mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Ritsuka rubbed his back a little,"Dont worry they know we're here too, whats important as that we know we all made it out so just take your time..." She said. She turned to where she could see the faint figures of Ven Itaru and Nichole it seemed like and waved to flag them down.

Itaru could see nichole struggling to keep herself conscious but alas she lost the fight. He put a single hand between her collar bones to hold her up and keep from falling. He looked at Ven,"I have no idea what just happened" his nose twitched and he caught a scent,"Susu?" He looked in the direction Ven was looking and just noticed her and Rox were there. He managed to get Nichole on his back,"We should probably meet up..." He looked up at the sky, his jet black hair just over his squinting, cat yellow eyes,"The sun is starting to go down too..." He started to walk to the others.
Rox shook his head as he breathing became for regular, "We don't have time to take." He said more fully not broken up and turned to see Ven, Itaru and N-nichole! He shoot up to his feet at the sight of her passed out, "Too much smoke, what do we do? Is she breathing? Huh? Is she??" He asked now in a rush as feet were too speeding over to Itaru's side as he placed a hand on Nichole's back rubbing it just as Ritsuka had done for him.

Ven skidded a bit to a halt as Rox rushed to Nichole At least your okay... he bit his lip before looking over at Ritsuka and offring a hand up, he was focused on her face her breathing, it did not seem she was in terrible shape, but Suka was good at hiding things "Gonna be okay."
Nichole wheezed starting to wake. Only with a severe asthma attack. "COUGH COUGH WHEEZE!!!!"

(May I add a character? She'll be awesome! She's aaria's aka Nichole's older sisters reincornation!)

Nichole held her throat coughing again and her eyes rolled back.
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(I dont mind :D )

Ritsuka took his hand and got up. She looked up at Ven and nodded,"Ill be alright." She blushed a bit. She put a hand on her cheek,Why did i get red?

She asked herself then just brushed it off.

Itaru looked at Rox, Nichole on her back,"Does she have medicine or something? I would think someone this unhealthy would.."

"Not everything is cure-able or prevent-able, Itaru..." Ritsuka retorted with a menacing glare.

He blinked at her,"Look Susu, i dont know what your problem is but--"

"Can we not talk about this right now? We dont have time and there are people to take care of.." She interrupted. She walked behind him, to nichole, and put her hands on her back,"She'll be okay but she over exerted herself again. She tapped Nichole to get her attention,"Sis, i want you to hold your breath for 5 seconds, let it out, and keep doing it. The lack of oxygen will slow your heart rate so it wont require for more, just trust me. In, hold it, out. Okay?" She spoke calmly to her.

Itaru listened to Ritsuka,Her medical skills have advanced...what has she been doing all this time? Still practicing i guess...

(Btw when i dont have my inhaler thats what i do x3 its kinda the same concept as breathing in a paper bag, cuz the CO2 takes oxygen away)
((Lol of course Twi it’s your Rp and she sounds cool!))

The only thing that prevented the elder teen from punching the raven haired yellowed eyed neko in the face was that Nichole was still on his back and Ritsuka besides which could cause them both to get harmed,”Coco you do that okay?” He squeezed her hand gently before taking another few deep breaths, “Okay everyone lets head to the park.” He began to lead the way again this time with a more cautious eye.

Ven was watching Ritsuka and Nichole he was biting his lip gently but then grin when Ritsuka spoke out instructions Its okay, Suka knows what she is talking about even when she is sick herself she is awesome he grinned a bit more till he realized he was staring green eyes solely on layers of white silky hair, shaking his head, Ven blushed some before rubbing at his cheeks with his gloves I must be cold or something He began to follow Rox along with the rest.
Ritsuka rubbed her back a bit and gave a reassuring smile. She whispered to Itaru,"Let me know if anything happens to her, okay?"

The boy nodded and followed Rox's lead.

"Hope you dont mind carrying her..." Ritsuka walked along side him.

"Nah shes as light as a feather." He grinned.

"Kay, good..." She didnt look at him as she spoke, she just looked straight ahead. She covered her mouth and coughed a little.

"Are YOU going to be okay?" He looked at her from the corner of his feline eyes.

"Ill be fine...." Her tone seemed a little annoyed by his question.

He shook his head and looked away,"Just a question..." He mumbled...
Nichole did what she said and soon was breathing easier. She hit her chest a few tines as well.

