mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Rox moved out the way as the beast were destroyed by Nichole's attack. He raced towards her as she caught her breath, helping her up, "This is our chance to get out of here." He said panting himself.

Ven had turned when another sound of a slice and a body falling to the snowy banks caught his ears, "Suka!" He saw her first rushing for her She is in the snow! He skidded to a stopped and made his control of ice shift the snow away from Ritsuka, at another voice he turned offering his hand to the white haired girl as he did so, another guy? Here? They never meet before...his body tensed up, a new enemy? But why help them? Not as friendly and accepting as he used to be, instead of giving a greeting,Ven question, "Who are you?" But further answer was cut off by his brothers call,

"Ven, Rit, guy who I don't know, its time to get out off here before more pop up lets go!" Rox took Nichole's hand and started running for the gate they were going to have to hop it or something.
Ritsuka took his hand, her hands trembled from the cold, and began to push Ven a bit so he would ignore the stranger,"Hes a traitor Ven, thats all you need to know..." She growled at the guy.

The boy looked at Ritsuka with a smirk,"Aw,Susu...dont tell me you havent let that go? Oh! And what are you doing out in the cold Su--" He crossed his arms after putting his rapier in its sheath.

" me that..." She inturrupted and ordered him, and narrowed her eyes.

The kid chuckled,"I was just playing..." He looked at Ven,"Generally people introduce themselves before questioning another stranger," he grinned,"but to answer your question, my name is Itaru," he sarcastically bowed and looked at Ritsuka,"Or Ruru, to somepeople..." He had a devish grin.

"Hm!" Ritsuka turned her head away from him,"how childish..." She hissed. Ritsuka was soon distracted by Rox' voice and looked at Ven, acknowledging his call,"Really should go..." She turned back to Itaru,"We dont have time for this"
Nichole stopped then stood in front of rit. "Can you leave my sister alone? or you answer to a cap in your leg mkay?" as she gently led her family member and friends to the gate.
Ven felt Ritsuka pushing against him to move, but this stranger with his nerve to criticize his manners! That left a growl flowing from his lips before he even knew Ruru was a traitor, "Listen you-" but he got cut off by Nichole speaking up, letting her lead him away, the blonde through one last look at the hooded Itura glaring, by the way Ritsuka acted, Ven had immidant distain for this guy.

Rox motioned for them to come on being the first one to attempt to hope the gate, he had to get a lot of jumping air seeing that the gate was electrocuted.
Ritsuka's ears turned back to Nichole's voice,"first for what now?" She sounded a little fearful.

"Yea for what?" Itaru smiled and asked as well.

Ritsuka's ears flattened at the sound of his voice.

He continued,"Hi, by the way, Im Itaru, Ritsuka's friend," he looked at Nichole and Rox and black cat ears and a tail popped out, his fangs gleaming as he grinned.

"We're NOT friends....not anymore..." She mumbled the last part. She looked up at Ven,"Dont get upset with him, its the only way he knows how to talk to people...just dont trust most of the stuff he says..." She spoke in a lowly voice.

Itaru's ears bounced,"I heard that!" He crossed his arms and pouted, his back turned to her. Ritsuka tightened her fists,"just ignore him, just ignore him..." She looked down and told herself. Her cheeks turned a little pink from the cold but she ignored it.
Nichole said"don't worry rit. And itaru was it. I'm warning you. Stay away from my friends and sister or we'll have a problem. And you wouldn't want to have a problem with me because you wouldn't live to tell about it. Now for the last time. leave.ritsuka.alone! Do I make myself clear?! WELL?!" her hands on her hips her ears flat. She lightly tied her scarf on rit near her cheeks.
Ritsuka blinked at Nichole as she helped her. She just stood there as she was being dressed like a little doll or a small child.

Itaru shrugged into his shoulders as Nichole yelled at him,"is everybody here so unfriendly?" He looked at them,"Wait a minute..." He looked back at Nichole,"Are you jealous?" He ran fingers through his hair,"I knew it..."
Ven turned to Ritsuka as she whisphered for him not to upset with the guy....he let out a breath shoving his balled up fist in his pockets and nodded choosing to glower down at the snow instead of Ruru over there...did Ritsuka not like this guy? He used to be a friend right? But than he was a tratior? Why was he here now? How did he even get here? And why should he not be upset with the pester? Ven furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. His head snapped up as Itura accused Nichole of being jealous...that did not seem right...she was being protective, but-but....was HE jealous....? No, nah, nah what for? Ritsuka was his friend right? The image of the bright eyed girl shrinking back from him entered his mind...but as well as when she choose to follow and sleep next to him. Ven looked up and too the side features holding a curious worry as he gazed at Ritsuka now with another scarf to add to her winter attire.

