mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Xanth seemed satisfied that everyone was eating, his expression started to dull a bit as everyone was quiet and kept staring at him with looks on their faces, jeez what grudge holders. Huffing he folded his arms and turned around walking slowly away as spoke, “You all are no fun, aren’t you at that age were you have tons of fun? Boring, no one ask me why this day is special, tch what a shame.” Before anyone could say anything, Ven was up on his feet and went to tap on the twenty year olds elbow,

“Uh, why is today so special?” He cocked his head in genuinely curious unable to mask his emotions, he was suspicious yet curious to why the sudden mood change in his so called “master”. The question was all the onyx eyed man needed,

“Well! I shall tell you! Today is a special day for you actually little one, the day of your birth!” Rox talked through the eggs in his mouth, his face confused,

“But it’s not Ven’s birthday today….” Xanth snorted and waved Rox off,

“Of course not! It’s much more meaningful than that, you see, today is the day you became my little treasure! My little psycho pup, yes you did.” He cooed the last part patting brown spikes. He missed the look on Ven’s face completely good thing though, “So, today Kaito and I will be going to a VIP alien party and then will bring our guest back here to view my jewel.” He stroked Ven’s hair as he said jewel, “I know none of this really matters for you lot, but I felt kind, so I made you breakfast enjoy it.” He turned to walk away, but another tap on his shoulder brought him turning back around to Ven, “What? You have touched me like twice, without permission, do it again and I will break a finger….but what?”

Ven took a look around before taking a deep breath, “I was just thinking if all your friends and stuff are coming here in the nighttime, well I was just thinking we could clean up for you, you know here where they will eat, you and master Katio’s throne room, both your actual rooms…it’s a bit dusty around here.” Xanth eyed Ven for a moment before leaning towards him,

“I like the idea, you all as little servants….but why mine and Katio’s private quarters?” Ven tilted his head to the other side,

“Well, just cuz you always show your friends you rooms, and they should be clean.” The statement was spoken so innocently Xanth took it into consideration a heavy one for a while. Ven looked over at the three older teens at the table and gave a little head motion for them to play along. Finally Xanth walked over to the table tugging Ven with him,

“It’s settled then, while we are out, you three will be cleaning and Ven you will be training, I want you in top from, Roxas, come to the throne room to get the keycards to mine and Katio’s room. I want everything put back where it was, and I want nothing more than spotless, and if I even think someone was up to something in this, you will all will wish you had never been born. Ven I expect you to train or else” The threats and commands were lashed out in dark fire in his voice and eyes.

“Of course master, I want to show your friends what I can do.” Xanth paused but Ven spoke again, “I am not sick or anything, I just… the things you have been telling me finally clicked on what I have to do, that’s all.” Xanth observed them all a minute more before patting Ven once more on the head,

“I am glad you see it my way, Roxas come get the keycards.” Sliding his chair back Rox had a somewhat of a vague idea what Ven was up too, but deciding to go in trust, he played along by throwing his brother a wtf look, but followed after Xanth with a sigh. 
@twilight sparkle @Neko-Neko-Nekomimi @HoneyBear-Kat

((What breed is your doggie Twi?

Also to Neko, we skipped a few days, but I can still go along with your post for that or you can go with mine I don’t care ^. ^))

((Also to all of you, is it cool that I make the escape happen today? If so, Likara and Enzo will be in on it, and so will good ole Zoey. Basically Xanth and Kaito is going to leave, and giving the four of them enough time to get those things out, snoop through stuff, and escape. Only a few twist will of course try to stop them, (Like defenses and lasers stuff like that oh and a shit ton of parasites) and they will end up escaping in a hot air balloon, because I always wanted to ride in one, plus it will be the something unexpected to escape in instead of a car.

I can explain more or leave it to just go with the flow in the Rp, whichever and you guys of course can add any defense for them to overcome, I got lasers and the crap ton of parasites so far. ))
( I like it roxel! And she's a shih tzu!)

Nichole sighed finishing. "Might as well get started." She tied up her hair and put on an apron. Nichole startee washing dishes and thought to herself.
((Congrats Nichole! :3))

Likara woke up later in the day, her body aching from the training. She slowly got up and saw Enzo hunched over. "You okay?" Her body made its way to his and she rubbed his back. Likara wished she could have a massage right now.

