mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

(oh dont worry~! ^o^~!)

"O-oh OoO..." she was interested by Ven's brief story, being locked away for most of her childhood she didnt even know what a boy scout was, but just went along with it.

Ritsuka looked back at Nichole and Rox as they bid their farewells. She turned around,We're even starting to split up now..., She thought to herself, she thought she was following Ven but just bumped into him instead, snapping her out of her thought,"oh! I-Im sorry!!" she blushed a bit from embarassment followed by a single cough. She was tad fearful of what his reaction would be, judgeing by his recent frustration but either way, an apology was necessary.
Rox sensed the traps as well and nodded at Nicole being as sly and clever as his fox nature would allow him using these traits to his advantages as they started to get by by a few of the many traps.

Ven felt the body bounce off of his despite his frustration it seemed to have been cooled as his thoughts went else were mostly trying to get them out of here asap. "Its okay, here." He handed Suka a gas mask and put his on as a demonstration,. "Like this, don't push the button on the let yet, the more air we save the better, " Going back towards the vent he looked up at it before taking out his pole and flinging it up to there, it stretched a bit clicking on, "Okay I will show you my secret now, since I am still short, all you gotta do is tug 3 times to the left, and on big tug to the right, and it will zip you up into the vent."
Ritsuka put the mask on, exactly the way Ven demonstrated. He explained how to actually get up there and she nodded, acknowledging his instructions,"Okie." she said.
Nichole froze her fur raising up and she waited. She tossed a rock onto the square infront of her and spikes rose up. Nichole jumped over them and waited for rox.
Rox took a few steps back, but waited as more spikes zipped out of the floor, it had sensed Nichole going over, so now there were spikes all around Xanth you twisted @sshole! Rox crouched and spread himself long his fur got ruffled over the spikes but he made it next to Nichole unharmed.

Ven did it first yet again and with a sharp tug, he was zipping up into the vent landing a bit roughly on his knees but regaining himself quickly, "Okay your turn, don't worry I will help if something goes goes wrong, but it won't!" He encouraged.
(Hey guys)

Ritsuka nodded,"O-Okay..." She did as instructed and went right up,"Wasnt as bad as i thought." Her emotionless self managed to say. "Now what?" She tilted her head.
(Hey Honey :D )

They skidded to another platfrom, Rox ears went back as his hair raised up, they were going through the hallways nothing else happening so far and that is what made Rox stand on an alret edge

Ven watched Ritsuka make it up than gave the air a hearty sniff, "I don't smell any poison...but better be safe," he pressed the button on his gas mask, "Knowing Xanth it could be smelless, okay now just follow me, I know the way out." His voice was a tad muffled but still hearable before he turned and started crawling ahead slowly so Ritsuka had time to catch up.
Rox blinked his amber fox eyes, he turned back towards Nichole as she sat, his feet backtracking to her sitting form, "Why are you stopping?" He asked in a whisper that was tense.
Rox raised an eyebrow but hushed narrowing his eyes in concentration and looking forward, at Nichole's words the fox was ready dodging skillfully around the traps, but when one popped out so did ten more, Xanth was a sick one and he loved to mess with the right now..... Thinking they were safe Rox and Nichole kept going forward but it felt they were walking forward without going anywhere.
They kept walking but it seemed as if they were just walking in place or a circle which was weird. Rox finally let out a frustrated growl, "We are not getting anywhere!"
Rox pawed a bit at the walls trying to find a way out of this, this illusion, "Dammit!" Rox closed his eyes trying to think before they ended up tiring form walking nowhere.
Rox turned his attention to her now, "Nichole? Does your head hurt, don't fret we ca figure this out." He licked her cheetah cheek in comfort.
Nichole nodded and tried to calm down. She then stood and glowed. Her fur rose some and she followed her instinct. She ran down a row of tiles hopping from tile to tile making a pattern.
Rox followed after her, glowing with his own power and he felt himself pass through a wall of energy making the illusion break! Letting out a barking laugh, he called, "Nichole! This way!"
Rox was running beside her and raised a eyebrow, "Why? I can keep up with you, but okay." He gave a skillful leap landing on Nichole's back without hurting her.

((Next post Xanth is has a really cruel surprise in-store a mind game))
They kept running, "Hey look a light!" It came closer and closer and sucked them in. It was so bright it made them close their eyes as it engulfed them.

When they both opened their eyes back up, they were in normal human form, standing outside in their winter attire, soft snow flakes were flowing from the gray sky. BUT they were not outside the layer, in fact they were no where near, instead they were in front of a modest little house no where near the size of Nichole's or Likara's. Rox face was pale, shocked and his eyes wide as dinner plates, "W-w-w?" He tripped over the w of the word what he could not even get out.

The front door opened and a woman stood leaning on a wooden walking stick, her face was sickly pale looking but her deep green eyes sparkled with a warmth and care, her long brown hair was semi brushed as it hung down her back, she opened the door wider motioning them in, "Are you going to stand out there and turn into a popsicle? Come in! And your friend too, come on," She coaxed her voice frail but warm and sweet.

Rox blinked over and over shaking a bit but not from the cold, his amber orbs trained on the woman in front of him for you see, this was Rox and Ven home and standing before them was their dead mother, Akina.

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