mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Rox managed a rather open mouth nod before stepping into the house reaching back to take Nichole's hand and bring her in too. Akina smiled gently one that was very much like Rox's own smile, "Not even a mention of me too your girlfriend? Well." But it was obvious she was joking by the tone of her voice and the sparkle in her eyes much like Ven's used to be. Rox stood in the small cozy kitchen not believing his eyes.
Nichole looked around. "Very cozy."smiling softly. She bowed and said"hello mam. I'm kudo, Nichole of the kudo family. Its a pleasure to meet you."
Akina smile widened even more, her eyes showing clear appreciation for the manners, "Very nice to meet you too, Nichole, please my best wishes to your family." She dipped her head politely at the girl she would have bowed, but the walking stick gave notice to her weak health sitting she motioned for them to do the same, a hot cup of tea was by each chair.
Nichole sat down and thanked her for the tea. She sipped hers and said"excuse me but if I may? What happened to separate you three? If I am intruding please excuse me you do not have to answer if you wish." Knowing it was a very touchy subject.
Akina tilted her head lightly a smile still on her face but also it looked confused, "Separated? What do you mean? And you are not intruding at all, just I don't exactly know what you mean."

Rox finally stepped up to the table but did not sit, he gripped the back, "Mom? How old am I?" He asked looking at her. Akina giggled a little still looking confused, "Your thirteen Roxy, wait I get it, this is some new game." She found that amusing and giggled a little. Rox let out a heavy sigh before sitting down himself, "Is Venny at his boyscouts meeting? Is that why he is not here?" He question just to make sure. Akina nodded before offering the two a muffin, blueberry her specialty, "Hmmhmm, he should be home in about an hour, Nichole, would you be staying for dinner?" She leaned forward a bit coughing lightly into her hand.

Rox took Nichole's hand under the table and thought to her, Nichole I get it now....this is not really, its like we are in the past....this is my past, but your here too....
Rox smiled brilliantly at the woman that was his mother taking a muffin, "Thanks mom," Taking a bit, "Always delicious, of course." It was something he often used to say, and it had the same effect on his dear mother making her beam, "Your welcome!" She grinned brightly than starting asking them about their day, Rox answered her but was thinking to Nichole I don't know....but I...a part of me does not want to leave, and I know, I know its part of the trap but... Rox closed his eyes squeezing Nichole hand in a way to say give me strength.
Akina nodded waving the question off, "Of course dear, let me," But she was cut off by a fit of coughs that shook her body, "No mom! Let me, you just drink some tea." Rox jumped to his feet motioning for Nichole, "This way." He led her down the short hall towards the bathroom, "Its this one...." He bit his lip looking down the hall, "Everything is exactly the same, even this little crack here, how did...Xanth know?"
"Hm?" Ven made the sound in wonder leading the way through the vents as the headset cracked to life in his ears had they made it outside already? Oh wait..I should answer fiddling with it a bit he finally got it working, "Nichole? Yeah I hear you, did you make it out?"
(HOLY COOKIES....did the time machine work? Where did all these replies comefrom?! Y I NO GET ALERTS?! srry guys...) 
(Imma uh.....imma do some cathing up _ _||)
((its okay Honey that happens a lot ^.^ you doing okay? Also a quick update, Nichole and Rox avoid some traps, but now are stuck in an illusion of Xanth where Rox and Nichole are at Rox and Vens old house and their mother Akina is still alive. Nichole just contacted Ven and Ritsuka on the head sets ))
Ritsuka's ears bounced as she heards Nichole's voice aswell. She listened in as Ven did the talking. She sat against the side of the vent as Ven communicated, looking from one end of the vent, from where they came, and then the other end, that seems endless and dark. She shuddered at the thought and payed attention to Ven again. 
(Oh hey guys ^w^ im doing fine. Hangin in there you know? *gets glomped* >///o///<! Aww i missed yall too :'3 and thanks for the update x3 im so sorry guys :/ )
Ven stoppd crawling suddenly, his eyes growing wide before turning into slits, "illusion? What type? Tell me! Dont lie!" ven brought up a hand to grip his head set tightly as the other trembled on the metal floor of the vent Xanth, you, you Ven gritted his teeth harshly Not on him, not on Rox not that one! "Nichole?" He pressed out her name again for an answer, some answer wishing not to hear it.
Nichole said"I think your mother is alive but its hard to tell if she's real or not at the moment. She thinks your younger and roxis 13."biting her lip.
Ritsuka could hear the tension in Vens voice. Theres a hint of worry in his tone that she recognized. Her head turned to him slighty tilted, sapphire eyes focused on his facial expressions. She stood quiet, her white wolf ears flattened just a bit while staring down at her lap. She slouched against the vent wall, her knees bent infront of her. Rituka's fingers tapped ontop of her knees as she patiently waited.
Ven seemed to just slump against the wall Ritsuka had settled on, his bangs hung over his eyes as he shook his head lightly enough for them not to sway away, "She is still dead...its a trick...Xanth is playing mind games, I know how real it seems, bu trust me, please get out of there." He fell quiet for a few seconds before adding, "My mom will may just be an illusion, but somehow she tell Rox not to feel guilty, okay big brother?" Ven fell quiet again unsure if Rox even had his head set on which he did not, but still. He sat next to Ritsuka nearly in the same position gripping the head set still, he was biting his lip gently.
Ritsuka was stumped again, she grew up with out parents or guardians, so she hardly grasped the sense of someone taking care of you, loving you, and protecting you, someone who you are a part of. She glanced at Ven, she wanted to help him and tell him it would be alright, but she didnt know how. Infact just the thought of parents angered her, how could her own leave her? Or let her become part of an experiment? But that was beside the point and she shook her head. She has a new family and the thought of having them gone wasnt a very happy one, and in that way, she can some-what understand the feelings that Ven has in his heart.
Rox had been leaning against the wall lost in his thoughts the effects of the illusion taking its toll on his mind was this real? Had he somehow dreamt everything up that has happened until now? Was it all some dream and this was real? No, no that was just...just crazy! Rox shook his head than Nichole got his attention. Rox listened to her before nodding, "Okay....see, I knew it...." He pressed his palm along the wall letting it trail there as he walked back towards the kitchen, he stood half in the doorway just taking in the kitchen the savory smell of stew cooking, "M-mom? I-I we have to go..." Rox looked away before his mom could look up,