A girl swiftly ran through the snow a wolf at her side. She had caramel skin, long black hair, and green eyes. "Cmon haou!" The wolf nodded going faster. They saw a group and haou started to growl. Luna's eyes locked in seeing Nichole. She slid to a stop and got her. "You humans make me sick!" She glared at the group. "It'll be ok young one. Luna is here."
Itaru and Ritsuka's ears twitched at the sound of something coming their way. It was a girl, with a wolf. Instinctively Ritsuka summoned her Scythe and took a defensive stance. Itaru couldnt do anything with Nichole on his back.

They were reffered to as "humans that make her sick", Ritsuka didnt like the girl very much already,Who are you to judge..., she thought, and narrowed her eyes at her. She glanced at her kin, the wolf.

Itaru looked back at the others and shrugged not knowing what to do. He looked back at Ritsuka, the intensity burning off of her. He could see that her white hair was a bit puffy, like when a dog's fur stands on its ends when angry.
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Ven and Rox pulled out their weapons too getting in fighting stances. Ven was the first to speak his voice unfriendly, mistrusting and peeved from being insulted What the h*ll does she know? "Hey! One, are you blind? Do we look like humans to you??" Yes, he did, but everyone else had a pair of ears and a tail for peepsakes, "And two, who are you to judge us? I really don't like people that judge within a glance, that assume," his voice let out a snarl as he readied himself to fight, "I downright hate it!" His anger was easily seen vibrated off of him. Rox stared at his brother for a moment before stepping in front him and facing the green eyed girl,

"We are friends not foes and have no time for this, let us pass," he followed her gaze towards Nichole, "She is with us...we are not a threat to her." Rox was trying to defuse the hostility, "We are trying to get to safety, we won't attack you, if you don't attack us."
Luna glared at him. "Fine. But she stays in my care for the time being." Nichole was sleeping. Luna and haou walked ahead leading the group out swiftly and carefully.
"We dont even know you, how do we just turn over the life of our friend into the hands of a stranger?" Ritsuka crossed her arms, her scythe still in hand.

Itaru nodded in agreement, and stretched now that Nichole was off his back. He rested a hand on his rapier, weary of the girl. The only way Itaru and Ritsuka were alike was their difficulty in trusting others, and neither trusted Luna.
Luna set Nichole down against a tree when they were far from the place. Then her hands glowed and she put them on Nichole's forehead and chest. "Healing breath." She breathed close to her nose. Nichole stirred waking and felt a lot better. "Thank you." She smiled a bit. Luna hugged her. "I'm glad you're alright little one. How have these years treated you?"
Ritsuka shivered while Luna did her business. She inhaled then coughed violently, her mouth covered by her hand. She felt a few sprinkles it her hand, she looked down and saw the deep red dots on her hand. She sighed, and picked up snow, letting it melt and wash away the evidence before anyone could notice. She adjusted her scarf and the red reappeared on her cheeks. Another deep breath was taken and let out, her warm breath making itself visible as it danced in the still winter air. She looked up,"The sun is going down, we shouldnt stay here...its getting colder." She mumbled the last part.

Itaru noticed Ritsuka shiver and he knew she wasnt feeling too well, but shes strong. He looked back at Nichole and Luna. He ruffled his hair and sighed, his breath visible too. His hand lifted and gripped his hood, pulling it over his head, and finally rested his hands in his sweater pockets.
Nichole said"they've been ok? Guys lets get back to my place. We need to hurry though. " standing and getting back to her leader position. "rit I know you are are from ok. We need to get you checked out quickly. Ok sis?" Worried more for her.

Luna said"yes we need to get somewhere safe."
She smiled at Nichole and waved her hand up and down from her wrist,"No no im fine!"
Rox watched the unnamed girl heal Nichole, he nodded at least she was on their side. Ven shoot a heated glare right back at the older girl still not liking her much,"Ritsuka can heal just as good." He muttered with a huff unimpressed and pretty much just speaking his mind. Rox looked between Nichole and Ritsuka before letting out a sigh, wheeling around, he walked over to the white haired younger teen and picked her up into his arms securely, "Stubbron that is what you are, no protesting cuz I am not putting you down." He started walking forward shaking his head, "At least you know how to hold your tongue," He shot a look at Ven who stuck his hands into his pockets looking off to the side with a huff. Rox paced up next to Nichole, "Okay, Zoey is waiting at the park, we can take the balloon, get off at the cafe and than get Rit and all of us checked out." He nodded at everyone, ready to be done with this....Ven clamped a hand to the side of his head letting out a pained hiss, "Gak! He knows! We have to get out of here!" His voice was high with panic and sheer fear he shot off down hill kicking up snow ahead of the others.
Nichole said"lets move." She looked back at the others then shot down running. Luna and haou followed close behind. Nichole's eyes shone a bit more green and she bit her lip.
Ritsuka looked at Ven,"Its okay...besides i dont have the strength to do that now, i did as much as i could.." She pointed at the incision on Ven's arm from before.

