mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

(( xD in my opinion the notebook is not all that gushy,bit shows a couple that shruggles in romance.))

Rox licked Nichole back on her cheek before gazing at the cheetah, the one he knew he would see again, but had fleeing hope they would rekindle like this. Yet they were, and now, instead of his earlier private thoughts of making sure the three of them got out okay, he was fitting himself back in making it four, they would all get out of here.

Enzo felt her body squirm which made him blush even more because she was moving about on his lap, looking down, he was met with half lidded eyes staring back at him. Enzo tried to read those eyes, to see if he needed to put his hands somewhere else, slowly he squeezed her knee lightly before brushing his hand down to her ankle never breaking eye conact.

In his sleep, Ven wore a small smile filled with a carefreeness to it. Ven did not stir awake as Ritsuka sat next to him cuddling close, but he did feel the tickle of her soft hair against his face, her too warm skin against him warming him through his shirt, and her scent, her aura, it filled his senses and made the dream he was having more amazing. Shuffing a bit closer to all this in his sleep, his mouth parted slightly as if to speak, but closed into a peaceful smile full of some mutters, his hand came to gently rest with Ritsuka's.
Likara blushed more and closed her eyes again, sitting up and propped herself up on her hands. She was close to his face but her eyes were locked onto his. "Can I try s-something?" Her eyes finally darted around, trying not to look at him. The beating in her chest was starting to hurt a little as she got a little closer to him.
Rox too let himself trasform back to a full human, still staring at his one and only, he cocked his head wondering why she was blushing? Well, she always blushed, but why this time? I mean it was cute, his eyes went down, oh, oh he saw and was now blushing too, clearing his throat he gently placed his hand on her cheek, "You are bueatiful no matter how many times you change in any way you are gorgeous." His voice showed he meant it, nothing could change that.

Enzo never broke his eye conact with Likara as she pushed up more towards him, he reslid his hand back up to her knee, before giving a light nod of his head. His eyes tried to find out what she was up to. He wanted to ask, but something odd and mysterious held his tongue as well as made his stomach feel funny, not in a bad way as if someone was tickling from the inside, yes weird I know, swallowing a bit, he kept his eyes secured on hers.
Likara breathed slowly and closed her eyes. She leaned forward and closed the space in between them. A bright blush fell on her face as she realized what she had done. Her ears fell once again on her head. Likara's heart was beating even faster now and her mind was going just as fast. She felt like she had butterflies as her stomach did a little flip.

((Omg, omg, omg, omg!!!! >3<))
Ritsuka slept comfortably next to Ven but the dreams she was having werent so great. Xanth kept popping up into her mind and giving nightmares. Out side, in the physical world, her hand gripped Ven's in fear as she kept screaming,"Dont worry i wont let him touch you!" in her dream. With the stress and commotion, her temperature seemed to rise a bit more, but soon enough it was all over and, her eyes shot open along with a gasp of air, still grasping onto his hand she looked at him and hugged his arm, her face burried into it as she tried to forget what just happened....
((Squeals at kissing scene))

Enzo quirked an eyebrow in confusion as he felt the red head girls breath slow and eyes slip shut Was she going to sleep? These are the things that happened when she does...I have already seen this though But as she leaned upward not down, he blinked and felt as if gravity itself got a little more heavier bringing his chin down towards her. Enzo felt something connect to his lips, for a moment he was in a daze unsure what it was, it had a soft velvet silky feel, than he let midnight orbs fall on Likara face, it was free of creases, peacefully smooth with a blush along it. Enzo stiffened realizing their lips were pressed together in a light kiss, his ears flicked before they laid on his head, his shoulders lost the very breif tension as his whole self relaxed pressing a bit against Likara as he did. He did not close his eyes, but they did slip half shut as Enzo added his own degree of light force to the kiss, his hand came to up to rest on her shoulder. Enzo felt like he was gliding somewhere far off like in space, he felt so light, nothing could weight him down, just him and Likara. He did not want to shut his eyes, screw all the Disney movies, he loved seeing Likara face like how it was now, it just added to the experience, the affect. He continued to kiss back becoming more assured with each little second, assured of what you may ask? Well, that coming to know Likara, was worth a lot in his life.

Rox lent into the kiss his hand still softly on her cheek, he caputured this kiss for all he was worth soaking it all in,as she asked what they would do, Rox felt his heart tug at all the things they could do, if they were not here. In this bleak dark place, he curled his fingers, in hers before standing up pulling her gently with him, "As soon as we get out of here, we can do lot of awesome things, but for now," his features got a bit more serious, "I should show you why your here in the first place." He started leading her down the hall.

Ven woke up as Ritsuka hugged him arm, he could feel the warmth through the blanket, "Suka?" He questioned before turning to her and touching her head his fingers lingering on strands of soft hair. Yeah she was real, "Your too warm." He muttered brushing away some hair from the side of her head.
Likara reluctantly pulled away from the kiss and found herself sitting next to him. A nervous laugh formed in her throat. "Th-thanks...uh for was n-nice..." She smiled a little and hid her face in her hands, too embarrassed to say anything more. Her face felt like it was on fire and her heart felt like it was about to explode. Likara liked the kiss...alot, but didn't have the courage to say it like that. Her smile was still present though, not having the strength to stop.
Rox led her along the halls in till they got to a room, he put his hand up to the wall than lightly tapped three places in the wall with his foot than four with the palm of his hand a door to their far right opened and Rox rushed himself and Nichole through it. They were in a very dark room in till Rox reached to his right and placed a flashlight in Nichole's free hand, "Here." He turned his on to shine some light in the dark. moving after the beam of light he flashed it around looking for something in particular, the room had quite a bit of technology in it, but Rox was looking for something specific.

