mew mew power/ tokyo mew mew rp

Likara relaxed when he picked her up. A little smile formed on her lips as she remembered the past. She buried her face in his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck, hoping to get a reaction out of him. Her clothes had dried by now, but they felt weird. Likara wiggled a bit while he was carrying her and whimpered.
Enzo still had water dripping in drops onto Likara with each step he took, he felt the red head shift more towards him wrapping her arms around him, He lightly pulled closer laughing a bit, "I dunno how much body heat you will get from me." He was still quite wet himself especially his hair. His ears picked up her whimper and he quickened his strides a bit, "Don't worry almost home." His mouth was close as he trickled out the assurance, his breath was warm.

Rox set the dishes in the sink washing them, as he thought quietly, "Do you feel any better? You can go lie down as well..."
"Please hurry...." Her eyes slowly closed and she relaxed even more as she slowly drifted off to sleep. She nuzzled him and made another whimper noise, hoping to get warmer. Her eyes were glazed over as she peeked up at Enzo, smiling lightly. "You're...warm..." Likara said quietly as she finally went to sleep. Her mind was at ease as she forgot everything she was worrying about earlier.
Enzo rolled his eyes half way She must be delusional Or did I get dry? Enzo shrugged feeling her even breathing against his chest seeping through his clothing onto his skin, "Your warmer." He muttered to the sleeping girl and made it inside, to tried and content to do anything else but take their shoes off and cuddle under his favorite blanket on the couch he slowly drifted to sleep with a kitty on his chest, yep this was home.

Rox made up some tea for Nichole and brought it to her on a tray, "Here you go, I heard tea helps a cold." He set it on the beside table pushing some hair off her forehead.
((Yeah we can say its late morning so we are caught up with the time ^. ^, Night!))

Rox laughed a bit blushing too, she always managed to make him blush, "No problem my cheetah." He took her hand watching her drink the tea. Above them the air vent was swung open and a figure jumped through landing on his feet a bit before falling to the ground. Ven shook the hood off his head and grinned over at the two, "I can never get the landing right." Rox rolled his eyes, "You sure you are not part mouse there?" 
Enzo felt his eyes fight the fact that they needed to open, he was to comfortable;e right now to wake up but soon his eyes opened despite the protest of his brain yawning off to the side he looked down to see a head of red hair than a peaceful sleeping face, smiling a bit and blushing just a little he fiddle with a few strands staring up at the window I wonder what happened to the others?
Ven was looking over at Ritsuka than back at Nichole, "Oh no they are sick! Are they going to die?" His reaction was panicked as he scrambled to his feet but did not go any further. Rox shook his head, "No, its okay just a cold it will pass...calm down okay." Ven nodded struggling with his anxiety about sickness, his mom had always been ill, always so if anyone got sick he went to the conclusion they would die. ((Night! Have a good one!))
Likara slowly opened her eyes, feeling someone playing with her hair. She looked up sleepily and saw Enzo. "Good morning." Her voice was always lower when she first woke up. She didn't ask why they were sleeping on the couch and not a comfy bed. Likara wiggled around, trying to get up but instead fell on top of him.
Rox took the tea cup from Nichole as she fell asleep getting rest, Ven resigned to sitting on the window sill near Ritsuka and meditating, after a half hour, Rox left, but came back within the next hour. By then, Ven had fallen asleep and the girls were still asleep, as he last knew it.

