mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Rox nodded watching Nichole prepare and took Ven's hand into his, the knife in the other, he steeled himself, "Okay, I am going to make the incision," He said as Ven nodded squeezing his eyes shut as his heart raced even faster. He trusted his brother but that did not mean he was not frightened, and how he still did not handle pain well better than before considering all Xanth put him through, but not well.
Rox braced himself before doing a quick cut splitting the skin on the palm, grunting harshly, Ven whole arm stiffened as the blood started to leak out, Rox grabbed a cloth, but nodded at Nichole, "Okay Nichole your up."
Nichole nodded and placed the piece of metal and her gun on the incision. She concentrated and glowed with her aura there was a few sparks of electricity that pulled the metal dots to her.
Ritsuka cringed, the sight of punctured skin made her dizzy and the smell of blood made her teeth grind. It was so messy and icky, chills ran up her spine. "Try to stay relaxed, the more tensed you are the more blood you'll spill" which was true, if he clenched the blood in muscles move faster. She stroked his hair and used a wet towel and dabbed his forehead and neck areas to relieve SOME stress
As the docks began to respond to the magnate pulling towards it slowly they traveled. Ven let out a shaky gasp as this started happening tugging at his restrianed arm. Rox tightened his grip as Ven tugged for release, "Its gonna be fine, its working." At this point and time, the smaller spiky haired teen could care less, it hurt, a lot and not only that, having things move through your blood the opposite way, just felt....odd! Ven heard Ritsuka speaking to him but only gather a little of what she actually said. He tried to untighten his muscles but he was too tensed up, as she ran her hand through his hair, not matter how childish he may have claim the action was, when the right person did it, it had its effects, and slowly from his shoulders down to his arm relaxed. Ven felt cool water on his forehead and neck which helped to cool him from the sweat. The metal docks began to pull up from his blood outward became to much for the occasional noise, he was full on protesting in pleas to stop, begging them just cut his arm off, and tears now were afloat steadyly on his face. Weakly, he reach out the next time Ritsuka came to wipe at his forehead, tears, or bloody lip taking one of her hands, he squeezed it not roughly, hunging on to it, squeezing with less and less energy each time another dock exited his blood stream. Rox kept ahold securely on his arm as the process continued comforting and encourging with words to everyone as the process continued. It was working so far.
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Ritsuka could see it in his eyes, we has getting weaker which meant hes loosing a large amount of blood. She saw tears streaming,"Is he scared?" She asked herself and suddenly, a hand grabbed hers. This action caught her off guard but she could see in his face, Ven just needed comfort. And she was more than willing to give it.

A thought came into her head,"If nichole is using magnetism that means shes pulling out the iron in his blood aswell!" She looked at nichole and rox,"Hes weak because his blood is thinning! Hes having an iron deficiency!" She looked back at Ven,"ill be right back" and squeezed his hand before she left. She got up and ran to the kitchen and grabbed a cup and a big pot. "The sink! Tap water has plenty of iron from its pipes!" She filled up the pot held the cup as well, walking back slowly, her small body trying to carry the load of water with out spilling. She went back to Ven, and knelt behind him giving him some water. She stroked his hair more. With her other hand, ahe covered her mouth as she coughed a couple times. It wasnt too bad but it hurt a bit. Once more she looked out the window and shook her head. Her gaze back to Ven,"i wont let anything happen to you..."
Nichole bit her lip trying to keep going and took calm breaths. But something was starting to crack. She soon got all the dots out of Ven and let go before her field of aura shattered. She looked at rit and said"your up sis. And quickly."
Ritsuka nodded, she moved to where Nichole was sitting and placed both hands over the wound,"Ill do the best i can.." She told herself more than anyone.

A gold aura surrounded his wound and her hands,her crystal eyes looked at Vens' emerald ones,"itll hurt at first but itll soothe quickly." She looked at Rox and Nichole,"We'll know its done when the color changes to blue." She nodded. She closed her eyes to keep the flow going. She mustered up as much strength as possible.

Minutes passed and the color was inbetween, green,"almost there..." Her head started to hurt a bit. She started to doze off a bit but kept herself conscious. She shook her head and focused.

More minutes passed, her arms were quivering and finally the color was a deep blue, and no wound was visible. She cut the flow of her power and her arms fell limp. She sat back and wiped her forehead and breathed heavy. "That took a lot more than i though.." She panted. She sat back up and checked on Ven,"How are you feeling?" Her face full of concern, and even though she started to heat up, the concern was for Ven.
Rox saw it too that Ven started to sort of fade on them panic edged its way into his eyes but other than that he did his best to stay calm, they all were. As Ritsuka came back with water, explaining that it should help, Rox inwardly praised her genius and watched Ven have no problems with drinking the water as if he had been out in the desert for days on in. Ven blinked his eyes seeing lots of blue staring at him, but he was still at the point where he was half out of it, the ocean was speaking to him somehow saying it would not let anything happen to him, that was nice, with a soft nod Ven’s eyes fluttered closed before added pain forced them back open as he gave a small yelp trying to get away, but something kept hanging onto his arm. The pain lessened and a cool feeling took it till there was no more pain altogether.

