mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Ritsuka looked at her down at her lap with a sad face, she nodded a little,"Okay..." shed rather not argue and just went along. She slowly got up, occasionally holding onto Ven for support. As soon as she was on her feet she hugged herself and tried to catch her breath, breathing in and out slowly as she weakly stood there.
Rox leaned against the wall still holding Nichole's hand smiling too, it would be okay.

Ven helped Ritsuka to her feet before she let go of him steadying herself or at least trying as she looked as if she may fall over, Ven sighed starting to walk a few steps before suddenly spinning on his right foot turning swiftly to face the eletric eyed girl, his brown bangs breifly swayed over his eyes, as his black cloak fluttered a bit before settling again. Ven merely stared at Ritsuka without saying a word or making anymore body movements as minutes passed before getting such a quick flash of emotions acrossed his face they were hard to idenifty, finally lowering his head a bit, he stared down before he bent and picked up the blanket, moving he wrapped it around Ritsuka shoulders and kept his arm there. Ven started to walk again staying quiet whole time.
Likara stopped and turned to face him. "That wasn't revenge. That was ruining my clothes and possibly staining them." She took in a deep breath and continued up the stairs, walking into her room and slamming the door. Her tears overflowed as she sunk down to the floor. She sobbed quietly while tugging off her clothes and putting a nightgown. Likara collapsed on her bed as she got overwhelmed with the smell of tea and she passed out slightly.
Rox rested his head back with Nichole's letting sleep claim him a peaceful rest just like last night because of the girl sleeping next to him.

Enzo stared up at Likara as she spoke, his frown deepened as his thoughts raced and he had to bit back some of those thoughts from escaping his mouth, but he could not stop himself from making an exasprated noise and roling his eyes. Because that is how he felt this huff she was having was, dramatic, "Really? Shall I take them to the dry cleaners for you to have them profeesional wahsed? Or shall we light your poor dear clothing on fire and send it afloat along the river? Light a few candles? Say a prayer?" Enzo snorted as his sarcasm before she slammed the door pretty much in his face, "Fine than go and pout! Its just stupid cloth! Honestly!" Flinging his hands into the air he strolled back down the stairs, and started to clean up the little bit that had gotten on the floor.
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Nichole smiled in her slumber and relaxed. Nichole's/ ritsuka's parents were looking everywhere for them. Nichole soon awoke and stretched yawning. Sure she was happy to be with rox and the gang. But she was worried about her family.
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She opened her eyes slightly, her sight blurry. Likara got up slowly and stumbled. "Ow..." Her hands reached out to the door handle and turned it. "Wha....what's going on..?" Her head was hurting like crazy and she could barely see. Likara slowly made her way down the stairs and looked around, only seeing blobs of colors. "E-Enzo?" She rubbed her eyes but that didn't do anything to help her. Her throat suddenly felt really dry and she started to cough violently. "!" Likara collapsed on the floor and she could feel some type of liquid on her hand whens he coughed again.
(aww poor Monica and Daniel D: )

Rox stirred awake and yawned lightly looking over to Nichole, he saw her worry but did not know where it lied,he squeezed her hand gently.

Enzo had finished spraying the stain remover and went to put it back. He sighed looking towards the ceiling before he heard Likara, he knew right off by her voice something was wrong. Rushing into the living room he sat her up against him, his nose taking in the sharp scent of metal coming from her hand, "W-what?" His eyes got longer as he looked at the girls face, "!t do I, call the ambulance?" His fought to stay composed, but his voice trembled lightly.
Likara shook her head weakly. "D..Don't...." She coughed again and sat more forward and got up, heading for the bathroom. Her head was pounding and she felt very weak. She reached out to the door and opened it quickly, sifting through some medicine that was under the sink. Likara found the one she needed and dumped two pills in her hand then swallowed them. She cringed at the taste and waiting for it to start working. Her throat felt a little less drier and she calmed down a bit. Likara slowly got up and looked in the mirror, her face stained with tears and her hair was messed up.
Rox let go of her hand and placed it on Nichole shoulder rubbing it, "Sorry, did not mean spook you." He whispered his eyes on hers.

Enzo watched her get up heading towards the bathroom, his mind unclug enough to connect she was getting medicine. Getting up, he went to the kitchen got a glass of water than rushed towards the bathroom slowing down he gripped the edge of the door frame as he looked at Likara, she looked awful, he outstretched his arm offering the water for her to drink. He was taking slow and deep breaths trying to calm the ongoing shock of the whole ordeal, "W-hat happened?" His eyes were still quite wide and his face a shade paler than normal.
Nichole relaxed and said"its fine..., her voice softer than usual. Her thoughts went to how she was going to protect and help everyone. Her family,the Earth.
Likara took the water carefully as her hand shook a little. She felt the soothing liquid run down her throat and she smiled a little. Her expression turned serious as she slowly got up. "Th-that happens once every couple months but it still hurts like hell. I don't know why this happens but it does, and I hate myself for it. Doctors have tried to figure out what's wrong with me but they've all failed. D-Don't worry about it, it's over and won't happen for a while." Likara smiled fakely and stared into Enzo's eyes. Please don't ask anymore questions...
Rox watched Nichole as she was in though finally he asked, “What you are you thinking about?” He wanted to know if there was anything he could do ease the worry he felt from her.

