mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Nichole then switched back and looked down. "Wtf?" She had Bigger boobs...waaaaayyy bigger ( xD puberty caught up for now xD ) Nichole blushed fixing her tank and whistled inching to the bathroom.
Ritsuka smiled at Rox, thankful that hes helping her out by tucking her in. She could feel herself blushing when he kissed her forehead even though her cheeks were already red. Shes never had anybody like this before, like a family, maybe thats why she got embarassed.

She sat there letting time pass. She was in too much pain to sleep again and to worried about Ven to let her mind rest. She picked up the sound of a different set of footsteps and turned to see Ven coming her way and setting down the tea he had made her. As Ritsuka reached for the tea cup Ven had made for her, her hand was met by a firm grip. She looked at Ven with a puzzled look about his statement, then she turned her head to the window and watched as the snow started to fall once more. She was sad she couldnt play in it, and she really wanted to, but there were consequences. She closed her eyes and heaved a sad sigh, then turned to Ven with a smile,"Yea it is..." she put her other hand ontop of his, her temperature was hot and she hoped her burning skin wouldnt bother him too much,"Dont worry, okay?" she had a serious look. But by her saying that, she was just lying to her self.

She looked back out the window,"I wish i could go out there and play with the snow like you guys do..." she had a nostalgic look on her face and watched the drifting powder,"Its amazing how things you like the most can backfire." she giggled, her voice soft as always, then looked at her lap with a frown. She shivered and pulled her blankets up to cover her more. 
(hey, hey a big chest is no joke....its actually quite bother some....)
(>w< srry for um...making you confess? IDK *is awkward* nvm OxO) 
(Rox and I type alot @w@ drives me nuts but i cant help it XDDD but Rox types more than me by a long shot XP)
(i just keep typing cuz im in the middle of doing hw and im just procrastinating ignore meh :D
(D: *runs over and pokes* you okie? OwO? *clings* IM SORRY ◦◕ ▵ ◕◦ *tears up*)
(*looks around as well and finds a pair* These it? ◕ o◕?)
( OuO....*slowwwwly sinks in a mountain of plushies* (OuO)/ )
(*voice is muffled from inside the plushie fortress* Yus? OwO?)
Ven felt the heat of her skin on his hand his eyes went down to it brows lowering slightly, he did not mind the heat just the fact it was there making Ritsuka ill. He turned his gaze to the window watching the flakes fall to the snowy ground below, Ven looked back at Ritsuka at the next part of her words his eyes seeming to not understand still he followed her blued eyed gaze back to the window, “Oh, I see, what you mean.” He voice matched her quiet tone a small frown settling on the corners of his mouth, “When you get better, can you go out in the snow? Or will it always backfire?” He turned back towards her to see a shiver make her tremble picking up the tea he outstretched it to her, “Here, it will make you warmer too.”

Rox came back in to see Nichole inching into the bathroom opening his mouth to say something he did a double take his eyes very wide, his jaw pretty much dropped as he blinked, “Em ah nyam?” Rox move a couple paces forward, “N-n-nichole? Is um something? What happened?” His face could not help but go a dark pink.

(You both are so silly xDDD)
Rox still stood in the same spot he had been in coughing slightly to thee side his face a blushing mess. When Nichole came back out, Rox made his eyes go to her face, seeing it red only made his blush darken to the same color, “I um…” He rubbed the back of his head looking up at the ceiling before sweat dropping was that okay to admire her in that way? Not that he did not admire her before, but ah… Rox gave up on thinking before looking back at Nichole, “Um are you alright? Feeling better that is?”
Nichole nodded and her face was crimson. Then she smelt chocolate. Nichole drooled slightly and jogged downstairs. She saw cookies! Nichole ran around as a chibi cheering and grabbed a few..and a banana! (The torture for all guys a girl eating a banana! XDXD)
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(My internet was down, I'm so sorry!! >3<)

Likara waved her hand a little. "I'll start making something in a minute. I really need to get out of these clothes..." Her voice trailed off as she carried her suitcase up the stairs and into her room. She unpacked quickly and picked out an outfit. A thin white tank top with a galaxy colored peace sign in the middle. Black short shorts and a peace sign headband. Likara hated make-up so she just walked back down. When she got into the kitchen area she went to pull out one of her aprons. "Why shouldn't I wear one?" She remembered what Enzo had said before she changed. Likara put her hand on her hip and waited for his response.
Enzo watched her climb up the stairs and take up her suitcase with her. He looked down at his clothing, "Oh right, good idea." Walking to the other side of the couch he crouched combing through his belongs and came up with a pair of jeans and a black tee with a wolf on it, looking up the stairs, Enzo shook his head before dragging his suitcase into the nearest bathroom. After getting dressed, the sixteen year old made an attempt with his hair but gave up with it. Walking back into the kitchen he viewed Likara who was getting out an apron, "You do know its December right? But..." He looked outside, "Its not cold...odd huh?" Enzo looked back to her just as she turned speaking hands on her hips. Enzo rolled his eyes at the stance, but inside thought it looked pretty darn cute, "Aprons are for maids and housewifes," Enzo let his shoulders shrug as he said his opinion, "I think you aspire past that."

Rox blink as Nichole went nuts over cookies, he followed her out of the room laughing. Remembering all to well her vast love for sweets. Rox saw Nichole munching on them and a banana, he grinned with a saucy looked in his face, this did the opposite of what it did to most guys, "Hey Nichole," his voice was a foxy purr, "Not going to share any of that?" He had slid up behind her to twist her to face him, running a finger along her bottom lip her licked the cookie crumbs off of before leaning down and stilling a kiss.

((Rox has his own strangeness xD and its fine Neko, interwebs shut down is not your fault ^.^))
(Lol I'm proud of the mlp fanfiction I'm writing. Its about my occ pony angelic sparkle ^^)

Nichole blushed and kissed back. she broke the kiss and finished her banana.
"Then consider me a maid or whatever." She picked up an apron and slipped it on, tying the fabric behind her. "We rarely get snow here anyways." Likara decided on eggs and toast. "How do you like your eggs?" She glanced back at him as she was making her breakfast, popping in two pieces of bread into her toaster. "Nice shirt by the way." A small giggle came out as she saw his shirt. She suddenly sneezed quietly away from the food as she shook her head. This happened again as her ears and tail came out.

((I looked up what our ship name would be, Enara or Likzo. I like Enara :3))
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Rox grinning snagged the last piece of banana before it went into Nichole's mouth chewing it slowly he swallowed his arms were still draped lightly over Nichole's shoulder's, he pressed his forehead to hers gazing contently into her eyes before nuzzling his nose with her affectionately, "I have really missed you." He purred out.

Enzo shook his head a little laughing coming out although when he looked back up, his face had a pink line of blush right under his nose, the image of Likara as a maid in his mind, "I am pretty sure maids don't wear shorty shorts," He observed with a small smirk before pondering the question, "Sunny side up if you would." He leaned against the counter beside her watching her cook, raising an eyebrow he inclined his head while gently tapping one of her ears, "Do you still change unexpectedly?"

(( Awwwww Enzara! I lovvvveee that!))

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