Enzo lent back facing the TV again the credits rolling now the movie over now. His face was still flushed and he was taking deep breaths to regulate his heart beat, which any doctor would confirm was off the charts. He swallowed before still staring ahead answered Likara, "Don't thank me, your the one that did.... you know, but yeah it was nice, r-really nice actually." He rubbed his hand over his arm. They still sat shoulder to shoulder, he kept running just the edge of his tongue over and over again against his lips, he was sure he was smiling like an idiot but the stupid corners of his mouth refused to nothing more but that, smile stupidly he kept his gaze on the ceiling staring through it really.
Likara took her hands away and looked at Enzo, smiling even more. "You're cute when you're embarrassed." She giggled and poked his forehead. She was fully aware that she was still blushing, but wanted to tease him. Her eyes settled onto his as her smile grew. "What about that revenge you planned?" Likara started to giggle again as she remembered her plan to stop him from getting revenge.
Rox finally stopped and grabbed a small device that look like a scanner, "Ha there it is, okay lets get outta here, even though I know how much you love your gauges." Rox chuckled leading her out and back into a hallway before sitting, he patted the floor next to him and put their flashlights side by side.

Enzo turned just as she poked his forhead and made an air bit towards her finger before giving her a wolfish smile showing off his teeth yet his face reddened just as she called him cute, "It's handsome not cute," He took his own fingers and poked both her cheeks, "And look who is talking I could roast something on these volcano cheeks." He teased back still grinning before leaning back in a really sophisticated manner tapping his chin, "Ah ze revenge of Likara, hmmmm, you seem so eager, but nope, but can I ask a favor?" He leaned forward now close to her face, "Can you get me something to drink?"
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Likara made a pouty face at him but still got up. "Fine, but only because you're cute." She giggled and looked at what she had to drink. It was a somewhat tough decision, she handed him a bottle a green tea that she always has. Likara stayed standing just in case he was going to spill it on her. "What are you planning?" She put her hand on her hip like she did before and whispered.
Ritsuka shook her head,"im fine....dont worry..." she held onto his wrist and moved it from her head. she gave small and unsure smile.
Rox fiddled with the scanner mumbling to it than finally it turned on, "This scanner is for scanning this in your blood, like the animal DNA we have, or the type of aura we have, but it also has another purpose too," He slid the device on his wrist jabbing the little neddle in it felt like no more than a prick from a bush, on the screen his DNA popped up as fox, aura was a red color, it was stable, but in his blood stream were tiny little dots, not bloods cells, these were black and mental like, his body could not fight them off like a disease.

Enzo took the drink with a nod of thanks, opening it, he took a few sips, before rolling his up to look at Likara. Swallowing, he shook his head, "You really think I would just pour this on you? And pff, so eager, well now all this excitement has made me need to go to the bathroom." Odd or not, he took the green tea with him, when he came out, he stopped in the doorway hands clasped behind his back, "You see, revenge is oh so fun, and since you were so just created yours, pouring a bottle of green tea over your head would only have a short lived effect, not as fun as a much longer active chase." While saying this, he pulled out a medium sized water pistol filled with green tea he aimed it at her slowly walking forward.

Ven shook his head against her answer, letting his hanf fall back on his knee, "No way, you still got a fever, I bet sleeping here is not helping." Ven made movements to disrupt their little sleeping caccon, "Come on, I don't want you getting any sicker." He looked at her half up off the floor, his face lined with concern.
Likara's eyes widened slowly as she realized what was going to happen. "Don't you dare shoot that at me, you'll stain these clothes and I'll hate you for it." She backed up slowly, going around the couch, and slowly going towards the door. Her cat instincts kicked in and she knew that he was going to run around her to block her exit. Likara ran to the door and slid down a little. "Please Enzo, don't." Her eyes got big as she pleaded, hopefully fooling him.
"long ago, once I pledge my alliance to Xanth, so he would not harm Ven, he put a chip in my palm, all those little dots each hold a quintity of poison, the chip is deactivated in this fortress and only here. That is why you and Ritsuka had to come," Rox looked over at Nichole, "I need you to remove the chip, but before you do, I need you to use your power to magnate all the rest of the poison dots out, than Ritsuka, needs to close the wound before I bleed to death," He gave her a weak smile, "Pretty simple, the same needs to happen to Ven, but not in till you are all healed."

Midnight blue eyes watched her move back behind the couch than over to the door. He said nothing watching her features as he moved forward, "I've seen your closet, you have plenty of clothing...on little outfit won't hurt, plus you don't seem like you care all that much about material things to hate me so." He walked forward faster twisting his wrist slightly to aim at her, he had a smirk on his face as his finger squeezed the trigger.
She put her hands up only to be drenched in her green tea. Likara sunk all the way down and her eyes got even bigger. Her ears were perked up as she opened her mouth a little. "I......." She couldn't even finish her sentence. Likara hates going into water, not even mentioning getting shot at with some type of liquid. Her eyes formed tears as she slowly got up and went for the stairs, keeping the same expression.
Rox kissed her back just as light, but with feeling he took the scanner off his wrist squeezing her hand back, "I know you will, love I have faith everything will turn out okay." He really believed in that now.

Enzo watched her face crumbled as tears formed he scrunched up his own face lowering his arm the gun hanging at his side, "Likara." He exclaimed before going after her, "Likara! Come on I was just playing it was the revenge you wanted so much, don't be like this..." He protested making it to the steps when she was already half way up.

((Last post guys sorry for ties ups but I don't feel good at all ))

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