Enzo's thoughts and gaze dropped from the ceiling to strawberry sleep filled orbs as her low voice greeted him, "Almost afternoon, but good morning." He greeting only for his expression to widen as she fell ontop of him, "Hmgh!" He mumbled squirming and still trying to somehow catch her all at once. Finally they were in a very odd postion with Enzo's hands were behind him pressed to the floor holding them up, his half above his waist not on the couch. Seeing that Likara was still siding forward, he wrapped both arms around her, holding her to him yet that caused him to fall off the couch along with her in a pile of limbs.
Likara blushed at their new position. One of his legs were in the middle of hers as both of her hands were by his head. Her eyes were glued onto his as she wanted to move but couldn't find the strength to. Move body, move!! Likara opened her mouth, trying to say something but it came out as a quiet whimper of some sort.
Ritsuka gathered strength, enough to awaken once more. Her face still pale, and cheeks red from a fever's rage. Her sapphire eyes scanned the room, everyone was peacefully asleep as if time had stopped for a moment. Even though she was sick, she enjoyed this, "Everyone worries or we're all on the run, and now everyone is getting much more of this can we take?" she thought then coughed. She felt a sharp pain and grasped her chest, sitting up a bit from the sudden feeling. She layed back down as soon as it settled and scanned the room again, her eyes set on Ven,"Hes back..." she thought, just noticing he was back made her smile a bit.
Enzo slowly opened his eyes after the impact and blinked a few minutes looking rather dizzy before noticing their position, “Uh, crap!” He spoke trying to get up to fast and fell back so now they were both just lying there parallel to each other, Enzo retreated his leg from in between hers, “Uh…how did you sleep?” He asked his eyes moved from hers to trail the features of her face before settling back in strawberry orbs.

Rox came back into the room some more food and medicine on trays balance in both hands, he saw Nichole gone but did not worry because he heard the shower going. Setting the tray near Ritsuka he gave her a light smile pushing back her bangs to check her forehead and hissed slightly at the heat still radiating off of it, “Hmh, you are still very warm, here can you set up a bit?” He helped her, “There we go, now how about some water?” He picked up the not so wet rag that had fallen to the floor, “I’ll go rewet this when you get ready to rest some more.” He finally handed her a cup almost full with cold water. Rox looked over at the shower than back at Ritsuka, “I know you are sick and all, but I remember when Nichole was, you sure knew what you were talking about….would making some tea help?”

Ven stirred at the quiet voices and soft movements invaded his sleep bringing his eyes open little by little giving blinks to get a better focus he moved uncrossing his legs and stretching them, hopping off his window perch he turned to see Rox tending to Ritsuka, Ven viewed the girl with worried orbs the pounding of his heart was heavy in his chest as he slowed his breathing before it got to quick reminding himself that Ritsuka was just ill, she would get better, he took a few hesitate steps forward letting a small smile take his lips and show in his eyes, “Hi, is there anything I can do to help?”

Before Rox could say a word another pair of boots stopped with a sharp and demanding call, Xanth stood in the doorway arms crossed over his chest looking the age of his twenty years, there was a false sympathy to his face, “Ahh, how dreadful the pup and kitty are sooo sick,” He shook his head as if it were the worst news he ever heard. Rox stood and Ven turned to look at him. Rox spoke up, “It’s alright we have it under control, sickness does not vanish in a day after all…” His voice was calm as an ocean on a sunny day but also neutral. Ven nodded not trusting himself to speak, he did not have the practice of his brother, if he had an emotion he would share it, all of it. Xanth walked more into the room eyeing Ritsuka Ven shifted in front of the white haired girl’s vision blocking the sight of Xanth from her, yet dark coal eyes seemed to stare right through his stomach. A twisted little smirked lined on his lips as he looked up at the air vent still opened where Ven had entered,

“Ahh, I am just finding all types of things about my special little tool.” Without ceremony he pulled Ven into his grasp, “I see where you play at now,” He applied pressure to the boys neck, leering over him, “You know when dirty little rats crawl through things like that,” He tightened his grip a bit, “Poison is what they will breathe…not enough to kill of course, just suffer enough it make a point.” Xanth yanked the smaller boys chin up and leaned down so they were inches away from each other’s faces, “Understand?” Ven stared into Xanth eyes wiggling in discomfort before flushing a bit and finally speaking, “Yes, M-ma-master I understand.” Xanth let him go before turning around heading for the door, “Make sure you get better soon…and remember to behave yourselves…I am always watching.”

