mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Ritsuka held his hand in return and nodded at his suggestion of continuing. He lead the way she sighed,Its dont always have to be strong Ven...

She thought to herself but pressed on.
"I know its so much to take in, so sorry for that loves, but now, you must go." Akina stood up and Rox stepped forward as they embraced, "Just look at you so tall and handsome, I know I could not do much with the way I am, but, I try my best to help guide you and always love you." Rox hugged her gently, "I know, somerimes I feel you, glad its not just my imagination after all, and we always love you." akina broke the hug first making herself let go, she walked over to Nichole and hugged her to whispering, "Thank you, for loving my son and helping him find himself." she kiss Nichole's cheek before letting go, " Now you must be off, hurry now, go right back through the door and don't look back." She opened the door and Rox hesitated before looking back at Nichole holding out his hand for her Help me, give me strengh love.

Ven kept crawling along the vents, there was a few swift turns and a few vents that slanted downwards, it did seem to go on forever, but Ven knew it did not, they passed a few walls marked with red stickers, finally Ven stopped, turning to look over his shoulder, "Okay, the vent is open here, and in a short jump we reach a ledge, than we walk along it, open the window and bingo we are outside...but...there are still traps, I know it."
Ritsuka nodded, determination written all over her face, then she heard him say "outside"

"Outside..."she repeated,"right...." Hesitation in her voice.
Rox squeezed her hand before taking a deep breath, with one last glance at his beaming mother happy tears, before taking deep breath and rushing out the door not looking back they fell out of the illusions and into the snowy outside into the melting snow of the fortress.

Ven caught the hesitation not about the jumping but outside..."Oh." He said remembering what Ritsuka said about the snow, and how she was still sick, he hesitated for a moment as well, "Don't, be scared okay, it will be okay...I could cary you, so the snow won't touch you." He offered.
Ritsuka blushed at his offer,"U-um...." She paused,"I-Its okay, i wouldnt want to be a burden..." She gave a tiny smile behind his back, even though he couldnt really see behind himself. She trembled a bit while thinking of stepping outside. She shook her head telling herself everything will be okay.
Rox got to his feet wiping the soggy snow off of him, "Yeah, I wonder if they made it out yet?" He offered Nichole a hand while rubbing at his arm having landing on it, "Stay alert, we are not out of this yet." He sighed softly.

Ven shook his head, "It would not be that for me, a burden anything to not make you more unwell, I don't mind." He offered still but crouched now and with a light jump, he made it to the ledge which was pretty wide, he turned around moving off to the side a bit giving Ritsuka room to jump.
Rox started trailing the perimeter carefully going along, he remember what Ven had said about the parasites they could come up any minute now, his ears and senses were on high alert.
Rox's ears flicked just as Nichole's and they heard a low rumbling underneath the ground like an aftershook of an earthquake, under the earth eggs were hatching metal eggs that held parasites of all kinds, it was this reason why they did not smell them at first....

Meanwhile far away...

Xanth leaned against the wall away from the commotion of the party, the beeping in his pocket had been going off for quite some time, "What did those stupid wreches do? I swear if they messed up my room, they won't have fingers to mess anything up with!" Taking the device out it slipped out of his silky grip and fell to the ground shattering on impact, letting out a hiss, he booted the peices away, "Flimsy! I'll deal with them later..." Straighting his callor, he went back in.

@HoneyBear-Kat (Since your not getting alerts :D ))

Ven shook his head, "It would not be that for me, a burden anything to not make you more unwell, I don't mind." He offered still but crouched now and with a light jump, he made it to the ledge which was pretty wide, he turned around moving off to the side a bit giving Ritsuka room to jump, he heard something faint from outside, "Its already started..." he said outloud frown on his lips.
(Awww :D thanks)

Ritsuka thought for a moment but was stopped when Ven jumped to a ledge, which she easily copied as well.

Her ears turned to his voice as he spoke. She blinked a few times wondering what he meant, then coughed some. A sudden dizzyness rushed to her head as she cringed a bit, trying to make it go away and snap herself out of it.

(I THINK I LOVE YOU~ SO WHAT AM I SO AFRAID OF?!~ I forgot the rest of the woooooords~~~~~)
Rox held Nichole steady and tried to hold himself steady as the ground shook, gritting his teeth, "Yes, and a lot of them!" They began to amerge all different kinds, so even cross breed like huge snake with the wings of a bat, as all the predsites came out, the ground began to crack from the pressure. Rox gripped Nichole and jumped to the side as the ground split beneath them Dammit! This is not good! Where are those two?? We need to get out of here! But for now...Rox took out his bow and arrow.

Ven felt the trembling from even inside and heard the roars of parasites, he grasped for Ritsuka hand hearing her cough and because the building was shaking, "This is bad!" Summoming his weapon he gripped it in his free hand, "No time for stealth we already been found out!" Swinging his pole with the knife at one end, and dagger at the other, he sliced the window to pieces as the glass shattered breaking outwards, turning towards Suka, he within a movement had her in his arms, with in another couple of jumps than a big leap they were heading fast towards the ground, with focus, he willed the snow to come up to break their fall and hopped off onto the ground, "Sorry, but we needed to take a shortcut." He said panting just slightly. 
@HoneyBear-Kat No prob!
Ritsuka's ears bounced at the monterish screams and she freaked out a bit when he ground rumbled. Ven grabbed her hand and led her the way, she tried to keep up as best as her shorter limbs allowed her to.

"Wha?...Gah!" She yelled when Ven picked her up, she held on for dear life. The crisp winter air caressed her face and she sneezed. She shivered a bit and looked up at Ven,"not very fond of the short cut..." She gave a nervous giggle,"If....If you get tired.." She started,"I dont mind walking..." She blushed and looked sown at the snow as they passed.