Enzo watched her take the glass and drink, slowly he nodded as she spoke explaining yet his brows knitted together at the understanding this was an unknown sort of condition, it puzzled him that no doctor could figure it out, but then again doctors were not all knowing, “I see…” And he did from what she had told him, moving towards her he said nothing more about it knowing that there would only be stupid to ask questions that clearly had no answer taking her wrist lightly he began to lead her out of the bathroom, “Your still shaky…you should at least sit down and finish the water….and Likara don’t hate yourself, for that…it’s pointless.” He looked back at her as he walked a seriousness in his eyes even though he said the words with causality.
Nichole said"I'm thinking about my parents. " biting her lip. She was worried about them. Nichole then softly sang to herself. It was a lullaby from her mother.
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Rox nodded slowly understanding that she worried, they did not give them exactly a chance to say goodbye, he sat thinking of a way to reassure the worried couple that Nichole and Ritsuka were...okay held captive, but okay, the commincaters were destroyed but maybe back in that room there was something? Rox thought this as Nichole sang, it helped him think, "Okay new mission, find someway to contact your parents, its only fair they get to know you and Rit are safe."
Likara smiled weakly and nodded. "I'm sorry that you have to go through so much because of me.....if only I was stronger..." Tears were starting to form in her eyes and she tightened her grip on his hand. Her eyes avoided his, staring at her floor like it was something she had never seen before. Likara remembered the seriousness is Enzo's voice and shuddered a little.
Rox watched Nichole walk to her room, he sat for a few minutes longer going over his options here finally he headed back towards the room, taking the communicator to put it back while looking for something else.

Enzo looked back her as her grip tightened he gave a squeeze to her hand before making it to the couch and lightly pushing her to a sitting position. Taking the glass, he set it aside on the table before kneeling in front of Likara shaking his head, “I think you misunderstood me, so look at me for a second, so I can re-explain what I meant.” He kept his eyes on her waiting for strawberry orbs to meet his. He placed his hand on her left knee giving it a light squeeze.
(Guys im so srry! I have an iphone now so getting access on here will be easier :D )

Ritsuka followed him and almost bumped into him when he suddenly stopped and turned toward her. She took a step back after stopping so close to him. Her head looked up at him, questioning why he did such a thing a stared at his forest eyes.

Ritsuka tilted her head a bit from his reaction. She grasped onto the blankets that he put on her and continued to follow when he continued onward
(It's okay Honey! And yay! Iphone's rock!)

Rox went to return the scanner device, but paused thinking they would need it at some point again. Plus, they still needed to clue Ritsuka on the plan to escape. Walking back to the room, he got there just after he saw the trail of the blanket go into the doorway. Coming in, he saw Nichole put down a phone as well as Ven and Ritsuka heading towards the other bed. Good, this worked out perfectly. Re-stepping out the room after a few minutes he came back with tea for everyone. Rox shut the door securely, "Here you go, lets gather around Rit's bed, just to talk no action yet."

Ven made sure Ritsuka was back in her bed before pulling himself to sit on the windowsill again, he watched Rox pass out drinks taking his with a little nod of thanks, he took a sip sitting it aside before folding his hands lightly in his lap, his eyebrows were knitted together as he stared down at his clasped fingers How come she looks so sad? Because of me... He answered his own question in his mind being brought out of them as his brother began to talk.

"Okay, the reason why you are here, is well to help us really, but here is how." He was mainly talking to Ritsuka since Nichole and Ven knew. He pulled out the scanner and motioned for Ven to come closer. The spiky brunette complied and rolled up his sleeve sticking out his arm. Teeth locked together lightly as the needle was pushed into his flesh. The screen lit up for all them them to see hybrid wolf-dog, and the little back dots swimming in his blood stream, yet Rox was to focused for a moment on Ven's aura readings to continue explaining.

The aura was unsteady, unstable even. Ven kept his eyes locked on his own readings his normal light orange was twisted and seemed darker in a consistent battle with solid inky black among all this was light shade of grays. Ven shut his own eyes before yanking his arm out of the scanner which cut at his skin even more from the rash way he pulled it out, "We can all stop staring now, just explain the rest." Ven put his hand over the cut pinching the wound to make it stop bleeding, Rox looked at the now black screened scanner taking a deep breath he turned his attention back to Ritsuka,

"So those black things are poison docks in our system, Nichole is going to attract them out with a magmatic pull, and you have to heal us up, before we lose to much blood to a dangerous point, after that is all done, we get out of here."
Ritsuka crawled into the bed and wrapped herself laying back on a few pillows as Rox spoke and Ven demonstrated to explain what Rox was talking about. She jolted abit upon seeing Vens skin punctured, she has a thing with needles that she does not like, she quickly averted her eyes.

When she saw the impurities in the body through the machine she was horrified! She cupped her hand over her mouth and looked at Ven, not believing they had this stuff in them. It was literally like poison! She turned her attention back to Rox as he explained the plan of getting this stuff out. She quickly sat up,"Are you sure this is safe?! It may seem harmless but things can still go wrong, are you sure about this?" Concern was written all over her face, her grip tightened on the blankets,"Im not even sure i have enough strength yet...but i can try my best..." She continued, and mumbled the last part. She looked at Nichole,"Are you okay with this?" Her brows furrowed with worry and her crystal eyes waited for an answer.

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