Rox let out an inpatient sigh which was odd considering how patient he usually was he walked inbetween Nichole and the newcomer Itaru, "Listen up, there is no time for this, we need to go, details for later." He turned to Itaru, "I aplogize for the rudeness but we need to get over the gate, wether your going or staying can be decided once we are over that gate, now come on everyone." As if the prove his firm words another set of rumbles unsettled the ground beneath them all. Backing up, Rox got a good jump start again and flipped himself over the gate, the blue and white electricity zapped under him as he flipped landing back over on the other side.
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"Now theres a guy who knows how to treat a stranger!" He gestured and pointed out to Rox

Ritsuka moved her head a bit to look behind Nichole and glare at Itaru, Why cant he just shut up...

Ritsuka thought to herself. She looked at Nichole,"Thank you~" she said followed by some coughs. Her cheeks grew more pink. She put her hand on her forehead and took a deep breath. She turned to Rox,"I agree we should get moving" she put her hand back to her side.

The ground began to rumble once again and she followed Rox and his plan to get to the other side, she did a few front flips and cartwheels to gather momentum and at the right time she too leaped over the gate a stumbled a bit after she landed, her illness making her a tad dizzy.

Itaru did the same thing as Ritsuka,"i see you've remembered the things we learned." He said once he landed on the other side.

She looked at him, a hint of annoyance in her face,"Well it was our job..." Her voice emotionless as ever. She looked back, waiting for Ven.

(Lolz yes he does xD )
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Nichole said"ready ven?" Smiling softly. Nichole backed up some and ran at the gate her eyes narrowed. "1..2..3" she took a deep breath launching herself and somersaulted over. Nichole had spun just right and landed on her feet.
Ven nodded his head at Nichole and back up a bit taking a running start, he did a single flip over and landed in a crouch, standing he brushed off the snow while walking back over to Ritsuka standing at her other side.

"Okay now the festivial," Rox nodded at Nichole and quickly started walking down the hill, but stopped just before an explosion happened right in front of him, smoke flew all around him covering the eighteen year old from veiw,

"ROXY!" Ven yelled out rushing forward fear and confusion capturing his face, but it seemed as if the ground explsive triggered the others and explsions all around them started to detonate. Choking/coughing on smoke Rox dogded to the left than back towards the right as bombs underneath the ground exploded, there was to much smoke to see the others....he tried to call out, but it ended in coughs and gags. Even ouside the barrier, Xanth had traps.
Itaru coughed in the smoke and covered his nose and mouth with his arm. "Damn....visibility is almost impossible," he squinted and looked around.

Ritsuka was totally taken by surprise with all this. She quickly untied the scarf Nichole gave her and tied it around her nose and mouth. It hardly helped but it was better than nothing. She looked around, scrambling to look for someone in fear. Panic was running through her veins as she searched for anyone! She stopped and coughed some then continued. "This smoke has a strong scent! I cant even smell them!" She said to herself, and coughed even more, she stood there, her lungs being attacked by the suffocating fumes.

Itaru could hear then coughing and choking but just couldnt see! He looked up with a cocked eyebrow then crouched. He readied himself then leaped into the air, barely making over the smoke cloud. For a brief moment while up in the air, he looked down and can barely see where they all were, but had a general idea. Once he landed, the search began...
Nichole coughed covering her nose and mouth. Sh called out for the others and her ears were ringing. The smoke stung her eyes. "Gu...."Nichole gasped clutching her chest before falling face down into the snow. Her chest ached and she wheezed trying to breath before passing out.
Ven had covered his mouth not that it had helped much and tried to breath the air caputred by the inside of his hand, the smoke was so thick F*** you Xanth! Ven eyes opened with a thought The gas mask! It still has air left. fumbling for a moment he grasped it snapping it onto his face, running forward with little to no vision he tried to find someone, anyone Rox! Suka! Coco! Annoying guy...please be okay! Running blindly he crashed into none other than annoying guy aka Ruru.

