mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

"Hey, i didnt say i wasnt coming.." He replied to Ven,"And its nice to know you took a liking to my nickname~" his tone was sarcastic,"Maybe i can make one for you Ven~" his voice was mocking and sing songy, followed by a chuckle, his intention? To provoke...

He hopped over and into the basket, taking a seat closest to the little door, across from Ritsuka. He leaned back and stretched his arms behind him, resting them across the ridge of the balloon basket. Itaru leaned his head back and looked into the balloon and sighed.

Ritsuka was seated, and Ven was soon next to her. She felt more comfortable now. She got up, turned facing outside of the basket, her knees on the bench. Her tiny hands clutched the basket rim and her chin rested just between them, she looked like a child safely looking over. Although her face or her tone didnt express it, her perked ears and rapid tail wag, showed exactly how she was feeling, no words necessary. Her eyes twinkled with the slightest amount of excitement for being in such a contraption.

(Ritsuka: C-Cute? o////o? Me?

Me: Lolololz x3 and yus it does suit him!

Itaru: *hair flips* Why thank you for the compliment, Dear Roxel~ ;D

Ritsuka: *glares at him* You're an idiot...*pinches bridge of nose*

Itaru: Love you too Susu~)
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Luna got in as well and sat next ro Nichole. Haou sat at her feet. Nichole said"n-nee-chan?! N-no that can't be I-I." Luna looked at her with a kind gaze. "Who is this nee-chan you speak of? If you mean aaria then I'm her reincornation little one. She didn't want to stay dead like that ya know." Nichole's mouth opened and closed like a fish before she fainted.
Rox took a seat near Nichole and the still nameless girl, he decided to give them space to talk as they seemed like they wanted it, he looked up at the shape of the balloon barely noticing it as he got lost in his own thoughts. There was plenty to think about, but he was brought out of it by the soft thud of a body on wood, shaking his head a bit, Rox looked over his eyes coming back into focus,"Ah! Nichole!" He moved himself near her in a matter of seconds gently lifted her head off the wood to rest comfortably in his lap as he stroke strands aside, after a moment of gazing at the cheetah girl in worry he looked over at Luna, "What happened?" His voice was worried but controlled, "And uh, what is your name? I don't recalled hearing it." He regarded her curiously something look somewhat familiar about her this happened the balloon took flight thanks to Zoey and they started to lift and take off.

Ven shot more glares Itaru way at his mocking tone Jerk! He was supposed to be annoyed by that Ven watched him sit and look upwards, the brown spikey haired boy crossed his arms Ven is already a nickname, stupid short for Ventus The fourteen year old was about to tell him this when blur of white caught his attention, Ritsuka tail was wagging with a happy vigor as they started to go up and move along with the winds. Ven watched Suka for a moment, before swishing around to face the blue skys and the growing further away ground he put one hand up on the rim placing his chin on it, "Everything really does look little from up this high," His green eyes peered down below, "Its pretty cool huh?" his cool words did not match the excitment dancing in his orbs or the smile growing on his face, "I always wanted to be up this high, like a bird...or a pilot."
Itaru looked up and could the the glares that Ven was shooting. He gave a sly smirk back, knowing he got to him. When Ven turned his attention to Ritsuka, he turned his elsewhere and watched the heavy grey clouds drift.

Ritsuka closed her eyes and let the winter breeze gently sway her hair away from her red cheeks and the rest of her face. She nodded,"It does seem nice~" the wind felt good blowing between her ears.

She tilted her head a bit and rested her cheek on her hand so she could see Ven,"Being a bird or a pilot would be cool," she gave a gentle smile,"but im happy the way i am~" her little smile curved her eyes into crescents and her fluffy white tail wagged a little. She turned around to sit forward again, and she slouched into her jacket for more warmth.
Luna said"its luna. You're roxas correct? When Nichole visited aaria's grave a few weeks ago she told her everything that happened. Your name name up a lot." Smiling a bit. Haou's tail wagged some and he licked Nichole's cheek.

Nichole stirred and groaned sitting up. she rubbed her head and said"thanks roxy." Blushing some.
Ven looked over at Ritsuka for a moment as she said that, procliamed being happy in who she was, seeing the soft smile take her lips, the way her eyes smiled at the statement, he tucked his chin back on his hand as she sat back forward and watched the gray blue skys mix with oranges and deep reds of sunset. I remember that time...I said I would not want to change life, that I am fine the way I was, I remember saying that to you... Ven looked over at Ritsuka who snuggled in her jacket for warmth, his grip became a little tighter on the rim But I don't think I can say that anymore, with as much truth as I used too, because now, I don't know...I don't know at all if I am happy the way I am. He turned back looking at the skies, "If you were a bird though, you could just fly south and the cold could not harm you." Ven pointed out not sure were this conversation was going, he was just talking.