((I'll go along with yours))
Ritsuka stood quiet as Xanth spoke eating "calmly". As soon as he left the room she slammed her fork and knife on her plate, gritting her canine teeth,"I can not believe this guy!" She growled, the fur on her ears and tail puffed up,"Who does he think we are?! A bunch of working dogs?" She picked up the butter knife and pointed it at them,"dont either of you say anything that wasnt a pun." She continued,"and YOU!" She pointed it at Ven,"I am just....UGH!" She stabbed the knife into the table leaving it straight up stuck in the wood. She turned around, her white curls following,"I need a moment..." Her shoulders lowered, her emotions starting to settle down. She walked back to the room she came from and slammed the door closed. She leaned her back against the door and slid down it, as she slid down so did some tears. "Why am i crying? Do i feel angry? What in the world is happening?!" She thought.

Did she actually crack? No. That was just a sneak peek...luckily she suppressed it. 
(Oh yea and i dont mind :D )
Ven watched his brother go, before turning in his watch Nichole start to wash dishes, blinking slowly he flinched lightly at the sound of slamming metal against wood. Turning to face Ritsuka, his eyes widened around the edges at her apparent fury, when she pointed the knife, he took half a step back I was not going to even laugh at that joke, its to true to be funny He flinched again taking a full step away his eyes focused on the knife as she scream at him unable to put what she wanted to say to him in words. He winced as the knife went into the table and the angry wolf began to lose her luster, leaving with a sharp slam of the door needing a few moments. Ven stood very still leaning back a bit on his heels, blinking every few seconds.

He was unnerved to say the least, seeing someone anger who usually was not, was frightening....especially someone so quiet and calm hearted. Taking a breath, he balanced back onto the soles of his shes I'm just "ugh"? well, ugh is not a good word. Please don't be to upset Suka, I think I actually know what I am doing for once... letting out a soft sigh as he felt her sadness with his senses, walking forward, he pulled out the knife and gathered the rest of the dishes setting them in the sink where Nichole was washing. The door opened and Xanth and Kaito came in dress in what looked like royal attire,

"Just remember any slip ups, any at all, and I will make sure every single last second of your life you have lived thus farmeans nothing." With a final flick of his hand, the two villians disappeared out the door it cealing behind them. Rox turned to Ven, "Thanks for this, you can go train now." The tone of his voice was chilly and it sent chills down Ven spine as once more his eyes became larger than it already were. He opened his mouth but turning away, Rox held up a finger, "Just go." With his brother not facing him, Ven had no idea if was an act or real, but Roxas had never spoken to him like that before...dragging his feet lightly as he went for the exit, he through glances back at Nichole and Rox, before lowering his head completely and scooting out of the room. Maybe I had a rotten plan after all...

Rox stood beside Nichole and started drying the wet clean dishes. A few moments an army of cleaning supplies appeared, than the sound of a spacecraft lifted roaring to life than silence. Rox breathed a sigh, "That was hard, but Xanth was still there... and the more disconnected he thinks we are, the better." He explained his blunt coldness to his brother, "We should finish this room, than do our plan, while Ven and I are recovering, you and Ritsuka go 'clean' Xanth and Katio room, wear gloves and take any and all information you can get your paws on. Than we can get out of here.... em somehow." Rox smiled lightly, "That's all I got."