Forest eyes blank slowly before closing a few moments as he just breathed, opening he looked at Ritsuka who was panting looking worn out. Rox let go of Ven’s arm watching him closely as the younger brother tried to sit up a bit, he managed and only had a slight tremble more from the shock of pain and overall fear than anything else, Rox allowed himself to breath, “

“Ven are you alright?” He echoed Ritsuka question. Looking at all of them, Ven gave a light nod wrapping his arms around stomach his hands gripped them,

“Okay just sh-shaky.” He managed to get out before closing his eyes again and taking more breaths.
Ritsuka put her hand in the middle of Vens chest,"Dont get up! Youre body needs rest and im sure you could use some," she smiled at him,"dont worry, just rest. Youll need your strength."

She removed her hand and looked at Rox,"You ready?" She asked while cleaning Ven's arm of excess blood on his skin.
Ven didn't resist against the hand, he laided back down as Ritsuka cleaned the rest of his arm, he turned his head towards Rox as Suka asked him if he was ready. Personally the green eyed boy did not want anyone else to go through that, but there was no choice right? Ven let out a breath, he would not be "resting" in till this was over.

Rox moved to sit closer to Nichole, "As I'll ever be," He responded taking a deep breath, he watched the two of them "better question, are you two alright to go on?" He asked taking off his sweater and setting it aside.
Ritsuka nodded and agreed with Nichole.

While Nichole got ready, Ritsuka stood up and pulled her hair up,"Remember, try to stay relaxed, you dont want to lose too much blood. The more you panic the more painful it is," she told Rox. She finished tying her hair up and put her hands on her hips,"Do that and youll be fine." She left the room quickly and went to the kitchen. She went to the sink and leaned over it, her hands at either side. She stared at her reflection in the water sitting in the sink. She stood up straight and coughed, turning away from the sink. She put her hand on her forehead and sighed,"no..." She closed her eyes for a few seconds then opened them. She grabbed a cup and filled it with water, her hands shook, she was still weak from healing. "They cant know..." She shook her head and drank the water. She took a seat in the dinning room,"my head hurts..." She sat back and stared at the ceiling, her breathing got a bit heavier, but not too bad
Nichole never knew how much the smell of iron in their blood could affect her until she nearly passed out from the scent. She gripped her shoulders and hugged herself. "It'll be ok. Its almost over."
Rox nodded at her advice and both their claims of being okay, "Okay, almost over, your right." Making the incision himself his arm outstretched to Nichole, he took deep calming breaths and drank some of the water Ritsuka left behind. Ven watched Ritsuka leave wondering tob himself if she was really okay, such a vauge word that was.
Nichole did the procedure again and after she finished. Ran out puking before collapsing. (Nearly happened ro me once. Ugh still can't stand the smell >. <)
Rox manganed to restrain himself enough to not tug away. But he was not past showing how much it did hurt. As Nichole ran for the bathroom, Rox slumped against the side of the bed panting sweat coating his forehead as he pressed a strip of cloth to his wound, "R-rit?" He questioned unable to yell but spoke loud enough.
Ritsuka's ears twitched and she ran to the room. She knelt beside Rox and rolled up her sleeves panting,"Im so sorry! I was--Im sorry!" She immediately placed her hands hovering over the wound. Once more the golden glow appeared and she begun the healing process. Her eyebrows furrowed and her arms shook. Her blood was pumping and she felt a little funy but she ignored it. She looked at Rox every now and then, just to check on him and watch his facial expressions for any signs of discomfort.

The gold color was close to a deep blue. "Almost there just hang in there..." She said to herself and Rox. It was silent for a moment and in that time everything have stopped. Time felt like it froze. As if it was in slow motion, her vision blurry, muffled sounds. Next thing you know her hands gave out and just before passing out cold, she could see the deep blue aura flicker and disappear as her mind slipped to unconciousness.
Nichole stood weakly and walked back. Then saw rit fall. "RITSUKA!" she screamed before rushing over and picking her up. Tears went down her face and she bit her lip.Passed worried now. " please be ok. Please be ok." She held her and checked her vitals worried as heck! Nichole started to panic and hyperventilated. She couldn't breathe. Nichole glowed with her aura giving it her all to heal rit up before tucking her in. She stood weakly but her knees buckled and she hit the floor with a thud her breathing strained.
Ritsuka's body was exhausted. Mentally and physically, making her more prone to falling under her illness which essentially took over.

With Nichole's help, her eyes fluttered open still a little dazed she looked around, then it hit her. She sat up with a gasp for air. Once again, her cheeks were pink and her body temperature was abnormal. "Wh--What happened?" She crawled to Rox and looked at his arm,"Its gone, its healed....i mustve fallen asleep..." She held her head trying to remember. She turned behind her,"Nichole!" She crawled to her,"Are you okay?!" She looked at her sister. She tried to hold her but her muscles couldnt, so she held her hand. She looked back at Ven and Rox then to Nichole.
"No, its okay, I just wanted to make sure you had not fainted." The eighteen year old gave her his best of a smile before wincing at the pain first before a tingling of healing edged along his skin. Amber orbs widened as he saw Ritsuka go down, bringing his arms up, he caught her before she fell face first onto the blankets below. Nichole came, taking her from his arms, but she was panicking and healed the white haired girl, yet she drained herself even more. Falling both males made a move towards her, but Rox faltered. Struggling up, Ven crawled over to Nichole dragging a blanket with him, bunching it like a pillow, he lifted her head before laying it back down. His teeth sank back into his chewed up lip not knowing what else to do, he look at Ritsuka before looking back at Rox,

"I think she is just worn...she throw up, we are all a mess, and I think we all need to just rest."
Nichole was struggling for each breath her eyes dulling. Her chest ached and her heartbeat slowed. Nichole coughed and held her throat fading in and out of cconsciousness.

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