Rox crumbled to his knees coughing, hacking really, he had ingested a good ammount of smoke being unprepared for such an attack, grasping his chest and breathing into his own shirt, he tried to breath somwhat clean air in and out. he tried to shruggle up and find some way out of the smoke, he let his ears and tail vanish, the smoke was bad enough not being a fox
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Nichole wheezed and tried to keep awake. "COUGH COUGH! no I have gasp to stay gasp awake. I have..." forcing herself to stand. She started to glow blue. "Cough." She fell again and couldn't stand. The smoke was too much fot her to handle. A light shot up.
Itaru with his arm over his mouth and nose, got bumped,"hm?" He turned around, trying to see who it was in the dense smoke screen. He made out a figure that looked like Ven,"Oh its you..." He said rather emotionlessly.

Ritsuka struggled to breathe. First the winter air now this smoke that makes it even harder to breathe! "Rox! Nichole!" She stumbled around blind,"V-Ven!" She cried out and tripped a bit. "Feels like this cloud never ends..." She said. She coughed more then got an idea,"Smoke rises!" She looked at the ground covered snow. It was a risky decision but for all she knows this gas can be poisonous. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and got down on the snow. She sat with her knees to her chest. I can breathe...a little better..., She thought, but its so cold...., she looked down at the snow and scooped some up, so this is what it feels feels nice..., She put the scooped up snow on her burning cheek, trying to cool herself down. She let out a breath of air, visible in the cold, she flopped over and curled up in the snow, letting go of two coughs, her cheeks red and breathing heavy, she patiently waited....
Ven was about to answer to Ruru, but his eye caught the light throught the sky as it shoot up, "OH! Someone! Outta my way!!!" Ven shoved passed Itaru and went running not caring if he followed or not, he ran looking up at the blue light and promptly tripped over Nichole, "Coco?? Hey, come on, we gotta get you out of here." He helped her up best he could and started heading for were the smoke got thinner the gas mask was the factor of why he could do this.

Rox had the thoughts along Ritsuka and crawled along the ground, his breathing became a bit easier as he did. After going for quiete some time he saw something white, it was to straight to be snow, Ritsuka? moving forward, he grabbed her hand and tugged a bit to get her attention and giving it a squeeze to let her know it was a friend. Moving he began to lead her away from that spot going towards a less smoky spot.
Ritsuka raised her head a bit at the warm touch of a hand on hers. She lifted her head and looked at Rox,"Oh..." She didnt expect anyone to find her so soon. She coughed and got up, following him into a less smokey area.

Itaru was pushed out of the way,"Sheesh..." He ran after Ven toward the light as well.
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Nichole was starting to pass out. She inhaled too much smoke and her chest burned. Her throat started closing again. "Cough gasp. Ven. You need to go. I'll be f-"before going limp. She started shaking violently.
Rox kept forcing himself to go, he attempted to wave the smoke away continuing to pushing forward, he clung fast to Ritsuka hand making sure he did not lose her. Traveling out through the smoke, he finally breathed in cold winter air, coughing, he sank back to his knees trying to breath in and out properly, yet his lungs wanted air to quickly making him sputter and cough. He still could not get a grasp on words, so he looked back at Ritsuka to see if she was alright or as alright as one could be.

Ven gasped and Grasped her tightening his grip on Nichole, "just hang in there okay, no way I am just leaving you..." Ven turned seeing Itaru, "Hey! Help me with her!......please? We need to get outta here." He slung one of Nichole's arms along his shoulder.
Itaru listened to Ven and put Nicholes other arm around his shoulders as they walked her out, he looked back at the smoke cliud wondering where the other two were...

Ritsuka coughed a bit as well as soon as they got out.even though she started to get sick again, she watched Rox cough in the snow, worry in her face as he looked back at her. She coughed a few times the knelt beside him, a hand on his back as his body coughed out all the fumes.
Ven kept moving in till they were down the hill in clear air being further down meant the smoke rose above them. Setting Nichole down, he took off the gas mask and put it to her mouth hoping it would help, he had no idea what to do in this situation...he looked over at Itaru and wondered if he knew something? A little ways down he spotted Ritsuka and his brother, a relief made his body sag forward as he cought himself on his hands so he did not slump to the snowy ground, "Their alive!" He cried out and got back up taking ahold of Nichole again, "Come on!"

Rox was starting to get a grips on breathing yet it was choppy yet it was better than before, Rox felt a small hand on his back knowing it was Suka as he heard her coughing, "W-w still ned t-o-o ball-escape." He started to push himself up hearing a voice, Ven's voice, "They're okay."

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