The winter air had put a flush in the pale boys cheeks as he moved as quietly as he could along the snow, he did not seem rattled as Ritsuka did, which he understood the whole thing took her by a storm of surprise, "Sorry, I hope there won't have to be anymore of those, but if there is I will give warning next time." He looked down a bit at Suka in his arms as she shivered, it was odd, she was cold, but to him, she felt warm, and even odder thinking of this bad his face flush darker as they made their way through the cold whisp of wind. They had not ran into any trouble yet because they had exited on the side, not the dead front, but the trembling made Ven footing slid off balance and he swayed trying to keep himself and Ritsuka uprooted,

"Ah! Oof!" Ven groaned as he fell back ungracefully onto the ground Ritsuka still in his grasp fell to, but not as roughly. As Ven tried to regain himself a undeniable cracking sound started to break the earth. Green eyes got wide as Ven tried to scramble back holding Suka with one arm and using the other to shift the snow under them to move them back faster. The ground gave a mightly crumbled and out came two tenicles, gasping Ven tried to shifted the ice into a sheild but the arm of a squid broke through it and circled around Ven's leg, "Ahhh!" He cried out as the arm tightened around the thin limb. Ven realsed his grip on Ritsuka, "Get outta here before-" but it was to late the other tenticle had already went for Ritsuka's arm!
"WAH!" Ritsuka cringed at the sudden feeling of snow on her, her and Ven scrambled to get back up but they were suddenly attacked. A tenticle on Vens leg and one on Ritsuka's arm,"gah!" She was taken by surprise, the tenticle was cold as it touched her skin. With her free hand, she summoned her scythe and sliced the creature's appendage. While distracted from the pain, she ran to Ven and separated the tentacle from ita body. She lend a hand out to Ven to help him up.
Rox shot at the scientific disaster that was the freaky snake-bat-thing. He injured its wing and it streiked loudly swooping at him causing him to roll and dodge out of the way, his ears perked at Nichole's alarm. He raced over to her shooting off more arrows, he saw it glowing in the snow, "l spot it! Here!" He stretched out his rope like noddles and than tossed it into Nichole gloved hands, another cry stopped his movements and he swung his body around, "Ven??" But the group of parasites surrounding them prevented Nichole and himself from going any further.

The squid gave a mightly roar as Ven took her hand and helped pulled himself up,"We have to take out its legs" he summoned his weapon abd braced himself as the remaining ones shot towards them. Hopping to the right, he cut one and with another slice it was fully off, "You here that? it was Rox, we gotta make it over there!"
Nichole said"mew mew power. Mew mew faith power pendant ACTIVATE!" transforming and did a pose. "DIE! HOLY BULLETS!" shooting down a lot and ran at some with her speed kicking up.
Ritsuka growled, her canine teeth enlarging, she charged at the beast with scythe ready to strike. She jumped and landed on of the tentacles, the curve of the scythe hooked under its limb. She jumped with a force strong enough to pull the scythe through the flesh, severing it apart from its body.

She landed and looked at Ven, her bangs in her face,"Rox?" Her ears suddenly turned behind her, alerting her of an on coming attack. She jumped and dodged it. 
(Hey guys mind if i throw in a new chara? He/she doesnt have to be in it long. Just for a little....change?)
Rox leaped and connected his arrows with his ropes, “Strum of arrows!!!” He called with strength and several ropes shot forward with arrows with his red and gold energy striking through several monsters. Rox kept making the noodles keep going till a lot of the parasites were caught in a web like structure, “Nichole! Shoot em!” He called out to her as the monsters were immobilized in his web, but they struggled to get out.

Ven dodged the arm that Ritsuka did swiping at it as it came after him cutting off the piece of the arm, it recoiled it in pain, “Suka! The last arm is coming back towards you! I damaged it some!” Ven panted as he ran and spoke, swirling his pole in his hand quickly into fast circles as little mutated butterflies a swarm came towards him, shifting his pole from left to right hand and spinning it fast like a fan the blades sliced through them as they came around him, spinning on one foot in a circle he kept at it.

((I don't mind!))
(Sure I don't mind either ^^)

Nichole nodded and shot them down. She got an idea and ran around in circles a snownadow starting to form. "Rox, rit, ven get out of the line of fire!" Holding the tornado as much as she could before it got big enough. It swirled around getting most of the predisites in the air. "HOLY BULLET SUPREME!"shooting a flurry of bullets destroying them. She fell to one knee trying to catch her breath.
Ritsuka looked at him as he warned her. Her ears perked forward to listen to what he was saying and once she finally got it and turned around not expecting it, she raised her scythe. But, it was too late and she was ready, the beast swiped her weapon right out of her hand. She looked back and watched as it landed in the snow. The creature's limb was coming back for her, and Ritsuka embraced herself.

Out of the shadows a dark hooded figure jumped infront of her, pushing her away and into the snow. The figure held a rapier in a ready stance waiting for the monster to strike. In an instant, he slashed the sword in such a way that it was almost invisible to the naked eye. The tentacle dropped to the snow, its fluids coloring the pure white. The mysterious person pulled his hood down and looked at the tentacled thing,"Dang, youre ugly..." He smirked. He turned back and looked at Ven, raising a hand,"Sup.." He raised a hand.

Ritsuka was bumped onto the snow,"oof! >.<" she sat there on all fours, white hair dripping onto the cold powder, blended in with the snow. She stared at the snow,"im so close to it..." She shivered. She looked back at the stranger who....somewhat, saved her. She narrowed her crystal eyes at him. 
(Yay! Thx guys :3)

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