning to his face as his sleepily mind caught onto that they were sharing a bed, I mean yes they shared a couch, but this was a bed. Yet he did not really care, as independent as he was, Enzo was learning to take a step back and let Likara help him with things, even do things for him, it was tough for him to relent on, seeing that before he saw things in exchange and no, he had to do everything himself, but he found himself, with Likara, so he could enjoy things she did for him, the affection she gave.
Likara's eyes slowly opened and she looked around, trying to see if it was morning. It was still dark outside so she tried to go back to sleep. After a couple of minutes, she realized that she was already awake. Likara wiggled out of the bundle of warmth and almost immediately regretted it. She became really cold quickly so she hurried down stairs to get what she needed. Her hands shook slightly as she poured herself milk in a small cup. The cold liquid somehow warmed her up a bit and made her ears and tail pop out. Likara instantly started purring quietly to herself as her tail swished slowly behind her.
Itaru heard footsteps go down the stairs rather quickly. It distracted him for a brief moment then he continued with Ven,"Eh, it doesnt bother me so much but it bothers me when its her.." He finished his meal and brought it to the sink, seeing Likara grab a glass of milk and enjoying it. Seeing the white liquid made him lick his lips but he shook his head and ignored it. "Milk drinker..." He muttered with a snicker. Turning the knob, he washed his plate under the running water adding soap and lathering it clean.

(Im assuming theyre in the same house)
After some time passed Ritsuka woke up. She looked around the emergency room, the lights were off and no one was there the only light came from monitors and apparatuses that glowed with from their buttons. Almost forgetting where she was, she hopped off the bed and rubbed her eyes, gathering her balance. She spotted a small window near the ceiling,Its still must be late..., She thought.

She turned, walking to the door. Her steps were a little heavy as the drug began to wear off. She set her hand on the knob and pushed down on it revealing the blinding hospital hallway lights, causing her to close the door a little blink some. As her eyes adjusted, she pushed back on the door, the intense light flooded the room behind her only to be left back in darkness as she closed it. She stood in the hallway, looking down and up the empty aisle. All was quiet, and she didnt know which way to go....
Likara jumped at the sudden appearance but calmed down quickly. "Y-yeah, do you want some? I can get another cup if you want..." She drifted off and sipped at her milk, a little uncomfortable. Itaru was someone she had just recently met so he was still a stranger to her in a way. Likara glanced at him before sipping at the still cold liquid. She felt her ears twitch as something in the air lightly touched them.
Itaru winked at her,"Sure id like some~" he had that boyish grin on his face. He studied her features for a moment then a lightbulb went off,"Hey! Youre that one guy's girl huh?" He pointed to her,"Sorry about the stuff he said, it was kinda my fault." He rubbed the back of his neck.

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