Rox noded the corners of his mouth lifting as well into a little smile, "Yes, but you can just call me, Rox. Nice to meet you." He very well remembered who Aaria was and how she died...but what did that have to do with Luna knowing that? Thoughts began to tumble about giving way to theories but one question pop out among all those, "How did you know where to find us?" Than he heard a noise and Nichole sat up, Rox placed a palm on her back making sure she was steady, "No problem." He spoke out dismissing the thanks letting his hand rub lightly along Nichole's back just once before looking back at Luna.
Luna said"I remember what aaria remembers." She sighed looking at the sky.

Nichole said"how?" Blinking confused and luna sighed. "You know just wait a second please." Nichole nodded and swung her leinking to herself about their plan of action.
Ritsuka lookd up at Ven and can see the cogs turning in his mind. He looked a little confused,What is he thinking...?

Then he finally spoke, about Ritsuka being able to run from her illness. She looked away from him, thinking for a moment,"True..." She said,"But if i were a bird, i wouldnt be me....and..." She paused. Her cheeks turned a little more red,"a-and i never wouldve met you..." She took a quick glance at him, then turned away, not wanting him to see her embarrassment. She fiddled with the hemming of her jacket and looked down at it, her mouth and nose hidden behind the stiff neckline of the jacket. She didnt know what else to say, so she decided to just stay quiet. She felt her temperature go up a little more but it was only from the nervousness and nothing more, its only temporary. She kicked her legs a bit while on the bench, like a little child, so she could escape the akward scilence. Im. So. Stupid!

Itaru looked at the stranger's wolf, it just hit him that he was of canine blood. His ears flattened and his eyes narrowed at the beast.
Rox watched the two girls for a moment becoming a bit more confused by what Luna said yet one of his previous therios growing even stronger Could Luna be Aaria? and if I am not totally insane for thinking soo, then how?? Rox looked over at Itaru to see insticent reaction for most canines and felines happening, it made him chuckle softly reminding him that Nichole and himself had the opposite attraction.

Even though it seem like his focus was off in the skys somewhere, Ven was listening closely to what Ritsuka said, he turned his head to look at her when she paused after stating again, she was better off being herself, despite setbacks or weaknesses. He admired that, and wished he could say the same. He watched her cheeks become a bit redder opening his mouth to ask if it was her fever again, but whatever words he was summerizing up to say were lost at what Ritsuka told him next, in the small sweet way that she could only master.

It touched him, he could feel it right into his heart the stuttered words went making an impact, it brought no pain just soft warmth as it trickled its way in, and up to a confused mind untangling one fact to be placed with the few other facts he was certain of. Turning, he sat down into his seat, a red blush dusted under his nose and cheeks as he fiddled with the buttons on his winter jacket still a bit entranced by the words to do much else. After a few more moments of awkward silence, Ven scoot over a bit, and slouching down comfortably so that he was shoulder to shoulder with the white haired wolf girl,

"Despite everything... all my doubts, and worries, I agree with you," Ven closed his eyes lightly letting a genuine smile crease his lips in a smile, his blush getting a deeper as he opened his forest green orbs up, fixing them to meet such an inticing pair of blue orbs, "Its the one thing I never ever want to change." The genuine smile reached into the depth of his eyes, a reaction that had been months and months smoothered under anger and fear, a hand reached almost sneakily for one of Ritsuka's, lightly intwinding fingers and snuggling palms together. He gave the hand a light, but heartfelt sqeeze of thanks.

((Awwwww! They are having a moment!!!! :D ))
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Nichole bit her lip and thought more. "Azura setcuon anuzue. " her eyes went green and she held a box in her hands. It was a special box.

Luna gasped. "H-how did you?"
(:'3 >////<)

Seeing the blush on Ven's cheeks made her heart skip a bit, and knowing that the feelings were mutual, made her smile even brighter.

But what was priceless for her, was seeing Ven smile again, a genuine smile. It made her have relief knowing that Ven is still down in there under all the confusion and chaos. Her heart thumped fast under the jacket and she got a little more fidgety as Ven scooted closer and lower to her level.