When Xanth left, Rox breathed a shaky breath of relief before placing a hand on Ven’s shoulder squeezing it lightly. As hard as it was, it was best not to play into Xanth’s hands. He wanted a reaction thrived off of them, it gave that sadistic a$$hole a reason to harm you. Ven shrugged off Rox hand, he gritted his teeth harshly before just careening to the ground in a sitting position he thrust his balled his into the ground beneath him only once, “Ve-“ “I never thought I could hate anyone….I thought everyone had some good in side of them, but not him…his flickered out, and I hate him for letting it die….. I hate being a puppet.” Ven’s tone was low angry, but most of all seethed with a pain that tormented him daily.
Ritsuka smiled in gratitude as Rox took care of her. She was just about to answer Rox' question when a surprise and welcomed visit inturrupted. Xanths pup comment put a frown on her face. As he looked at her she wanted to disappear...instead she the covers over her head and when she peeked she saw Ven shielding her from the veiw...When he left she ga relieving sigh,"what was that all about?!" she coughed then looked back a Rox,"To answer your previous questea will work wonderfully" she stopped to sneeze then continued,"Put honey n lemon" she added. She looked at Ven,"im scared......"she mumbled "happy to see you again " flashing an admiring smile. Vens atmosphere grew dark it made Ritsuka back off and stay quiet. her fever continued...
Ven opened his eyes, his muscles untenseing as he gave the white haired girl a smile that was sorta hollow, wanning and fleeing, standing he took the few steps to her beside placing his hand lightly over hers, curling his fingers along her knuckles, "Don't worry about it, I won't let him hurt anyone." His forest green eyes held a determindation that went passed any bounds as if the risk he would take for that vow was limitless. When he smiled this time it was more real, "You just worry about getting better, I am really glad your here too." I just wish you would not see this... Taking his hand off hers, he stepped back, "I'll go make the tea...I heard how you said do it." When Rox went to say something Ven just waved a hand dismissing it, already out the door, "Its fine, I can make tea you know." The last claim had the tinniest bitter bite to it.

Rox watched the long spikey brunette walk off his footsteps eachoing lightly, he let out a heavy sigh cuffing his right hand over his eyes, "You sense the difference in him too, don't you? The Ven you first met...who ask you to play hide and seek...I feel him slipping further and further...this, other what Xanth wants...but than its not...this other persona is fighting against Xanth yet sinking away from me, sometimes I see an actual smile, or a real laugh or a snip of Venny I see the most is when he is asleep, but..." Rox shook his head unsure if he was making a point or just talking because Ritsuka was there to listen, Rox shook his head slowly again before grasping hold of Ritsuka shoulders, it was not tight but firm, "I know this is asking a lot, and I have barely a right to ask...but," tears fromed brimming in his amber gaze, "He is always thinking about you..try just try and keep him safe for me, if I can't, if Nichole can't and he is walking towards a path not made for him, please, just try..." Rox than pulled her into an embrace little tear tracks running down his face, "I can' it on my own anymore...but I still need to keep the promise I made to our mother, so I beg you, please help, when all hope seems lost."

((Soooo intense >3<)) @HoneyBear-Kat
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((You type so much!! >3<))

Likara closes her eyes tightly, waited for her head to hit the floor. She slowly opens one when she doesn't feel anything. "U-uh...what? Oh, uh, I slept fine.....since you were pretty warm...." Her voice was just above a whisper. She looked down at her clothes and realized that she was in the same thing. "Oh, that's right..." Likara slowly got up, wobbling while doing so. "Do you want anything for breakfast?" Her eyes looked down at his, smiling brightly.
(thanks! we need to think of a ship name for our strange couple that is not really together but sorta xD )

Enzo looked up at her with a little smirk, "We do tend to process a lot of body heat," Espically in the face area gosh darn you! He looked behind him, before getting up and straighting the blanket he nodded at her question, "Yeah, anything is fine, I can help to if you want...but don't expect to wear on of those aprons." His nose twitched up at the thought as he turned to face her, "So, I never got to know last was your trip?" He asked walking towards the kitchen.
Nichole came out and sighed. She was in a tank top and shorts. Nichole smelt xanths scent and growled. Then she decided to train. Nichole sat on the floor after drawing a circle and lit five candles. She relaxed her body and mind. "Azura metreon senthos...Azura metreon senthos......" her aura surrounded her and made her spirit animal. (Gotta love teen titans)
(intense indeed)