Akina turned in her seat, "I know you do, its alright you can't stay for dinner." Rox jerk his head up gasping, "How?" Akina gave a small little laugh, "Because Xanth used parts of me to formulate this illusions, and the many times Venny has come in here, I have become aware I suppose you could put it." Rox just stared trying to process it all, " You, you this house it burned in flames...." The mother nodded smiling ruefully, "It did, but before it burned, when you two were at your boy scout celebration, I was making something nice to give you both, for when you got home....I heard someone open the door, I thought it may be you both for some reason, but when I walked into the hall, I saw him, Xanth -Venny has told me of him-,he shot me right in the chest, I feel down and all my treats fell to drenched in blood, it was a little silly how I was more upset about that at the moment, than Xanth came over and without another word light the house on fire and left me there..." Rox was dead silent his heart pumping fast at the new terrible information,

"He was planning it all from the get Ven but...why? why?" Akina reached out for Rox's hand squeezing it lightly, "Its a long story and I wish I would have told you before, but we don't have much time...soon you will be trapped here to sum it up, "I used to be a detective for the supernatural bit secret branch we dealt with aliens, we were to kill them....I was a hunter, but this one alien, he was not evil, did not want to destroy the humans, he was different and soon we formed a forbidden love, we had two sons, but than one day he did not come back, shot and killed by another alien hunter, so I moved away to protect his two sons, but your father, Rex had a brother, a little brother...his name was Xanth." Akina looked up at Rox and Nichole, "That is how this is all connected."

Ven turned off his head set, he did not want to hear the story over again, he knew it and a lot more things did not wish to know, like watching his mother actually die in the fire. Xanth had made him watch and re-watch, even if Xanth was telling the truth when Ven had come running out crying to Rox that he had not laid a hand on him, he had messed with his mind, his emotions. Ven reached out and took Ritsuka hand even though he could feel her blue eyes on him already, "We need to keep moving....they will be okay and we still got a ways to go, we don't want the air to run out..." Releasing her hand he got to his knees and started moving forward once more.
Nichole gasped and covered her mouth in shock. She gripped the wall some and tried to calm herself. they're aliens? Well that does kinda aanswer some of my questions.

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