Enzo felt a warm palm light trail up than down his back, looking over his shoulder, he gave Likara a light nod before straightening, "Yeah just still waking up, I made some hot coco, its actualy a bit chilly out there today, how do you feel?" He wanted the opic off of him. It was just a bad night nothing to worry over.
Ritsuka cried herself into a little nap. She woke up, changed out of her pjs into pants with a black fitted long sleeved shirt. As she was changing she felt a sharp pain in her chest. She coughed a bit and looked out the window,"damn..." She looked at the snow. She sighed and tied her hair up, she looked at her 4'11" self in the mirror and opened the door into the hallway. And by her surprise Nichole was right there,"N-Nichole!" To be truthful she was scared, she didnt mean to act the way she did but she was sick of Xannth."I-Im......Im sorry for the way i acted, i wasnt upset because of you guys, i hope you understand," she alopogized, staring at the ground.
"What is it?" She asked with her emotionless tone. She was still upset about what she did.
Nichole hugged her and said" we have to make it look like we're distant but we are going to kaitos and xanths rooms to find information that could help us."
Ritsuka nodded,"Okay i understand." she seemed a little more determined. "I hope its as easy as it sounds *cough cough*" she covered her mouth as she coughed and sighed,"So when does this plan start?"
Likara instantly picked up on what he was trying to do. "Are you trying to hide something?" Her tone was a little sassy as she glared at him slightly. "Did you really think that I wouldn't notice?" She got a little mad inside because he wasn't being open with her. Likara stood in a familiar position with her hand on her hip, waiting impatiently for him to answer.
Ritsuka took it and looked at the wrapper,"Candy?" she tilted her head and sniffed the little piece. She made a disgusted face and cocked her head back, she looked at Nichole,"Its not candy..." she shook her head slowly as if Nichole didnt know. She unwrapped it and put it in her mouth and let it rest there for a bit on her tongue. She stuck her tongue out with the cough drop on the tip,"I dont like it...." she managed to say with her tongue in the way. She put it back in her mouth and swallowed it. "OwO....Its gone..." she announced. She grinned at Nichole,"I guess ill just start picking things up around here..." she left the room. She went to a closet and found a duster, immediately she started dusting here and there. She went to a side table at the side of a couch where a very elegant vase stood,"I wonder if Xanth found a way to see the way i acted up," a flash back came into her mind,"I hope not...Im really ashamed..." her head lowered. She sat there dusting the vase, away in thought, then she shook her head,"Why am i even worried about what he thinks! Hes---*gasp*" She was lost in thought that she didnt notice that with every stroke of the duster the light, hollow vase was getting pushed and as she was in the middle of her thought the vase had fallen off the edge. With predator canine like relexes, she threw herself on the ground to catch it, falling chest first (ow...) she caught the lovely ceramic and gave a sigh of relief,"Ow....." she finally said as she laid on the floor. She rolled over onto her back, hugging the vase close to her chest,"Im so stupid..." she set the vase back. The meaning of her comment was of the vase situation and of her rage she demonstrated, earlier that morning. (oh how i love double meanings~ *is an english lover*)

Ritsuka got a little stool to reach places that were easy for most. There was a shelf to be dusted, and even with the stool she balanced wobbly on her tippy toes.
Nichole winced when rit landed on her chest. 'That had to hurt.' She dusted in kaitos room. And looked around supicously. She moved one book and his shelf moved. "Yes!" She whispered.
Rox was meanwhile cleaning and thinking of a way to get them out of here once they breached the perimeter of layer, that would not be easy, but they needed an escape and a car or bus seemed to obvious. Rox did not have to wait too long, cleaning the throne room, he picked up a newspaper it front cover in capital letters told there was a festival in town today, special features hot air and blimp rides….Rox closed his eyes in thought before finishing up with the cleaning and walking down the hall, “Hey girls, I think I may have thought of a way to get home once we get out of this place…” He said still sweeping the hallways as he spoke.

Enzo was busy pouring them drinks and smirked lightly at her sassy tone, already envisioning the stance he knew she was taking, he turned around smirk still on his lips, “Calm down, it’s nothing concerning okay? I had a bad night’s sleep that is all.” He walked to the table and set the drinks down before letting out a sigh and plopping down on the seat, “Okay, you caught me, it was…a nightmare of sorts, but again its nothing to get so worked up about, so come on sit down.”
Nichole said"rox rit com here." Her voice hushed yet excited. She smiled looking at the stuff hidden behind the shelf. Nichole then saw something creepy when she accidently moved jar of ink. It was a shrine....dedicated to her.
Rox set the broom against the door handle and wondered into the room, "Did you find some information? Remember anything and everything we will look at it lat-" Rox stopped seeing the shrine, his face was less than amused but he let out a laughed that was a bit forced, "Looks like you have a fanboy."
Rox huffed balling up his fist his face the picture of agitation, "It's okay love, I won't let anything happen to you with that pervert." He spat the word "pervert" He clinched his fist lightly shoving the items back in the shelf to block the shrine away from their view at least the un-important things." He turned around face still pitched put pulled Nichole into a hug slowly calming down yet plans of future revenge going through his mind.
Rox was still fuming in his mind, I don't even have a picture like that! ....I man! That is so twisted and sick!!! Pervert!!! Rox was blushing at his thoughts as he still hugged Nichole gently to him. He pulled away after a while, "Oh here is some information." He picked up the papers of of the desk.
Nichole relaxed when he changed the subject. "Rox are you seriously jealous of a stalker? That I want to kill and ball his eyes out with a melon baller...or toss him in many methods to use....."
Rox felt his face flar back up as he shook his head quickly, "Jealous? Me? Hahahah! That loser? No, no, no I just want to set him on fire and slowly take out the pieces of his organs...and uh well you get the gist, that's all. " Rox pushed a hand through his hair laughing a bit, "Jealous not me." He muttered again searching through some more things.

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