Ritsuka agreed with everything Rox was saying,"I can see hes growing," she looked away with a frown. She was taken by surprise when Rox embraced, this older brother figure who she always saw as a tough and determined guy, was tearing up before. She smiled and gave a comforting hug back,"Dont worry, I promise. You arent doing this alone." she rubbed his back a bit to calm him down, she learned this technique through reading a book, not experience. She continued,"But it sounds like you've given up, dont tell me youve lost hope already have you?" she looked at him in the eye, as shy as she was she HATED looking people in the eye, but this was a serious matter,"Perhaps his actions lately could have been a result from Xanth, but remember hes growing, just as i am. At this time you are still trying to find who you really are! Its hard and confusing, so he maybe having some sefl conflict and frustrations but none of the less, Ven is still there...." her smile disappeared and she seemed to be in thought for a moment, she shook her head and looked back at Rox,"I have to admit, im a little fearful too. His aggression levels are more advanced than before....I too feel as if im losing someone dear to me, and its not a good feeling..." she frowned and she held back the lump in her throat that wanted to make her cry,"But Rox...." she threw her covers aside and slowly started to get up and on her feet. She was almost the same height as Rox who was kneeling by where she was resting. Her body ached and her balance was a little off but she wasnted to prove a point. She grasped onto his shoulders and with her burning cheeks she spoke," I know we can do it." she looked back at Nichole then back at Rox,"all of us~....It seems that if we want something, we're determined to get it." she flashed a small grin and pumped her fist in the air,"So dont worry ok? We got your back! and i promise on my life, that nothing will happen to your baby brother! ^o^" she gave a thumbs up to him. For once in a looooong time she was pumped up like that, that was but a small glimpse of who she was before she was shy, encouraging and ecstatic. She looked at Rox and used her shirt to wipe his tears, she put hand on his shoulder and nodded to him with a determined look.

Being on her feet made her feel a little weak so before she passed out she walked back to resting place and layed back down. She gave a weak giggle,"I shouldnt have gotten up, my body hurts now." she shrugged, her voice was back to its tiny self.
Nichole opened her eyes and sniled softly at ritsuka. She then stretched and balanced on her hands bending over the candles her light yet swift movements were graceful and she blew out every candle. Then landed on her feet. "Ok stretching and meditation check. Now time for my animal form." She changed and roared and reallu needed a treadmill.
Rox felt her hug back her little yet soothing hand strokes went around on his back taking a few deep breaths he slowly pulled away. As electric blue met amber they widened as the words came out of Ritsuka. He could only shake his head lightly letting a water chuckle out, but not wanting to interrupt the very different Suka speaking to him now, she was on a roll and everything she said made sense, it was along the lines of his thinking. He felt the tears disappear from his face with the fabric of her shirt, and could not help but laugh at her pure enthusiastic energy. He watched the white haired girl get back into bed stating lightly she pushed herself a little.

Rox tucked the blankets over Ritsuka, “To answer your question, no I am not giving up at all…just worried, but I don’t have to be do I? I have my family around me now,” Rox smiled closing his eyes breathing in deeply again seeming less stress and worried, he leaned down kissing Ritsuka on the forehead, “Thank you, I took all that to heart and it really helped.” His face and voice expressed is as he smiled at her before picking up the tray and the rag to rewet it. As soon as exited watching Nichole do her mediating on the way out, he smiled glad she seemed to be feeling a bit better.

Ven picked up the sauce which had the tea cup on it and took careful steps towards the room, coming slowly in he saw Ritsuka and smiled at her again setting the tea lightly on the bedside table, “There, for you, just the way you said.” He let the smile grow a bit more before hesitating than sitting on the window sill right beside the bedside table, his forest green gaze eyeing stiffening a bit as she transformed and roared. He swallowed before turning to focus firmly on Ritsuka, “Uh um, so,” It was clear he was trying block out something by focusing on Ritsuka reaching over, he gripped her hand, “Its snowing again.” He said softly.

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