Before she could continue with Ven, Rox came over and called her stubborn,"So what if i am -3-?" She pouted with a blush. Suddenly she was lifted, her short frame unable to reach the ground. Ritsuka flailed,"Put. Me. Down. You!" Her wolf ears flattened and she looked up at Rox,"Ill....Ill bite you! >.<" she bluffed.

She continued to struggle, making subtle snarl sounds.

Itaru smirked at the sight of Ritsuka,"Still the same..." He shook his head, his tail swishing behind him.
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Rox looked down at her as Ritsuka reacted a little smirk reached his lips, "Ow, wolf bite would hurt, but nope." He chuckled a bit calling her bluff quickening his pace a bit as the others moved faster the park coming into view, it was crowed! The townspeople all waiting for the air balloon show to start, "And being stubbron is not bad, to a degree, but we know you not feeling well, so you don't have to act tough, it actually makes you look silly." Rox voice was teasing but had a note in it that said he meant she did not have to act all brave.

Ven pointed ahead looking back, "Over there! I see Zoey!" He panted but kept his feet going unwilling to slow down for even a minute in till they were safe, the fact that he could sense Xanth coming and sense his rage pure and chilling made Ven want to just scream and burry himself in a hole, "Zoey!" He called flagging her down by waving her arms over his head frantically.
Zoey ran over to them. "Cmon we gotta go! " pulling ven gently to the balloon. Nichole waited for the others and looked around. Luna said"imuto go to the balloon. " Nichole looked up in shock. The only one who used that was..aaria.
Ritsuka still had a pout,"Im fine..." She crossed her arms. She looked at all the people there. It looked like fun! All the games, food, and acts, but they werent here for that. She saw the balloons just ahead and Zoey, whom Ven pointed out.

Itaru looked around as well. He saw the other girl wave to them and a balloon just behind her. His ears fell flat in disappointment,"Our in a balloon?!" He looked at it up and down,"This was the great idea?!" He gestured toward it. 
(Btw, ive been meaning to do this. This is like my close-to-exact vision of what Ritsuka looks like, the hair may be a tad too long but her hair is still really long xD ..... thank you vocaloids for introducing Ia and thank you for being the perfect candidate that resembles Suka x3)

(this is the closest i got to Itaru :P he looks so sly >o>...well i shouldnt complain cuz he is xD )

Rox made a sound in his throat that dismissed the idea of Ritsuka being fine, but said no words towards it. He hurried a bit faster and hopped into the balloon setting Ritsuka down on the bench that went around the entire balloon, “Yes, it’s a part of my plan, coming?” He raised an eyebrow at the cat before turning to Zoey with a relieved smile, “We are ready to fire up and start going.” He watched Nichole get in looking pretty shocked about something his eyes wondered from her to the elder looking girl and her wolf did something happen between them? Rox looked around him at the festivities maybe another time on another date we can be as normal as they are. Rox watched with a little smirk as a group of teens passed by with animal ears, tails and even some had mask, yes this was their escape plan to be hidden at a festival with many similar looking people and to slip out virtually unnoticed among the hundreds of balloons and also to top it all off, many of these kids had gone to the same school carried Ven’s scent which would be confusing to the point of a good distraction at least.

Ven huffed at Itaru as he scoffed at their escape plan he sat on his knees next to Ritsuka hanging a bit out of the balloon, “You don’t have to come, you know, Ruru.” He grouched his forest green eyes in narrow slits. With that he turned around and plopped on the seat and looked up at the color of the balloon, “The sooner we leave the better…”

((Ritsuka is so kawaii!! <3 And Itaru you do look so sly it suits you))

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