Amidst all her feelings, her winter chilled hand, suddenly warmed. Her eyes widened slightly at the unsuspecting feeling. She looked down at her hand seeing another joined it. Her eyes followed and traced the hand, the wrist, the arm, up to the shoulder of who it belonged to, and finally saw Ven whom she gave a blushy smile to. Their fingers interlocked as he gently and meaningfuly squeezed hers. She scooted just a tad closer to his warm body, so that her arm was under his, and close enough to rest her head on his shoulder. She sighed with a content smile.
Rox caught by the familiar unknown words that Nichole used when she was meditating, he looked over at her curiously to see her eyes turn green and than a box appear out of thin air, he blinked several times before tilting his head slightly in wonder, "What's in the box?" He asked curiously seeing the absolute surprise on Luna's face. He bit at the side of his mouth a bit hoping he was not intruding.

Ritsuka rewarded him with a brighter smile, one that seemed to make her face glow as bright as the golden sun that was almost gone from the sky. Ven laughed a bit as she traced his up arm, being ticklish to the movement of her one fingered touch, as she flushed more, he did too, before watching her move a bit with a curious expression on his face, his mouth formed into a small round o-shape. As she settled her silky head on his shoulder, he could feel the warmth radiating off of her or was it him giving heat to her? Seeing how cold her hand was, it was probably the latter of the two. Taking his other hand, the green eyed boy gently began to rub the smaller hand in between his, he settled his spiky yet soft head onto Suka's white one as he let out a wisp of a sigh that seemed to untense his body even more to more relaxed Ven closed his eyes half way in contentment.

(("squeals like an overexcited fangirl and giggles at the image playing in my mind * ^///^ Our couples and pre-couples are cutttteee)) 
Oh! Oh! I wanted to update my pictures toooo! So I went hunting!

Update Pictures on the Brothers ^^


Expect Ven's eyes are not right color in this photo, but it is in his

Older picture of Ven Ignore the pokeball xDDD I could not edit it out.


Also individual picks of both again eyes are not the right color.

Rox Teehee he looks sorta grumpy or deep in thought.




That's all I got ^^ 
Oh! Twi! Twi! I found a couple pictures that may suit Nichole---it kinda reminded me of her ^.^ What do you think?



Nichole took sighed pressing her palm onto the top. Small pins pierced her skin and she bit her lip in pain holding back a cry then relaxed. She took her hand away from the place and shook her hand. There was a small yet good amount of blood and the box opened. "Nichole daughter of Ciara and danny here are your blue aqua ." The pieces rose and Nichole closed her eyes each piece going to each mew mew. "Are you weakened a bit from the password? it will only hurt for a few more seconds then its over. "

Blue aqua<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/2013-11-22-02-09-18-150817641.jpeg.a3d5cf956d45476c9ca02f30f4b50b81.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9570" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/2013-11-22-02-09-18-150817641.jpeg.a3d5cf956d45476c9ca02f30f4b50b81.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Luna looked at Nichole in shock and looked at her hand. She looked back at her then at the box.

"Voice regonition is required to lock." Nichole cleared her throat and started to sing"~love you have four kinds. My heart cries for you, loves you, and remembers all the memories! I Love you and only you. You're my one and only! You can make me cry you can make me smile. oh... you know what your heart says? It says love is a special feelin you don't know how long and how strong your love is! Until your lover is gone. Ooh my heart cries for you, waits for you, bleeds for you! And I will always love you. Yea and I will always love you. My heart stays true. True only to you!! Yea..mmmm~" her voice had gotten more beautiful over that year.

Luna smiled softly looking at Nichole.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/images-40.jpeg.82a2f8b33d36bb5a7c60bb75c4c2aa07.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="9642" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_11/images-40.jpeg.82a2f8b33d36bb5a7c60bb75c4c2aa07.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <== me lighting up bomb

Rox let the blue aqua flow into his hand and closing his eyes, he listened to Nichole sing bueatiful as always but somehow even more! And Rox thought that was impossible! "So wonderful." He whispered opening his amber eyes to view Nichole.

Enzo sat on the bench of the cafe with Likara. They were waiting for the rest of the mews mews to get back, Enzo looked over at Likara and shook his head in disbelief, "Well, at least we were behind the times together," Enzo let out a light snort of a noise. "So let me get this straight, Rox had been working for our enemies the aliens to protect his brother Ven, because an evil bastard named Xanth suck something inside of him to control him, and taint his vast power. But, Rox could not bring himself to kill any of us, so Xanth unleashed the child on them in till the brothers agreed to go with him. Then they came back, attacking Nichole and Ritsuka and taking them hostage, only for the girls to help them escape in the end." Enzo finished folding his arms lightly shaking his head, "I'll be damed...I could sell a bestseller book with this story." With that comment, Enzo leaned back with the impact of his own laughter of amusement. But really he was more worried about all of it.

Nichole was holding her blue aqua and it glowed brightly in her hands. It rose up and went into her chest. "Ngh." Nichole opened her eyes and there was a spark of blue . She never felt as strong before!

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